#it's about the transphobia again 😁😁😁
pidgefudge Β· 2 months
novel concept: parents that love and accept you
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sophieinwonderland Β· 1 year
That moment a TERF shows up in the Syscourse tag...
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I think I need ayahuasca to recover from seeing their blog.
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First, just A+ response there from @rainnthefrog!
Just love how they completely shut that down!
When the people banning drag queens (who have never harmed in children in these schools) from performing at schools are encouraging guns to be brought in, you should heavily question how committed people are to the safety of children.
As for @femaledracula, there is so much wrong with this. First, again, zero incidents of drag queens preying on children. It's not a thing. You're talking about a problem that doesn't exist. Second, how do drag queens performing in schools have power over students?
Teachers are in a position of authority. Religious leaders are in a position of authority. Drag queens in schools just... are there. They're just an adult who happens to be present. And if this hypothetical problem were so important, why not take issue with every instance of guest performers and speakers? A police officer or fireman speaking at a school will be seen as more of an authority figure over students than dancers.
Wait... it's the transphobia and homophobia, isn't it? That makes sense.
Oh, and did I mention the sheer audacity of comparing LGBT people to the Catholic Church?
The next post wasn't on femaledracula's blog, but was another reblog of the OP from @aftonfamilyvalues. And I just absolutely love @benkybot's take on the whole dumpsterfire of a post.
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Thank you!
And finally, as a tulpa, this especially caught my eye.
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No. We're not our bodies. We're our consciousness. Our bodies are vessels our emergent consciousnesses ride around in. An amputee doesn't cease to be themselves because they lost their leg. A blind person doesn't cease being themselves because they lost their eyes.
Seeing your body as your whole self can be an extremely unhealthy outlook, especially when it comes to beauty standards and their affect on people's self-esteem.
I realize this is primarily about transness, but the mentality @talktomydoctorate is pushing is something that is also incredibly dangerous to the plural community where multiple people share a single body.
With that in mind, I'd like to take a moment to spout off a bunch of stuff to scare some TERFs! 😁
Let me start with an introduction! Hi, I'm Sophie, a cis girl tulpa riding around in an AMAB body!
Our tulpamancy practices can reliably make people of the opposite gender inside people's brains!
Tulpamancy, over time, is generally regarded as functionally irreversible, with one psychiatry professor likening getting rid of a well-developed tulpa to trying to will yourself to forget how to read.
Every new tulpamancer who creates an opposite-gendered headmate will be a brand new non-binary/genderfluid system in the world.
And tulpamancers tend to be creative people. I know many who are interested in animation and writing, where we can influence pop culture for future generations. Others are studying to be psychologists and psychiatrists where they can be influential in other ways.
And the best part is that there's really nothing you can do to stop it. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
Please, chew on that for a while.
And stay out of system tags. You and your kind aren't welcome here.
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harventheblorbo Β· 2 years
Can you do a fanfic where the Captains have a transgender member on their squad and their being ridiculed at an event and the Captains reactions to it.
Black Clover Captains haveing a Transgender S/O on their squad and seeing them being ridiculed for it at a event➡
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Containing;.. Yami, Nozel, Fuegoleon, Julius and Gender neutral transgender S/O
___ is gender neutral and human
Warning;.. Transphobia, slight swearing
Authors Note; i didn't know if you were referring to Bleach Captains or Black Clover Captains so I just went with Black Clover πŸ’€ if you ment bleach I'll redo this
I also didn't know if you wanted romanticly or platonic so I just also chose one. I also went with head cannons because you really didn't specify so I'm very sorry if this isnt want you wanted at all!
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Yami ➡
When he learned/heard that you were being ridiculed for who you are, he was extremely livid. He didn't and never will understand transphobes and how their minds work and how they just want to make fun of people being who they are and just wanting peace.
His approach is far from calm. He may even be kicked out of the event due to it. Even if it is a anniversary of the kingdom. He will cuss them out and basically just want to beat the living shit out of them.
He will have a personal talk with Julius and the captain leader of the jack-asses squad to get them kicked out and how they shouldn't be a knight what so ever
If that doesn't work, he will basically torture them until you ask him to stop or he gets in trouble for it. He will send little mean letters that are just stupid stuff to laugh at for you.
He will also cling onto you like a bat for the rest of the event, ranting about how much of a jerk they are
It takes a long time for him to realize what's actually going on. But when he does realize, he feels bad a bit and deicide to take it the more calmer way. As, being more rude and mean would lead to even more bad energy and just crash the party
He asks you if you asked them to stop, and when you say yes, he goes up to them and asks for a chat with them in private. He trys his best in his passive aggressive tone to stop calling His S/O rude names and stop making jokes that aren't really funny
If it STILL doesn't work, he will talk to the captain and tell them the events and what happened and how you felt about it, with your permission of course.
If the prick is in his squad, he will give them a harsh warning, that if they do it again, they will face harsher punishment and they will be removed from the Sliver eagles permanently
Fuegoleon βž₯
When he hears this outlandish blabber, he is mad about it. He thinks that making fun of someone or just even putting down someone is what makes a fool, a fool. So, he thinks it's wrong
When he sees extactly how uncomfortable you are, it only adds on how mad he is. He stomps his way over to the prick, and harshly scolds them on how wrong it is and how they should be ashamed of how they are acting
He goes over to the captain leader and Julius and reports the disrespectful behavior. He trys his best to calm down, but for a knight to do that type of behavior, it baffles him.
If they are in his squad, he will put them on some limitations (such as no going on missions or cleaning). It honestly gives him a headache that he learned that they were apart of HIS squad.
Julius ➡
When He learns about it, he is so confused. He thought that being transgender was just normal for some people and thought that it was normalized, but it boiled his blood when he learned that was apart of his kingdom
He will have a respectful talk to them about how it's wrong and how you shouldnt be rude to people just for being comfortable in their own skin. As much as he knows the discrimination that goes on in the kingdom, he trys his best to fix this by basically sending a message of transphobia and how wrong it is for a human being
He will then cling onto you and basically comfort you on how they are just being jerks and not to listen to them.
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tea-with-evan-and-me Β· 9 months
Emma minions need to understand they're not being so cool with the "ugh it's been three days move on" comments. Because they're right, it's been three days, Emma got called out and has been dragged for her transphobia for three days and people will move on. It won't be a hot topic forever. But they fail to understand that just because people move on, doesn't mean they forget. People will stop talking about her transphobia, but the next time she does something that gets her on the news, it will be brought up again.
And I don't mind seeing all the transphobes defending her, because they keep ruining her reputation even more. They're just making more post confirming her transphobia and they're confirming it in her own comment section. They think they're helping her, but Emma surely does not want people to talk about it, especially on her account, even when they defend her. No matter what she stands for and if she agrees with the transphobes defending her, she knows that it would be better for her if they shut up and stop talking. But they don't and I'm here for it. Keep defending her, bring more and more attention to it so more people will know she's a transphobe! Cmon write another comment saying she was right for misgendering trans woman and put it right on the top of her comment section so everyone entering it can read it. 😁😁😁
oh, i totally agree. people will move on, but they won't forget. it will always be lurking in the background whenever any stan tries it, and it will follow her. the way transphobic people are defending her, they are actually doing a disservice because these posts are what people are seeing and associating with her when they view the posts on social media about the apology, the articles, the incident.. everything. and it's not good.
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