#it is surprising because i kinda hated him all this time???? prejudice against everything surrounding akito was THAT big ig
ascorian · 9 months
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bunch of sketches I don't hate
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katblaque · 7 years
Chris Ray Gun, White Hysteria and Dishonesty
For the past few weeks, we've seen a bit of a shift in white youtubers- especially on the gaming side of the platform. White gamers who generally only offer their (supposedly) funny hot takes on the latest games and the hottest gaming trends have taken the dive into political commentary. They’re inspired by this new presidency and conversations surrounding him and the so-called “SJWs” and “Main Stream Media”. While some are critical of Trump, plenty of them have come out to boldly state that they hold ideologies that are consistent with the leader of the free world. Bravely, they've taken to Twitch broadcasts and Google Hangouts to express their true feelings and one such gamer was JonTron, of the Game Grumps. 
Jon Jafari, a man who self identifies as white despite being Iranian (more on that later), has taken to several broadcasts to express his sympathy with White Nationalism and White Supremacy. This has shocked a lot of his fans, who have now transformed his Reddit page into a mostly anti-JonTron roast fest. While they remain shocked by his out of touch comments like “Rich black commit more crime than poor whites” and “What about the crime rate in Africa?”- I’m actually not very surprised by this at all. Now, confession, I have a bit of a prejudice against the gaming community- if you haven’t been able to tell already. While I know and understand that not all gamers are racists and not all gamers cosign things like sexism and misogyny, I’ve been hardpressed to find a group of people who have the same visibility and influence as someone like PewDiPi or Game Grumps, call these things out. In fact, it seems like often times they side with and sympathize with the times when racism or sexism materialize in their circles. So, I have- what I’ll admit, is a pretty unfair bias against gamers and I’m not surprised when prominent gamers turn out to be racist and I’m even less surprised when they’re defending by other prominent gamers. 
Because I’m a black woman who blogs about anti-racism and does so pretty openly, I get a lot of harassment and trolling. Now, I’ve been a blogger since I was 15- so honestly these things don’t really phase me, but I’ll be honest and say that sometimes I get trollish myself and at times it’s not always the best recourse. One thing I’ve learned (especially on this fucking website- still hate tumblr) is that often times when you’re in situations like this, it’s best to not respond.. .but hey-probably because I’m a child of the internet, it’s hard for me not to sometimes. 
Racist trolls always dominate my mentions. Any time I make any point about racism, you’ll be sure to find some white troll in my comment section refuting what I’m saying. The other day, I was ranting about JonTron because, TBH, I really find the whole thing quite fascinating. White people have largely convinced themselves that being called out for racism can ruin someone’s career. And you know what- as someone who’s fans have tracked down racists who’ve attacked me and gotten them fired... I get it. That’s not totally untrue- but it definitely is on Youtube. 
JonTron regurgitates white supremacist talking points almost perfectly and one of said talking points is “White Genocide”. If you've never heard of this term before, it sounds like it’s a discussion about the mass murder of white people. I completely understand why people would think that, but that isn't what it means. Here’s a definition from one of the leading White Genocide information websites:
White Genocide is:
Moving millions of non-White immigrants into traditionally White countries over a period of years 
Legally chasing down and forcing White areas to accept “diversity“. This is known as “Forced Assimilation“.
White Genocide is being carried out by massive immigration of non-White people and forced assimilation. As a result we are turning into the minority in America, Australia, Canada, and Europe. 
Now, if White Genocide were the mass killing of white people on the basis of them being white, I would obvious oppose that. Why? Because I don’t believe in any sort of genocide or violence on the basis of race. hell, I’m the same person who defended Trump supporters and Tumblr’s STILL mad about it. 
White Genocide is a concept that’s been around forever. With the hysteria around immigration today, I think a lot of people can connect the dots and see why people like JonTron (The son of an Iranian Immigrant) would easily latch onto these ideologies. This is part of why it doesn’t shock me. Because if you know anything about American History, you know this conversation has come up decade after decade whenever a large group of non-white immigrants come into the country. A central aspect of this concept is a demonization of miscegenation. Miscegenation, if you don’t know is just an old-timey word used to describe interracial relationships. As a black woman with a white boyfriend (who BTW is Japanese and Italian- so pretty much already unpure), I personally find the hysteria to be quite funny. It’s honestly hard for me not to. I guess it’s because I’ve been a minority my entire life and I’ve had to listen to white people- even in this conversation, pretend as though things are completely fine when it comes to how the majority relates to the minority. Hearing all of these white people fear being breed out is funny to me on several levels, but the biggest one being that there’s something so disgustingly hypocritical about it all. White people literally colonized a land that wasn’t theirs, attempted to actually violently genocide an entire race (failed), raped them, forced them to assimilate and then over centuries imported non-white workers and slaves to build their country and now this particular group of white people are upset that.... in 2017, white women have the choice to sleep with men of color. And that’s really what this is all about, but I don’t want to get too deep into describing to you what white genocide is. In summary, many black men were lynched in post slavery America because they were accused of lusting for white women. This was seen as self defense of the white race and black men were often genitally mutilated after they were hung. So there’s a very long and extensive history there,  but I digress. 
In talking about White Genocide, I obviously made a lot of jokes about it because, at least to me, it’s a laughable concept. A very very laughable concept. After a full day of trolls in my mentions,  did what I kinda tend to do after hours of trying to have reasonable conversations with these people- I flip their logic onto them. So when i got a tweet about how black people a “slave race” because they have “bad genes” this is what I said: 
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Now, to me, this is a joke and a very funny one. Why? Because the idea that genes are either “good” or “bad” or “dominant” is fucking laughable Scientific Racist bullshit. Bullshit utilized by white supremacists to argue that white people are just naturally more superior to all other races. There’s a longer conversation there, but if you care, here’s my video about Scientific Racism. 
If you’ve ever followed me on twitter for an extended period of time, this side of me wouldn’t shock you. If you only follow me on Youtube, it might. I’m positive people on this fucking reactionary website are going to be hella pissed off (lol), but this is me. I sit through tons of fucked up shit that I find it HILARIOUS. I find it funny. It’s hard for me to not laugh a white supremacist tweets because, to me, it shows how insecure they are. I’m someone who speaks about race and racism- it’s my job. These people devote their entire days to sitting on twitter and regurgitating racist bullshit....as a hobby. 
ChrisRGun, a Youtuber with almost 300k subscribers decided to share my tweet with this caption:
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Chris deliberately removed the tweet I was responding to and presented this a declarative statement I made out of nowhere. Suggesting that it was somehow unprompted. Now, you can make the argument that I shouldn’t have stooped to their level and maybe there’s a part of me in the back of my mind where I agree with you. But do I regret that tweet? Absolutely not. It’s hard for me to feel bad about shitposting when people like Chris regularly defend shit posts all the time. 
Chris was one of these gamers who bucked up to defend PewDiPie when he made his “Kill All The Jews”... “joke”. Now, i’m not Jewish and my understanding of antisemitism is still expanding- but it’s my understanding that jokes like “Kill All The Jews” being seen as normal or inoffensive somehow, is an aspect of antisemitism. But to people like Chris, these comments were taken “out of context”. It’s unfair for the Pewds lose his relationship with Maker and other gigs because “he was taken out of context”. Yet here Chris actually goes out of his way to remove the context from my post- which was that I was throwing back the flawed logic of a racist at him because, at least to me, it’s fucking funny. 
But what I find funnier, actually, is that people like Chris Ray Gun are also the same people who whinge all day long about how “SJWs” are reactionaries who get offended by absolutely everything. Here you have a very clear joke tweet that he looked at in full, decided that the context didn’t matter and cropped it in a way to omit the context fully. He is, quite literally, no different than the strawman SJWs he’s always complaining about. The beginning and end of these’s people’s criticisms of “SJWs” is ‘hypocrisy” But he’s a massive, shameless hypocrite. How do you defend Pewdiepie with the whole “it’s been taken out of context” shit and then deliberately omit context from my post. You could make the argument that BOTH of our comments were wrong, jokes or not. However, if you believe Pewdipie’s comments are a joke, then you absolutely need to make space for the fact that mine was as well and equally deserves you defense. 
But what’s the difference between JonTron and Pewdipie and myself? Well they’re two white men and I’m a black woman. Defending those two and harshly criticizing me doesn’t conceal racial bias. The truth is both Pewdiepie and JonTron are white men and we live in a society that grants white men the full and total access to their emotions. We see them as emotionally complex and nuances. They have multiple sides and have the ability to change and be well-rounded. JonTron’s just a silly fool parroting white nationalist talking points to millions of people. PewdiePie is just a Swedish sweetheart who’s sick of the establishment so he makes funny jokes about killing Jewish people because, you know, it’s funny. But me? I’m a black woman, so I’m angry and spiteful. I have an agenda against white people and this one tweet, sarcastic or not, is the complete and total sum of my work. I am not granted the right to redeeming qualities. I do not get to say or do even an inch of what white racists do to me and still get the benefit of the doubt. What Chris’ bias reveals here is that is isn’t quite the champion of free speech that he presents himself to be. The difference between JonTron and myself is that JonTron actually feels that way, I’m making a joke pointing out the flawed logic of racists. 
He made a few more tweets:
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What a lot of white people seem to constantly underestimate is the persistent racism that black people and people of color deal with their entire lives. When you’re used to being called a nigger and you’re used to white supremacists saying to you that you’re inferior, these things don’t actually phase you. What we’re seeing right now with white people like Chris is that they are reacting to something that most people of color in white dominant spaces reacted to when they were children- Othering. These are people who are not used to being see as white. They are not accustomed to people saying negative things about whiteness or white people. When I was a child, my otherness was very clear to me. I was a black kid in (at the time) a mostly white preschool. I had to learn fairly easy that not only was I different from the other kids, but that people saw these differences as inherently negative. So what did I do through my formative years? I learned to be comfortable, proud and content with myself. That my blackness isn’t a negative and my skin, hair texture and body are all beautiful as they are. When you’re accustomed to being seen as the default, being othered is scary. Interestingly enough, this ties directly into White Genocide, which is largely the fear that immigrants and miscegenation will displace white people and make them a minority. That idea requires one very real and central emotion: Fear. These groups have to prove to white people that they are at risk, that they are being attacked, that people are trying to suppress them. To use anti-sjw jargon, they need to sell them a victimhood narrative. They have to convince them of something so devastating and so hurtful that they have to mobilize. They have to stand up. They have to fight. And people like Chris Ray Gun serve it up to you on a platter. They willingly feed misinformation to their, generally young and impressionable audience and convince them that their ideas are not only unpopular, but being repressed. But this isn’t true.
Chris Ray Gun has  296,473 subscribers
JonTron has  3,117,693
Pewdiepie has  54,299,958
I have  118,125
My channel, my content and my platforms are all smaller than theirs, but they sell you the idea that my content is so successful and influential that it needs to be stopped. That my ideas are so damaging that they should be suppressed. Think about that for a moment. The fact that these people have platforms that cast a very very large shadow over mine and they have to sell you the idea that somehow someway, people like me are the real problem. That people like me are influencing culture in a way that’s damaging and divisive. We aren’t. We are small voices that are often drowned out by the status quo- but every good story needs an antagonist. Every good story has a challenge. And to rally their base, the need to frame me as that villain. And guess what, it’s successful because their ideas are the status quo. Most people agree with and cosign them. Because their ideas, in truth, aren’t actually unpopular or edgy or unique. They’re common. And this is why you’re seeing so many more of these gaming channels pander to this ideology. Because in a world where everyone wants to be the Next Pewdiepie, they have to get a new shtick and right now, this works. 
Chris Ray Gun commented on a Kevin Logan video about him and claimed that his friend was the one who sent him that tweet (classic Machiavellian tactic) not him. 
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I don’t believe him,but mostly because I perhaps give him too much credit. I would like to believe that people like him who make such bold statements and decided to redirect their fanbase to my page to explicitly attack me would do a bit of research and find the actual tweet to see if it were real. Imagine if someone photoshoped a tweet and put my name on it (something that’s happened) and sent it to him and he posted it. That would not only be dishonest, it would be unethical and he’d be a massive hypocrite. That aside though, if true, what this means, at its base is that he didn’t do his legwork and sheepishly posted something because he didn’t agree with me. I know, and I’m sure plenty of you know that i was making a joke and that these are not my beliefs, but he believed it. He fell for it. He wasn’t critical and didn’t try to see the full picture of what was said. That should still bother you. And to his point about “if a person of the opposite persuasion made the same tweet”- well they did. The one I was responding to. And all Chris’ posts did was invite more white supremacists to my page to talk to me about the natural inferiority of black people. But we know that both him and his buddy JonTron do carry that belief. They spend time defending that idea on their pages constantly. In conclusion, what this ultimately is, is them not quite holding white supremacists to the same standard. I went through Chris’ page. He isn’t making posts fighting against white supremacy. He isn’t countering it, he isn’t trying to. He’s coddling and pacifying it. And that, to me, says a lot. 
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Make This Place Your Home: Chapter 1- Starting with a Demon and a Nymph
Summary:Humans feared magical creatures. They created kingdoms so that they could protect themselves. So, creatures needed to create colonies and outposts for themselves to live now. This is the story of how the Achievia Trading Outpost came to be and how it's residences discovered it. Prequel to Creatures of the Day
Word Count: 1,384
Next / AO3
From the beginning, there were both humans and magical creatures. Magical creatures did interact with humanity from time to time, but they tended to try and keep their existence a secret in fear of persecution. Of course, demons would still use their tricky ways to deceive humans, nymphs would protect their forests, elementals would control human elements, and vampires needed to feed off humans, but they still hid away.
Humans over the ages claimed that they had interacted with magical creatures, but most of their stories were played off as myth or fiction. Until one day the creatures had messed with the authorities of the human world. This created mass chaos. Previous kingdoms fell apart and humanity created new ones that, known creatures were banned from. Some of these new anti-magic kingdoms were very prejudice against-magic at first.
About 100 years after the anti-magic fear had started, a new kingdom called Sentry was created, it was called Sentry because they wanted to be the gunning forces that protected other surrounding kingdoms from creatures.
Two demons had lived in the area that Sentry had been built before it arose. One was a demon that made people prideful, seeing as Pride was his deadly sin. The other was a demon of the deadly sin, sloth. He made people not want to do anything, even though he didn’t want to do much himself.
The two demons were sitting on a rock by the river. “Man, this is such bullshit,” the sloth demon started.
“You only thing think it’s a load of bullshit, Geoff, because you were kicked out of your lazy spot,” the pride demon countered.
Geoff sighed. “Gus, why you always gotta bitch at me?”
“I always have to do everything in this relationship.”
Next, Geoff rolled his eyes. “Sloth demon, remember.”
Gus rolled his eyes this time. “Right.” He sighed. “So, what do you want to do now, then?”
“What do you want to do?”
“I asked you first.”
“I know, I know.”
“Ok, how about we go on a walk by this river so you can actually stop being so lazy and think about what you want to do now that we’ve been kicked out of our old home.”
“Suck a dick,” Geoff replied as he got up.
“Maybe later if you’re a good boy,” Gus replied with a wink.
“We’re demons. Are we even capable of being good boys?”
“Nah,” Gus replied as he started walking. Geoff followed behind, quickly catching up to him.
They walked in silence for about an hour. Geoff thought about his options. He knew it would be wasted effort to try and take he and Gus’s old land back. He could go find a new place to be lazy, but he really didn’t want to go anywhere. He wanted to stay close, be still he’d have to make a new home.
“I got it!” Geoff finally piped up.
“Alright, what do you got?”
“Well, I don’t really want to go anywhere. And I know there are other creatures in this area that were misplaced by the formation of Sentry. So why don’t we form a creature colony? Like if humans think they’re so great and can form their own kingdom, why can’t we form our own?” Geoff rambled.
Gus looked at him surprised. “Wow, that’s awfully ambitious of you.”
“But it was my idea!”
“True, it was. You should be proud of yourself for coming up with that idea.”
“I - wait,” Geoff started then he paused when he remembered what type of demon Gus was. “I thought we wouldn’t use our sins on each other.”
“I wasn’t. Pride comes naturally sometime, you know.”
“Fair enough. But are you with me?”
Gus sighed. “Actually...” He paused his walk and fiddled his feet. “I was actually hoping to go exploring around the world.”
“WHAT?!” Geoff yelled angrily.
“Well, we can’t stay where we were, so why not explore what else is out there?”
“Gus, you know how I feel about traveling!”
“And you know how I feel!”
“Well, what are we supposed to do now?”
Gus sighed. “I think maybe we should go our separate ways.”
“Aw, no!” Geoff argued, sadly.
“Look, you want to stay here and create your colony or whatever. I want to go out and explore. We’re demons se we should both go do the things what we want to do. It’s in our nature.”
Geoff sighed. “I hate it when you’re right.”
“Dude, if I was never right, then things would never get done,” Gus said as he rolled his eyes.
“If this means goodbye, there’s one last I’m actually willing to take initiative for.” Geoff pulled Gus into a sloppy kiss. “I guess this means goodbye, then,” he finished, sadly.
“Maybe we’ll see each other again,” Gus replied as he began to walk away. Geoff waved to him as he walked away.
Geoff walked away from the river bank in a different direction. He wanted to find a nice spot that would be a good place to set up his colony. As he was walking, he started to think about all the hard work it would be to actually set this thing up. “Wow, starting a colony is a lot of work and I really don’t feel like doing any of it right now.” He walked up to a tree. “I think I’m gonna take a nap and maybe I’ll do it later.” 400 Years went by, and he continued this cycle of, “Maybe he’d do it later.” He never felt like doing all the work that he needed to do if he wanted to start this colony.
One day he was taking a nap underneath his usual tree and he got a tap on his shoulder. “Hey, demon guy,” a feminine voice addressed him.
“Huh?” he asked groggily as he opened his eyes. Before him, a woman was standing. She had short green and blonde hair, vine tattoos running down her arms, a nose ring with a green gem in the middle, and transparent, dragon-fly like wings. He instantly fell in love. “Well hello, gorgeous,” he flirtily greeted her with a wink.
She rolled her eyes. “Now you may be a cute demon, but flattery will get you nowhere.”
“Am I in trouble?”
“Not exactly. But I’m the nymph that protects this sector of the forest. And you’re a demon.”
“So I am.”
The nymph rolled her eyes in response. “And I know demons project their sin onto the world around them.”
“We don’t actually have to. We normally just do it for fun.”
“So, if you’ve been projecting whatever your sin is onto the living creatures around this area, I can no longer allow that,” she replied harshly.
“Sloth,” he told her. “And I haven’t been projecting it. Satan, I can’t even remember when the last time I actually projected my sin was.”
“So, what are you actually doing here then?” the nymph asked next.
“Well,” he sighed, “I wanted to create a colony where other magical creatures could live, kinda live how the humans have their kingdoms and stuff. But then I realized how much work it would be to make a colony, and I guess I’ve been putting it off ever since.”
“A demon actually wants to help other creatures?” she asked, surprised.
“It’d be easier for us all in the long run if we could stand up and be there for one another. Less effort for us all.”
The nymph thought about it for a second. “I sort of see your logic.”
“And I still don’t like doing all the work,” Geoff sighed.
“Look, if this is really what you want to be doing...” She paused. “I suppose I can help you out. But you may want to just start out with an outpost for other creatures if you’re going smaller.”
Geoff smiled and hopped up. “Great! Wait.” He paused and gave the nymph an up and down look. “I think I should get to know the name of the person I’m going to be working with.”
“Griffon,” the nymph replied as she held out her hand.
“I’m Geoff,” he replied to her as he took he hand. “I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.”
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