#it works for either date or jenate bc you just know he'd drop that name mmmkay
terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
re: last name marriage discourse, personally i’m fond of the headcanon that both blair and dan adopt waldorf-humphrey as a double-barreled last name, so that way they both have to change it. i think it fits the whole “we’re a team” vibe <3
awwww yeah I do love the "we're a team" vibe. but, and this is just my personal preference, hyphenated last names are sooooo clunky, and not really my thing. and in writing fic there's just....something really delicious about one character taking the name of their partner. like, the intimacy and the tie and the..."we are a family and so we have the same name" I mean, the latest song lyric title of mine in my latest fic (wow that was so timely of me well done liz) is one of my favortie lyrics ever:
Always remember there's nothing worth sharing Like the love that let's us share our name
that's what it's all about for me babey! though I will admit, in the case of Dair, I like them just holding on to their own names, maybe it's a bit of that fictional character thing that their names are so perfect as is, but it's also about Blair being and staying Blair Waldorf. and maybe it's bc this show is so old but when she gets married her changing her name ain't even a question. It's Blair Grimaldi. It's Blair Bass (ick.) and if her arc is about her learning to become her own self in all her dualities and contradictions (which is how *I* choose to see it), then her keeping her maiden name in her marriage to Dan is just *chef's kiss* for me.
there are specific qualifications where I do love Blair Humphrey more because I am a soft romantic sap and I can direct you to those offerings on my ao3 ;)
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