#it’s so i can write out a line where masumi usui gets called a nepobaby by company employee c
jujumin-translates · 26 days
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 19 - First-Year Office Worker
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Company Employee A: Those intern kids are coming in today, right? Apparently, one of them is the son of the company’s president.
Company Employee B: What’s he like?
Company Employee C: I heard he’s an actor at a theater company.
Company Employee A: Well, if he’s interning, does that mean he’s looking for an actual job?
Company Employee B: Maybe he’s an unsuccessful actor.
Company Employee C: Yeah, well, he’s just a nepobaby, so we probably shouldn’t expect much from him.
*Knock on door and door opens*
Masumi: Good morning.
Company Employee A: --G-Good morning.
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Masumi: I’m Masumi Usui, I’ll be a new intern starting today.
Masumi: I may be a bit of an inconvenience at times, but I will appreciate any guidance and encouragement you may have for me. I look forward to working with you.
Company Employee B: L-Likewise.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Masumi: A suit? Too stiff, not wearing one.
Itaru: It’s better if you do this sorta thing right on your first day. You don’t wanna self-debuff by wearing the wrong armor to your first encounter.
Chikage: If you don’t have a suit, I can buy you one from the place I usually get mine.
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Masumi: I have one, but…
Izumi: A suit, huh~. They really do make a person look more mature in an instant.
Masumi: I’ll wear one every day. And I’ll have breakfast at the dorms before I go.
Tsuzuru: I thought we literally all just agreed that it’d be a quicker commute to the office if you stayed in the company dorms.
Izumi: There’s no point in you coming back to MANKAI’s dorms every single morning.
Chikage: You’ll have to get some dress shirts and ties too.
Itaru: I think I’ll leave this sorta thing to our veteran office worker.
Masumi: …Whatever.
*Flashback end*
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Company Employee D: That’s all for the explanation of both the industry and our company. From here, we’ll move on to group work--.
Company Employee D: To give you a basic understanding of what promotion is, we’ll have you experience everything from planning to presenting.
Company Employee D: Here we have created a fictitious company with a specific problem.
Company Employee D: Using this as a reference, each team will come up with a plan to solve the company’s problem and then propose said plan in a presentation.
Company Employee E: If there’s anything you don’t understand, feel free to ask questions.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Masumi: …And that’s why these data results suggest that this could be an effective way of solving the company’s issues.
Masumi: Finally, does anyone have any questions for me?
Masumi: If not, I would like to conclude here. I hope you’ll consider my proposal.
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Masumi: I thank you all very much for your time today.
Company Employee F: W-Whoa… he’s one hell of an actor… He’s so dignified. And really persuasive too.
Company Employee E: He cleans up nicely wearing that suit and he’s got a different kind of mindset than your typical “I’m-going-to-one-day-take-over-the-company” kind of guy.
Company Employee D: He’s the kind of guy I wish I had coming with me to my presentation this afternoon…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Masumi: I’m finished.
Company Employee E: Huh, already? Did you read through them all?
Masumi: I’ve also compiled everything into a rough report.
Company Employee E: …Well then, are you able to use this software? Next, you can put that in a document using that.
Company Employee E: You can take your lunch break once you’re done with that.
Masumi: Understood.
Masumi: …
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Masumi: …Phew.
Masumi: (Now to confirm with… Oh, they’re in a meeting now. I’ll do it later. I should be allowed to take a break now that I’m done, right?)
Masumi: (I guess while I’m at it, I’ll put together a list of promotional methods that could be used for the troupe and ask whatever questions I can.)
Masumi: (It’s interesting to study promotion like this again. I get why Director and Sakyo do it.)
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Masumi: (I wonder if all the other theater companies are thinking of different ways to spread the word about the stuff they’re doing.)
Masumi: (It’s like I knew all of this existed, but I never really was aware of it. It’s the exact same world of theater, but I feel like I’m seeing it in an entirely new way.)
Masumi: (Ah, right…)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Curry has entered the chat.
Masumi: (No one’s here… I kind of hate having to be the first one, but whatever…)
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Curry: thanks for the suit
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