#it is what it is . i just wont open twt today anyways
sedinsinshootouts · 5 months
gently hoping ppl tag the hky cnd stuff today
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
I don't know what happened; Tumblr just decided to ghost me for 4 days😭 Like, it didn't even open ;-;
I missed you so much and I feel so bad like I've abandoned you ;-;
I hate Tumblr sometimes,, I also missed the ice-cream game grrrrr
Anyways, how are you?? How is your life going? Do you have time for yourself? I hope you do >:c
I'm so sad Halloween is over,, but at least now Tohma is here and I can start praying to get him without using too many primos :|
Also, I love you tons, remember that <33 💖💖
OMG YACHIIIII!! FRIENDDDD *hug* Awww it's okie!! tumblr breaks all the time, I'm not even surprised something like this happened!
aww no! it's okie, if anything, I abandoned yall but in my defense I'm really busy! Like this week i'm planning on finishing 2 weeks worth of hw. I have an essay due next week and I JUST settled on a topic so I plan to finish the rough draft today, edit as much as I can, and send it to a tutor who's gonna look it over for me. They take like 3-5 days to respond so HOPEFULLY i can get my essay back within the time limit. I'm sad I can only send in a rough draft and not a finished product. I could also take a whole extra day to perfect before but i can't risk not getting it back ;w; im so scared it's worth 60% of my grade AND i've managed to maintain an 89% (it was 92% idk wtf happened) and so if I don't turn it in i wont pass BUT I'VE TURNED IN EVERY SINGLE HW ASSIGNMENT >:0
don't mind me going on a tangent there o.o
so in summation! to answer your question, I do not have time to myself ;w; but it's just this week! then i'll be free next week sooo that's a positive! although I think i have two exams next week or an exam next week and then one after that.
omg YES. I was so sad when we had to take the halloween decorations down! ;w; like I said, i dont like xmas THAT much to be that excited about it. Mainly bc my family doesn't celebrate xmas like some people. i mean we don't celebrate halloween either BUT we did get into the halloween spirit and im sad it's over so soon TwT ONE MONTH ISNT ENOUGH LIKE COME ON-
but yes! have you gotten thoma yet? do you plan on rolling for Itto, Gorou, or Albedo??? or are you saving primos for a completely different character?? o:
I LOVE YOU MORE ^w^ <33 you're so sweet hehe
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