#isiik lavellan
breaking-circles · 1 year
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[Image Description: Marian Churchland's Dragon Age OC template filled out with Isiik Lavellan, a dalish warrior Inquisitor. Isiik is shown from the waist up, looking warily to the side and crouching slightly. In his right hand, he holds his sword angled up and ready to attack. His left hand is braced out in front of him, the mark glowing a bright green. He is wearing a purple scarf draped over a dark purple jacket with puffy sleeves that end just past his elbows. The jacket tucks into high-waisted brown pants. Under the jacket he is wearing a pale yellow shirt. He has a shield on his back, the strap of which crosses his chest. He is wearing a glove missing its pointer and thumb fingers on his right hand. His dark reddish-brown hair is pulled back in a short ponytail except for two strands that hand on either side of his face. He has Dirthamen's vallaslin, which has smooth, flowing lines on his forehead, cheeks, chin, and along the length of his nose. He is frowning slightly and his brow is furrowed. His long elfin ears are nearly perpendicular to his head, causing him to appear slightly nervous or on edge. He has a pale scar that goes across his lips, reaching from the bottom of his chin to nearly reaching his nose and bisecting some of the vallaslin on his chin. He has heavy bags under his eyes. In the background, faint green lightning fans out from the mark. Next to his head are the words "wow this place is a freakshow. i dont respect literally any of you people." Below the quote is an attribution to "-Neopets User, 2017". Below the drawing, several traits are listed with a line between them to mark where the character falls between the two. Between cautious and reckless, Isiik is very cautious; between selfless and self-serving, he is more self-serving; between emotion-driven and logic-driven, he is more logic-driven; between forthright and dissembling, he is more dissembling; between friendly and unfriendly, he is more unfriendly; between devout and questioning he is extremely devout; and between trusting and suspicious he is very suspicious. Below the traits is a list of his main party: Cole, The Iron Bull, and Vivienne or Solas. Below that, there are a series of symbols that indicate which choices he made throughout the game. The first three indicate he is a sword-and-shield-wielding warrior, who chose the Champion specialization, and romanced no-one. The next row of five indicates he sided with free mages, left Hawke in the fade, preserved the Gray Warden order, gave the Orlesian throne to Gaspard with blackmail to benefit Briala, and drank from the Well himself. End of Image Description]
Ok! Last but not least here's Isiik (pronounced iz-ick), my Inquisitor! He has probably had the MOST change since my first playthrough. He is now an extremely jaded guy who is very much here against his will and refuses to let anyone forget that. His number one goal is getting shit fixed so he can go home and be left alone. The only person he gets along with is Cole and, at times, The Iron Bull. Nearly everyone else has said something to upset him and he holds grudges like a true champion. Basically, I'm living out my 'let me be a hater' feelings through him.
Currently, I'm designing him to be Intersex and Hard of Hearing. I am not part of either of these communities myself so I'm doing my best to research and portray these parts of him as best as possible since I really want to get this right. If anyone has any good suggestions for designing a character with these traits, please know advice, feedback, and critiques are always appreciated :]
Flat versions under the cut, since this post is already too long~
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[Image Description: The same drawing as in the first image, though this time without the background or shading, making the colors easier to pick out. In the first of the two drawings, the glowing green mark remains, in addition to a glare on his sword. In the second image, both of those are removed, though a white gash remains where the mark is located. End Description.]
As always, relevant stuff will be in the replies. Thank you for the kind words and such, folks :]
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nodid · 2 years
A Masterpost of Blorbos
Check out my Artfight maybe?
From the story in my head I’ll never do anything with
OC: Nicky Bright
OC: Kana Hawna-Murdock
OC: Rosie Kynnersley
OC: Susie Muney
OC: Burn Murdock
OC: Danny Pairotte
OC: Edward Thorne
The Magnus Archives OCs
OC: Bryn Dall
OC: Nat Ealer
OC: Diti Evine
OC: Sylvie Faurot
OC: Gwyar Fowells
OC: Aytaç Kılıç
OC: Shirō Monomyō
OC: Mušentur
OC: Robert Shillwell
OC: Samuel Wint
Dragon Age OCs
OC: Quin Brosca
OC: Dent Hawke
OC: Isiik Lavellan
Stardew Valley OCs
OC: Sprite
DND Characters
OC: O'Doone
OC: Caoilfhionn Ceridwen
OC: Avandir Charthe
OC: Lilohymm Clinkaad
OC: Auðvin Dúfrsson
OC: Salvage Eindelle
OC: Fawnbeard Ellies
OC: Hamm
OC: Iris
OC: Lady
OC: Teresandros "Teren" Lios
OC: Sinjin Logrime
OC: Gentle Nerole
OC: Rough Nerole
OC: Vrill Nodid
OC: Zinnoa Oldstone
OC: Sigh Paper-Rustle
OC: Ruins of the Past
OC: Elret Anser Osmin Flyngin Flynwan Flynyver Perret Shiteroad The Seventh IX
OC: Icabba Veint
0 notes
breaking-circles · 1 year
Here's all three of them together!
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[Image description: three digital drawings of Dragon Age OCs. The first is of a dwarf commoner warden. She is shown from the armpits up, leaning in towards the viewer, arms partially forward, while she looks to her right and smiles with her brow partially furrowed. She is wearing faded-looking leather armor with metallic shoulder guards. Her red hair is partially braided back and grows slightly darker in her bushy eyebrows, thin beard, and mustache. She has a casteless brand on her right cheek, in addition to geometric tattoos on her left cheek and above her left eyebrow. Her open smile shows a missing tooth. She has two small scars on her chin to the left of her mouth. In the background, four daggers fan out pointed toward her, and the words "Can I get you a ladder?" appear next to her.
The second image is of a mage Champion of Kirkwall. He is shown from the hips up, looking warily over his left shoulder at something behind him. His right hand is holding an intricately carved wooden staff topped with a purple gem. His left hand pushes up the sleeve of his right arm, revealing his forearm. Blood streams out in rivulets that magically curl around his staff and spiral above its top. He is wearing a simplified version of the default Hawke armor He has a smear of blood across his nose. His blonde hair is tucked behind his ears. He has a full equally blonde beard. His eyes are narrowed and one of his brows is raised like he's curious. In the background are faint blue blood splashes. Next to his head are the words "Foul and corrupt are you / Who have taken My gift / And turned it against My children" Below the quote is an attribution to "-Transfigurations 18:10".
The third image is of a Dalish warrior Inquisitor. Isiik is shown from the waist up, looking warily to the side and crouching slightly. In his right hand, he holds his sword angled up and ready to attack. His left hand is braced out in front of him, the mark glowing a bright green. He is wearing a purple scarf, a dark purple jacket with puffy sleeves, high-waisted brown pants, and a pale yellow shirt. He has a shield on his back, the strap of which crosses his chest. He is wearing a glove missing its pointer and thumb fingers on his right hand. His dark reddish-brown hair is mostly pulled back in a short ponytail. He has Dirthamen's vallaslin, which has smooth, flowing lines across his forehead, cheeks, chin, and along the length of his nose. He is frowning slightly and his brow is furrowed. His long elfin ears are nearly perpendicular to his head, causing him to appear slightly nervous or on edge. He has a pale scar that goes across his lips, bisecting some of the vallaslin on his chin. In the background, faint green lightning fans out from the mark. Next to his head are the words "wow this place is a freakshow. i dont respect literally any of you people." Below the quote is an attribution to "-Neopets User, 2017". End of Image Descriptions.]
These were very very very fun to do!! The prospect of getting to replay the series is what got me through the end of the semester ngl. Enjoy these dingdongs :]
Original posts: Quin - Dent - Isiik
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breaking-circles · 5 years
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Here are my three lovelies! 
Look under the readmore if youre confused as to what the symbols mean (Spoilers for all three games!) ^^
Templates from here!
Quin Brosca
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From top to bottom, left to right, the symbols mean she (1) is a rogue (2) is a dwarf commoner (3) romanced Alistair (4) kept the circle in one piece (5) broke the werewolves curse (6) broke the anvil and made Bhelen ruler (7) made Anora queen after killing Loghain (8) preformed the Dark Ritual
Dent Hawke
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From top to bottom, left to right, the symbols mean he (1) is a mage (2) specialized in blood and healing magic (3) romanced Anders (4) has a diplomatic/healpful personality (5) had Carver join the grey wardens (6) killed the Arishok (7) sided with the mages (8) kept Anders unharmed
Isiik Lavellan
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From top to bottom, left to right, the symbols mean he (1) is a sword-and-shield warrior (2) specialized as a champion (3) romanced Dorian (4) recruited the mages and gave them rights (5) left Hawke in the fade (6) kept the grey warden order in tact (7) reunited Celene and Briala (8) drank from the Well of Sorrows himself
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