#it’s sharp ozone and the that particular smell of wet sidewalks when it’s hot
spockcodeddyke · 3 years
dean is the smell of concrete in the first moments of a summer storm
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a-tired-bass · 5 years
Ares, Dionysus, Hera, Hypnos, Kronos, Nyx, Selene and Zeus!
I had like. A paragraph written for each of these questions. And then tumblr glitched and just erased. All of them. I am LIVID. I will try my best to recreate what I had written, or really just write the stuff anew.
Ares: What small thing makes you angry?
Incompetencies, especially of those who claim they’re experts or professionals on a subject. Or people who do things in an objectively wrong fashion. Those are particular pet peeves of mine. But when it comes to something small, it has to be the inability of people to sense the world around them. I’m talking particularly of the kind of people who amble on a sidewalk, walking side to side at random, and taking up the entire sidewalk when I am right behind them walking at a now much-restricted pace and trying to get past. Pay some attention to your surroundings people!
Dionysus: Do you drink alcohol? If so, what’s your beverage of choice?
I’m mostly a social drinker and rarely buy alcohol for myself when I’m alone. On the rare occasion that I do, I generally drink enough to get tipsy for 1 or 2 nights and then have a now half-empty bottle of said alcohol sitting on my desk for however long it takes for me to decide I want to drink them again (I have a bottle of vodka on my desk right now that I got a very long time ago, half emptied it in a week, and have had 1 or 2 shots worth since then - which was maybe a year ago). The one exception to that was when I bought a bottle of arak and was drunk for an entire week because all I did was sit at home, playing video games and constantly sipping at it as though it were water (1. I did drink water during that week, otherwise, I’d be dead, 2. That was actually a very social week for me because all of my mates were on holidays so I spent almost every hour of my awake time chatting with them online, 3. I’m so glad arak is not cheap or easily available here in any way cause oh boy that would be bad for me). But, to actually answer the question! My drink of choice is usually an apple cider (hot tip, put a shot of spiced whisky in your cider), or occasionally, a vodka concoction of some kind (usually vodka lemonade or something simple - cocktails are prohibitively expensive).
Hera: Are you the jealous type?
Oh yes, absolutely. I’m not an envious person, I don’t want what other people have (except a healthier and more stable mind/body, but that’s a different matter). But I am very, very much a jealous person. When I have something, or someone close to me, I don’t want to let that go, and in particular, I don’t want someone else taking it from me. This applies to both relationships and friends. I tend to feel awful when something changes with my relationship with mates or our plans because of someone else. But oh boy, let me tell you, my head was REAL screwy working out that I am very jealous person in my last relationship (not that it wasn’t screwy after working out that I was jealous, just that once I understood my emotions I could come more to terms with them and behave more appropriately). Ultimately, it played a big part in the termination of my relationship of course, but that’s another story.
Hypnos: What was your most recent dream about?
Unfortunately, I don’t really remember. My memories of dreams fade very rapidly, and unless they’re particularly fresh, vivid, memorable, recurring (regular dream, or alas, nightmare), I can generally only give the gist of what it was about. For example, all I can tell you about the final dream I had last night was that it was sexually inclinated, which is honestly pretty uncommon for me.
Kronos: What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever eaten?
Don’t know really. I was never the kind of kid who ate strange things, and I don’t think that regional foods like haggis, pâté, or blood sausage count, though I’ve eaten and disliked them. However, I can unequivocally say the stupidest thing I’ve licked is a light bulb. Have no clue why I did that. Or why I did it a second time. I recall it tasted salty.
Nyx: What’s your favorite nighttime activity?
To answer boringly, sleep. To answer less boringly, it’s play games with friends - 2 nights a week, I meet up with mates to play role-playing games (currently, ‘Call of Cthulu’ and ‘Star Wars’). Other nights, if people aren’t busy, we will occasionally just hop on voice chat in discord and play games on our computers, whether together or just on our own, but with the pleasure of each other’s virtual company. I’m not a clubbing kind of person - I don’t like loud, unregulated spaces, so clubs, or even loud bars, generally make me very uncomfortable. I am a very digital person, so virtual company to me is very much valued by me - sure, it’s not quite physical company, but it has its own merits. Given that I am a very digitally inclined person, and that I am somewhat of a night owl, my 'nighttime’ is merely just shifted around the clock a couple of hours, as really the only difference is that I have some house lights on. Time is an abstract concept that doesn’t truly exist, it is merely a system of measurement that we use to organise ourselves. For me, time is often generally only relevant to what my body is demanding (breakfast has been at midday for me for the past several weeks for example), and my commitments to others.
Selene: What’s your favorite phase of the moon?
Full moon, without a doubt. Gibbous moons (waxing or waning) came close, and I’ll always have a place in my heart for a good old Cheshire Cat Crescent moon, but full moon definitely wins. I have very good eyesight, and the illumination of a full moon generally allows me to walk around in the dead of night with no other forms of light barring the stars. Something about being able to see clearly when there should be naught but black outside strikes a whimsical and magical chord in my heart.
Zeus: What do you think about thunderstorms?
I adore thunderstorms. Of all meteorological events that I have experienced, thunderstorms unequivocally have the highest place in my heart. I wouldn’t be particularly thrilled to be caught in one, but to listen to one as I’m falling asleep is one of the most calming things I have ever experienced. To sit and watch one on a balcony fills me with such awe that I can’t help but be amazed and rejoiced by their presence. To wrap myself up in something warm and cozy and curl into a chair to watch the rainfall and lightning strike is always a wonderful time to me, and one of my favourite ways to spend hours. I love the sound of thunder, the deep rumble of a distant strike echoing through the sky, its very depths creating a vibration I can feel in my bones. The sharp crack of a nearby strike, a tremendous sound which pierces the heavens and for a moment you hear nothing else. I love seeing lightning strike out in the distance, counting the seconds from when I see it flare brilliantly into existence and disappear in moments, and marvel at the speed in which this sound of glorious magnitude has travelled kilometres to reach me. I love watching as they flare behind and inside the cloudbanks, illuminating them in brilliantly clear silhouettes for a few seconds. I love to watch as the lightning forks down to the ground, each individual stream of tremendous energy roaring it’s way through a resistant sky (seriously watch this in slow-motion, it’s beautiful). I love the smell of the world, the petrichor of the earth, wet by the rain, or the sharp, bitter smell of ozone. I love the aftermath of a storm, the wet dewdrops on leaves, puddles reflecting a newly blue sky or clear mirror of the stars, the scorch marks or beautiful patterns of ground or trees struck by lightning, the pillars of glass bursting into the sky from sand. I love how this amazing and awesome power just exists, completely oblivious and unadulterated by us, existing before, after, and regardless of us.
I am infinitesimally small when it comes to the majesty of lightning, and thunderstorms have left me in tears of wonderment.
On the other hand, getting caught in a thunderstorm in an open field is a different and entirely terrifying concept.
Have another completely new set of answers. Apparently, I was in a very wordy mood tonight. Thank you so much for the questions though @greyjioys !!! It’s always fun, and for some reason, these in particular were quite thought inspiring.
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