#it’s dark academia javid <3 inspired by if we were villains in setting alone (there is no murder lol)
thefactsofthematter · 2 years
here’s a random expert from a thing i’m writing <3
He’s beautiful.
He always has been, and David has always known it— how couldn’t he, when they spend so much time together? He knows Jack like he knows himself, and he knows that Jack’s stunningly handsome features contrast his own plain ones. He knows that if Jack were an actor, he’d be the leading man; he’d be the Antony to Katherine’s Cleopatra, the tragic hero that audiences can’t help but fall in love with. He’s full to the brim with passion and heart, and that’s part of what makes him so pretty— his love is tangible and visible, and it makes everyone want him to love them.
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