#it tells a story that you can understand wuthout being obvious
abucketofweird · 5 months
Can we take a second to appreciate the fact that every single person in Maya’s family from home took the time to work and learn ASL to communicate with her.
Even today many deaf children born into hearing families have to struggle with communication because their families don’t learn to communicate in their language. Being isolated from conversations and that bonding element is a really big deal for many kids.
The first few minutes of Echo show that the adults in her life are trying to practice signing while she isn’t even around!!!
Then looking at her relationship with Fisk and how he communicates with her is so vastly different. He knew her for YEARS and saw her often enough to be “uncle” and to pick her up from school. Yet he still didn’t learn or use ANY sign until he was begging her for his life!
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