#ironic that a magic vs magicless event may be right to throw the magicless mc offscreen
axvwriter · 7 months
Random mutterings about Twst’s Glorious Masquerade and how I’d write my mc-oc into it. Spoilers for those that haven’t gotten through all of it.
Thinking of how to get Bobo to participate in the Glorious Masquerade event instead of being shunted off-screen with Grim and Professor Trein.
I have the idea that the boys still go as they do wanna beat up Rollo, especially Malleus. Bobo insisting that she could handle it herself since she’s magicless and thus immune. A few of the boys pointing out that Rollo is there and despite Bobo thinking he surely wouldn’t use his magic, that they don’t know for certain Rollo won’t use magic to stop her.
Then afterwards the irony of when it came to the final fight with Rollo, she was useless and should have gone with Professor Trein.
I wasn’t expecting Rollo to fight as I sort of thought the flowers would overwhelm him and cause him to pass out if he did try to fight.
His U.M. basically turning himself into those fire spirits from Frollo’s villain song “Hellfire” is pretty awesome. Even cooler for Malleus to be like “pft, you think I’m scared of fire?” since he’s a dragon fae.
Would Grim be as fearless?
Even with Bobo hearing it’s powered by fear, she wouldn’t be able to perfectly repel the idea that it’s real fire that is going to hurt her. She’d end up hurt, but if she did end up there all alone, she may just try to force her way through the fire.
If Bobo did face Rollo all alone, she would give him a chance to verbally persuade her into why she shouldn’t ring the bell. She is from a world where she’s only been told that magic is basically a war tool. But being in this world, she sees that there’s good and bad to magic.
He would very likely fail to persuade her, but then Rollo could easily harm Bobo. Bobo doesn’t have her weapon, her armor, or any real way to defend herself from magic.
I doubt Bobo would get to be alone with Rollo at such a time as I feel like Malleus’s very strong desire to punish Rollo wouldn’t let Bobo run ahead by herself.
So she could help a little with tagging along, but in the end she’s just reminded how useless she is in this world.
Regardless of Bobo being able to join the event or being shunted off-screen, I can see her wanting to have private discussions with Rollo about magic. A mage with such a strong hatred towards magic is someone she would like to discuss magic with. Along with feeling that she could tell him about her kingdom’s views on magic.
Maybe Rollo would get a better view on magic, probably not as it seems like he may need a therapist.
It’s unclear how Rollo’s brother’s magic backfired but considering it was fireworks… I have to wonder could he have somehow caught aflame and be unable to extinguish it? It’s an already painful irony for Rollo to be a mage. Might as well go farther and have his U.M. be because his brother burned alive- That’s quite dark though…
I wonder how much he hates fireworks? He doesn’t seem absolutely terrified or upset about it, but the boys have commented that Rollo must have huge mental strength for being able to push his body past its likely limits.
Considering how Rollo never mentioned overblots as a reason for magic being evil… perhaps overblotting is so rare that that it wouldn’t be considered a proper argument in such a debate. Or perhaps he doesn’t want to broach the part how magic is basically needed to fight phantoms. He didn’t give much argument for why magic should disappear, but if he really was pushing himself and should have been at his limits, it would make sense that he wouldn’t necessarily be in proper debate form. I just wonder if he has more points for magic being evil than just how his young untaught brother accidentally killed himself with his magic.
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