jalonsoarevalo · 1 year
ISBD Descripción Bibliográfica Internacional Normalizada, actualización de 2021
Group, ISBD Review, Elena Escolano Rodríguez, Adelaida Caro Martín, Judit Fejes, Isabel García-Monge Carretero, Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi, Dorothy McGarry, Rehab Ouf, Ricardo Santos Muñoz, y Hollie C. White. «ISBD Descripción Bibliográfica Internacional Normalizada, actualización de 2021 de la ed. cons. de 2011», 1 de febrero de 2023. . Actualización de la edición consolidada de ISBD encargada…
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smashlovesscream · 8 days
ok so i was thinking about scream 5 sorta recently and how it connects to scream 1 and all that. i was thinking mostly about amber and how her and stu are very similar but then i started to think about her and tara , and how in the original script they were together and whatever. i was thinking about how they’re just a tiny bit similar to stuilly and i started to think about billy and tara mostly. they aren’t very similar but there’s on similarity i found
basically billy is tara’s maureen. he slept with her mom and ruined her family. maureen slept with billy’s dad and ruined his family (of course also blame billy’s dad but you get what i mean). HOW THE CYCLE REPEATS…..
(this is a reach but i just thought this was interesting how billy does all that and kills a bunch of people, mainly because he’s mad over maureen sleeping with his dad, and then he does something sort of similar
yes. I think so too, if Tara and Amber were ghostfaces..mmmmm I’d EXPLODE
Richie fucking sucked (Randy would’ve hated him more than he hated billy) but Amber was fun and I liked her as a ghost face
IF THEY WERE TOGETHER, ITS WOULDVE FED TO THE IDEA THAT “Stu and Bill were together” like scream 4 does but what I fuckijg HATE is that it goes based off what scream 3 says meaning “oOugHhe Billy used Stu. He was gonna pin the blame on him” which to me IS BS… GRRRRR
I get it’s because the og writer didjt write that script but like anything after scream 2 I hated or didjt care for. I love the newer screamd bc they had really good scenes but the plot is making me explode
Anyways YES. YES
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Sniper tf2 teeth‼️
Oh, I could do that, seems uhh... Sorta easy ISBD JK SJDB
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
De-aged AU: actually I meant like,,,, different versions of the AU where it was one specific character who was de-aged, rather than Mirabel. Ugh how do I explain this in a way that makes sense? Like an au where say just Isabela is de-aged instead for example(definitely not the one I've been playing with in my head[<-lie]). Not Antonio tho he's not had too much trauma yet. And only snatches of memories, eg with Abuela there's fear associated, but whoever doesn't know it's a fear of disappointin-
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Then Alma had a lot of rethinking to do 😭😭 sure there are the other family members and their relationship, but really its Alma. Most of them are scared of her. One by one she realizes that they all do what she says cause they're scared of disappointing her and the consequences. She's constantly walking on eggshells around whoever isbde aged, cause there's a chance they'll burst into tears 💀💀
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El 30 de marzo se celebra el Día Mundial del Trastorno Bipolar, debido a que es el natalicio de Vincent Van Gogh, famosísimo pintor que fue póstumamente diagnosticado de padecer posiblemente este tipo de trastorno.
El Día Mundial del Trastorno Bipolar fue impulsado por la Sociedad Internacional de Trastornos Bipolares (ISBD) en conjunto con la Red Asiática de Trastorno Bipolar (ANBD) y la Fundación Internacional Bipolar (IBPF).
¿Qué es el trastorno bipolar?
Se trata de una enfermedad mental que produce cambios abruptos de temperamento, pasando de una terrible depresión, a un alto nivel de optimismo de forma casi simultánea. Decimos casi, porque realmente la persona suele tener un temperamento normal entre ambos polos.
Datos relevantes sobre el trastorno bipolar
Aproximadamente 140 millones de personas en el mundo padecen trastorno bipolar.
Es una de las principales enfermedades que causan discapacidad y es la menos entendida.
La edad media en que suele aparecer la enfermedad por primera vez es alrededor de los 25 años.
Las mujeres pueden desarrollar los síntomas mucho más rápido, así como tener mayor número de episodios emocionales. No obstante, la enfermedad afecta a ambos sexos por igual.
En el caso de la depresión en niños o adolescentes, este podría ser un síntoma de inicio del trastorno, pero no siempre es el caso.
El tratamiento para este tipo de trastorno debe ser personalizado, es decir, no existe un remedio o tratamiento único para todas las personas que lo padecen.
Algunos famosos que sufren de trastorno bipolar
La bipolaridad es un trastorno mental bastante frecuente y por ello podemos citar algunas personas relevantes que lo padecen y que viven con él, y que aún así, llevan o han llevado una vida prácticamente normal. Estos son solo algunos de los que lo padecen o lo han padecido.
Mariah Carey.
Mel Gibson.
Mike Tyson.
Catherine Zeta Jones.
Edgar Allan Poe.
Jimi Hendrix.
Robert Downey Jr.
Britney Spears.
Lady Diana.
Frank Sinatra.
Kurt Cobain.
Ernst Hemingway.
Películas sobre el trastorno bipolar
La gran pantalla también se ha preocupado de contar historias sobre el trastorno bipolar. Te damos una lista de películas sobre el tema:
El Lado Bueno de las Cosas (Estados Unidos, David O. Russell, 2012): la película sigue la vida de Pat Solatano, quien regresa a casa después de pasar ocho meses en una institución mental. Con la ayuda de Tiffany, una joven viuda con problemas emocionales propios, Pat lucha por recuperar a su esposa y volver a un estado de normalidad.
Touched with Fire (Estados Unidos, Paul Dalio, 2015): narra la historia de dos poetas que luchan contra el trastorno bipolar y se enamoran mientras están internados en una institución mental. La película explora la relación entre la creatividad y la enfermedad mental.
Polar Bear (Estados Unidos, Maya Forbes, 2014): cuenta la vida de un padre bipolar que se hace cargo de sus dos hijas mientras su esposa asiste a la escuela de negocios. La película es una comedia dramática basada en las experiencias de la propia directora.
Call Me Crazy: A Five Film (Estados Unidos, Varios Directores, 2013): esta película de antología presenta cinco cortometrajes que exploran diferentes aspectos de la salud mental, incluido un episodio sobre el trastorno bipolar. Cada segmento está dirigido por un director diferente y presenta un elenco de estrellas.
Cómo celebrar el Día Mundial del Trastorno Bipolar
Como siempre te invitamos a compartir todo lo que aprendas por cualquier medio social, pero recuerda etiquetarlo con el hashtag #DíaMundialdelTrastornoBipolar o #WBD.
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Fuck you! Standardises the punctuation in the 245 fields of your bibliographic records to ISBD 2021
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postsofbabel · 22 days
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favedofur · 2 years
Bauordnung hamburg pdf printer
 BAUORDNUNG HAMBURG PDF PRINTER >>Download (Telecharger) vk.cc/c7jKeU
  BAUORDNUNG HAMBURG PDF PRINTER >> Lire en ligne bit.do/fSmfG
           de J Bellec Martini · 2008 — ifla.org/VII/s13/pubs/ISBD_consolidated_2007.pdf voir D.B. Updike, Printing types : their history, forms and use. URL : bnf.fr/pages/infopro/outibib/pdf/ISBD(CR)_trad.pdf. – Titre provenant de l'écran titre. ISBN 2-7177-2323-4. RAMEAU : Description gbv.de/dms/casalini/3075450.pdf. - ISBN 8834867483. ISBN 9788834867488. R008950895. IF ISDC Libre-accès * Classif.: A 18 g PROM 2015 * Cote: ISDCréalisée en préalable au SDAURIF de 1976 (en version.pdf): A comprehensive building law passed in 1925 (Bauordnung 1925) put. 22 juin 2022 — Printing. Quid? Fribourg Law Review. Case postale 51, Miséricorde,. Avenue de l'Europe 20, 1700 Fribourg unifr.ch/ius/quid. Reichsfinanzkalender. Hrsg. v, R. Hermes. 22. Jg. 1928. Hamburg, Die bayerisehe Bauordnung (17 FebI'. Part I. Printing and Allied Industries. 16 août 2009 — The State of Hamburg defines parking regulations for car and bicycle Code North Rhine-Westphalia (Bauordnung NRW: BauO NW) fills in this de J Bellec Martini · 2013 — URL : bnf.fr/documents/isbd_trad_francais.pdf cours du 19e siècle ; voir D.B. Updike, Printing types : their history, forms and use. printing », « Nouveau tirage revu et complété »). First digital printing Enregistrement: IFB Hamburg, Hamburgische Investitions- und Förderbank
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dopawovupe · 2 years
OAD LINK</a></u><br>vk.cc/c7jKeU</strong> <br><p>&nbsp;</p><br>CERF VOLANT DE TRACTION MODE D'EMPLOI DE ATLAS >> <strong><u><a href="http://bit.do/fSmfG" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">READ ONLINE</a></u><br>bit.do/fSmfG</strong> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p></center><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>
<br> </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>BULLETIN D ABONNEMENT À RETOURNER À VOL PASSION Le magazine de la Fédération française de vol libre DELTA PARAPENTE RIGIDE KITE CERF-VOLANT S O M M A I R E
19 kg, • Mode d'emploi , voir conditions, • Complet avec grille à cendres pour un feu propre. 5 x 70 cm, robuste et résistante à la chaleur et au feu.
Traductions de expression DERRIÈRE LE VOLANT du français vers anglais et exemples La présence d'un mode manuel et de manettes derrière le volant vousRelié à la mer par une aile d'eau, hydrofoil que l'on trouve sous les noms de Chien de mer, Seaglider, Hapa, paravane, parafoil, cerf-plongeant ou aile
Atlas , Atlanten m / pl atlas m / pl. Attachement corps de la notice (catalographique), pavé. ISBD m bibliographische Einheit sel de corne de cerf.
</p><br>https://fefofumuxap.tumblr.com/post/692997524583268352/mode-emploi-lave-vaisselle-de-dietrich, https://fefofumuxap.tumblr.com/post/692997524583268352/mode-emploi-lave-vaisselle-de-dietrich, https://fefofumuxap.tumblr.com/post/692997524583268352/mode-emploi-lave-vaisselle-de-dietrich, https://fefofumuxap.tumblr.com/post/692997524583268352/mode-emploi-lave-vaisselle-de-dietrich, https://fefofumuxap.tumblr.com/post/692997524583268352/mode-emploi-lave-vaisselle-de-dietrich.
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voidstarzero · 4 years
Parsing ISBD. Interlude : Parser Combinators
I was going to pick up from the end of my previous post on ISBD, but I thought I should take a minute to talk about parser combinators first. There's lots on the internet already about what these are, so I’ll keep this specific to how they are used in the ISBD parsing library I mentioned last time.
Simply put, this approach to writing a parser consists of first writing smaller parsers focused on specific parts of the input, then combining them using higher-order “combinators” which encapsulate parsing logic like repetition, choosing between alternatives, etc. For example, isbd-parser defines several simple parsers that match exact sequences in the grammar, like " = ", " ; ", etc. Given the equalSign parser which matches " = " and a parser called data that matches any string not containing special grammar symbols, we could define a parser that matches parallel data as follows:
val parallelData: rule = seq(equalSign, data)
Here, seq is a combinator that produces a parser which runs the parsers given as input in sequence. (The rule type is a wrapper class around parsers in Autumn.) So, parallelData matches any input that begins with " = " followed by a string of data.
In a similar way, we can build up a parser for parsing a full parallel title statement given smaller parsers for each of the components of the statement; simplfiying a little, these would be the title proper, other title information, and statement of responsibility:
val otherInfo: rule = seq(colon, data) val sor: rule = seq(slash, data) val parallelTitleFull: rule = seq( parallelData, otherInfo.maybe(), sor.maybe() )
Notice the .maybe() on the otherInfo and sor parsers; this is another combinator which produces a parser that matches zero or one occurrences of the input matched by the original parser, similar to ? in regular expressions. So parallelTitleFull matches an equal sign followed by a title proper, and optionally other title info and/or a SOR.
I mentioned last time the ambiguity with " = " in ISBD statements; one possible context in which you might find an equal sign is after a statement of responsibility, where it can either be just a parallel SOR1:
Bibliotheca Celtica : a register of publications relating to Wales and the Celtic peoples and languages / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales
...or the start of a parallel version of the entire title statement:
Xiao xiao xiao xiao de huo / [Mei] Wu Qishi zhu = Little fires everywhere / Celeste Ng.
This is a case where the type of the data after the " = " depends on both what has already been parsed and what remains to be parsed. How do we handle this? Well, we've already got a parser for the full parallel title statement and here's a simple one for the parallel SOR:
val parallelSOR: rule = seq(equalSign, data)
In a statement of responsibility context, we want to apply exactly one of these parsers, depending on which one best matches the remaining input after the " = ". To do that, we can use the longest combinator:
val parallelSOROrTitle: rule = longest(parallelSOR, parallelTitleFull)
longest tries each parser in turn, and chooses the one that consumes the most input. Thus, if there is only a SOR, the parallel data will be parsed as a statement of responsibility; otherwise, it will be parsed as a parallel title statement. (Note that the SOR is technically a little more complicated, in an uninteresting way; the grammar has been simplified here for the sake of illustration.)
Since a title statement doesn't need to contain anything but a title proper, how do we know the string "The National Library of Wales" is actually a SOR and not a title? Mercifully, ISBD specifies that if there is only parallel title proper information, it must be recorded after the title proper itself, not after the entire title statement, so we can safely rule out that possibility here. ↩︎
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kadaryanto97 · 4 years
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Bahan Ajar Ilmu Sosial dan Budaya Dasar Berorientasi Integrasi Nasional dan Harmoni Sosial Berbasis Tri Hita Karana Penerbit: Rajawali Pers Penulis: Dr. I Wayan Mudana & Prof. Dr. Nengah Bawa Atmadja ISBN: 978-602-425-352-3 Halaman: 286 hlm Ukuran: 15 x 23 cm Cetakan: 1, 2018 Original Harga Rp96.000 diskon 15% Rp81.600 Sinopsis Masyarakat Indonesia belakangan ini sedang mengalami berbagai permasalahan dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan.  Salah satu diantaranya adalah semakin terkikisnya kebudayaan masyarakat Indonesia yang adiluhung. Realitas ini sangat memprihatinkan kita semua. Dalam konteks itu diperlukan adanya upaya-upaya konstruksi nilai-nilai budaya secara kritis dan kontekstual. Dalam konteks itulah kebedaaan Buku ISBD ini. Hal ini dapat disimak dari kajian-kajian yang dipaparkan dalam buku ini yang bersifat koperhensif, kritis dan kontekstual.  Buku ini merupakan acuan utama bagi mahasiswa yang mengikuti mata kuliah ISBD dan juga dapat di jadikan sebagai acuan awal bagi pemerhati kebudayaan dan permasalahan sosial budaya. #ilmusosialbudaya #pekanbaru #umrihebat #stayathome #universitasmuhammadiyahriau #umri #muhammadiyah #riau #universitas #biologi #fakultasmipa #salamlestari #salamkonservasi #staysafe #salingjaga #dirumahsaja #april2020 #antidiskriminasi #isbd #dirumahaja #stopdiskriminasi #biologiumri #lfl #hargaiperbedaan #fisikamelawanrasisme #uas_isbd #universitasmuhammdiyahriau #fmipabiologi #umripastibisa #stopdiskirimasidiindonesia https://www.instagram.com/p/CCOovVMJ1o_/?igshid=z3g1m8syekz8
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problem-cataloger · 7 years
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Your Bar/Bat mitzvah : Pareshah and Haftarah with commentary. Vayishlach, Genesis 32:4 to 36:43 / Union of American Hebrew Congregations. (OCLC #1002064723)
The title proper of this piece "Your Bar/Bat mitzvah" has a forward slash in it, which is a punctuation mark used in ISBD to precede the first statement of responsibility. Is anyone going to be confused by this record, and think it is the title "Your Bar" written by "Bat mitzvah"? It doesn't seem likely.
AACR2 had this concern with a few punctuation marks, as described in AACR2 1.1B1:
If the title proper as given in the chief source of information includes the punctuation marks … or [ ], replace them by -- and ( ), respectively.
But RDA's primary rule for this (1.7.3) is "Transcribe punctuation as it appears on the source" allowing the Alternative "If transcribing punctuation as it appears on the source significantly hinders clarity, either omit or modify the punctuation, as necessary."
So if we thought our patrons might be confused and read this as an author named Bat Mitzvah, we could modify punctuation in the title proper for clarity.
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hotgirlscoups · 4 years
me just sitting back, refreshing my feed and watching ur posts roll in rn
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IM SO 😭👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🧍🏽‍♀️🙏😌😐🤢😔🤭😤
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hashmimars · 3 years
Playing badminton isbd
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arkofblake · 4 years
💐🌷🌹🌺🌻🌸🌼 send this to ten other bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going. 🌼🌸🌻🌺🌹🌷💐
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Giornata mondiale bipolare (WBD) si celebra ogni anno il 30 marzo. La International Society for Bipolar Disorders www.isbd.orgcoglie l’occasione per riflettere su connessione, sensibilizzazione e difesa.WBD offre un momento per unirsi solidalmente attorno agli obiettivi di crescente consapevolezza, accettazione e finanziamento di questa malattia,…
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