#ira Whitlock
incorrect-nevermore · 8 months
Annabel, like age 5: Oh! Look under there!
Ira, playing with her: Hm? Under where, my dear?
Annabel, smiling: You fool, father. You absolute moron. You are such a monumental idiot that you don't even realize what words have left your mouth, I have so easily bested you even at my tender age-
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the-banana-0verlord · 4 months
Yeah so i dont believe lenore killed annabel, but i DO believe annabel thinks lenore killed her.
During the flash-back of episode 90(webtoon isnt letting me take screenshots grr), we see lenore angry, with a gun. Annabel thinks lenore is mad at her, but i think lenore was actually trying to warn annabel that someone was behind her and was going to kill her. Lenore used the gun in annabel's direction, but it wasnt the shot that killed annabel. Lenore shot the assaillant either missing or touching the assaillant superficially(or she couldve missed and actually shot annabel by mistake, making annabel's belief of betrayal stronger.) After that, the assaillant shoots lenore in the head and they both die.
Why do i think lenore didnt kill annabel(intentionally)? Because even after divorcing her and discovering she walled up duke, lenore still called for her in the staircase. She still blushed after receiving the pendulum. What could have annabel done that was worse than attempted murder on lenore's Best friend? Sure, the conditions are different but the point still stands.
But if lenore didnt kill annabel, who did? We have two options: a)the deans lied to further annabel's belief of betrayal and the killer doesnt have to be loved by her, making them either her dad or her old fiancé, or b) she was indeed killed by one of the only three person she ever loved(aka people she didnt see as pawns): her parents and lenore. It wasnt lenore, and i think her mom is dead so it must've been her father, ira. I know their relationship was a bit strained and probably rocky, but he was still her father, so even if she hated him, she probably still loved him deep down.
And why did annabel help lenore even after she thought lenore killed her? Because shes a self-destructive down bad lesbian thats why.
So yeah thats my theory
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lesbiantoaster · 10 months
Hello good sir! Do you have time to discuss ships?
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spoopy-nevermore-dump · 10 months
Did someone say more summer shark au? 🦈
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mihatoja · 10 months
What happened when the deans told Annabel about her death? Here comes the flashbacks!
Annabel wants Lenore to get a good relationship with her maybe new Father-in-law. What she forgets is that Lenore is quite extraordinary.
It’s crack bestie. Boat buddies 4ever.
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house-of-vandernacht · 9 months
Ira, with a gun: I don't know who you are, you duplicitous strumpet, but you will not be marrying my daughter.
Lenore: You don’t have all the facts, Sir.
Ira: Which are?
Lenore: I love her. Ira, cocks gun: Wrong answer. Annabel: But Father... Ira: Not now Pumpkin. Daddy is attempting to save your immortal soul.
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Hey there, buddy. I hope you're having a good day by the time you read this.
Okay, here's the thing, my brain occasionally chooses to remember little details that come back to haunt me and hit me in the skull like a fucking boomerang. And due to the last chapter of the free pass, I come to leave here the one that has bothered me the most lately for you to suffer with me.
Why on earth would Thaddeus want anyone to talk to Lenore and why would Ira consent to that?
No. Seriously. When Annabel tries to ask about Lenore, Thaddeus even denies having a daughter, why would he want to alleviate Lenore's loneliness by asking a young woman about her own age to visit her for company? On Ira's side, yes, the man wants Thaddeus to like him, but the guy seems like someone pretty obsessed with appearances, why would he want his precious daughter to be related to a potentially dangerous lunatic who is locked in the attic?
That makes me think the fact that they asked Annabel was a lie. But then, how did Annabel find out about Lenore? What were her intentions in wanting to meet her?
I have more. But this one has been eating me alive now that we had another flashback.
Oh, my favorite blog sent me a submission. Yes, buddy, we're suffering together. Have been for a little while, considering how I feel about the topic.
I think about Thaddeus and his actions quite a lot (when I'm reminded of his existence), actually, because he's an enigma. He's my version of a walking paradox.
Let's say he did contact Annabel Lee to be, as she had quoted, "A good influence for his hysterical daughter." He had done so with the knowledge that Annabel Lee was a temporary friend, that Lenore was forever going to be a spinster, and after that?
Nothing. No husband, no friends, no life outside of the Vandernact estate. Just a good, influenced "lady" in a house on her own.
One can only assume that in some sickening way, Thaddeus cared. He cared as much as a misogynistic Victorian man mourning his son, the only heir to the estate and wealth, can possibly be.
I can somewhat back this train of thought up with episode 65: he did seem shocked at the news of his daughter's possible death. That was the face of a man with fear in his heart. Then, after denying that he had a daughter in the first place, he looked...guilty. Truly and utterly guilty. For a moment, I pitied him.
Just for a single moment.
That then begs the question (isn't this a complicated topic?) — why did he then deny Lenore's existence?
Well, I have a theory or two.
1. He was not alone. There were servants in that room, and we all know that Thaddeus had intented to keep Lenore's existence a secret between himself and Annabel Lee.
2. Stay with me on this one, because its held together by bubblegum and a bent paperclip. Are we all aware of the stages of grief? First came the shock. We've seen that on Thaddeus's face. Then, there's denial.
Onto Ira.
Well, I can see this one. Annabel Lee did say that this was an arrangement made by their fathers — so, what did Ira, a man obsessed with appearances, get in return for his saught-after daughter to chill out with a mad woman?
I'm not sure if this has been noticed, but the Whitlocks are staying in the Vandernact's estate in New York for the social season. That's a pretty big favor.
There's no downside on Ira's side if all goes according to plan. Annabel Lee makes a friend with a girl whose existence is to be kept secret, all while Ira finally finds her a eligible husband in New York.
I suppose neither Thaddeus nor Ira considered the fact that their daughters might be achingly sapphic and fall for each other in the process, subsequently leading Lenore to burn an entire house to the ground for the slim chance of Annabel Lee's hand in marriage.
Isn't this a complicated situation?
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duke-is-the-shit · 2 months
Theory about Annabel’s Death, hear me out it makes sense if you think about it.
I personally never believed Lenore was the one who killed Annabel. It never made logical sense to me, I can’t even see how it’d be an accident. “But, she was killed by the one she loved most” you may say. But that may not even be true, the Deans told her she was killed by the one who loved HER most of all. This could just be the Deans twisting the truth, but it does make sense, because there is one person who loved her most of all besides Lenore: Ira Whitlock, Annabel’s father. You’re probably thinking: “But he’d never do that.” Correct. He’d never do that on PURPOSE. I think it was an accident and the bullet was intended for Lenore. We know he approved of ‘Leo’ when he proposed marriage to Annabel, but over time he may have noticed things. Take this scene:
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Here, Ira is watching the lovers take a walk, but he doesn’t look all that happy. He looks like he’s thinking about something, looking suspiciously at ‘Leo’. I think Ira somehow found out ‘Leo’ was a woman and tried to tell Annabel, but Annabel (being who she is) simply wouldn’t hear it. So when the wedding day came, Ira resolved to shoot ‘Leo’ to ‘save’ his daughter. But when he took the shot, Annabel jumped in front of Lenore and took the bullet to the heart. This made Lenore so angry she drew her gun on Ira, but in her haste missed the shot, which gave Ira the opportunity to shoot her in the head, killing her instantly.
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cushionss · 1 year
nevermore fandom how we feeling???
new info i got from the new episode:
Lenore talks/curses like her father
Lenores last name is Vandernacht, and her parents are Thaddeus (father) and Lucille (mother)
Lucille seems to have some issues herself, possibly substance abuse
Annabels last name is Whitlock and her fathers name is Ira, we haven't met her mother, who could very well be dead, leading her father to be more controlling of her
Annabel has panic attacks/anxiety, which Ira calls "little attacks" and sees as something to be righted
Ira seems to care for Annabel in some fucked up way
Annabel is dragged down "into" the memory by on octupus-like creature, which made me think of Duke
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crash-channel · 1 year
Is trauma the gateway to insanity?
Narrator: "The Screaming Skull" is a motion picture that reaches its climax in shocking horror. It's impact is so terrifying that it may have an unforeseen effect. It may *kill* you!
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This suspenseful and haunting thriller/horror opens up with the line you read above. Promising to bury you without charge if you happen to die of fright during the movie. As entertaining as that may be to some or cheesy and silly to others. It is a great way to start the movie by getting one's attention, for their interest or laughs. Fun fact the tuba music during the opening credits is the "Dies Irae" section of Hector Berlioz' "Symphony Fantastique." A different version of the same piece was later used during the opening credits of Stanley Kubrick's The Shining (1980).
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So the film begins with newlyweds Eric and Jenni Whitlock who retire to his desolate mansion, where Eric's first wife Marianne died from a mysterious freak accident. The first act seems a bit of a slow burn for this movie, slightly dull. Mostly it's an introduction to the main character's such as Jenni, who has a history of mental illness. It seems though her mental illness was trauma related but it's not fully clarified. Eric the husband who cares for her and who has lost his wife due to a tragic accident. Then Mickey, the estate's mentally challenged gardener, who was seemingly very attached to his former mistress. Jenni seems to begin seeing strange things including a mysterious skull, which may or may not be a product of her imagination. Suspicion then falls on Mickey being the strange outcast.
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This movie follows the classic tropes of women with a traumatic past seeing things therefore everyone thinks she's crazy. Then the mentally challenged or physically deformed side characters are outcast and strange therefore must be guilty. Only to distract audience members from the true villains of the films so the twist ending can be revealed. All in all the plot was decent and the cinematography was good. Sets for the most part let something more to be desired though the tombstone with the death mask on it was interesting. The sound and music was ok but not the best for a movie called the screaming skull, not much of it was a screaming skull. For the nerds out there this was on the intro to Ernest scared stupid movie, anyways it's a decent thriller worth checking out.
I rate this movie a screaming skull out of a mental illness trope. Thank you for checking out my reviews I hope you enjoy it.
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yourfavlesbianjuice · 11 months
A little skit (this is when Annabelle and Lenore was alive after the marriage and no one died.)
Lenore and Annabelle walk into the Whitlock mansion then Ira comes down the stairs.
Ira: ah, you two are back! How was the trip?
Annabelle: it was quite good father-
Ira would walk past Annabelle and hug Leonore. As Ira hugged Lenore Annabelle whipped around and stood annoyed.
Lenore: ah Mr.Whitlock how have you’ve been?-“
Lenore would try too change the subject feeling Annabelle’s quite glare. And Ira would let go nudging Leo on the side.
Ira: Thank you my boy!, I say are you two hungry we could prepare dinner? I have a dinner in mind that will be quite appetizing for you two!
Annabelle would sigh as Ira would fix his suit turning signaling leo and Annabelle too the dinner table. then as Lenore, and Annabelle walk into the hallway
Annabelle: “ pet, if this happens ever again I will be way more harsher next time.”
Annabelle would whisper to Lenore
Lenore: “well I guess he’s smitten by me as in you too.”
Lenore would try too flirt and was successful with doing so. As she said that Annabelle would cover her face blushing
Annabelle: “pet. Please don’t be so sly with me right now…We are about too eat. You can pull those moves later at least. After dinner I suppose?”
Annabelle would giggle lifting her face and holding Lenore’s hand as they where about too enter the table.
Lenore: “let’s at least have this dinner and you can say whatever, Annabelle.-“
/so this is part one and I’ll make par too in a day or less if I have more free time I hope you like it!\
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incorrect-nevermore · 11 months
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you-moveme-kurt · 7 years
Glee “The family you have given me” Part IV
Mayo de 2040
-¿Se siente realizado como padre Señor Hummel-Anderson? -Mucho… por eso te envié ese mensaje… —dijo recostándosele en el hombro— ¿qué? —agrego al sentir que su esposo soltaba una pequeño suspiro risueño. -Nada, es solo que cuando me enviaste ese texto, Henry adivino de inmediato  que era tuyo… me dijo: «solo el  Papá es capaz de poner esa expresión en tu rostro»… ¿qué?... tu ego esta en las nubes, ¿no es así? —agrego Blaine acariciando la cara sonriente de su esposo. -Mucho… pero no solo por eso… Lizzie me dijo lo mismo mientras te lo enviaba, fue algo como… «obvio que era el «Papáblen», solo él te pone esa cara… ¡hola!» — dijo tratando de imitar los ademanes de su hija— ¿cuán maravilloso es que nuestros hijos nos conozcan tan bien? — termino por decir volviendo a acurrucarse. -Demasiado si le sumamos a que Noah sabe cosas también…   -¿Qué te dijo él? -Que ponía siempre la misma cara cuando hablaba contigo «cosas de casado»… -Me encanta todo lo que hemos logrado… -Y Lo hemos hecho juntos… lo que resulta lo más íntimo de todo lo que te mencione antes… —dijo Blaine besándolo con ganas.
-Pasa Henry Anderson Hummel —dijo Noah mientras abría la puerta de su habitación. -Gracias «Goblin»… —contestó este entrando tras su hermano, el pequeño se dirigió de inmediato al closet y comenzó a hurgar entre sus cajones, Henry se dedicó a observarlo desde la cama— ¿esto es tuyo hermanito?... —añadió tomando un frasco lleno de hojas, Noah asomo la cabeza para ver a qué se refería su hermano. -Son mis «epsperimentos», ten cuidado Henry ANderson Hummel —respondió de los mas serio.
-¡Ups!... lo siento «Goblin» —agregó Henry dejándolo nuevamente donde lo había encontrado— ¿te ha ido bien en la escuela?. -Si… la Señorita Katrhyn Barrett dice que soy un buen alumno porque siempre estoy haciendo preguntas… —respondió Noah desde el closet — dice que soy «curiosidado» -Todos sabemos que lo eres… y astuto también… —dijo Henry mirando la habitación de su hermano con nostalgia. -¿Qué es ser «apstuto» Henry Anderson Hummel? —preguntó el pequeño asomándose de nuevo, esta vez con más de un par de piezas de ropa sobre su hombro. -Es sinónimo de inteligente… -¡Oh!... —exclamó sorprendido, luego volvió a lo que estaba dentro de su closet, Henry escucho el tintinear de los colgadores, así como un abrir y cerrar de puertas y cajones. -Oye… —dijo yendo hasta donde su hermanito estaba— ¿que resgistras tanto aquí? -Busco la ropa para cambiarme… debe «convinar» como dice el Papà —respondió juntando todo lo que era de color similar, Henry sonrió de manera disimulada. -Pero no es necesario que busques otra ropa, el Papà te autorizo a vestirte con el pijama de inmediato, ¿no lo escuchaste?. -¿El Papà me autorizó a eso Henry Anderson Hummel? -Te autorizo… si quieres le digo que venga para que te lo confirme… —insistió su hermano haciendo un gesto con la boca chueca tal y como Blaine lo hacía. -No, debe estar con el «Papàblen» hablando cosas de casados… te creo Henry Anderson Hummel. -Muchas gracias «Goblin»… ¿te ayudo con eso? —preguntó señalando los colgadores. -Sí… —respondió el pequeño encargándose de devolver a los cajones el resto de la ropa— ¿tú también fuiste a un baile como al que ira de Lizzie Anderson Hummel? -También fui… -¿Y yo «epsistia»? -Claro que existías… pero eras muy pequeñito, por eso no te acuerdas… —dijo Henry colgando tres pantalones de una sola vez, Noah lo miró con reprobación ceñuda aquello. -Ahora si me acordaré del de Lizzie Anderson Hummel… -Claro que sí… pero creo que es mejor que guardes espacio en tu mente para tu propio baile…  ese si que querrás recordarlo por siempre —añadió Henry sacando la ropa de dormir desde debajo de una de las almohadas. -¿También tendré que ir a un baile acaso? —preguntó Noah comenzado a desvestirse. -También… y no a uno, a varios... pero cuando tengas la edad de graduarte, asistirás al más importante, como «Rizzie» ahora y como  yo antes. -«Sensasonal» -Ahi escogeras a quien invitar y todo… —continuó explicando Henry mientras ayudaba a su hermanito con el pijama. -Creo que invitare a Lazlo Whitlock, el baila muy bien… —dijo de lo mas convencido— la Señorita Katrhyn Barrett hizo una «aptividad» de baile y Lazlo Whitlock hizo unos pasos como los de «Papàblen», seria bueno invitarlo a èl— Henry no pudo evitar soltar una risa. -Creo hermanito… que la cita del baile es algo más romántico que nada… así es que espera a que llegue tu hora y decide ahì mejor con quien iras, Noah abrió la boca como para emitir un «oh» extremadamente largo. -¡¿Qué hacen aquí los dos encerrados?!... y sin invitarme … ¡hola! —interrumpió Lizzie abriendo la puerta sin golpear ni anunciarse, se había puesto el vestido nuevo así como los zapatos, además de las joyas de herencia que le había regalado su abuela hacía dos años. -¡Lizzie Anderson Hummel!... ¡estas muy «eguelante»! —exclamó Noah tomándose la cara. -«Rizzie»… —agregó Henry sin decir más. -¿Que tal?... —dijo dándose una vuelta— pero no me den los creditos ami, el Papà eligió todo… —agregó mirándose los zapatos. Henry al seguia mirando sin articular palabra— ahora confiesen que hacian aqui… ¿estan planeando uan sorpesa para mi cumpleñaos? —preguntó moviendo sus cejas. -Tu cumpleaños ya fue Lizzie Anderson Hummel… —advirtió Noah queriendo reír. -¿Estas hablando en serio «Goblin»?, porque yo juraria de que aún no es… —agregó con las manos en su cintura. -Ya fue… los Papàs te regalaron el auto «eleptrico»… -¡Es verdad!... —exclamó levantando los brazos— ¿no es inteligente nuestro hermanito Henry?... -... -¡Henry! —reitero chasqueando los dedos cerca de la cara de su hermano mayor. -¿Que?... —respondió este como volviendo en si— ¡si!, ya le decía que era el mas astuto de todos. -«Apstuto» es inteligente… —se adelantó en explicar Naoh como si su hermana no lo supiese, esta hizo un gesto de asombro extremo. -¿Estas bien Henry?... -Lo estoy… es solo… —respondió señalandola de arriba a abajo. -¿Me estabas mirando?... por que eso es bien raro e incestuso… ¡hola!. -¡«Rizzie»!... ¡no digas eso!... es solo… no se… creo que nunca te habia visto asi y te ves muy hermosa... ¡y grande!… y siento que estoy orgulloso de ti… —dijo Henry bajando cada vez más el tono de su voz como si lo que confesaba fuera algo inconfesable, Lizzie se le quedo viendo un instante antes de responder -¡Ay Henry!... —exclamó abrazándolo, este retrocedió unos pasos por la sorpresa y el ímpetu con el que su hermana se colgaba de su cuello— ¡gracias hermanito!… ¡te super amo! —agregó dándole unos besos en al cara. -Yo tambien te amo pequeña «Rizzie» -Y yo los amo… —termino por decir Noah abrazandolos a ambos a la altura de las piernas, sus hermanos mayores lo acogieron bajando hasta su altura. -¡Ay hermanitos!... ¡son lo mejor!... —dijo Lizzie incorporándose luego de un par de segundos, se arreglo un poco el vestido y se acomodo las joyas—  ahora acompáñenme a mostrarle esto al «Papàblen», entre una foto y la realidad hay mucha diferencia… ¡«gay o lo contrario»! —dijo tomando a Noah de la mano y del brazo a Henry. -¡«Somos lo mejor de este barrio»! —respondieron sus hermanos al unísono.
-Creo que se va a quemar la salsa… —dijo Blaine apartándose con un suspiro. -De todos modos ya está arruinada… no se que hizo Henry, porque nunca había visto una «bechamel»  tan aguada… —respondió Kurt acercando a su esposo nuevamente a su cuerpo— mejor sigamos bailando… me encanta esta canción… —susurró moviéndose con  la música imaginaria. -Y a mí… —respondió este respirandole cerca del cuello. -Esto del baile se nos da muy bien… ¿no crees? -Lo creo… por eso lo mencione como una de las actividades que más placer me provoca… -Hablaste de intimidad… —dijo Kurt acurrucandosele en el hombro. -Hable… -Me encanta que lo llames así... -Y a mi… -Lizzie quiso saber cosas de nuestros bailes… -¿Los de la escuela? -Si… le dije que algún día le contaría lo que habian significado para mi… en especial el primero… —agrego Kurt incorporándose un poco para mirarlo a la cara. -Enfrentamos grandes demonios esa noche… —agrego Blaine acariciandole la cara. -Por eso que es mi favorito Señor Anderson-Hummel… —dijo su esposo sonriendo, Blaine sonrió de vuelta y le agradeció ese momento con un beso. -¿Se lo contaras?, sería un buen tema para amenizar la cena de esta noche… así… evitamos que se ponga suspicaz con Henry… —dijo Blaine dándole una vuelta que terminó con su esposo de medio lado y entre sus brazos, tal y como si finalizarán el último paso en una competencia de «Ballroom» -Tienes razón… -¿Como siempre?... —dijo Blaine sonriendo. -En tus sueños Blaine Anderson-Hummel… —agrego Kurt tomándole la cara para besarlo. -Valio la pena intentarlo… —respondió su esposo dejándose besar. -¡Menores!... ¡vienen menores! —exclamó Lizzie llegando a la cocina con sus hermanos, venía del brazo de Henry y con la mano que tenía libre tapaba los ojos de Noah como para protegerlo de que presenciara una situación para adultos. -No hay nada prohibido de ver… —dijo Kurt apartándose de su esposo—  solo estábamos bailando… —agregó dándose media vuelta para dar los últimos toques a la salsa. -¡¿Bailabas sin música  Papà acaso?! —quiso saber Noah tapándose la boca como si escuchara lo increíble. -Así es hijo… —se adelantó en responder Blaine, se acercó al más pequeño de sus hijos y se agachó para ponerse a su altura, le arregló el cuello del pijama y el cabello del flequillo— todo es posible cuando eres feliz… —dijo dándole un beso en al frente, Lizzie blanqueo los ojos murmurando algunas burlas para luego adoptar su pose de maniquí de revista. -¿Qué te parece «Papàblen»? —dijo tomando su vestido por una punta del ruedo— ¿mejor que en la foto?... ¿verdad?... -Princesa… te ves… —Blaine trato de ganarle a la emoción para alabar a su hija y decir cuan bella se veía, sin embargo solo pudo soltar un suspiro y esbozar una sonrisa, una de esas de cuento que solo él podía esbozar. -¡Lo se!.... —contestó dándose una vuelta completa— me falta un peinado y un bolso… —agrego mirando a Kurt— pero creo que igual estoy perfecta… -Lo estás cariño… y eso del bolso lo solucionaremos, no te preocupes… —dijo el aludido guiñandole un ojo, Lizzie le lanzo un beso seguido de un par de gestos divertidos. -Mira sus zapatos «Papàblen», son con mariposa… —advirtió Noah agachándose cerca de los pies de su hermana. -Tienes razon hijo… y son muy bonitos tambien… —dijo Balien doblándose para mirar junto a su hijo pequeño. -Todo es muy bello y el Papà tiene todos los créditos —añadió señalando al responsable, este hizo una reverencia como de la realeza— ahora iré a cambiarme para no ensuciar ni estropear nada —dijo Lizzie mirándose de arriba abajo y dando otro par de vueltas— solo espero que NIcholas esté a la altura y no se presente con zapatillas y camiseta… ¡hola! —agrego mientras subía la escalera hacia su dormitorio. -¡Si hace eso yo lo matare con mis propias manos!… y luego lo obligare a cambiarse de ropa —advirtió Kurt meneando la cuchara de palo, Lizzie soltó una carcajada que se escuchó en toda la casa.
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kismetpetresort · 6 years
Incumbent House members in NC primary heavily favored
(MGN Image)
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Eight of North Carolina’s 13 members of Congress face challengers in Tuesday’s primary elections, but anticipated low turnout should have most incumbents fretting only about margins of victory, not political survival.
Primaries are being held in all districts except the 1st District, where Democratic incumbent G.K. Butterfield and Republican opponent Roger Allison are the only candidates.
With no statewide races on primary ballots, early vote totals suggest 1 million or fewer of the state’s 6.9 million registered voters ultimately will cast ballots. Although that raises uncertainty in two competitive Republican primaries involving incumbents, other House members are still strong favorites, a political expert said.
“Incumbency lends itself to some powerful effects as long as you don’t have any scandal and there’s no real voter outrage toward you,” said Michael Bitzer, a political science professor at Catawba College in Salisbury. “If there’s something beyond the 3rd and the 9th (Districts), then that would be the shock” of the primaries, he added.
In a rematch of the south-central 9th District Republican primary in 2016 that left them just 134 votes apart, U.S. Rep. Robert Pittenger and the Rev. Mark Harris, both from Charlotte, are battling again for the nomination. Clarence Goins Jr. of Fayetteville is also in the race, which has centered on levels of support for President Donald Trump and connections to Christian conservatives.
The winner will take on the Democratic primary winner between Dan McCready and Christian Cano, both of Charlotte. Cano lost to Pittenger in the 2016 general election. McCready already has raised $1.9 million for his campaign with an eye to the fall.
In the coastal 3rd District, 12-term Rep. Walter Jones of Farmville says this is his last re-election bid. But 2016 primary rival Phil Law and Craven County Commissioner Scott Dacey say Jones has forgotten the district as a GOP maverick voting against bills Trump wanted. No Democrat is running, so the primary winner is a likely November shoo-in.
— In the 2nd District, GOP Rep. George Holding faces a primary challenge from Allen Chesser of Louisburg. Democrats are fielding three candidates, including Linda Coleman, a two-time candidate for lieutenant governor. Ken Romley of Raleigh and Wendy Ella May of Micro also are running.
— In the 4th District, Democratic Rep. David Price has two challengers in Michelle Laws of Durham and Richard Watkins of Chapel Hill. Libertarians also have a primary between Barbara Howe of Oxford and Scerry Perry Whitlock of Garner. The winners join Republican Steve Von Loor in November.
— In the 5th District, Rep. Virginia Foxx is running against Cortland Meader Jr. of Mocksville and Dillon Gentry of Banner Elk in the Republican primary. The Democratic primary pits Winston-Salem City Council member DD Adams against Winston-Salem teacher Jenny Marshall.
— In the 6th District, Democrats Ryan Watts of Burlington and Gerald Wong of Greensboro are running for the nomination to challenge GOP Rep. Mark Walker, who has no primary. Walker is chairman of the Republican Study Committee caucus.
— In the 7th District, Carolina Beach physician Kyle Horton and Goldsboro businessman Grayson Parker are in the Democratic primary to challenge Republican Rep. David Rouzer, already the GOP nominee.
— In the 8th District, Harrisburg businessman Scott Huffman, former Moore County elected official Frank McNeill and Marc Tiegel of Concord are in the Democratic primary. The winner will face GOP Rep. Richard Hudson.
— In the 10th District, GOP Rep. Patrick McHenry — chief deputy whip in the House Republican leadership — has five challengers: Ira Roberts of Hickory, Jeff Gregory of Shelby, Gina Collias of Kings Mountain, Albert Lee Wiley of Salter Path and Seth Blankenship of Swannanoa. David Wilson Brown is the Democratic nominee.
— In the 11th District, Rep. Mark Meadows, chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, is running against Chuck Archerd of Asheville in the Republican primary. Democratic primary candidates are Phillip Price of Nebo, Steve Woodsmall of Brevard and Scott Donaldson of Hendersonville.
— In the 12th District, Rep. Alma Adams has three Democratic primary challengers: Gabe Ortiz and Patrick Register, both of Charlotte, and Asheville City Council member Keith Young. The Republican primary candidates are Carl Persson of Charlotte, Paul Wright of Mount Olive and Paul Bonham of Dallas.
— In the 13th District, Kathy Manning and Adam Coker, both of Greensboro, seek the Democratic nomination to challenge first-term GOP Rep. Ted Budd.
Libertarians also have fall candidates for the 2nd, 9th, 11th and 13th Districts.
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Reverse Mortgages That Work
Many homeowners in or near retirement face a quandary. Their wealth is tied up in their home—two-thirds of the average retiree’s net worth is home equity—yet they’d rather not tap that wealth by selling their house and downsizing.
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One versatile solution is a reverse mortgage. It lets you stay put, ditch your mortgage payment (if you still have one) and tap your home equity. The money you borrow can be used however you like—to supplement retirement income, to renovate your home or to cover health care costs, for example. Divorcing spouses can use a reverse mortgage to, say, help one spouse keep the house and the other buy a home. With a reverse mortgage “for purchase,” you can even buy a retirement home. The loan comes due when the last surviving borrower dies, sells the home or leaves for more than 12 months due to illness. You’ll never owe more than the value of your home when you or your heirs sell it to repay the reverse mortgage.
The National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association figures that only about 3% of eligible borrowers have one. Many financial advisers and consumers continue to think of reverse mortgages as loans of last resort. But some potentially detrimental features have been corrected. And over the past several years, financial researchers have found that a reverse mortgage taken as a credit line early in retirement can grow, providing steady income or buffering financial shocks, even for well-heeled borrowers. For example, tapping a line of credit could allow you to avoid taking a distribution from your investment portfolio when it has lost value, or it could cover the cost of long-term care, says Wade Pfau, director of retirement research at McLean Asset Management, in McLean, Va.
Bill and Maureen Deller of Marana, Ariz., near Tucson, took out a reverse mortgage in mid 2017 as a kind of insurance policy. The couple, both in their mid seventies, have a “reasonable” retirement portfolio, says Bill. They also collect Social Security and have long-term-care insurance. The Dellers considered a home-equity line of credit but chose a reverse mortgage after discussing it with their financial adviser. Their home appraised for $280,000, which qualified them for a reverse mortgage with a line of credit of nearly $172,000. “We really don’t need the reverse mortgage financially,” says Bill, “but it makes us feel more comfortable that if we need it, we’ve got it.”
Options for taking the money
Your borrowing power depends on your age (or the age of the younger spouse), the value of your home and current interest rates. With a rate of 5%, a 62-year-old borrower can qualify for an initial payout (the principal limit) of 52% of the home’s value (up to the current Federal Housing Administration limit of $636,150), says Shelley Giordano, chairwoman of the Funding Longevity Task Force, which focuses its research on the role that home equity and reverse mortgages can play in planning for retirement income.
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Because, in effect, you’re receiving loan advances, not income, the money is tax-free. It won’t affect what you pay for Medicare, how your Social Security benefits are taxed or your eligibility for Medicaid. You or your heirs can deduct interest on a limited amount of debt when the loan is repaid. To offset the up-front cost, plan to keep your home for several years or more. If you use little or none of the money, it’s similar to paying premiums for insurance that you never need. You can prepay the loan balance without penalty whenever you like.
Borrowers have several payout options, depending on their goals. A line of credit offers the most flexibility. You can borrow the maximum amount for which you qualify during the first two years, tap the line periodically to supplement income, or hold the line in reserve. You’ll incur interest only on the outstanding balance. Meanwhile, the untapped portion of the line compounds at the same rate at which interest is charged on any balance. If interest rates rise, more interest will accrue on the outstanding balance, but the untapped portion of the line will grow in tandem. That’s another reason to take a reverse mortgage with a line of credit sooner rather than later. Over many years, the line of credit can increase to far more than the original amount.
Retirees will have the greatest probability that their resources will outlast them if they avoid taking money (or take less) from their investments in a down market, especially early in retirement, according to research by Pfau and others. In a month or year when your investments have lost value, you could take withdrawals from the line of credit instead. When your investment portfolio has recovered, you can begin withdrawing money from your investments again, possibly repaying the line of credit and rebuilding its insurance value.
Borrowers who want guaranteed income can also choose fixed monthly payments—possibly in addition to the line of credit. You can take fixed payments in one of three ways.
A term payment will provide fixed monthly payments for a certain period. You could use it as an income bridge to, say, postpone taking Social Security until age 70, when you’ll qualify for the maximum Social Security benefit. However, if you take term payments, you don’t get any more money after the fixed period. Older seniors who anticipate needing in-home care for just a few years may benefit by taking a reverse mortgage with term payments just before they begin care, says Steve Resch, a vice president of Finance of America Reverse.
A tenure payment provides fixed monthly payments based on your age (and a life expectancy of 100), and payments continue until the last borrower dies, sells or leaves the home. The term or tenure payment will remain the same even if your loan balance grows beyond the value of your home.
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A reverse mortgage with tenure payment can be a compelling alternative to an immediate fixed annuity if you plan to stay in your home for life, says Pfau. Whereas an annuity requires a large up-front payment taken from other assets, a reverse mortgage requires only that you cover the up-front costs, which you can pay from the loan proceeds. The payment calculation doesn’t penalize women or couples for their longer life expectancies compared with single males, as annuities do. Plus, payments from the reverse mortgage are tax-free, whereas annuity income may be taxable.
A modified term payment or modified tenure payment combines either payment type with a line of credit. This approach provides guaranteed income and flexible access to a growing line of credit. You’ll continue to receive the term or tenure payment even if you use the entire line of credit.
The least-flexible form of payout is a lump sum. This is a one-and-done deal. You can take part or all of your principal limit to, say, renovate your home, buy long-term-care insurance or pay the tax bill if you convert traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs. But because you incur interest from day one, “it makes no sense to put the money under your mattress or invest it in something else,” says Patricia Whitlock, a loan originator in Brookhaven, N.Y.
Shop for the best terms before you choose
Before you shop for a reverse mortgage, it’s a good idea to discuss with a financial adviser how one would fit into your retirement plan. Look for an adviser who has earned the retirement income certified professional (RICP) designation from the American College of Financial Services (search for one at Designationcheck.com).
An adviser can discuss options for payouts with you, or you can run what-if scenarios with the reverse mortgage calculator at the Mortgage Professor website. See how much you qualify for based on various factors and receive a summary of competitive offers from participating lenders. You can give a lender your contact information to follow up with you, or you can use the summary to compare offers from other lenders. To find lenders in your state, visit Reversemortgage.org, the website of the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association, and click on “Find a Lender.” Look for a loan officer who is a certified reverse mortgage professional.
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Get at least three quotes, and make sure each one shows a selection of margins and illustrates how your choice affects your up-front cost and payout. The Federal Housing Administration says lenders can charge an origination fee equal to the greater of $2,500 or 2% of your home’s value (up to the first $200,000), plus 1% of the amount over $200,000, up to a cap of $4,000 for homes valued from $200,000 to $400,000 and $6,000 for homes worth more than $400,000. But the FHA program doesn’t require lenders to charge the maximum, and if a lender says it does, move on. You’ll also owe fees for third-party services (such as an appraisal, title search and insurance, and inspection), which can run $1,300 to $2,500 or more. You can pay up-front costs from the loan proceeds or out of pocket—say, to stay under the 60% threshold so that you avoid a higher insurance premium.
Lenders charge a fixed interest rate on a lump-sum payout and a variable rate on all other types of payouts. Rates are based on an underlying index—typically the one-month or one-year LIBOR—to which lenders add a margin of 2.5 to 4 percentage points. In general, the higher the margin, the lower the origination fee. You can negotiate a credit against your closing costs if you agree to accept a higher margin. A typical interest rate on lump-sum payouts is 5%. Draws from a line of credit have variable rates, recently ranging from 5% to 6.5% using the one-month LIBOR.
Some loan officers’ compensation may be linked to the amount that you borrow immediately, so they may suggest taking more money sooner. Don’t fall for that. Plus, reverse mortgage lenders can’t legally sell you other financial products, such as annuities.
Keeping your end of the bargain
You must maintain your home and pay property taxes, hazard insurance premiums, and homeowners association or condo dues, or you’ll risk defaulting on your loan. If the lender determines you can’t handle those costs, it will set aside funds from your payout in an escrow account and pay those bills.
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After the borrower leaves the home, lenders must allow an eligible nonborrowing spouse or committed partner to stay. That could still leave survivors in the lurch because they can’t take any more money from the reverse mortgage, but they must still keep up with taxes, insurance and maintenance. You’ll never owe more than the value of your home when it’s sold to repay the reverse mortgage. If your home sells for more than you owe, you or your heirs keep any leftover equity. If your heirs want to keep the home, they can refinance the reverse mortgage, or they can pay the outstanding debt or 95% of the home’s appraised value, whichever is less.
What you need to know
To be eligible for a reverse mortgage, borrowers must be at least 62 years old, named on the title of the home and live in the home for more than half of the year. The maximum payout, or principal limit, for which you’ll qualify depends on your age (or that of a younger co-borrower or a nonborrowing spouse, who must meet certain criteria to be eligible), as well as the current interest rate and the appraised value of your home, up to a maximum of $636,150. Some lenders offer larger, “jumbo” reverse mortgages.
You must get financial counseling to ensure that you can meet your obligations as a borrower. To find a housing counselor certified by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, call 800-569-4287 or search for “HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agencies” online. A session costs $125 to $250 over the phone or in person.
If you have a mortgage, you must pay it off from the loan or other sources. You can withdraw no more than 60% of your principal limit in the first year, unless you need more to pay off existing mortgage debt or make repairs required by the lender. Reverse mortgages are insured by the Federal Housing Administration and, at closing, you’ll pay an initial FHA mortgage insurance premium equal to 0.5% of the appraised value of the home if you take 60% or less in the first year, or a 2.5% premium if you take more than 60%.
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You’ll accrue annual mortgage premiums at a rate of 1.25% of the amount you borrow, and interest charges will accrue on any outstanding balance—though no principal or interest payments are due until the home is sold.
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