#it genuinely boggles me how much we still don’t know about the og characters lol
akkivee · 6 months
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so like, i was thinking about how bargain bin posse parallels the member they’re copying??? rabuta with his name meaning big love (to give to ramuda) and ramuda’s pink coloured love verse ‘everyone’s love given generously,’ and kentaro copying gentaro because he wants to make gentaro’s stories a work of art, and that’s why gentaro threw away his identity; to write his brother’s stories
but since dice’s backstory is arguably more untold than gentaro’s lol, it’s hard to see the angle daisuke is paralleling but what stood out to me was when he introduced himself, his way of speech was very formal and the most formal of his posse. he also has this mannerism very similar to otome, so i wouldn’t be surprised if daisuke’s dice parallel was a hidden, more formal upbringing
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whateverisbeautiful · 5 years
Reveling in Richonne
#155: The Fair (9x15)
In this episode every character learned a valuable lesson. It’s a lesson that Rick knew since seasons ago but these people had to learn the hard way. And that lesson is; When Michonne has a gut feeling about something, it’s in everyone’s best interest to listen, trust her instinct, and follow her lead. 
Sis has great intuition, especially about this fair. As I so often say, Michonne has such a good head on her shoulders...and so would some of these other characters if only they had listened to her.
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So the episode begins with King Ezekiel speaking at the fair and I appreciate King Ezekiel opening the fair with a nod to Rick and Carl. He mentions how part of why they have a new tomorrow is because of “a man who’s mission was to build community and strengthen the bonds between us. A man who had to destroy the very thing that connected us, in order to save us.” 
He then acknowledges, “It took us far too long to fulfill the promise of what Rick Grimes and his son Carl envisioned.” It’s crazy that the two characters at the foundation of this show have to be spoken about in past tense. 😔 
And it’s significant that they cut to Siddiq when King Ezekiel says their names, cuz Carl’s willingness to take Siddiq in has provided him a whole new family seven years later.
So then Michonne and Judith show up to the fair with Daryl and Connie and Lydia and Henry. King Ezekiel sees Michonne and greets her and then Carol walks in front of Judith and it’s cool seeing them together since Carol was one of Judith’s primary caretakers back in the days of season 3 and 4. 
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She says, “Judith?” and Michonne looks down at Judith and smiles and nods. Carol having to ask if that’s Judith had me like dang so y’all really haven’t been around each other in a looooong time. 🤔😐 
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I know Michonne (AND OTHERS) decided to keep Alexandria more isolated but I also feel confident that, even with everything Michonne went through and had on her plate, if any of her OG TF members had showed up to see her she wouldn’t have shut them out. So I was lowkey looking at Carol and Ezekiel like after all these years why haven’t y’all...
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Carol asks Judith if she remembers them and Judith says she’s been drawing pictures of them since she was little so she def remembers. Judith’s memory is A1 lol. 
And then it’s an adorable moment when Judith notes that Carol’s hair got really long and Carol smiles and touches her hair saying, “It did.” ☺️😋
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And then Tara approaches (with attitude 😒) and Michonne takes initiative to say, “Gather up all the leaders. We have a lot to talk about.”
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So then we get this scene in the Kingdom’s auditorium where Michonne explains how she hasn’t seen eye to eye with everyone in this room but she never stopped caring about any of them. 
She looks over at Judith and says, “I was just trying to protect my family and do right by my people.” 
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And I was like Sis no need to explain cuz these others should’ve been knew that and had compassion on you. 💯
(Side note: I know I’ve touched on it already but it really does boggle my mind that rather than have these other characters express an apology over the way in which they weren’t there for Michonne, instead Michonne was the one expected to explain herself and clear the air of why she did what she did. 
She is doing the best she can as a matriarch of a family and leader to a community. And she’s taking on so much responsibility, even despite her own personal pain and trauma. Imo the only apology should be from the people who left her to do so much of this on her own.) 
So then Michonne establishes that while they lost sight of it for awhile, Alexandria’s future is with the rest of the communities and she’s here now and they’re here now. Which is great news for these people. But of course the petty in me was looking at the other characters in the room like yes we’re here but uh...
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Father G declares that Lydia has been granted asylum and is one of them now but Tara’s not feeling it since it puts a target on Hilltop’s back. Michonne admits to not wanting it at first either and how she told Lydia to run away when she came to her gates and was angry when she didn’t.
Tara says, “Then you know why I’m not okay with this.” Which...
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Tara and that attitude needed to find their way to the exit effective immediately cuz I know she’s not about to think being the newest leader of Hilltop gives her permission to come at Michonne with a tone. #StepBack
Michonne is gracious though and understands why Tara wouldn’t be okay with this so she says, “I do.” And then y’all, heres the kicker that got me most. She says, “I also know why Rick didn’t trust me when I showed up at the gates of the prison.” Y’all…powerful.😭
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I love that she brings this up. First of all; you know my nostalgic self loves a callback. Especially a callback to where Richonne all started. I appreciate that she remembers the day she showed up to the prison and the time period when she and Rick were first getting to know each other and that she’s allowing that to motivate her to be open to others. 
It’s sweet that Michonne sort of has this fond smile as she says this cuz she remembers how her and Rick’s journey begun and also knows where it ended up. They fell in love. 🥰 They have a full on son. 🙌🏽 So that day she showed up to the prison proved to be more impacting than they ever could’ve imagined. 👌🏽🎉 It showed her how far people can come when they agree to go on the journey together. 
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Also I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again; Michonne is still so in love with Rick. You can just see it on her face whenever he comes up and I’m here for it. I look forward to the times in the movies where Rick will think of and speak of Michonne with that same love for her still visibly ablaze in him too.
And then Michonne gives Tara some personal perspective saying, “And how people didn’t trust you after seeing you on the other side of the governors firing line.” 
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Tara needed to hear this cuz her past seems to be something she very often forgets. Also I’m here for season 3 and four callbacks all in one scene. 
Tara hears this out and acknowledges it’s a fair point. Michonne says, “Lydia didn’t choose where she came from, but she chose where she wanted to be. Just like everyone in this room.” Gospel. And to me, this totally speaks to how Michonne had to make the active choice to commit to this family when she followed Rick and Carl’s footsteps in season 4 and found them in that house. And that decision of choosing where she wanted to be then grew into the beautiful Grimes family we see now. 😌 Won’t He Do It!  
So then Michonne proposes this mutual protection pact cuz sis knows how to take foundational steps forward. #MichonneForPresident👏🏽👏
Tara asks how they seal the deal and King Ezekiel takes out the charter that Michonne worked so hard on and that Tara’s rude behind took. And Michonne says a surprised, “How did you…” and then Tara wants to be cute and say King Ezekiel must be magic or something, but I was like...
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Cuz Tara needed to fess up lol. Tara then indicates how she took it when she left cuz she did what she thought was right and then she apologizes for the way it went down and then the writers make Michonne say “me too” and thank Tara because “she was right” which had me like…
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I was not feeling this from the writers. Y’all, already know why. When Michonne says, “You were right.” Tara says, “You were too.” and someone I watch with was like, Tara should have said “You were first.” instead. I like that cuz somebody needed to acknowledge that Michonne was the one who had this right from the beginning as the originator of this charter six years ago. 👌🏽
Like Tara just took the charter, Michonne straight up worked tirelessly and created it so she’s been right. 
So then they all start to sign it and they show each person’s signature and y’all can I tell you about my disappointment. 😪 Like for real this next part had me so excited and then so disappointed within seconds of each other. 
Cuz as they were signing the charter and making it a point to show everyone’s signatures, I literally paused my TV before they got to Michonne and took a moment to emotionally rejoice cuz I was so certain that Michonne was about to sign this charter with the name “Michonne Grimes.” 
I thought for sure this would be her moment to declare her whole name, like how Maggie got to declare herself Maggie Rhee in season seven. So I was holding my breath with anticipation as Michonne took the pen like...
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But then Michonne gets the pen and instead of signing it she passes it to Father Gabriel and I was just so let down. 😞 Literally was just watching like..
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This charter signing would have been such a great opportunity to have Michonne Grimes be known. And it’s also a let down cuz sis is the one who worked so hard to even build this document and yet her name won’t even be on it. That just feels wrong. 😑
But at the same time Michonne’s about to bounce from this show so that Danai can soar other places, so I feel like this was her saying I’m about to roll out so this can be y’all’s thing. 😂 And with the way her star has been rising higher and higher I don’t blame her for saying...
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Next time we see Michonne she’s walking with Siddiq who tells her King Ezekiel gave a nice speech about Rick. 
I appreciate that Siddiq wants Michonne to know that her boys were honored and I love that these two seem to have a real genuine friendship.
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Michonne says she heard about Ezekiel’s speech and is sorry she missed it and Siddiq says he’s sure the king would let her read it. Michonne then lets him know she’s actually going out to Hilltop with the first group cuz a Get Things Grime don’t never sleep. Even when Siddiq offers to take her place, Homegirl is like no I got this and wants to stick to the plan.
She also tells Siddiq that he should enjoy his time at the fair cuz he deserves it but I was like sis you do too!! Please rest. 🙏🏽But then I remembered for her she’s without the one man who made resting most possible, the one man who gave her these light and airy moments like no one else could. So without Rick it’s probably hard for her to feel just completely at ease with being celebratory.
Michonne asks Siddiq to keep an eye on Judith who’s cutely playing with Jerry and his kids. 😊 Siddiq says no problem cuz he could probably use the experience anyway. Michonne asks how come and I was like girl you don’t know about this super awkward love quadrangle? Lucky her. I don’t want to know about it either. 😂 
But Siddiq says he’ll tell her when he sees her which I’m glad he does see her again cuz he came real close to ending up on a pike.
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Before Michonne heads out we see her and Judith share a sweet hug. While of course I’d love if Michonne just got to stay and chill with her daughter (and I really hope they give her moments to do that in season 10 cuz it’s what she deserves), I also know that she’s one of the most capable fighters they have so she feels the need to be out here in these streets protecting people too. Michonne and Rick really are cut from the same cloth. 💯
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And then there’s a very cute exchange between Daryl and Connie. ☺️ I love that Connie has brought out this whole other side of Daryl. Like he’s sweeter, and more gentle, and also more willing to enunciate cuz he has to. I like seeing him like this. 👌🏽
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Connie tells him to be safe and then he says you too. And then he taps Connie on the shoulder and asks if she’ll feed his dog while he’s gone. Y’all...He basically just proposed to Connie lol. If he trusts her with his dog that means he trusts her with his life.
And Connie’s all sweet and agrees to take the dog. And then as she walks away Daryl has one of the most adorably awkward waves. He’s catching feelings, y’all. 😊👌🏽
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And it was pointed out to me by my brother that Daryl actually subtly gives Connie a look as she walks away that is very similar to the signature looks Rick was so famous for whenever he was around Michonne. I’m telling you once you doing that look, you know you’re smitten. Ask Rick. 😋💯
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Before Carol leaves she tells King Ezekiel to try and enjoy the fair but he says he won’t enjoy anything until she’s back and I was like that pretty much sums up what Michonne must feel deep inside. Of course she can be happy and appreciate things but to fully enjoy…that will happen once Rick returns back to her. 👌🏽
Michonne, Carol, Daryl, and Yumiko break off into their own group and get surrounded by Whisperers at night. Alpha greets them and I love how Michonne’s just standing there all unfazed like trick I have seen it all, you don’t scare me. 😂 She just matter of factly lets Alpha know all their communities intend to protect Lydia.
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I love that Alpha asks Michonne’s name and she’s just like “Michonne.” Ask about me. 😎
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Alpha tries to cause some kind of internal division by asking Daryl if Michonne speaks for him but I appreciate Daryl’s saying, “We speak for each other.” 
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I really liked that response. Plus, Daryl and Michonne go way back so Alpha was wasting her time trying to stir that pot.🙄 #TryAgain.
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We see some of how Alpha was able to infiltrate the fair and one of the first things she says to King Ezekiel in order to blend in is about Michonne and how surprised everyone is that she showed up. Alpha, keep her name out your mouth. 😑
They show the movie scene and it’s adorable seeing Judith all excited for the movie. These are like all new experiences for her and it’s fascinating to think about what something like this feels like for a child who was born into and grew up in an apocalypse.
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And of course it’d be all nice and lovely if this was the happily ever after of the episode but as we know Michonne, Carol, Daryl, and Yumiko find Siddiq and soon after find a bunch of people they know and care about with their heads on pikes. 
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Y’all, I admit only like Tammy Rose and that one Highway man who just wanted to see a movie felt sorta sad to me. The others...
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#NoShade...ButShade. And while I wasn’t sad over these deaths and even felt it was about time for some of them, Danai and Avi do a great job of really conveying the emotion and shock and appalling-ness of this moment. All the actors in this scene do. 👏🏽
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And then it’s nice that they have Siddiq tell the story not of how the pike victims died but of how they spent the last moments of their life fighting and helping each other. That’s what it’s all about. 👌🏽💯😌
So while Michonne Grimes didn’t get to confirm the last name this episode, I hope she will in season ten cuz that’s undoubtedly who she is. And I also hope that these characters will have taken to heart that oh so valuable lesson they learned; trust Michonne. #NothingButRespectForMyQueen👌
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gifs source: @michonnegrimes
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