#it is the ultimate rebirth batjokes with a batcat ending
just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Sometimes I still have nightmares over Batman Prelude to The Wedding: Batgirl vs Riddler.
Almost all my problems with Rebirth Riddler come from that comic (is him my favorite Riddler? Not even close, but besides this specific story Eddie is still fun and I like him) and there were soo many ways to make it a good story. In five minutes I got three different - not necessarialy good - better ideas.
Firstly they could've just made it the start of an Oracle short series, it would solve a lot of problems in characther motivation. Make so Riddler discovered that there is a misterious voice that helps the bats and is actually the one solving his riddles and he grows obcessed over this voice. He sees them as matching intelects and being outcasts and he needs to uncover everything about them and so he lays traps. It becomes a story about Riddler losing it as he starts to question his self value in contrast to Barbara who is rediscovering her self-value as she discovers she can be more than a supporter and actually do hero work on her own even with her disabilities. I won't explain much more because while I think it could be great and could adapt some of the original story ideas it doesn't work as a Prelude to the Wedding story.
Second they could've taken the creepy crush and made it as Edward having a weird missplaced obcesion with family and done an Spoiler story with him creeping on the Browns. This one is mostly because seeing BatCat as part of the dream for a nuclear family is one of the few original angles it wasn't already explored in the Prelude stories.
Thirdly and the one who makes more sense in a Prelude to Wedding story: make it about Joker. And I don't mean changing Riddler to Joker or even featuring Joker in the story. Only that Joker is the motivation. Rebrith Riddler, specially in the whole BatCat wedding saga has a clear admiration for Joker that can even be seing as an unresciprocated crush, he planned his own violent defeat at the hands of Kite Man in WoJaR so Joker could laugh again for god sake.
For some reason this specific phase of Rebirth Riddler would do anything for Joker. And Riddler vs Batgirl even mentions that Joker did kidnapp Edward at some point to rant about Batman getting maried. If I recall corectly it was the explanation for how Ed knew Batman was getting maried. So leen on that. Joker is unhappy. All the Prelude shows that.
So Edward's solution is to try to antagonize other members of the bat-family to show Joker that he can always find a new nemesis. His whole showdown with Batgirl is about showing that they don't need Batman, in this version Ed's ramblings about love show his views of love as equasions and how everyone can be easily replaced. He choose Batgirl because she fitted most boxes on the things normal people would like about someone - just like Bruce, because Edward has no idea why Joker likes him and does what he does when he doesn't known, specially with emotion, he analyses it objectvaly and with data - and he is basically testing her to confirm his theories and turn her and Joker into nemesis. Barbara is of course horrified by all this. She wins and for a second Edward is elated. Because it was never about winning it was about proving that Barbara was good enough for Joker. Until Barbara says that if everyone can be replaced and love is a equation why didn't he let go of Joker yet. And he realises he did all that for nothing. If he didn't gave up Joker than why would Joker be any different and give up Barman? Barbara just like in the original tale ends up learning nothing except weird things about Riddler's psyque and just having a horrible day. But at least no one creeped on her for one day and then the universe forgot about it.
#riddler#edward nygma#batman prelude to the wedding#batgirl vs riddler prelude to the wedding#or my least favorite riddler comic#alternativally my least favorite barbara gordon comic#barbara gordon#batgirl#batca wedding#riddlejokes#it was not my intencion#but War of Jokes and Riddles messed with my head#it is the ultimate rebirth batjokes with a batcat ending#but what was the conclusion they were hoping we would make of Riddler masterminded his violent defeat so Joker would laugh#if not Edward pathetic uncorresponded love for the worst person ever#Rebirth Riddler#rebirth#I decided not to talk about Tom King Batgirl#or how Barbara looks like a teenager in the comic making Ed's crush even more creepy#and no my issue is not that they made riddler a creepy incel over Barbara#is that it lasted one issue not even the whole saga the comic was part of#Ed was a creepy incel once at random and that was it#like for a whole day Riddler decided he had a creeping crush on Batgirl based on nothing and decided to make it everyone's problem#he was never shown or implied to have any feeling for her not even romantic feelings just something#they barely interacted during this whole phase at all#it was just that specific day#it doesn't even work as he is using Barbara as a replacement to Batman cause the comic does it's best to show Ed as the cringiest cithet#and yes the Query and Echo thing hurted me personally#all for just one issue#if you going to make my favorite villan suck at least do it in a fun or engaging way or at least make it make sense
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