#it matters how smart you work. Accounting plays an important role in defining the success of your business. UBL auditing has a team of expe
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ublaccounting · 2 years
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In a business it doesn’t matter how hard you work, it matters how smart you work. Accounting plays an important role in defining the success of your business. UBL auditing has a team of experienced accountants to amplify your business with proper accounting. . . . Contact us now! 📞+971 56 688 7043 📞+971 56 177 3430 📞+971 56 408 8223 🌐 https://ublauditing.com/ . . . #accountingdubai #accountingservicesindubai #accountingfirmdubai #dubaiaccountingservices #bestaccountingfirmindubai #outsourcedaccountingservicesindubai#accounting #auditing #audit #accountingservices #externalaudit #taxes #UAE #dubai #vatreturns #vatfiling #financialadvisordubai #businessvaluation #businessplan #taxservices #taxation #accountingservice #accounting #business #vatdubai #financialconsultantdubai #vatconsultants #businessservices #businessservicesdubai #financalreports #bookkeepingdubai
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5ry75r · 2 years
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In a business it doesn’t matter how hard you work, it matters how smart you work. Accounting plays an important role in defining the success of your business. UBL auditing has a team of experienced accountants to amplify your business with proper accounting. . . . Contact us now! 📞+971 56 688 7043 📞+971 56 177 3430 📞+971 56 408 8223 🌐 https://ublauditing.com/ . . .
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ditaarcanggi · 4 years
What Needs to Have Mentally Strong and Its Concept of Life.
Meeting a powerful women that can make others people feels so strong, she transfers an energy to have better life in filling day to day. Just wondered how she can be a good leader and makes everyone absolutely love her as much as they love their self and coming back again with the question ” what makes her to be loved so deeply, and What makes the difference?”
maybe most of us will answer these questions by talking about the talent of top performers. He must be the smartest. She’s faster than everyone else on the team. He is a brilliant business strategist.  but the answers are not closely on that above answers. 
In fact, when you start looking into it, your talent and your intelligence don’t play nearly as big of a role as you might think. The research studies that I have found say that intelligence only accounts for 30% of your achievement — and that’s at the extreme upper end. What makes a bigger impact than talent or intelligence? Mental toughness.
Research is starting to reveal that your mental toughness — or “grit” as they call it — plays a more important role than anything else for achieving your goals in health, business, and life. That’s good news because you can’t do much about the genes you were born with, but you can do a lot to develop mental toughness.
Why is mental toughness so important? And how can you develop more of it?
Let’s talk about that now.
Mental Toughness and The United States Military
Each year, approximately 1,300 cadets join the entering class at the United States Military Academy, West Point. During their first summer on campus, cadets are required to complete a series of brutal tests. This summer initiation program is known internally as “Beast Barracks.”
In the words of researchers who have studied West Point cadets, “Beast Barracks is deliberately engineered to test the very limits of cadets’ physical, emotional, and mental capacities.”
You might imagine that the cadets who successfully complete Beast Barracks are bigger, stronger, or more intelligent than their peers. But Angela Duckworth, a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, found something different when she began tracking the cadets.
Duckworth studies achievement, and more specifically, how your mental toughness, perseverance, and passion impact your ability to achieve goals. At West Point, she tracked a total of 2,441 cadets spread across two entering classes. She recorded their high school rank, SAT scores, Leadership Potential Score (which reflects participation in extracurricular activities), Physical Aptitude Exam (a standardized physical exercise evaluation), and Grit Scale (which measures perseverance and passion for long–term goals).
Here’s what she found out…
It wasn’t strength or smarts or leadership potential that accurately predicted whether or not a cadet would finish Beast Barracks. Instead, it was grit — the perseverance and passion to achieve long–term goals — that made the difference.
In fact, cadets who were one standard deviation higher on the Grit Scale were 60% more likely to finish Beast Barracks than their peers. It was mental toughness that predicted whether or not a cadet would be successful, not their talent, intelligence, or genetics.
When Is Mental Toughness Useful?
Duckworth’s research has revealed the importance of mental toughness in a variety of fields.
In addition to the West Point study, she discovered that…
Ivy League undergraduate students who had more grit also had higher GPAs than their peers — even though they had lower SAT scores and weren’t as “smart.”
When comparing two people who are the same age but have different levels of education, grit (and not intelligence) more accurately predicts which one will be better educated.
Competitors in the National Spelling Bee outperform their peers not because of IQ, but because of their grit and commitment to more consistent practice.
And it’s not just education where mental toughness and grit are useful. Duckworth and her colleagues heard similar stories when they started interviewing top performers in all fields…
Our hypothesis that grit is essential to high achievement evolved during interviews with professionals in investment banking, painting, journalism, academia, medicine, and law. Asked what quality distinguishes star performers in their respective fields, these individuals cited grit or a close synonym as often as talent. In fact, many were awed by the achievements of peers who did not at first seem as gifted as others but whose sustained commitment to their ambitions was exceptional. Likewise, many noted with surprise that prodigiously gifted peers did not end up in the upper echelons of their field.
—Angela Duckworth
You have probably seen evidence of this in your own experiences. Remember your friend who squandered their talent? How about that person on your team who squeezed the most out of their potential? Have you known someone who was set on accomplishing a goal, no matter how long it took?
You can read the whole research study here, but this is the bottom line:
In every area of life — from your education to your work to your health — it is your amount of grit, mental toughness, and perseverance that predicts your level of success more than any other factor we can find.
In other words, talent is overrated.
What Makes Someone Mentally Tough?
It’s great to talk about mental toughness, grit, and perseverance … but what do those things actually look like in the real world?
In a word, toughness and grit equal consistency.
Mentally tough athletes are more consistent than others. They don’t miss workouts. They don’t miss assignments. They always have their teammates back.
Mentally tough leaders are more consistent than their peers. They have a clear goal that they work towards each day. They don’t let short–term profits, negative feedback, or hectic schedules prevent them from continuing the march towards their vision. They make a habit of building up the people around them — not just once, but over and over and over again.
Mentally tough artists, writers, and employees deliver on a more consistent basis than most. They work on a schedule, not just when they feel motivated. They approach their work like a pro, not an amateur. They do the most important thing first and don’t shirk responsibilities.
The good news is that grit and perseverance can become your defining traits, regardless of the talent you were born with. You can become more consistent. You can develop superhuman levels of mental toughness.
In my experience, these 3 strategies work well in the real world…
1. Define what mental toughness means for you.
For the West Point army cadets being mentally tough meant finishing an entire summer of Beast Barracks.
For you, it might be…
going one month without missing a workout
going one week without eating processed or packaged food
delivering your work ahead of schedule for two days in a row
meditating every morning this week
grinding out one extra rep on each set at the gym today
calling one friend to catch up every Saturday this month
spending one hour doing something creative every evening this week
Whatever it is, be clear about what you’re going after. Mental toughness is an abstract quality, but in the real world it’s tied to concrete actions. You can’t magically think your way to becoming mentally tough, you prove it to yourself by doing something in real life.
Which brings me to my second point…
2. Mental toughness is built through small physical wins.
You can’t become committed or consistent with a weak mind. How many workouts have you missed because your mind, not your body, told you you were tired? How many reps have you missed out on because your mind said, “Nine reps is enough. Don’t worry about the tenth.” Probably thousands for most people, including myself. And 99% are due to weakness of the mind, not the body.
—Drew Shamrock
So often we think that mental toughness is about how we respond to extreme situations. How did you perform in the championship game? Can you keep your life together while grieving the death of a family member? Did you bounce back after your business went bankrupt?
There’s no doubt that extreme situations test our courage, perseverance, and mental toughness … but what about everyday circumstances?
Mental toughness is like a muscle. It needs to be worked to grow and develop. If you haven’t pushed yourself in thousands of small ways, of course you’ll wilt when things get really difficult.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Choose to do the tenth rep when it would be easier to just do nine. Choose to create when it would be easier to consume. Choose to ask the extra question when it would be easier to accept. Prove to yourself — in a thousand tiny ways — that you have enough guts to get in the ring and do battle with life.
Mental toughness is built through small wins. It’s the individual choices that we make on a daily basis that build our “mental toughness muscle.” We all want mental strength, but you can’t think your way to it. It’s your physical actions that prove your mental fortitude.
3. Mental toughness is about your habits, not your motivation.
Motivation is fickle. Willpower comes and goes.
Mental toughness isn’t about getting an incredible dose of inspiration or courage. It’s about building the daily habits that allow you to stick to a schedule and overcome challenges and distractions over and over and over again.
Mentally tough people don’t have to be more courageous, more talented, or more intelligent — just more consistent. Mentally tough people develop systems that help them focus on the important stuff regardless of how many obstacles life puts in front of them. It’s their habits that form the foundation of their mental beliefs and ultimately set them apart.
I’ve written about this many times before. Here are the basic steps for building a new habit and links to further information on doing each step.
Start by building your identity.
Focus on small behaviors, not life–changing transformations.
Develop a routine that gets you going regardless of how motivated you feel.
Stick to the schedule and forget about the results.
When you slip up, get back on track as quickly as possible.
Mental toughness comes down to your habits. It’s about doing the things you know you’re supposed to do on a more consistent basis. It’s about your dedication to daily practice and your ability to stick to a schedule.
How Have You Developed Mental Toughness?
Our mission as a community is clear: we are looking to live healthy lives and make a difference in the world.
To that end, I see it as my responsibility to equip you with the best information, ideas, and strategies for living healthier, becoming happier, and making a bigger impact with your life and work.
But no matter what strategies we discuss, no matter what goals we set our sights on, no matter what vision we have for ourselves and the people around us … none of it can become a reality without mental toughness, perseverance, and grit.
When things get tough for most people, they find something easier to work on. When things get difficult for mentally tough people, they find a way to stay on schedule.
There will always be extreme moments that require incredible bouts of courage, resiliency, and grit … but for 95% of the circumstances in life, toughness simply comes down to being more consistent than most people
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snowhelp24 · 2 years
19 Consulting Report Templates That Each Consultant Wants
Too many small business homeowners fall into the entice of devoting all their time to their present clients. This can result in a vicious circle of “feast or famine,” the place months spent working across the clock are followed by no work at all — and no incoming income. Any small business can be the sufferer of a knowledge breach or other cyber crime. But in case your consulting business stores client knowledge in your servers, the results of a data breach could be devastating. Learn why Modern Software Delivery is fundamental to successful enterprise transformation efforts and what it takes to get began with MSD. In today’s local weather, business agility is crucial to keep tempo with speedy change. Business transformations must be executed with an agile mindset and viewed as a journey rather than a destination. Whether your company is undergoing a big transformation or you need to strengthen your culture, we’ll help your leaders equip and empower your people organization and tradition to thrive. From evolving buyer expectations and emerging technologies to more nimble companies entering industries, businesses at present are more in danger for disruption than ever earlier than. We bring business experience to solve your small business and know-how needs. While administration consultants contribute to coverage and to technique development, the Government tends to make use of administration consultants for strategic evaluate and for technique execution. There is a distinction between administration consultants and skilled contractors . Official figures from 2007 to 2009 show annual expenditure of about NZ$150 to NZ$180 Million by the New Zealand Government on consultants, but this can be understated. The range of providers supplied is massive, masking change administration, strategic review, project and programme management, procurement, organizational design, and so on. Management consulting firms play a central function within the diffusion of management innovation (Birkinshaw et al., 2008) and enterprise model innovations across completely different industries . MCFs are enjoying a predominant function in enabling digital transformation . You will already have an concept of the types of consumer you do not wish to work for, because you understand the industry you work in. For instance, recognized late-payers can injury your money flow so it's smart to avoid them where possible. Look for shoppers who are dependable, as they’ll assist make your corporation a success. Know that you could let go of purchasers who are extra hassle than they're value. There was a time when monetary success was the one sort that mattered within the company world. But instances are changing—organizations are defining, measuring and reaching success in increasingly numerous methods. The 12 Branches Of Accounting Employees must also have a method for communicating the effectiveness and effectivity of those systems to upper levels of management. When the most important fund criteria are applied to governmental funds, revenues don't embody different financing sources and expenditures don't include other financing makes use of. GAAP results from completely different objectives and processes, a qualitative assessment of the positive or unfavorable impression of differences is dependent upon the context in which the requirements are supposed to be utilized. The reporting accountant should contemplate the circumstances beneath which the written report or oral recommendation is requested, the aim of the request, and the supposed use of the written report or oral advice. In this guide, we’ll explain the functional differences between accounting and bookkeeping, in addition to the variations between the roles of bookkeepers and accountants. Therefore, you'll find a way to entry any account that you want through an Internet-capable device from any location worldwide. The software program may be operated and carried out at no cost by way of a 30 day trial interval. Junk Bonds Debt securities issued by firms with larger than normal credit score risk. Considered "non-investment grade" bonds, these securities ordinarily yield a better fee of interest to compensate for the extra risk. Inventory Tangible property held for sale, or materials utilized in a manufacturing process to make a product. Goodwill Premium paid in the acquisition of an entity over the truthful worth of its identifiable tangible and intangible belongings less liabilities assumed. Ethics The strategy of determining how one ought to hold the pursuits of various stakeholders, considering ethical values/principles. Current Liability Obligation whose liquidation is predicted to require the use of present assets categorised as current assets, or the creation of different current liabilities. The Method To Read A Companys Balance Sheet ScaleFactor is on a mission to take away the obstacles to financial readability that each business proprietor faces. Equity, calculated as the residual curiosity within the belongings of an entity after deducting liabilities. Shareholders ‘ fairness tells you the “book value”, i.e., what is left over for shareholders after the company has paid off all its debt. Intangible property are nonphysical assets which give the agency an advantage in the marketplace. Examples are copyrights, laptop applications, monetary assets, and goodwill. Finally, the balance sheet can't replicate those property which can't be expressed in monetary terms, such as talent, intelligence, honesty, and loyalty of staff. The belongings should at all times equal the liabilities and shareholder fairness. This means that the balance sheet ought to at all times stability, therefore the name. If they don't stability, there could additionally be some issues, together with incorrect or misplaced knowledge, inventory and/or trade rate errors, or miscalculations. Unlike the earnings assertion accounts, these amounts aren't set to zero. The ending balances in these accounts become the start balances within the subsequent reporting interval. The stability sheet info can be used to calculate monetary ratios that give investors a common outlook for the company. Some companies use a debt-based financial structure, whereas others use equity. The ratios generated from evaluation ought to be interpreted throughout the context of the enterprise, its trade, and how it compares to its competitors. The Working Capital ratio is similar to the Current Ratio but looks on the actual number of dollars out there to repay present liabilities. Thirteen Things Bookkeepers Do For Small Businesses Managing funds as a small enterprise proprietor may be complicated and intimidating. An online bookkeeping service can take the majority of the money management off your plate, so you'll have the ability to focus on the parts of your small business you're eager on. Many bookkeeping providers present additional manpower, accounting software assets, and professional recommendation. 1-800Accountant offers full-service accounting companies, including tax preparation and advisory to small businesses. At a fundamental level, bookkeepers handle transactions introduced in by way of software, like an app. Outsourcing additionally offers many advantages that you simply can’t get with an in-house bookkeeper. If you are rising, the outsourced bookkeeping service should be able that can assist you scale by including full service accounting when you are prepared for it. If fundamental bookkeeping is all that your organization needs at this stage, you’ll must determine whether or not to do the bookkeeping in-house or when you ought to outsource. If you determine to rent and manage a bookkeeper you’ll also need to decide whether or not the place is part-time or requires full time. If you determine to outsource, there are a couple of ways to go together with local bookkeeping providers, local CPA corporations that offer bookkeeping providers and specialised, nationwide outsourced bookkeeping firms. Let’s look into three totally different choices your organization may think about to fill this need... Advising is one of those providers that comes naturally when your purchasers turn to you for assist with their books. Whatever the case, changing into your clients’ trusted advisor is a key part of growing a robust client-accountant relationship and brand loyalty. Last however not least, one of many many hats you put on as an accounting professional is that of a trusted advisor. So, it’s only becoming that you just provide advising or consulting services. Why every enterprise wants a Campbell professional bookkeeping firm to deal with their monetary wants. For small and medium-sized companies alike, succession planning is a sophisticated and complex problem. Breaking Down Reconciliation If a nice deal of your small business is transacted in cash, similar to in a retail store, you want to put together a cash sheet on the finish of each day. It's sound apply to deposit all cash receipts in your bank account day by day. The term reconciliation frequently refers to a process of evaluating two systems. Cash needs to be elevated by $450 and accounts receivable needs to be decreased by $450. The correcting entry journal entry will debit money by $450 and credit score accounts receivable by $450 . Small accounting errors might not have an effect on the final numbers in financial statements. These forms of errors require lots of time and sources to seek out and correct them. A company’s common ledger lists each transaction that occurred throughout a given interval. Other GL accounts summarize transactions for asset categories, corresponding to bodily vegetation and gear, and liabilities, similar to accounts payable, notes or loans. Broadly, the general ledger incorporates accounts that correspond to the revenue assertion and stability sheet for which they are destined. Certified public accountants and bookkeepers sometimes are those accessing and using basic ledgers. Following the accounting equation, any debit added to a GL account will have a corresponding and equal credit score entry in one other account, and vice versa. The procedure compares the booked value of what is owed/owned by one firm with the balance of its counterpart. These are sometimes cash transactions (i.e. one company lending funds to another) but another common example is one company declaring to dividends to a different within the group. Barbara is at present a monetary author working with profitable B2B businesses, including SaaS corporations. She is a former CFO for fast-growing tech companies and has Deloitte audit experience. Barbara has an MBA degree from The University of Texas and an active CPA license. Can A Finances To Actual Report Be Created By Class Thus, budgetary priorities could additionally be evaluated on the premise of their long-term impacts. The central thrust of ZBB is the elimination of outdated efforts and expenditures and the focus of resources the place they are most effective. This is achieved via an annual evaluation of all program activities and expenditures, which finally ends up in improved data for allocation choices. However, correct growth requires quite so much of employees time, planning, and paperwork. Financial reporting ought to present info to determine whether current-year revenues have been adequate to pay for current-year services. ABC gets nearer to true costs in these areas by turning many prices that normal cost accounting views as oblique costs essentially into direct costs. Following the choice to provoke a capital acquisition program, funding mechanisms should be explored. This typically involves some form of bonded indebtedness; nonetheless, constructing programs may be funded with amassed operating funds. Alternatively, capital leases and installment payments may be used. In situations by which bond financing is used, the bond initiative should be reviewed and approved by the governing board earlier than it's positioned on the ballot. Fund steadiness forecasting for governmental funds outcomes from the budget improvement process. 會計師事務所 of budgeting reports are to understand how close the estimated price range was to the precise financial numbers during a sure accounting period, which might be a month, quarter or yr. When accounting staff receive the financial report, they will compare these outcomes with the finances report they prepared earlier than the start of the particular accounting period. A budgeting report is a report managers use that lists the beforehand estimated budget projections over a sure interval. It's usually used to match the budget estimations with the precise outcomes the company achieved in the course of the designated time period. Budget reviews are mainly the financial objectives management comes up with based on knowledgeable financial projections. Since they're usually estimations, these finances reports nearly at all times differ from the final financial outcomes, generally drastically. Lengthy Island Tax Planning Legal Professional You should be ready to show that your gas, research, and different credits directly benefit your corporation. If your organization keeps reporting losses, the IRS may launch an audit to determine how it stays afloat. Avoid claiming deductions for unnecessary expenses if you work from home. Because the IRS collects taxes from hundreds of thousands of other home-based staff, they have correct information on the typical claims. Their system will select your account for auditing if you report figures that don’t follow these expectations. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act included numerous adjustments for businesses and people. Only experienced tax accountants like us can maximize deductions for your business as a result of perceive how Federal and State tax laws apply to businesses in your industry. We'll ensure you take benefit of all the tax breaks you are entitled to so your business can notice greater revenue margins. We know that proactive and aggressive tax planning is important to minimizing your tax liabilities. When you work with us we make tax planning part of your overall business technique and never simply one thing we do at year-end. Alternatively, it could be tax-smart to harvest capital features in your portfolio to reap the advantages of a low-income tax fee 12 months. Make your first cease IRS.gov the place you may findonline instruments to help you get the knowledge you want. Collect all the documents mentioned within the previous section in one protected and manageable place — corresponding to your kitchen table or a conference desk, as you’ll likely want plenty of house. One of an important steps to take is figuring out the place your taxes stand earlier than it’s too late to make changes. This link takes you to an exterior web site or app, which may have completely different privateness and security insurance policies than U.S. We do not personal or management the merchandise, providers or content discovered there. Different from tax preparation, tax planning is creating methods to reduce your tax liability. Executing methods that decrease your tax burden is a year-round course of, not something you do right before the tax due date. At grunden LLC, we focus on providing timely, accurate enterprise and individual tax preparation utilizing forefront technologies—all out there at value pricing. Whether you dread tax season and wish it to pass as quickly as attainable, or you see a possibility to study and take control of your monetary scenario, our tax strategists will accommodate your wants. With private, one-on-one service and expert recommendation, we provide solutions to your important tax-related questions in language you understand. How To Forecast Cash Move In Quickbooks The short-term money forecast is predicated on a detailed accumulation of knowledge from a variety of sources inside the company. The bulk of this data comes from the accounts receivable, accounts payable, and payroll data, though other vital sources are the treasurer , the CFO and even the corporate secretary . Since this forecast is predicated on detailed itemizations of money inflows and outflows, it's sometimes known as the receipts and disbursements method. Invoice group is crucial to sustaining correct cash flow projections. The course of may be made significantly simpler utilizing an accounting software that has been modified custom for your corporation needs. GrowthForce accounting services supplied through an alliance with SK CPA, PLLC. In business, the short answer is, YES – even when your organization is profitable. Start your plan Easily write a marketing strategy, safe funding, and achieve insights. Easily write a business plan, safe funding, and achieve insights. Your projected money move evaluation may be time-consuming and costly if carried out mistaken. And the way you plan and report on your corporation should evolve too. Prophix helps mid-market firms obtain their goals extra efficiently with innovative, cloud-based Corporate Performance Management software program. With Prophix, finance leaders improve profitability and decrease danger by automating budgeting, forecasting and reporting and puts the major target again on what matters most – uncovering enterprise alternatives. Prophix helps your future with AI innovation that flexes to satisfy your strategic realities, today and tomorrow.
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Top Leadership Tips Straight From The Experts
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Top Leadership Tips Straight From The Experts
Leadership is one of the most important qualities that determines success or failure in a business. If you do not know how to lead, how can you expect your organization to thrive? For some great tips on how you can become a more effective leader at work, keep reading.
Watch out for project creep. This can happen when your project’s scope isn’t clearly defined. If you have control over the project, resist the temptation to add more project objectives as time goes on. If you are receiving external pressure to expand your project, resist it with all your might. Your subordinates will thank you.
Understand the business you are in. Unfortunately, there are many leaders out there who don’t get their business totally. Whether that’s because they inherited the business or they just no longer care, it doesn’t matter. It reads the same to employees. How can you lead if others don’t trust that you have the knowledge to do so?
Sincerity plays a major part in leadership. The people that you are leading may come to you with problems. These issues should be listened to and addressed. It may be easy to brush off a concern when it’s not the most important matter. Your team will feel better about you being the leader if you can sincerely listen to and solve their problems.
Make sure your team knows that you appreciate the work. Appreciating an employee can make a big impact. Their day will be brightened, and their mood lifted; and, it’s free!
It is not effective to be a leader if you are not able to set a good example for others. You cannot sit around giving out orders and expecting people to follow them if they don’t have respect for you. The best way to earn respect is being a positive role model to others.
Consider holding monthly contests among your employees. These contests can be based on the most sales, the best customer service or a variety of things. The prizes for the contests can be something as simple as a preferred parking place or as extravagant as an additional paid day off.
Being a leader means taking action. It doesn’t matter how many good ideas you have if all they ever do is take up space in your head. Develop a plan and put your idea into action. Focus on the outcome you would like to achieve and focus your energy on making it happen.
Do not act in any manner that seems deceitful. You need to follow through with promises in order to garner trust. If you claim to provide the best service in your particular business category, make sure all your employees understand how to provide the best service.
Set missions and goals for the whole company. All people need to work towards something, and leaders can provide annual goals to each employee. Be sure not to set up goals and then leave them alone. Have monthly meetings to see what the status is on your goals, and hold your employees accountable for getting things accomplished.
In order to be an effective leader, you need to stay in touch with your emotions. Do not allow yourself to make any of your positive traits turn negative. For example, if you are normally a very confident leader, do not allow added pressure to turn you into someone that is overly arrogant.
Surround yourself with smart people. The best leaders out there all know one thing: when you’ve got the best people, you’ll elevate everything. Don’t think you need to be the smartest person in the company. Far from it. You need to be a visionary who sees greatness. Use that and find the best colleagues to surround yourself with.
If you want to be a good business leader, try to treat everything as being your personal fault. This is ultimately about assuming personal responsibility for all that happens in your work. Never blame coworkers or the economy. Understand that at the end of the day, those who created their own fate are the ones eating dinner out at nice restaurants.
Be prepared for conflict and try to deal with it before it gets out of hand. Ignoring conflict will make the problem worse and make you look too weak to handle it. Practicing good communication skills with your employees will help them feel more respected even if they don’t agree with specific decisions.
Adopt an eternal attitude of learning. While this article has great tips in it, there’s always something more to learn. Business changes and evolves, and you need to keep up with it. Always be reading books, newspapers and blogs. If possible, attend classes and workshops. Those are chances to learn and network.
Now that you have read this article, you should understand a bit more about what makes a great leader. Of course, there is more to becoming an effective leader than just reading a blog post. You need to put these ideas into practice. Start using them today to lead your business into the future.
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mokosmart · 4 years
LoRa devices from MOKOSmart
An estimated 70 million devices are expected to be connected to the Internet and exchange data by 2020. From the coffee machine to the doorbell to the pill box: Connected devices that talk to apps and online services have so far been part of the realm of visions of the future. Lorawan stands for “long range wide area network” and is a radio network with a wide range and small energy requirement. Although they can only transmit tiny amounts of data – images are already eliminated – Lora devices can work for miles and can do with a small battery for years. The chips are small like a two-franker, thus fit into everyday objects and are at the same time cheap – around ten francs. This makes them ideal for bringing devices to the grid at a reasonable price. Small sensors or switches could soon appear in all everyday areas, in flowerbeds as well as on letterboxes or bicycles.
How much do you know about LoRa technology and NB-IoT?
As a low-power WAN communication technology, LoRa offers cost-effective solutions for battery-powered IoT applications. Because of these technical characteristics, the LoRa network consists mainly of terminals (built-in LoRa module), gateway (or base station), server (server), and cloud. The most important point is that application data can achieve bidirectional transmission, easily integrated into existing network infrastructures for greater coverage than cellular cellular cellular networks, while technology has end-to-end AES128 encryption to track assets without GPS.
In contrast, NB-IoT (narrowband Internet of Things, also known as the Narrowband Internet of Things), is a standard defined by the 3GPP standardization organization, which develops a narrowband radio frequency technology for the Internet of Things. NB-IoT is more dominant for completing real-time, large amounts of data.
The application of the Internet of Things must take into account many factors, such as network costs, battery life, data transfer rate (throughput), network coverage and type of use, it is clear NB-IoT and LoRa two technologies have different technical characteristics, wide coverage, low speed, low cost, low power consumption and other features that are suitable for applications with low power consumption in the Internet of Things, and they also actively expand their own ecosystems.
At communication distance, NB-IoT compared to other low-frequency wide-area propagation technology can achieve the link budget 20dB increase in open environment, signal coverage can be increased seven times. Among them, 20dB corresponds to the loss of the signal through the outer wall of the building. Coverage of NB-IoT in the indoor environment is relatively better, and the overall communication distance can reach 15km. LoRa can provide a maximum connection budget of 168dB. In general, the range of wireless distance is 1-2 km in the city and 20 km in the suburbs.
We have successfully iterated to Use LoRa devices and Radio Frequency Technology (LoRa Technology) into our smart bike locks that complement their licensed spectrum connectivity options for full network connectivity, even in remote areas and densely populated buildings. MOKOSmart is a pioneer in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT) and has led the application of NB-IoT, NFC, BLE and other IoT technologies. Omni is integrated in the products of wireless communication, artificially specialized intelligent, sensor technology, which is a national high-tech company, integrated the development of hardware, software and system solutions.
Development history of LoRa devices
Hackers want a network for all
From a very different point of view, a growing number of tinkerers are approaching the subject, who would rather see a free, universally accessible Internet of Things. The idea of the Dutchman Wienke Giezeman has been kicked off. The Internet entrepreneur from Amsterdam has launched a foundation with the Things Network, which Lora wants to democratize. The intention: to build a free alternative in addition to commercial networks. With a swarm financing, one is currently looking for patrons who receive hardware for donations. The Kickstarter campaign has already exceeded its funding target of €150,000.
First, the networked technology is made possible by a peculiarity of Lora devices: The costs per connected device are vanishingly low compared to other network technologies. For example, a so-called gateway, connected to the Internet in a private apartment, can bring up to 10,000 radios online within a radius of several kilometers. Such a gateway currently costs around 200 Swiss francs, and the trend is falling. Unlike mobile phones, such a small group of volunteers can connect an entire city with little money. “I’m excited about this opportunity,” says Gonzalo Casas, who is working for the Things Network in Zurich. In his spare time, the software developer builds the Internet of Things for Zurich with office colleagues and other interested parties. Two LoRa gateways are already in place, and seven more are expected to be added across the city over the next few months.
The nerds still rule
The Things Network is still a matter for computer scientists. “Hackers now have to build the infrastructure, which clears the way for users,” says Casas. The Kickstarter campaign from Amsterdam is also to build a bridge here. The hope of the supporters is a kind of Apple effect: The Dutch want to make the hitherto unwieldy and complicated technology accessible – with simple operation and appealing device designs.
Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) are suitable for sending small amounts of data over a long distance. They consume little energy and ensure long battery life.
The LoRa Alliance, an open, nonprofit organization, drives the standardization of LoRa technology because it can be used safely and economically for many IoT applications. LoRa Alliance certification requires LoRa-certified devices to meet the functional requirements of LoRaWAN protocol specifications, which is confirmed by a successful test against the LoRa Certification Program.
The accredited test laboratories of 7 layers in Ratingen have been one of the first independent 3rd party laboratories in Europe to receive the authorization to carry out tests under the LoRa test and certification program.
We offer a comprehensive portfolio for LoRa devices manufacturers and smart IoT service providers:
•LoRa Alliance Test & Certification •Regulatory testing and type approvals •Technical support and testing to improve antenna and radio performance •IoT Services Services: Consulting, Acceptance Program Development, and End-to-End Verification
Full connectedness for the Internet of Things
LoRa devices: Cost advantage Flexibility
But it is not only the SIM cards that need to change but also the mobile operators. Given the different functioning of the devices, traditional contract models no longer make sense. In the future, it will be essential to make flexible offers to the customer that can be tailored to their requirements. For medium-sized enterprises in particular, the savings could not be negligible thanks to such individual contract offers. Finally, it makes a difference whether sensors should check the condition of a product in a truck loading room in real-time or passengers in coaches should stream films in HD format.
Providers have therefore set up their own departments, whose employees deal exclusively with IoT or Industry 4.0 and prepare corresponding offers. But this applies not only in connection with SIM cards but also with LoRa applications. If the volume of data to be sent is small, they are a good alternative. These LoRa devices send and receive data only at predetermined times, keeping energy consumption low. Ideal for traffic management: Street lighting could be based on traffic, for example, so that lanterns only consume energy when vehicles are actually on the road. Parking spaces can also be better managed: LoRa communication would allow cars to be used in an orderly manner to create a free parking space, which could optimize utilization rates.
Connectivity is what the customer makes of it
To optimize connectivity, developers and providers need to critically assess what type of connection is needed and what is best for them. Every situation requires a suitable solution – which also depends on other aspects, such as bandwidth, the location where the application is used, as well as the respective sales and business model.
In addition to local IoT solutions for WiFi, developers and providers should also be able to use other technologies that are just as essential to M2M connectivity. 2G, 3G, and 4G networks are already playing an important role and LoRa devices will soon become more widely used. This will provide a suitable technology for every possible IoT application. In other words, connectivity is what the user makes of it.
LoRa devices from MOKOSmart
MOKOSmart, which has located connected LoRa devices as a future business area and operates test networks in Shenzhen, China, is also one of those interested. Flory heads the sales department M2M (machine to machine) at Shenzhen. He sees Lora technology on the verge of gaining a broad foothold. It is high time for device manufacturers to have the Internet of Things on their screens: “If you don’t deal with it yet, it will be hard to catch up.” The telecommunications service is at the heart of building networks and bringing together key players, from chip manufacturers to software developers and service providers. “We are in a good position to drive forward the development of the infrastructure to more LoRa devices,” says Florry.
 LoRaWAN gateway with LoRaWAN server functionality
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MOKOSmart offers the LoRaWAN Gateway MKGW2-LW for LoRaWAN technology as a solution for building autonomous, provider-independent networks in the license-free 868 MHz ISM band.
The Gateway MKGW2-LW, which is suitable for LoRaWAN technology, is also suitable for applications with FSK modulation. In addition to the traditional packet forwarder mode, it also has LoRaWAN server functionality (LoRa WAN Class A & C 1.0.2 EU), which eliminates the need for the additional setup of a LoRa server. Other features include the small dimensions of 75 x 75 x 25 mm, an external SMA antenna port, an Ethernet network connection and the supply of 5 V/0.5 A via micro USB cable.
LoRaWAN gateway with efficient 8-channel LoRaWAN solution
The LoRaWAN gateway can be used to implement an efficient 8-channel LoRa solution, which can also be configured via a remote JAVA application. Up to 100 LoRa devices can be managed. The MKGW2-LW is also available as an outdoor version.
Introducing the world’s first open-value-chain LoRaWAN IoT network
The first phase of a project underway in Shenzhen.
MOKOSmart, an industry leader in the field of large low power wide area networks (LPWAN), announced today that two more national LoRaWAN networks are planned: in cooperation with telecommunications and IT provider, the service provider and pioneer in wireless broadband, media, and corporate IT infrastructure.
“The networks show that LPWA technology can not only be transformative but also offers groundbreaking opportunities for the economy that could not otherwise be presented.”
The introduction of the open-value-chain IoT network is unique in the world. To deliver this groundbreaking business proposal, we are upgrading the LoRa network to provide second-generation multi-use IoT connectivity across the country, as well as LoRa devices and wireless technology to provide high-quality geolocation services.
“The upgrade of the existing LoRaWAN™ radio network with new base stations and the subsequent nationwide rollout will be a good deal as we integrate a large part of the LPWAN gateways into existing wireless broadband locations.”
With support, we have started to launch the nationwide LoRaWAN network. Successful tests were carried out, where full coverage will also be achieved as the first phase of the project.
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cecillewhite · 5 years
Podcast 29: Growing an Online Training Business – With the Co-Founder of DataCamp
To learn more about this podcast series or to see the full collection of episodes visit The Talented Learning Show main page.
Today we welcome Martijn Theuwissen, Co-Founder of DataCamp, a company devoted to making data science education accessible to all.
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Martijn Theuwissen, DataCamp Co-Founder
Martijn’s story is instructive for multiple reasons:
He knows first-hand what it takes to grow a successful online training business.
He works on the frontlines of the skills gap, helping individuals and employers prepare to compete in an increasingly data-driven economy.
He’s committed to a broader mission – empowering people from all walks of life to develop data fluency.
I think you’ll agree, this interview offers useful advice for every learning professional.
Demand for data science education is exploding, as organizations around the world strive to become more data-driven.
In a fast-moving market like data science, online training providers can gain a competitive advantage by accelerating their content development speed.
Other factors also contribute to the success of online training ventures. At DataCamp, those factors include a scalable business model, a smart technology strategy, high-quality instruction and customer feedback loops that drive continuous improvement.
Martijn, could you start by telling us about your background?
Sure. I’m from Belgium and I have a degree in finance and accounting. Actually, I have only one year of corporate experience, working in sales and marketing at The Coca-Cola Company.
But soon after I started at Coca-Cola, I discovered that I’m much better suited to an entrepreneurial environment than a large corporation. So, around six years ago, I co-founded DataCamp.
Wow. It took me 20 years to reach that point. What inspired you to go into online training?
Well, to be honest, it was a very lucky accident.
The best kind of accident…
Actually, multiple elements came into play:
I’ve always had a passion for education. Since I was about 12 years old, I’ve been involved with student boards, student unions and education nonprofits.
When I was looking for startup opportunities in 2014, my co-founder was teaching statistics at university.
And coincidentally, that was the year of the MOOC (massively open online course), with platforms like edX and Coursera getting a lot of traction.
So, this combination of factors became the foundation of DataCamp:
Our entrepreneurial drive
Passion for improving data science education, and
Interest in developing innovative technology.
Why did you specialize in data analytics?
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Online training companies like Codecademy (programming skills) and Duolingo (language skills) were using digital technology to provide a better learning experience for specialized training.
So we decided to create something similar for statistics and data science because we understand that domain.
We envisioned an environment where people get individualized feedback based on the mistakes they make while they’re actually typing in code. This provides a much more engaging learning experience with much higher completion rates.
Great. So how do you define data science?
Data science is basically everything involved with analyzing data.
There are many different definitions. But in my opinion, the moment you start playing around with data, you’re doing some form of data science. And by organizing and analyzing data effectively, you can make better decisions.
How big is the market for data science education?
These days, data is tracked and stored everywhere. Demand is growing very rapidly for people with data science skills who can analyze all of this available data. It touches every industry and function.
For example, HR professionals use machine learning to screen profiles when hiring. That requires data science expertise.
Or think of digital advertising platforms like Facebook or Google. They provide a bunch of data that you can analyze to optimize online marketing campaigns. This requires data fluency.
We’re also seeing an enormous uptick in consulting firms that play a key role in helping companies facilitate full-scale digital transformation.
How wide is the gap between the need for data science skills and the availability of competent people? Is that why so many consultancies are springing up?
Yeah, there is definitely a gap. In the past, data lived in the IT department. Now every department has access to a massive amount of data. But unfortunately, many business people don’t have enough knowledge to work with all the data that’s available to them.
In fact, about three years ago, McKinsey published an excellent study about the need for analytics talent. Even then, there was a shortage of 1.5 million data-savvy people.
Actually, everyone benefits from at least a basic level of data literacy. That’s why we like to say that data science skills are no longer only for data scientists. The same way that writing skills aren’t just for authors.
Good point. You talk a lot about the need to democratize data science. What do you mean by that?
It’s really about getting essential data skills in the hands of everyone who needs it. We’re trying to do this at a reasonable price point.
It’s also important for people to learn wherever and whenever they want – especially when they work full-time or have other commitments.
We want to empower everyone – students, employees and independent professionals – to develop basic data fluency or even the expertise to work as full-time data scientists.
That’s important for business because data scientists are often located in their own department or in IT. This makes communication more difficult and creates bottlenecks when others need help from an analyst.
But if everyone has data science knowledge, you can dramatically improve communication. Also, when individuals across your organization are empowered to do their own basic analysis, your data scientists can focus on more complex issues.
So democratizing data science is beneficial for individuals, as well as their organizations.
How does your online training business help close that data skills gap?
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DataCamp is a solution that helps anyone learn data science skills in an online interactive environment.
Our goal was to create a very engaging environment for people to develop the basic skills of data analytics and data science, over time. And since our launch in 2014, our customer base has grown to more than 4 million learners.
Yeah. Lots of people want to learn this. So we serve individuals as well as businesses. We started by focusing on individuals who use it to upskill or prepare for a career shift.
And lately, we’re seeing a lot of traction with enterprise businesses as well. Over 1500 B2B customers now use DataCamp, mostly to upskill or reskill their workforce.
Amazing. How did you grow to 4 million users in just 5 short years?
It’s been a wild journey. I think DataCamp’s success comes from a combination of things.
The timing was good. But it’s also the product, itself. We’ve focused on data science from the start, which created traction in our core community.
Makes sense…
We started with one language, which was R. That’s basically an open-source programming language used in data analysis.
Then we added more and more languages. Python. And then SQL. Now we even have courses without any coding requirements, such as fundamental data science courses and spreadsheet skills.
That kind of incremental expansion is a smart strategy…
We were lucky to start the company when data science was just beginning its massive growth. Plus, online training has been going through a significant transformation, itself. So we were there at the right time to scale.
And every course is created by a team of internal and external subject matter experts. We now have more than 270 instructors, who are known and respected in their domain. That also draws people to our platform.
So those are the reasons why we’ve grown to more than 4 million learners in such a short time.
Outstanding! That’s great to get 270 industry experts to contribute as instructors.
What about the content itself? How is it organized?
Our philosophy is, “Learn, practice, apply.” In other words, you:
Learn with our courses
Practice with repeatable exercises you can access through your mobile phone or on your desktop, and
Apply with real-life projects you complete in the cloud.
What does this online training content look like? Do you integrate video? How do interactive elements work?
Each course takes around 4 hours to complete.
For every hour of content, there are about 15 minutes of passive learning through videos. That’s necessary because data science has such a strong mathematical foundation, and we’ve found that videos are the best way to explain those concepts.
During the other 45 minutes, you’re hands-on, doing interactive exercises. That’s because we believe in active learning.
So you’re typing in code at your keyboard. And if you make a mistake, you get relevant real-time feedback.
Excellent. You said that you have about 1500 B2B clients. Who’s your typical business buyer – IT departments or business units?
We see three primary scenarios:
Data science departments that want advanced courses or are switching technologies.
Business units – usually marketing or finance – that want to improve data-based decisions.
Company-wide digital transformation initiatives to drive the shift toward a more data-literate culture. That’s when L&D folks come in.
Excellent. So how do you run this large-scale online training operation on the back end? Did you build your own learning management system?
We build everything in-house. Our platform is built to provide the best learning experience specifically for data science. That required us to start from scratch.
The technology we use for interactive feedback isn’t available anywhere else. That’s why we needed to develop it ourselves.
Interesting. How about content development? Is that also done with your own proprietary tools? Or do you use commercial solutions?
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We built our own authoring environment, as well. That’s because we realized very quickly that speed in developing content is a major competitive advantage.
So although we have multiple teams focused on the learner experience, we also have a team focused on the instructor experience.
For example, how can we make it as easy as possible for an instructor to create an interactive course? That’s different from creating a video course.
They need to learn new technologies and embrace the unique pedagogical aspects of this process. So we developed the authoring environment to make it as easy as possible.
We also do the entire translation (for lack of a better word) to interactivity behind-the-scenes in an automatic way.
Wow. You might want to sell your platform to other verticals that may have a similar kind of need.
So how did you convince 270 instructors to sign-up? How did you find them? And how do you compensate them? Everybody struggles with this…
Our model is similar to a book publisher. We have a wish list of courses we want to develop. Our curriculum team identifies courses we want to develop in the coming months. Then they start researching and contacting subject matter experts.
Our contracts are based on revenue sharing, where instructors are paid based on the number of times their course is completed. Not started, but completed. This way, there’s an incentive to create high-quality content that engages students from start to finish.
Great strategy. So do you ask them to follow a specific instructional model? Or do instructors bring their own approach and you adapt?
It’s a bit of both.
We ask our instructors to follow a framework. Because with so many courses, we want to make sure that they feel consistent and coherent for learners. So if you start one course on DataCamp, and then start a second course, both will have the same level of quality and engagement.
Our framework is based on a list of rules. For example, you can’t use more than 15 minutes of video in any one-hour of content. You can’t include too many multiple-choice questions. And so forth.
These rules tie back to our authoring interface, which automatically checks to verify that instructors are holding themselves to that framework. This makes the online training content development process fairly easy. And it gives authors various ways to be creative, as well.
Nice. So let’s talk about some real-world examples. How are corporations using data science education to improve their business…?
Bridging the Learning Analytics Gap: How Guided Insights Lead to Better Results
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Even with cutting-edge measurement tools, many struggle to find enough time and expertise to generate useful learning insights. How can you bridge this critical analytics gap?
Join John Leh, CEO and Lead Analyst at Talented Learning, and Tamer Ali, Co-Founder and Director at Authentic Learning Labs. You’ll discover:
Top learning analytics challenges
How AI-driven data visualization tools are transforming learning insights
How to define and interpret relevant metrics
Practical examples of AI-based analytics in action
How to build a convincing case for guided analytics
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Podcast 29: Growing an Online Training Business – With the Co-Founder of DataCamp original post at Talented Learning
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sayantandodo · 4 years
What does it take to be a social media influencer and being active in HelloStar!
It takes a certain type of person to exert social media influence, and it’s also not exactly a short term commitment. The advantage is that you get to do what you love – the disadvantage is that you’ll have to grind non-stop even when you don't feel like it. The good news here is that influencer marketing is on the rise, and you could argue that more people are able to make a living as influencers now than at any time before. The statistics and the studies help to prove that. For example, 45% of influencers receive at least four proposals for brand campaigns every month, while influencers on Instagram are powering a $1.7 billion industry. YouTubers between one and three million subscribers earn an average of $125,000 per post. There are no guarantees that you’ll even be successful, and indeed the odds are stacked against you.
Influencer marketing is nothing but a smart marketing strategy or a word-of-mouth style approach used by businesses to spread the word about their products or services with the help of influencers. The influencer can be a popular celebrity, blogger, sportsperson or ordinary people with a huge number of followers. If anyone needs to start his or her own business, that person must have to listen to someone who is expert in that case. That’s why HelloStar came here to help. HelloStar provides mentorship videos to common people from an influencer’s end. People who need to learn any topic from an expert can surely ask for a video. The video would be personalized and crispy. It can motivate anybody to learn and activate anything.
There’s no way to guarantee success and if you’re not doing something that you love doing, you could really struggle to find the will power to stick with it. With that said, the rewards are worth the risk if you can handle it, and we don’t mean just financially. If you get your content strategy right and become an influencer on Instagram or some other social network, you’ll form a community and make a living from doing what you’re passionate about and what you love. There’s no solid definition or a certain number of followers you need to officially wield “social media influence”, and technically we all have a certain amount of social media influence, even if it’s just because of the reviews that we’ve posted on Yelp or TripAdvisor.
As a general rule, when we talk about social media influencer marketing, we’re talking about brands seeking out micro-influencers who have the power to introduce their product to their audience. For a brand to consider someone as an influencer, they typically need enough followers and audience engagement to show that working with them will have some sort of tangible impact, even if that’s just exposure. It’s important to remember that not all social media influencers make a living from it, and indeed it’s only really the top 1% who are able to. With that said, even smaller-scale influencers, such as Instagram users with a thousand or so followers, can benefit in terms of free products and unique collaboration opportunities, while for brands, it gives them the chance to tap into a dedicated target audience.
The vast majority of influencers get to where they are by constantly and consistently executing on a content strategy. They become a part of people’s lives purely because they post regular content that people consume and engage within real-time.
1. Find A Niche
The niche that you occupy is what will define your entire career as an influencer. If you don’t have a niche it can be very difficult to grow your business or brand to mass levels, no matter what other advantages you bring to the table.
2. Select Which Social Channels You’ll Use
Once you’ve identified your niche, you’re ready to pick out which social channels you’re going to use.
There are art and a science to identifying the best social media channel to sign up to, but if you know which niche you’re targeting and who you’re reaching out to, it can get you off to a good start.
3. Find And Engage With A Target Audience
Finding your target audience is the first step towards becoming a successful and well-respected influencer, and in fact, it’s the very first thing that you should do once you decide which niche to serve. This comes ahead of creating a content strategy because, without a tightly defined target audience, you have no way of knowing what kind of content will lead to engagement.
4. Create And Give Away Free Content That Has Value Worth Paying For
People want the juicy stuff. People want the real shit. People do not want bullshit! People do not want to be sold every time they turn around. Stop selling so much and start having more conversations. That's how a person will become a successful influencer of anything. It doesn't matter which niche they are in, if you connect with people on a real and genuine level they will support you.
5. Have A Powerful Message And Story That You Can Share With Your Audience
Your message and your story will depend somewhat on your audience and your personal brand, but it also needs to be grounded in authenticity and truth. Every single person has their own story and each one of us will tell our story in our own way. That is what makes our story so powerful. It is so powerful because we can use our stories to connect with people all around the world.
6. Create A Content Strategy
If you can get this right, and if you can meet them at the right times in their customer journey, you’ll have no problem building an audience around your personal brand. It’s hard to overstate how important your content strategy actually is. After all, as an influencer, the heart of what you do revolves around creating and distributing top-quality content that other people find valuable, not just you.
7. Consistently Engage With Your Target Audience
Your content is the fuel that burns the fire at the heart of your influencer marketing strategy, but engagement is the spark that lights it. When people engage with your content, it sends a strong signal to Facebook and Instagram that you’re posting stuff that your audience wants to see. When they see that, it, in turn, makes the algorithm more likely to surface the content to other people.
8. Track Everything
One of the big benefits of creating digital content, whether that’s on Twitter and Instagram or whether it’s on Facebook or YouTube, is the fact that it’s so inherently measurable. By keeping an eye on your analytics and measuring metrics, from followers on Instagram to website visits, you can see whether your efforts are reaping the rewards that you’re hoping for.
9. Be Consistent And Authentic
People can sense when you are being inauthentic. People can sense when you're only in something for the end result. So, always be honest and genuine and people will sense that and want to do business with you! Believe in what you're doing and build relationships with people on every level consistently.
10. Invest In Good Equipment
Authenticity is important and it will get you off to a good start, but eventually, time’s going to come when your content needs to become a little more polished. Filming video clips on your iPhone and bodging together thumbnail images for an Instagram post or a YouTube video is all well and good in the early days, but if you want to be a success in the long run then you need to place a higher premium on quality.
11. Think Big And Play Big
If we think that we don’t deserve to have a successful Instagram account, then people are going to sense that and they’re not going to want to follow us. If you hope to create an Instagram business or to become a social media influencer, the most important thing is for you to have self-confidence.
12. Constantly Build An Email List
There’s a perception amongst some people that email marketing is old-fashioned, but nothing could be farther from the truth. It’s still a super popular way of engaging with people, and it has a role to play in any influencer marketing strategy. Building an email list is important as opposed to purchasing one because it helps you to ensure that you’re operating within the law at all times and that you’re only reaching people who want to hear from you. And if you’re building an Instagram business, you’ll want a repository of data that doesn’t rely solely on the network.
The content creators that you look up to didn’t wake up one morning and find themselves with hundreds of thousands of followers on their social media accounts. Instead, they developed a content strategy and then they stuck to it, adjusting their approach as needed to guarantee them the best possible return from their marketing investments. The good news is that you can follow in their footsteps, and the tips that we’ve shared in this article are designed to help you to do just that. So if you haven’t already, be sure to block out some time in your calendar to revisit your content strategy and to make sure that you have a strategy behind what you’re doing.
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smart-data-report · 4 years
Smart Data Report for your Business Performance
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Data reporting has always been helpful to the business. It is important to write a data report that will effectively communicate the subject matter to busy executives who only have a few minutes to go through your report. Data reporting allows users to view data in a visual representation that helps executives more quickly and easily understand reports within a minute through charts and graphs.
What Is A Data Report?
The data report is a visual representation of your business data and provides you with overall business performance. Data reports lead to an accurate analysis of the facts and figures of various business data and are usually both at an operational or strategic level of decision making.
Once a report is created, it can be shared quickly and efficiently throughout the organization. Reports can later be exported to Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, CSV and you can also mail for more versatile options.
Let us look at the data report in more detail and finally, we will give some data reporting examples that can be helpful for your business strategies.
Steps on how data reporting works
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Data reporting and data analysis:
Data reporting is one of the major factors in daily activities in life. Data reporting can tell you what is happening in the business using data reporting tools that can track the performance of your business. Whereas data analysis is used to get answers to the strategic question of the business.
The working of data reporting and analysis involves the collection of data, analyzing data, processing and submitting data to obtain accurate facts and figures of the business.
What Is the Purpose of Reporting?
Data reports are the backbone of any organization. We can say that it is a beginning for any organization. Data reporting generally used for the purpose of management, accountability, productivity and work organization.
Data reports work independently for every sector in the industry like for retail industry managers want to know the report of trends in markets, reports for growing customers, etc. Where as in government-industry data may be calculated as census, tax records, etc. Every industry having a different perspective of calculating and analysing the data for report preparation.
Data can be taken from different forms through online sources. It could be in the form of product feedback, questionnaire form, medical patient form, voting form, etc. After collection analysing team analyse the data and create report to take necessary action. Ad-hoc reporting is popular for businesses to predict within a few days.
Let's discuss some of the topics why data reports are essential for business:
-The data report helps in gaining business insights and knowledge of market trends.
-The data report helps the business to interpret the data in a useful and meaningful format.
-With data reports, businesses can get sales opportunities and get new customer records.
How to write a data report?
A data report is a technical document that represents business insights on the data collected. Each report has its own rules and sets based on the types of each report. We've included some of the most popular, but our main focus is on business data reports, which ultimately provide you with a roadmap on how you can make your reports more productive. let's get started.
Preparation Phase
Identify the target audience:
First of all, we have to understand our audience and their recommendation. Audiences are always on priority when writing a report. Audiences can be of different standards like employees, management team, department team, co-workers, citizens, customers, government employees etc. Determining your audience helps you write reports easily. The data report should be reader-friendly for those who imagine only charts rather than reading the text. Your chart should describe the overall state of your business. There are some people who are not technically minded they will read all the data to make sure that it will support your conclusion.
Gathering of data:
Gather all the data to be included in the report. It is not wise to start writing your report until you analyze the data and identify your results.
Organize your data:
Organize your data into a separate spreadsheet as needed. The data may be included even if it is raw data and has not been analyzed. Put secondary data such as data collected from other reports in a separate file from your own data.
Highlight important chart:
Applying various charts will provide a clear understanding of the data. Most spreadsheet programs, such as Excel, can automatically generate charts after you organize data as needed. Well-chosen charts help display your findings.
Keep simple and precise:
Data must be clean, filtered, communicated objective and cannot be easily manipulated. Keep data simple which is reliable for your reporting. One should always be particular to choosing the chart and color combinations of the report which is easily understood by the reader. Choose some colors that are easy on the eyes. Stay with only one font.
Define complete script:
To write a successful report it is necessary to complete every topic in the report. The position you want to convey from the report should be clearly stated. The story should not confuse one who misleads the business to make the wrong decision. By using interactive visualization, you are not only building a strong background of the report, but helping your audience understand the report easily and quickly.
Proper planning and KPIs selection:
Defining the KPI is also necessary for your business to be successful when creating work processes for your business. It is not necessary to mention a large number of KPIs, but you can only mention what promotes your business activities. Depending on your department or industry, reports vary, as KPIs also vary, but choose the ones that will help put your data in the proper context and always keep in mind the audience you're addressing.
Writing the Report
Introduction section:
To write a report, you have to go through 3 sections. First you need to identify the objectives of the report. If your goal is clear set then you can also proceed to the next step. The second stage is the analysis and extraction of data. And finally highlight what to be contain in the rest of the report.
Body of a report:
The body of a report is classified into 4 sections Data, Method, Analysis and Results. Data is collected from various sources, then it needs to be refined. Applying appropriate methods or algorithms for analysis and finally gets results.
Write a description:
Descriptions provides more glance on the data using for data report in the data section. Copy the spreadsheet containing your data and paste it after your written description. In Microsoft Office, just highlight the cells, copy them, and then paste them into a Word document.
Methods and analysis section:
In this step, write down the methods you use to gather data and analysis in the Methods section and the Analysis section. Include in the section what the analysis was and write the conclusions you made from the analysis and the methods you used to gather the data and analysis in the sections.
Conclusion Section:
The conclusion section describes the results of the analysis. If the report contains more than one data for analysis, this is the place to compare different results as needed.
Data report examples and templates
Finance Sales and Operational Planning Dashboard
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Financial sales and operational planning are always playing a major role in any business line. Financial sales and operation reports are the basis for the sustainable development of business. Business executives can take various necessary action on the basis if the financial and operational reports.
Our finance sales and operational planning dashboard mainly focus on the total revenue collected from a different country and from different products.
Banking supplier spend monthly analysis dashboard
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Banking supplier spend analysis dashboard provides a competitive advantage of gaining real-time insight into bank supplier spending analysis. The filter panel allows us to select the year, the supplier for the transactions done and the total expenses.
Data reports should always be done regardless of how available this source is. New technologies and software programs have created to make report easier and error free. Data reports are not limited to statistics only, they can be very few as symbols, yet have the same level of significance.
Now if you want to create your own powerful data report, try the EzDataMunch Free Trial Demo, which generates your complete business insights.
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Top Leadership Tips Straight From The Experts
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Top Leadership Tips Straight From The Experts
Leadership is one of the most important qualities that determines success or failure in a business. If you do not know how to lead, how can you expect your organization to thrive? For some great tips on how you can become a more effective leader at work, keep reading.
Watch out for project creep. This can happen when your project’s scope isn’t clearly defined. If you have control over the project, resist the temptation to add more project objectives as time goes on. If you are receiving external pressure to expand your project, resist it with all your might. Your subordinates will thank you.
Understand the business you are in. Unfortunately, there are many leaders out there who don’t get their business totally. Whether that’s because they inherited the business or they just no longer care, it doesn’t matter. It reads the same to employees. How can you lead if others don’t trust that you have the knowledge to do so?
Sincerity plays a major part in leadership. The people that you are leading may come to you with problems. These issues should be listened to and addressed. It may be easy to brush off a concern when it’s not the most important matter. Your team will feel better about you being the leader if you can sincerely listen to and solve their problems.
Make sure your team knows that you appreciate the work. Appreciating an employee can make a big impact. Their day will be brightened, and their mood lifted; and, it’s free!
It is not effective to be a leader if you are not able to set a good example for others. You cannot sit around giving out orders and expecting people to follow them if they don’t have respect for you. The best way to earn respect is being a positive role model to others.
Consider holding monthly contests among your employees. These contests can be based on the most sales, the best customer service or a variety of things. The prizes for the contests can be something as simple as a preferred parking place or as extravagant as an additional paid day off.
Being a leader means taking action. It doesn’t matter how many good ideas you have if all they ever do is take up space in your head. Develop a plan and put your idea into action. Focus on the outcome you would like to achieve and focus your energy on making it happen.
Do not act in any manner that seems deceitful. You need to follow through with promises in order to garner trust. If you claim to provide the best service in your particular business category, make sure all your employees understand how to provide the best service.
Set missions and goals for the whole company. All people need to work towards something, and leaders can provide annual goals to each employee. Be sure not to set up goals and then leave them alone. Have monthly meetings to see what the status is on your goals, and hold your employees accountable for getting things accomplished.
In order to be an effective leader, you need to stay in touch with your emotions. Do not allow yourself to make any of your positive traits turn negative. For example, if you are normally a very confident leader, do not allow added pressure to turn you into someone that is overly arrogant.
Surround yourself with smart people. The best leaders out there all know one thing: when you’ve got the best people, you’ll elevate everything. Don’t think you need to be the smartest person in the company. Far from it. You need to be a visionary who sees greatness. Use that and find the best colleagues to surround yourself with.
If you want to be a good business leader, try to treat everything as being your personal fault. This is ultimately about assuming personal responsibility for all that happens in your work. Never blame coworkers or the economy. Understand that at the end of the day, those who created their own fate are the ones eating dinner out at nice restaurants.
Be prepared for conflict and try to deal with it before it gets out of hand. Ignoring conflict will make the problem worse and make you look too weak to handle it. Practicing good communication skills with your employees will help them feel more respected even if they don’t agree with specific decisions.
Adopt an eternal attitude of learning. While this article has great tips in it, there’s always something more to learn. Business changes and evolves, and you need to keep up with it. Always be reading books, newspapers and blogs. If possible, attend classes and workshops. Those are chances to learn and network.
Now that you have read this article, you should understand a bit more about what makes a great leader. Of course, there is more to becoming an effective leader than just reading a blog post. You need to put these ideas into practice. Start using them today to lead your business into the future.
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ncmagroup · 4 years
 by Adam Proehl
3 Ways to Integrate PPC & SEO: Expert Tips & Cases
Dive into top expert tips and case studies to enrich your keyword lists, strengthen your local presence, and drive more traffic.
  If your program isn’t in an advanced state already, here are ten tactics you must try this year (in no particular order).
1. Layered Audience: Demographics & Affinity
It’s no secret that a campaign will perform best when you clearly define who it’s meant for.
By using the combined power of Google Ads and Analytics, you’re able to give your campaigns a better chance of success by targeting those most likely to take the desired action. I look at demographics and affinity as a more of a passive “who they are” classification.
The screenshot below shows current site visitors who fall into the affinity category of “Pet Lovers”. Those specific customers convert 46% better than the average. That’s an audience worth engaging:
2. Layered Audience: In Market
While Demographics and Affinity audiences are more about “who they are”, In-Market audiences are about “what they’re doing”.
In this case, this an audience who is exhibiting certain online behavior consistent with those who are actively “in the market” for a product or service.
3. Layered Audience: Life Events
Anyone who has ever run a Direct Response campaign (even in the pre-digital days) knows that reaching potential customers at key life event stages can be critical to its performance.
If you’ve ever gotten a mortgage (or even just moved to a new address), you’ve probably noticed an increase in the volume of offers you receive. There’s a very good reason for that – data shows it’s effective.
Google Ads allows you to run promotions for specific “life events” on a limited basis today. It’s limited because:
You’re restricted to life events concerning:
College graduation.
It’s currently available for Gmail and YouTube campaigns.
They launched these targeting capabilities in the last couple of years and hopefully, it will eventually be expanded as a targeting layer for additional events and platforms.
4. Running One Responsive Search Ad (RSA) Per Ad Group 
I know. You tried it and were less than impressed. I get it.
Try it again, but this time on some keywords and audiences that might not be your core focus.
If your campaigns are anything like most, you have some core audiences and set of keyword variations that make up the bulk of the conversions and revenues.
Test RSAs to try and find success outside that core audience. The biggest things to remember:
The keyword in machine learning is “learning.” In order to “learn” what works, the “machine” also must learn what doesn’t. That takes time and a bit of volume to get a good read.
You still need to input some quality headlines (minimum 3, up to 15) and descriptions (minimum 2, up to 4). If those are sub-quality, no amount of machine learning will help your campaigns.
5. Establish a Target Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) or Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
This is a Marketing 101 principle that unfortunately even some of the largest companies in the world don’t complete (or at least complete properly).
The automation is now in place to optimize campaigns at scale to a specific CPA or ROAS, but that functionality is useless if you don’t have that figured out (and potentially even worse if you have a CPA or ROAS goal calculated with poor logic).
Is CPA a perfect metric? Nope.
Neither is ROAS.
I have challenges with both when we’re talking about a tactic like text search ads that usually play a role somewhere in the second half of a purchase journey.
Without proper context, CPA and ROAS are very incomplete numbers. However, you can get to a number that’s a reasonable mark for optimizing campaigns to once you take the time and effort to piece together the following:
The various marketing campaigns required to take a buyer from pre-awareness to a conversion.
The lifetime value of a customer.
Your margins.
6. Test Smart Bidding Strategies
See #5. Once you have that foundational element established, you can begin to let the system “do the grunt work” it takes to get the campaign there.
7. Invest in Microsoft Ads Already, Will You?!?!
Microsoft Ads have come a long, long way since the early days of Bing when a lot of us in PPC treated them like an afterthought that we would “get around to” when we had the time and as long they made it easy to copy our AdWords campaigns over.
Of course, there are no guarantees it’ll be effective for your brand, but I’m seeing more consistent success across my account base than I did five years ago.
They even have some features that Google doesn’t (and can’t) have. For more insight on that, check out the recent post from contributor Tim Jensen.
8. Using Google Analytics Data to Execute Remarketing Campaigns
Are you still remarketing equally to everyone who visits your site?
Are all your site visitors equal?
Of course not!
The example below is from a business that has both an eCommerce and physical retail presence.
A quality visit entering the site on a “store locator” page is an opportunity to present remarketing ads promoting the in-store experience.
9. Report the Store Visits Metric (For Businesses with Brick & Mortar Locations)
While we’re on the subject of brick & mortar, leveraging the Store visits metric available in Google Ads is a great way to gain additional support for your campaigns.
Sometimes the management in the physical stores can feel like digital marketing campaigns are designed more for Ecommerce so it’s great to be able to present this kind of data.
10. Review & (Most Likely) Revise Your Campaign Structure
A campaign restructure is often one of the first things an experienced PPC pro ends up recommending once an audit is complete.
A poor campaign structure is much like a bad foundation on a house – if that’s in bad shape, not much else matters.
A proper campaign structure has always been important, but it’s absolutely critical if you want to take advantage of the automation capabilities to optimize and scale your campaigns.
In order to let the automation handle the grunt work and get you out of the weeds, you must be very strategic about how you structure the campaigns.
There’s not a handbook on one way correct way to structure a campaign for all types of businesses, but in general, you need to take into account:
Product mix.
Core terms.
Budget ownership.
Your ability/bandwidth to manage it all.
Proper setup requires a lot of heavy lifting but will pay the dividends of long shelf life and program scalability.
Ironically, this last recommendation is something you’ll likely need to do before you can find success with the earlier ones.
Final Word
Trying these tactics will not guarantee success and I’m certain there will be additional “Must Try” PPC features this year that will make sense for your campaigns.
If you haven’t tried the tactics from this post in your campaigns yet, try using this list as a checklist and track your progress. Good luck!
  Go to our website:   www.ncmalliance.com
Top 10 Must-Try PPC Tactics for 2020  by Adam Proehl 3 Ways to Integrate PPC & SEO: Expert Tips & Cases Dive into top expert tips and case studies to enrich your keyword lists, strengthen your local presence, and drive more traffic.
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inpeaks · 4 years
“You can’t manage what you don’t measure” -Peter Drucker
Let us start this article with an easy question; do you want to be successful in life? For most of the readers, I can conveniently assume that the answer will be a “Yes”. Now let us move onto another question; how do you define a successful life? Now, this is a very difficult question.
The answer to the above question is very subjective. However, every person has to attach some objectivity to his answer in the form of measurement. For example, if your answer is “I will consider myself successful, when I will be rich”, the next question would be “How rich? $1000 rich? or $1000000 rich? Or maybe even more?” If your answer would be, “I will be called as successful when I will get a beautiful house” then the next question would be “What will be the size of the house? How many rooms?”
Measurements are important in life. Not only to know where you are right now but also to know where you want to be. If your business is dependent on a mobile app, then you should better know the importance of measurement when you want to grow your business. Although a mobile app development agency may do a very good job of giving your business idea a shape, even they cannot guarantee you any success in the absence of correct measurement systems. You will not even be able to get great performance out of your employees if you do not have specific and measurable goals for them.
Now that we have realized how important the role of measurement is, in the growth of your mobile app, it is equally critical to understand how this growth can be measured. You cannot buy rice in “litres”, and you can never use a weighing scale to check the temperature of an object. There are scales, S.I Units, and metrics defined to measure different physical properties of any substance on this planet. Similarly, the growth of any mobile app is also measured using particular metrics and standards. Let us take a look at a few of them to understand the art of measuring and achieving the growth of an app:
The Digital Advertising Metrics
The dictionary meaning of the word “Metric” is “a system or standard of measurement”. There are various parameters, which have to be accounted for when you try to analyze the success of a mobile app, and different metrics provide this analysis a framework to get a fair idea of growth.
1. CPI:
It stands for Cost per Install. It is used as a pricing model by digital marketers, in which the app owner pays every time a user installs their app. It is a very simple model and most closely related to the desired outcome that the app should be installed by the user. The formula for CPI is
(Expenditure on Ads/Total Installs)= Cost per install
This model puts the responsibility of increasing the downloads of the app on the marketing company to publish the ads in places with high conversion rates. However, at the same time, CPI can charge you significantly higher than the other models as it is more result-driven and convenient for you.
2. CPM:
It is another model similar to CPI. CPM here stands for Cost per Mille. In Latin, “Mille” is used for 1000. Therefore, CPM means Cost per 1000 ad impressions. This metric is important for developers as well as the advertisers as it determines the cost of ad space. The success of a CPM campaign is easy to find out by looking at click-through rates. CPM is ideal in situations when the business is more inclined towards increasing awareness and exposure of the brand rather than looking for high user action-based goals like installing an app or clicking on a particular link. CPM is more economical as compared to CPI as it is based on a just number of eyeballs an ad caught.
3. CPC:
As you must have guessed it by now, CPC is “Cost per Click”. Another simple yet effective model for digital advertisers to build their pricing model. The goal is to get maximum clicks from the target audience on an ad. This is again a user action-based goal for the advertisers and hence can be a little expensive option for the business. Nevertheless, the CPC model gives you a clear idea that how effective was the ad as compared to CPM where you are not completely sure whether the user will visit the app/website after watching the ad.
Apart from these metrics the digital marketing pricing models also run on CPCV (cost per completed view), where you pay if the user watches a complete ad video and CPE (cost per engagement) where engagement can be anything from swiping on an ad to submitting contact details.
Financial Metrics
1. ARPU:
The full form of ARPU is “Average Revenue per User”. It is the ratio of total revenue and number of users. It is a very important metric for you and your investors as the potential of an app can be judged by this metric. If an app has a very high ARPU, it means that it is receiving a good amount of money from each customer. Therefore, even if you are playing in a very niche segment with your app, a healthy ARPU can boost your start.
2. AOV:
Average Order Value is the ratio of total revenue and the number of orders. It is important to calculate the returns on operational expenses. Taking the example of an e-Commerce application, there are some costs associated with the processing of each order right from the order confirmation to final delivery. In such a case, it is important to calculate the amount of cash inflow with each order. Therefore, AOV is necessary to be calculated.
Another similar metric to AOV is AOVPPU, which is Average Order Value per paying user. Some apps may provide some free services to users. However, revenue increases only when revenue from these paying users increases. This can be done by providing extra services to these paying users. Hence, AOVPPU can help you in formulating strategies to increase willingness to pay in users.
3. CPA:
It is nothing but Cost per Acquisition. It is the average cost incurred to the business in acquiring one subscriber or paying user of the app. The formula for this is as follows:
Cost per acquisition = Total cost of campaign / Number of Acquisitions 
Some of you may think this metric should come under the previous category and not in the category of financial metrics. Let me make this thing clear that CPA is a cost that includes all the moolah spent by the company in acquiring one customer. It may include marketing as well as developmental expenses. To make profits, you have to keep the prices of your paid app features higher than the CPA.
The most basic metric, which is used to monitor the health of any business, remains ROI. Return on Investment is the percentage of total costs incurred that was converted into profits.
ROI = [(Revenue-Total Investment)/Total Investment] x 100
Engagement Metrics
Your app’s success is not limited to mere installation. Installation is the fruit of good marketing of the app but the customer engagement is the real deal that has to be cracked. For active usage, everything matters in your app right from the content to the service. Therefore maintaining active users is very important for the growth of the business. The engagement metrics are very simple yet important to understand.
DAU/WAU/MAU: Number of Daily Active Users, Weekly Active Users, and Monthly Active Users. These are important to keep a track of active users as well as to formulate plans to call them back to the app.
Session Length: This is the average time spent by a user in a single session. It is the total time between the opening and closing of the app. The longer duration will mean that the users are more engaged.
Retention Rate: Percentage of customers who came back to your app in the last X no. of days (Generally X=30). It measures the utility of the app. The customers must be motivated to use your app at last once in those X number of days. This will keep your app in their phones for a longer period.
Churn Rate:This is equal to (100-Retention Rate) %, that number of customers who did not come back in the last X days. A high churn rate requires an intervention from your side to call the customers back to the app.
LTV: It stands for Life Time Value. LTV measures the average total profits made per user during his/her entire life on the app before he/she stops using the app. Higher retention will keep the users hooked on to your app for a longer period of time and hence LTV will be higher. If your LTV is low, then you must work on other parameters like increasing ARPU, increasing retention rate and reducing CPA.
Improving Metrics via SMART Goal Setting
Until now, we have seen the important metrics to track to measure the growth of the business. In the upcoming paragraphs, we will see a very simple technique to be followed to set the goals to improve the performance of the app on all these metrics. The name of this goal-setting technique is SMART.
The full form of SMART is self-explanatory. The metrics make your lives easy in setting up SMART goals for your business. Here’s how:
Specific: What is more specific than numbers and mathematics? Therefore, metrics can help you set to-the-point goals for your business. Your team will also be more motivated in achieving those specific numbers.
Measurable: The sole purpose of metrics is to measure. Therefore, continuous tracking of the performance of the app will lead to a high-performance culture in your organization. This can also give a touch of gamification to your employees when they will be rewarded after reaching a certain “metric” milestone.
Achievable: Metrics prevent you from over-estimations and make you more patient. Hence, the goals set should be achievable and not impossible. It is very important to set difficult but achievable goals to reach success and metrics can help you do that.
Realistic: Impractical goals will help nobody. Do not set very high targets for yourself and the team. This will result in a strong resent as well as the stressed environment.
Time-bound: Metrics like a number of downloads per month, LTV and retention rate have one thing in common. They are all dependent on time. The time-bound goals are necessary to present the projected growth in front of the investors. Your aim should be to set goals for a specific time and not for eternity.
Improving Metrics via Tracking Goals
Now you have understood what SMART goals are what your approach should be towards goal setting for the growth of the app. The next step, which appears, is setting up the goals in a goal tracking system. To keep things simple, we will go ahead with Google Analytics as a goal tracking system. Google Analytics will not be able to tell you how your business is doing without your help. You have to tell Google Analytics the critical parameters to be tracked.
You can track your goals on Google Analytics through URL Destination, Visit Duration, Page/Visit and Events. The following guide may explain this briefly.
1. To find Goals in Google Analytics
Step 1: Go to Google Analytics Standard Reports
Step 2: Go to “Admin” section by clicking on the button in the top right
Step 3: Click on “Goals”
Step 4: Choose one of the Goal Sets
Step 5: Click on “+Goal” to add a new goal in the goal setting
2. Name the Goal:
The name should be clear in terms of communicating the metric, which is going to be tracked. The name is important because this name will pop up all over Google Analytics.
3. Active/Inactive State of Goal:
Once a new goal is created, it cannot be deleted. It can only be activated and deactivated. This is because the compilation of data for the reports is done by Google Analytics. Hence, a goal created cannot be removed.
Now let us understand different ways to track the goals one by one in Google Analytics:
URL Destination: These goals are triggered each time the user visits a specific URL. This is most effective when you have confirmation or thank you pages, or some links for downloads.
Visit Duration: As the name suggests, the goals will be dependent on time in this. This type of defining goals can be used to measure retention on the platform. You can measure how many people stayed on the platform for a certain amount of time.
Pages/Visit: This tracks the number of pages a user view in each of his/her visits. It is also similar to duration based goals and the below screenshot will give a clearer image.
Event: These goals are slightly more complex than others. You can track almost anything in Google Analytics using these types of goals. You just need to have some basic knowledge of JavaScript.
This Guide will take you through a complete journey of setting goals on the basis of events. You can track external links, downloads, completed view of videos, widget usage, and social media interactions, etc. Hence, you can track almost all the metrics using Events.
Improving Metrics via Split Testing
Setting performance goals is an extrinsic way to grow your app or it may be called the first step. However, to achieve these goals, you might have to take the help of the mobility service provider which pro dirty. It means that you have to come up with new ways and innovative methods to improve your metrics.
However, would you be able to go full throttle with every new experiment you think of? Of course not. In such a situation, the split testing comes to your rescue.
What is Split Testing? As the name suggests, it is a testing of a new intervention. It is a method of conducting experiments in a controlled environment to improve the metrics. Here the traffic, which comes to your app, will be divided into two groups Original (Group A) and Variation (Group B). The users in Group B will have no idea that they are undergoing an experiment or a new intervention. The data is recorded of both the groups to check if there is any significant change in the behavior of Group B as compared to Group A after implementation of the intervention.
This technique can be used to test the impact of any change made in the app like registration pages or calls to action or sometimes a process improvement. Subjective choices towards web design can be measured objectively using this technique. Therefore, it is a great way to check any hypothesis related to any intervention and hence, ultimately demonstrating the ROI of the intervention.
Summary and Conclusion
This article focused on the importance of metrics and measurement in the growth of an app or business as a whole. It talked about the critical metrics and pricing models followed by the various developers and advertisers related to enterprise mobility solutions. We also talked about the significance of metrics in a smart goal setting for the growth of an app. We then moved onto the discussion of Google Analytics and setting up of Tracking Goals. In the last, we saw how split testing and its analysis can be used to measure the impact of various experiments done on the application to enhance its growth.
In conclusion, it can be said that the measurement is the key to growth. An app requires your continuous attention to be a success. And when you can measure success in numbers, it gives clear directions, objective decision making, and specific goals as a result.
The post App Analytics – The Importance of Measurement When Growing a Mobile App appeared on Digital Ideas.
via Digital Ideas
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graciousavatar-blog · 5 years
Get The Best Personality Development Classes in Gurgaon
Although we all think that we are very smart and we know how to carry our self but still at a certain age, everyone fears for personality development and searches for
personality development
guidelines.Everybody has his own potentials and characters which make him/her exceptional and unique but still, everyone tries to improve their persona, that’s when personality development comes in picture.
We at Gracious Avatar help you to improve and cultivate your personality not only externally but internally too. We work from your outer appearance to your internal thought process.Our
Personality Development program
is such that you will improvise for lifetime.
Uncertainty if you think personality means looking good and gorgeous than your friends you are completely wrong.
Personality is a very wide-ranging term and takes into account the physical as well as the psychological and emotional state of an individual.
No matter where you go; be it an interview or your daily working place your overall personality plays a very crucial role in defining your success.
Now, the question is how do we develop personality?
Our PD Program enlists most important
personality development
tips that should not be overlooked. This is the reason why so many people nowadays enroll in personality development programs, but to be honest you do not need to do all that.
Gracious Avatar will help you through our Personality Development Tips
In simple terms, Personality development is an initiative to improve certain behaviors and abilities which contribute to your overall personality.
No matter what your age is, there is continuously a space for improvement. Having a good personality can help in your proficient and social life.
Personality     does not mean that you should have looks
Personality represents the people how you are. It is not just looks that are important and that define who you are. The personality of an individual is determined by his/her appearance, behavior, attitude, education, values and some more varying characteristics. Personality defines who you are and how you respond to various situations. It is essential to focus on the personality, which matters the most.
Dress     up well:
How you should dress up for different places and occasions like office, party or any other occasion.  Wear according to the occasions. Noble looks no doubt will add to your personality but what matters the most is how you are dressed up. It plays a major role in personality development.
Each     person is unique:
Each individual is different and has his/ her unique characteristics and abilities. Comparing yourself to others around only increases the distress, especially when you start focusing on where you are lacking compared to others.
Learn social skills:
Attractiveness will never be sufficient to take you forward in life or help you in your relationships with people. Instead, improve your social skills.
Try to make use of positive body language and gestures while interacting with others and watch out for your body language too. .
Distinguish     your positives:
If every individual has his or her boundaries, then he or she also has positives. These positive are what you need to concentrate on. Know your strengths. Acknowledge them and work with them. It would definitely help you to overcome your challenges and take you into a long run.
Stop     looking for Coziness
Be organized to experiment with yourself by learning new skills. For most people it’s a huge learning curve to start something new  like a small business, so you must have a very positive, open-minded attitude and hold any changes you need to make.
Don’t     Terror Disappointment
Don’t keep apprehension about doing blunders, you will make tons in your journey and a lot of them may hold you back for a while but don’t give up …keep trying.
Come Across As a Leader
Whatsoever you acquire and however little you know, use it well. Become a specialist on whatever topic you tackle, then you have the knowledge to pass it on to others and if you put your message across in the right way, you will attract followers. Express yourself and always do, what you say.
Be funny & don’t be serious always
No one likes uninteresting and somber people. Everyone enjoys the company of someone who makes them laugh. Do not beat around the bush just to make others laugh. Try to add fun while having a conversation; others will naturally be attracted to you.
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Gracious Avatar as we will help you through our PersonalityDevelopment Program.
Effort and regularity will win the day every time.
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kennethherrerablog · 5 years
These 17 Tips Will Help Turn Your Job Interview Into a Job Offer
The job hunt can be a long and arduous process.
Sometimes it takes hundreds of applications before you hear back from any employers. And when you do, your work isn’t over. That was stage one. Now, you have to prepare for the (sometimes) dreaded job interview.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. We’re here to help. With the right preparation, you can turn that interview anxiety into excitement.
17 Essential Job Interview Tips
We’ve compiled the top tips from industry experts. We’ll walk you through exactly what to do before, during and after the interview. It doesn’t matter if this is your first job interview or your 40th, following these steps help you leave a positive impression on your soon-to-be employer.
What to Do Before an Interview
Great, your interview is set for Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. Congratulations! Use the time before then wisely. Unfortunately, you can’t just cruise in and claim your job. You’ll have to do some legwork to distinguish yourself from other applicants. Here’s what you need to do before your big day.
1. Research the Company
Having a solid understanding of the company is crucial. You don’t want to be caught fumbling basic information during the job interview.
You should spend some time on the company’s website to acquaint yourself with its mission statement, top clients, leadership and history.
Adequate preparation can help you feel better, too, according to Michelle Armer, chief human resources officer at CareerBuilder.
“To help curb pre-interview jitters, interviewees should give themselves time in advance to prepare and build their confidence,” she says.
And if you’re still feeling anxious, Armer recommends giving yourself a pep talk, rehearsing your answers and listening to energetic music to keep your spirits high.
2. Reach Out to Alumni
To form a well-rounded opinion about an organization, it’s important to hear what its employees are saying. Yes, the company website is a good start, but that’s only one perspective.
Vipula Gandhi, managing partner at Gallup, says feedback from alumni is crucial to understanding a company’s culture before an interview. (Gandhi says her tips are based on more than a decade of experience interviewing candidates and not on Gallup’s research.)
One way to get unfiltered employee opinion is by checking the company’s Glassdoor reviews. Glassdoor is a job-search engine that aggregates anonymous employee opinions and rates companies from one to five stars based on the employees’ ratings. But don’t stop there.
Gandhi recommended using LinkedIn to get in direct contact with current and former employees. That way, you’ll have a clear understanding of the employee experience.
3. Clean Up Your Social Media
What you put on your LinkedIn profile is obviously fair game for HR.
But what about your Facebook and Instagram? Well, if you didn’t submit the social media accounts voluntarily, that could be a legal gray area. But some employers and recruiting agencies use them anyway to screen applicants.
Ben Brooks, CEO of Pilot, a career-coaching startup, says to make sure there aren’t any embarrassing photos of you that are publicly searchable.
“What does your social media say about you?” Brooks asks. “If someone looked at your profile for 10 seconds, what’s the interpretation? What are the three words they’re gonna say?”
Hopefully: You are hired.
4. Conduct a Dry Run and Mock Interview
Doing a complete dry run will make everything easier when the day of the interview comes.
And by dry run I mean driving to the site of the interview to figure out logistics like parking and traffic (or testing your webcam if it’s a virtual job interview) and enlisting a friend to do a mock interview with you.
Dana Sitar, an editor at The Penny Hoarder, compiled a list of the 20 most common interview questions, from the infamous “What are your weaknesses?” to softballs like “What are your hobbies?”
Having articulate responses to common questions will allow you to focus on being in the moment instead of feeling put on the spot.
5. Prepare Your Documents
Depending on your industry and the instructions of the application, documents you may need to prepare could include your resume, portfolio samples or any pre-tests the company may have assigned you.
Regardless of industry, you should bring a few extra resumes with you, just in case. You never know if all the people included in the interview had time to review your application thoroughly. Even if they did, having extra resumes on hand helps you look prepared.
It’s best to have these documents printed out and ready to go the night before. If you don’t have a printer or are having technical problems, stores like UPS, Office Depot and FedEx will allow you to print copies cheaply. There’s always your trusty local library, too.
6. Plan What to Wear
How you look in the interview is almost as important as your qualifications. Planning an outfit can be a delicate balancing act and yet another source of stress for some people.
You want to look sharp — but not pretentious or underdressed.
Richard South, corporate partnership program manager at Georgia Tech, coaches thousands of university students on best interview practices. He says to consider industry trends when choosing your outfit.
Interviewing at a business firm?
“Put on a suit,” South advises, noting that suits may be overkill for other industries.
Computer science or advertising fields might be more casual. The important part is not to guess.
Ideally, you’ve already reached out to alumni and talked about company culture. Asking them about attire is a great way to ensure your outfit is appropriate.
Once you’ve decided what to wear, set it out before you go to bed — pressed and wrinkle-free. It will save you the hassle in the morning.
7. Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Research? Check. Documents? Check. Outfit? Check.
Ticking all those boxes the night before will ease your mind and help you sleep. Try to get at least seven to nine hours of shut-eye to be on your A-game the next day.
And make sure that time frame is actual sleep time, not just time you spend lying in bed. It’s likely that you’ll be a little nervous, so give yourself an extra hour to fall asleep.
What to Do During an Interview
Now is the time all that preparation and good sleep pays off. Try to stay mindful and relaxed. Don’t worry about rehearsing your answers. You’ve done that already. Be in the moment and you’ll come across more genuine and likeable.
8. Arrive Early — and Alone
General rule of thumb: 10 minutes early is considered on time, and on time is considered late.
Ten minutes is the sweet spot because you want to be early but not so early that they’re not yet expecting you.
And please, don’t bring your parent.
In a somewhat recent phenomenon, helicopter parents have started intervening in their kids’ job hunt.  
A recent survey from Robert Half showed that 69% of hiring managers either would not recommend or are annoyed at parental involvement during job interviews — from explicative phone calls that urge companies to hire their kid, to baked goods used to coax hiring managers.
9. Treat All Staff Respectfully
It doesn’t matter if you took the wrong exit off the interstate and then spilled coffee on your freshly pressed oxford that morning.
Do not get snarky or rude with anyone in or around the company — whether that’s the security guard in the lobby or someone you passed in the street.
For all you know, that could be Jen in accounting.
She doesn’t realize your stomach has possible second-degree burns; she just knows that you bumped into her and scoffed on your way into the office.
And guess who she’s going to tell after you leave? Your hiring manager.
10. Turn Your Job Experience into a Story
When the interviewer asks something along the lines of “So, tell me about yourself,” that’s your time to shine.
Nailing an interview isn’t about regurgitating your resume.
“It’s all about the stories and narrative you have,” Brooks says.
This is also a good opportunity to incorporate experience that wasn’t directly relevant to the job application but could pertain to your soft skills or personality.
Maybe you did an au pair program or studied abroad during college. If so, talk about your international experience.
Dr. Christine Farrugia was the deputy head of research for the Institute of International Education, where she led a study that examined the employability of alumni who studied abroad. She’s now the director of research initiatives at Columbia University’s School of Professional Studies.
According to Farrugia, the key is having an anecdote ready.
“The person interviewing you may not ask about it directly,” she says.
11. Ask the Right Questions
Interviews are two-way conversations, says Rosemary Haefner, chief human resources officer at Spins, a retail-industry consulting firm.
“You also want to learn from the company if it will be a good fit for you,” she says. “Come prepared with questions that help you determine if you will get all that you need to be successful, not just a paycheck.”
This guide walks you through exactly what questions to ask during a job interview and why they’re useful. Pro-tip: Ask, “Beyond the core job duties, what are the things you really want to accomplish and achieve with this role?”
Questions like that will not only impress the hiring manager, but will also give you a better understanding of how you’ll have an impact at the company.
There are plenty of areas to avoid asking about, too — like vacation time or basic information about the company.
“How smart your question is would define how the interviewer sees you,” Gandhi says.
12. Mind Your Body Language
Hiring managers pay keen attention to body language.
According to research from Robert Half, unspoken signals, such as eye contact, facial expressions, posture, handshake and fidgeting play an extremely important role into how you’re perceived during an interview.
Many of these cues aren’t intentional. They’re physical responses to how you’re feeling. So internally obsessing about your posture and facial expressions isn’t going to help much, either.
The point is, you should feel confident and relaxed — and those things stem from adequate preparation.
13. Vet Your Potential Manager
When you go into your interview, treat it like a date.
See if you are clicking with your manager. Think to yourself, “If I get this job, I’m going to spend much of my waking life with this person.”
Are they funny? Laid back? Knowledgeable? It’s crucial to understand what makes a good manager because a bad one can ruin a great job, and vice versa.
So don’t let the deciding factor be the salary or the prestige of the company.
“It’s all about the manager,” Gandhi says.
14. Don’t Speak Negatively About Past Employers
Inevitably, you will get a question along the lines of, “Why did you leave your past job?”
Your mind might flash back to all the times you were wronged, and you might be tempted to air some of those grievances. Just don’t.
It comes across as unprofessional. And the new company might think that if they hire you, it will someday be in one of your negative stories.
Instead, focus on talking about the challenges and opportunities of a new job — not the time your old boss took credit for the data you pulled at 2 a.m. to make deadline.
What to Do After an Interview
Before you bust out of the office to celebrate for a job well done, there are a few other things you should do to increase your chances of getting hired.
15. Ask to Tour the Office
Touring the office works in your favor for a couple of reasons.
First, it increases face time with your hiring manager and allows for some less formal banter as you make your rounds and introduce yourself to potential colleagues.
Beyond that, it allows you to see what’s really happening on the ground floor. As you walk through different pods or workspaces, take note of the office morale. Does everyone look stressed or excited?
If it’s around lunchtime, see if a lot of employees are eating at their desks. That could be a sign of being overworked.
If they say no to the tour, it’s not a deal-breaker. It’s possible that there isn’t enough time built into the interview to accommodate an office tour, but it never hurts to ask.
16. Establish Next Steps
Before you say your goodbyes, make sure to have a clear time frame of when you will hear back.
“Nothing can be more frustrating than completing an interview and then feeling everything goes silent,” Haefner says.  “Ask the company where they are in the recruiting process… and who is best for you to follow up with for status updates.”
Asking about this outright saves you some guesswork, and you won’t be left pacing back and forth in your living room thinking, “It’s been one day. Why haven’t I heard anything? Shouldn’t they have sent an email? I’m going to call them. They probably hired someone else!”
When in reality, they likely have internal processes that you’re unaware of.
17. Send a Thank-You Note
Thank-you notes are a surefire way to distinguish yourself from other candidates. Hiring managers love them, and applicants often forget to send them.
In our Jobs Hunting 101 ecourse, we recommend sending them regardless of how the interview goes.
An email should suffice. Try to send it out within 24 hours of your interview, and make sure to separately thank everyone who interviewed you.
In your messages you should include:
A recap of the value you bring to the role.
Any small clarifications or points you didn’t mention during the interview.
Sincere gratitude and enthusiasm.
Avoid the temptation to copy and paste the same scripted message to everyone. That could backfire. Where possible, personalize it as best you can. Give it a little flair.
And if you really want brownie points, don’t send an email. Send a handwritten thank-you note.
Adam Hardy is a staff writer on the Make Money team at The Penny Hoarder. He lives off a diet of stale puns and iced coffee. Read his full bio here, or say hi on Twitter @hardyjournalism.
This was originally published on The Penny Hoarder, which helps millions of readers worldwide earn and save money by sharing unique job opportunities, personal stories, freebies and more. The Inc. 5000 ranked The Penny Hoarder as the fastest-growing private media company in the U.S. in 2017.
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These 17 Tips Will Help Turn Your Job Interview Into a Job Offer published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
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hbrody-dvc2-blog · 6 years
Design Methodologies Reading Summaries
1. A Designer’s Research Manual (Chapter 1, PDF provided) by J. and K. Visocky O’Grady
This chapter discusses the value provided to companies by design. The chapter begins by explaining that research helps prove creative’s worth. It helps define the audience, support a concept, advocate for aesthetic and measure the effectiveness of a campaign. With all these tools in hand, the graphic designer should think of themselves as a strategic consultant. We learned the difference between user-centered design (understanding the target audience) and human-centered design (universal design). This chapter further explained what design is: it’s understanding the client, the user and the problem. In order to synthesize all the information gathered by research, this chapter discussed the value in thinking laterally instead of literally. Having the culture of anything goes and thinking metaphorically. The authors recommend “framing the creative process with logic and the less expected can thrive within”. The chapter finished by showing how companies who employ design on a high level get a much high return on investment than companies who do not.
This chapter was helpful to me for our current project because it reinforced the importance of the skills we are developing. This chapter also gives great tips on how to break research down; the creative needs to understand the client, the user and the problem. In my own research, that helped me know where to start and helped me frame my questions. I think the advice that the “unconventional needs to work in tandem wit the methodical” was important for me to read. I am going to try to think laterally instead of literally once I begin synthesizing my research.
2. The Strategic Designer, tools and techniques for managing the design process (Introduction and Chapter 1, PDR provided) by D. Holston
This chapter helped me to understand how the role of the graphic designer is changing today and the creative process. The chapter began by emphasizing that the designer needs to employ design thinking in order to avoid becoming a commodity and to compete in today’s market. The writer explained that technical know-how is going to become less important compared to the ability to create, analyze, transform information and interact with others. The new designer of today embraces complexity, works well collaboratively, designs in context and is accountable. This chapter explained design as “a business tool that makes a strategy visible.” It then went on to explain, like our previous article, that linear problem solving is not as successful as lateral problem solving, or in the terms of this chapter, “the spiral method”.  The spiral method involves information gathering, initial set of designs that are critiqued and then many prototypes that incrementally reach the end goal. This chapter explained three stages of design: divergence, transformation and convergence. These three stages move from complexity to certainty as kinks are worked out and prototypes are tested. The entire design process was broken into six steps: establishing client-designer relationship, project definition, design research, concept development, design development and design evaluation. All of these steps were explained in detail, which was very enlightening.
This chapter was very helpful to me. Reading about the design process in depth provides me with a great framework to begin researching and planning with. Reminding myself that it is good to begin with complexity. When I’m struggling through the complexity of my chosen problem, the six steps laid out will provide a helpful framework for me to play inside of and will help move me along toward certainty.
3. Five Global Challenges Designers and Architects Can Solve in 2017 by Heather Corcoran
This was a fascinating and alarming article about five challenges (adequate housing, trash overflow, ocean health, food shortages, and our aging population) that are soon to become big problems unless something is done. This article discussed people who are taking on these global challenges by thinking laterally, collaborating and using empathy to understand what the needs are.
This was a helpful article to me for my project in that is showed more examples of smart design. People who see a need and work toward a solution, no matter how daunting. The value of seeing what is happening around you with empathy is essential to identifying a need and then a solution.
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