#inspired by Teto of course
wildweirdly · 4 months
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danganronpa96 · 10 months
I would love to see a roleswap of the protagonist and mastermind in danganronpa 69 miku as the protagonist and Luigi as the mastermind with Mario being the traitor and Teto being the frist culprit
You've inspired me to create some doodles based on this idea because IT'S SO DAMN GOOD LIKE WHAT??? AUGH I'm obsessed with the ideas that can spring from that
(doodles under da cut to not make ze post rlly long ↓↓↓)
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the girlie pops waking up together <3
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the execution commences </3
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ok but hear me out... 2D support so true
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and of course we have MM!Luigi + a mini traitor!Mario (I came up with the bear buttons but the cape was an idea I remember from this old MM!Luigi edit from the discord lol)
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welcometomy20s · 2 years
July 17, 2022
#473 - Umitagari (MARETU) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 19-04-01, Upload Date: 15-05-02
Originally translated as disillusioned, because that’s what the song is about. Being disillusioned… and wanting to bear something, like a baby, which is what the title actually means. In terms of MARETU songs, this is par for the course. 
#474 - Positive Dance Time (Kinoshita) [Otomachi Una, Kagamine Rin]
Achievement Date: 19-04-04, Upload Date: 17-10-12
Probably the song that most people think of for Kinoshita? Astoundingly positive and poppy, the song is heavily inspiring and romantic with that ‘shall we dance’ leitmotif. There is something about Kinoshita that makes it want to sing but hard to cover. 
#U-5 - Migi ni Ma Girl (harufuri) [Kasane Teto]
Achievement Date: 19-04-04, Upload Date: 15-01-04
Also known as Girlving to the Right… but that’s so awkward of a name. Harufuri makes nice rock ditties, although the intro to this is odd and long. Teto sounds quite artificial here, which is interesting considering its versatility that is Teto’s strength.
#475 - Violence Trigger (HachiojiP) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 19-04-06, Upload Date: 18-12-23
Another COMPASS song. Tuning is more squeaky than his usual tuning, and he goes hard into his commission songs like his latest commission for ProSeca, and honestly I think he goes a bit too hard. Even the lyrics goes too hard, but not in a disturbing way.
#476 - Clockwork Girl (Drop) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 19-04-08, Upload Date: 18-12-09
Again, another COMPASS song. Drop has some good songs, but I believe they are mostly rhythm games or Touhou songs, because the duo (Drop did the music, Hatsuki Yura did the lyrics) has only one song here. Well, it does its job.
#477 - If you don't play this song a million times, I'll die! (Tamao) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 19-04-09, Upload Date: 17-12-31
One of two songs brought on this list after the death of wowaka, and you can see why this song got on the list. The song itself is perfectly decent, lyrics are what it says on the tin, so there’s nothing to write about. I’m surprised this has a YouTube version.
#478 - Strobe Last (Shiina Mota) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 19-04-09, Upload Date: 11-01-20
Another ‘tribute’ to someone who left before wowaka, and second from the deceased producer. Part of the Strobe series, which are four versions of the same song which evolved with him (the last version will hit the list soon). This is the stripped, tricked-out version. The refined and varied instrumentation is what sells this song. 
#479 - Like-Love Climaxitis (Denpol-P) [GUMI]
Achievement Date: 19-04-10, Upload Date: 14-02-13
Koyori’s rock-based love song once again shows up here. The song combines the rock swing beat with a hint of melancholy which Denpol-P is known for. Song is basically about jealousy, kind of a one-sided love thing? It’s what it is.
#480 - Imagination Forest (Jin) [IA]
Achievement Date: 19-04-12, Upload Date: 12-05-19
I believe this is the… I don’t even know what it is. There’s like three versions, okay?!
#481 - Toki Wasure Bito (Shigotoshite-P) [KAITO]
Achievement Date: 19-04-13, Upload Date: 09-04-27
KAITO at its most melodramatic as he is about to die. He dies a lot in his songs, doesn’t he? Almost as much as Len… KAITO’s emotion comes in full here, and he needs it. Why do all KAITO songs sound the same? There’s no variation for him. 
#482 - I Don't Care Who, Somebody Go Out with Me (Takkyu Shounen) [Kagamine Len]
Achievement Date: 19-04-14, Upload Date: 12-12-01
Len at its most pathetic. I love it. It’s one of the shorter songs on this list, although it packs quite a punch. I just love all the VOCALOID characters on the PV and well, all the variations are cool to see as well, and easy since this is very short.
#483 - Theater Love Song (n-buna) [SF-A2 miki]
Achievement Date: 19-04-15, Upload Date: 15-02-23
Miki finally makes it onto this list, with one of the more prolific miki producers, n-buna. Miki has a light voice which really fits n-buna and you can see where MikitoP comes from, yes that’s what the name is for. I’m just kind of sad that miki is not popular because honestly miku n-buna can get grating at times. And miki actually seems to sing about something instead of the abstraction of Miku n-buna songs. Maybe it’s just me.
#484 - I-ya, I-ya, I-ya (Neru, z’5) [Kagamine Rin, Len]
Achievement Date: 19-04-15, Upload Date: 17-11-10
Neru continues his funk phase with this groovy song with lyrics about wanting off oneself… well, more about not getting anywhere in life. The infectious melody and glorious use of trumpet amply mask this very depressing and relatable song.
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bmpmp3 · 12 days
THIS is little late for the weekend sowwy BUT I must tell you the truth. I am the king of being late. I didn't used to be, but for the past two years I have been consistently showing up ten minutes late to everything in my life <3 I'm working on it but it will happen again LOL
Anyway, this week's (last week's?) focus is gonna be Show (唱) by Ado!!
Another non-vocal synth song, my favourite Ado tune!! Although again, vocal synth adjacent: Ado grew up doing utaite activities and so many of her songs are like the who's who of vocal synth producers; giga-p, deco27, syudou, the works really!! And specifically her work with Giga-P and Teddyloid (this song and also my previous favourite of hers, Odo, were arranged by them) has been so good, these dance tunes let her go NUTS all over the track, playing with all these cheeky vocal styles. She yells, she uses falsetto-type tones, she vocal fries, she flip-flops between head and chest voices, she growls, she fucking YODELS it's fantastic, it is just wonderful. I never get sick of her scratchy yet powerful "warning!!" no matter how many times I listen to it.
I'm also very fond of the video, the character designs and animation is SO so so fun, I love the dance and the design of the girl in the eyepatch and dress, I think she's so cute LOL
To start with the covers, most of the one's I'm going to highlight are actually going to be vocal synth covers interestingly. I wonder if maybe because this is such a vocally intense song it makes the sound of a synthetic voice sound particularly interesting to me with it? But of course I do love plenty of real people covers, it's just a fun song all around.
The first cover I want to point out is the only human singer in todays list outside of Ado herself, the utaite Eruno (えるの):
Big fan of this cover in particular and it's going to sound kind of odd why but it's because the dude sounds like he's having a BLAST lol This song is super hard to sing already because Ado is extremely talented and extremely good at soundly like she's having effortless fun while singing some insane shit, so it's fun to hear another cover where someone is still keeping up well with the range but playing around in different ways! He matches some of her tone switches, but he messes around with his own voice particuarly in the verses in different ways which sounds very nice!
Next I want to point out not just one, but two Teto covers! Yasutange's UTAU Teto (top) and SynthV Teto (below) covers:
Both are fantastic, I love that this producer put so much footage of not just their pitchbending, but also some of their parameter edits in both OpenUtau and SV, it's really inspiring seeing how people mess around with these things. I like to listen to the UTAU cover slightly more because I like the UTAU edge, but I adore watching that SV cover to see those breath and gender sliders go NUTS. And I have no clue how they did those vocal fries in SV, that's awesome. Both covers are really fun to listen to and look at the videos, check 'em out!
Another cover using a vipperloid that I want to show you guys is this Yokune Ruko cover by ナイトウ_UTAU:
Using both of Ruko's fem and masc vocals, it sounds so expressive its UNREAL. The beginning "yeah yeah yeah SHOWTIME" blasts you off into space and it just gets better by the second. Before the first chorus the fem vocal has this cool seductive tone, and all the interjections like the "hey"'s and the "uh"'s sound so natural it is WILD. Wonderful cover <3
I want to talk about one last cover, I'm doing what I did last week again, saving my absolute favourite for last LOL BUT this cover. This wonderful cover. A Kaito V1 cover by Persephone-p:
I've mentioned this before, I'm a V1 lover. And specifically, I'm a Kaito V1 FANATIC he's my favourite version of Kaito ever on earth <3 YES he's glitchy YES he's robotic but he also has these strong, deep vocals that still somehow keep their clarity, really love it - and this cover takes the fun roboticness to the next level: Persephone-p has leaned into the effect particularly in the lower parts and the verses, letting Kaito sound anywhere from his usual self to a MacinTalk-esque tone then all the way to deep 1970s Speak-n-Spell growl. SO GOOD so so so good. And all that's not even going to the actual expressiveness of the tuning itself, he sounds like he's having a blast LOL Really wonderful cover, my absolute favourite cover I've heard of this song!!
That is all for tonight, please enjoy these fun covers of this fun song!! (stands up and immediately dies and goes to hell and becomes a zombie in order to dance a choreographed dance in a orange prison jumpsuit)
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strixcattus · 4 months
Conlang Year Days 43–47: Nouns
Over the course of this week the prompts were mostly focused on figuring out what nouns would get marked for—class, number, definiteness, and function.
Day 43: Noun Class
...Conlang has (technically, is planned to have, since we haven't gotten to this prompt yet) seven grammatical persons, three of which have four genders, which are based on semantics. I don't need to add noun class to the stew.
Day 44: Noun Number
I'm pretty sure I actually said something about Conlang's plural system before Conlang Year was going on, and my intentions haven't changed since.
Conlang has an unmarked singular and two marked numbers, plural and general. The plural is marked by doubling the final syllable of the noun—currently I'm thinking that this process gets essentially fused into the word before Stage 2 of sound changes (you may or may not recognize this as immediately after all the stress-based changes), which would result in occasionally irregular-looking forms, but I've yet to test how this would work in practice, so it's still up for some wiggling.
The "general" is a bit like a collective, "all X," except it carries the implication of "not necessarily all X." It's for generalizing. If I say something like, "Cats have four legs, long tails, and fur," that's a general statement, which isn't falsified by the existence of cats with missing legs, short tails, or no fur at all, and in Conlang that first word would be marked differently than that of the sentence, "Cats are covering the warm tile floor." The general is going to be derived from *puyi (universe).
Day 45: Definiteness
This was the day where I decided on the numerical system Conlang uses. Not even the number day got me to crack, sit down, and spin up a bunch of numeric words, but, well... I needed markers for definiteness, and "one" and "some" are pretty classic sources.
I want my definiteness markers to agree with number—two each for definite and indefinite, since the general doesn't need these markers—what would that even mean?
The indefinite markers will be derived from *liya (one) and *kiyi (some), respectively. The definite markers will be derived from demonstrative determiners, which I have yet to create.
Day 46: Case!
Or is it just "function?" I don't know if I can say "case" if it isn't marked directly on the noun. That's always been a bit unclear.
This one's the fun day—two days, actually, since I only finished selecting all the derivations earlier today. I like the idea of having each noun's function be indicated by an adposition which gives me a landing site for subjective tense markers later on.
Hold on, I've got a list. There are twelve. (The World Lexicon of Grammaticalization was very helpful for several of these, and gave inspiration for even a few of the cases it didn't cover.)
Nominative: from *teto (have)
Accusative: from *yine (take)
Dative (indirect object): from *kaki (give)
"Give" and "take" came right from the World Lexicon. None of their examples for Agent sources were particularly inspiring, but "have" seemed the natural completion of the triad.
Instrumental: from *kazo (hold)
Comitative (accompanied by): from *noda (follow)
Benefactive (on the behalf of): from *dedi (help)
Pretty straightforward, I think. I don't remember if I got the comitative derivation from the World Lexicon or not, but. You get where these all come from.
Locative (at): from *dizopo (liver)
Inessive (in): from *koju (heart)
Adessive (near, by, outside): from *zese (lung)
I've always been a little fuzzy on what exactly "locative" means, but the distinction between these three is like so:
Say I want to spend the afternoon with a friend, and we decide to meet up at a café both of us know. I can say one of three things:
I'll be waiting at the café. (Once you're at the café, you'll be able to find me—but where specifically I am, you won't know until I'm there.)
I'll be waiting in the café. (You know where I'll be—inside the café, probably at a table or something.)
I'll be waiting by the café. (You know where I'll be—outside the café, waiting for you to arrive.)
The locative-liver connection was from the World Lexicon, and I was frankly ecstatic to discover it. Then the inessive-heart link was there as well, so I just kind of rolled with it.
Ablative (from): from *dana (leave)
Allative (to): from *sozu (enter)
Perlative (through): from *kili (nerves)
The former two came from the World Lexicon. The last one came from my desire to complete the set.
Day 47: Noun Phrases
Not as difficult as it seemed. I already knew the plural would be marked at the end of the noun, so it's best to keep all number markings there. If I take into account the already-determined sentence structure, the nouns will probably follow the case particles. The only real decision left to make was where the definiteness indicators go.
Currently, what I'm going with is: case definite NOUN-number, though I may take the definitiveness indicator and attach it somewhere else. If I do, it'll be a prefix on the noun most likely—that case preposition does not need more of a job than it's already going to have.
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curewhimsy · 3 years
AmeHaku Olympic AU
It was originally just a general Synth AU but the focus became AmeHaku?
This is a universe where being, and winning in the Olympics is the biggest dream in the world, and nearly everyone aspires to achieve.
Summer and Winter Olympics are all in one. They take place in a mountain area, with a Summer Sport Region and Winter Sport Region.
Haku Yowane is trained in speed skating, even though her true passion is figure skating. However, she was never allowed to pursue it by her strict parents, who raised her to focus on speed skating only. A dramatic story unfolds as Haku receives the chance to peruse her dream and learns to adapt to it. Haku begins figure skating, but her form is all wrong initially. Somehow eventually, she has to fill in for an injured figure skater, but her form suffers greatly. Haku has to completely relearn how to skate, but could there be an advantage to knowing both speed and figure skating techniches?
Ame Sugar, an optimistic girl with heart problems, has been training for synchronized swimming, the only Olympic sport her weak heart and body can physically take. She has been training for two years, and has gotten decent at it, despite it leaving her out of breath at times. Her partners are Joy, Teto, and Camille. But one day by chance, Ame randomly gets lost in the skating building in the Winter Sports Region and needs to sit down for a while. While resting, she ends up seeing a beautiful performance. Star figure skaters Luka Megurine and Momotaro Momone, the “Rose-pink Ballerina and Ballerino of the rink,” give such a graceful display of figure skating that takes Ame’s breath away. Ame finally realizes this enthralling feeling is something missing from her life. Despite having a weak heart, she now wants to pursue figure skating, even though it will hurt and be hard.
This is how Haku and Ame’s stories unexpectedly intertwine.
Haku sees Ame one day at the rink at 3:00 AM when few people are there. Ame has some experience with graceful movement as a synchronized swimmer… but it’s way different on the ice. Constantly having to pull herself up after falling down puts strain on her bad heart. Haku introduces herself. She notices Ame is in bad shape and finds out she was trying for hours. She tells Ame to take it easy. When Ame puts her shoes back on, she’s in so much pain that she can barely walk anymore, and her house is all the way at the Summer Sport Region! Haku, who lives close by, invites Ame to her house to rest.
Ame then has a conversation with Haku as she recovers at Haku’s house. She tells Haku why she suddenly wanted to pick up figure skating, the performance that inspired her, and how it changed her life. She also says how Luka and Momotaro are now her idols.
Haku tells Ame that Luka and Momotaro are super talented, but very hard to approach. She always noticed that they don’t exactly have the most open personalities. Ame suggests maybe they’re just shy. Haku slowly nods… Maybe Ame is right.
Eventually, there is a part where Ame sees Luka and Momotaro and wants their autographs. She tells them about how she is following in their footsteps because they inspired her. Luka is cold, and doesn’t acknowledge the compliment. Momotaro makes a somewhat snide remark, saying “Whatever, that’s what they all say. Go ahead and prove you’re special then.” Ame was however, oblivious that this was an insult, and took it as Momotaro motivating her.
Ame eventually participates in a newcomer‘s audition to become an official figure skating competitor and fails. She is discouraged, and wants Luka’s advice. She walks up to her and is out of breath by the time she’s at speaking distance.
To Ame’s surprise, Luka rudely criticizes her and says “You don‘t deserve to be an athlete if you can’t even walk that far without getting tired.”
Ame tries to tell her she has heart problems but Luka is cold. She insists she is just weak. Weak-willed, and weak in constitution. That’s why she didn’t pass the audition. Luka passed her first audition of course. So did Momotaro. They were both impeccable.
So why is Ame such a failure?
Momotaro arrives at the scene and starts picking on Ame too, saying “Quit trying to be a ballerina when you just look like a clown.”
But Haku was behind Ame for a while and heard quite a lot. Haku starts standing up to Ame saying she is determined and cheerful, big-hearted and devoted. She wants to inspire and encourage people, unlike Momotaro and Luka who only shoot people down.
However, Ame is crushed that the people she admired turned out to be such jerks… towards her, as well.
To Be Continued…
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sarahxalice · 3 years
Character Introduction - Meww Hatsune
--Edits/Updates-- --Edited 8/30/21-- Organized body type information into a list rather than a paragraph.
Hello first post here, maybe I’ll try and setup a format or whatever, but I’ll just go with the flow for now. This very first post will be of my Main and very first OC, Meww Hatsune.
--Origin and Inspirations-- Her origins are quite fuzzy a bit as she is by far my oldest character. She originated as either a character concept to either represent myself online and in games, or as a DND character. She was most definitely used as both and for an extremely long time. Of course character development happens over time and isn’t all at once, it’s just a question of when a solid basis was made for her.
Her name is a bit easier to talk about, while my memory is terrible I can at least probably pull a few references I came across that inspired it. One of the main sources of inspiration was Nyu from the anime Elfen Lied. Unfortunately am currently failing to recall other name inspirations, I can recall having around 3 and yet am missing the others. If I can I will edit this post to update this part, if not I will just make a new post later on adding on information.
As far as inspirations for appearance, characters like Lucy and Nyu from Elfen Lied, Zoey from Tokyo Mew Mew and Yuno Gasai from Mirai Nikki. Main inspiration from these characters is her pink hair and eyes. Skin tone and clothing preferences are based on myself and my own preferences.
Inspirations for her personality while partly coming from characters like Yuno Gasai, a majority of it is just something I was taught about when making characters for the first time for a DND campaign. Which was basically to take a personality trait from yourself and just exaggerate it. And essentially it would be close enough to yourself so it would be easy to roleplay while also not being a complete self-insert.
--Appearance-- As for her appearance, she is shown in my tumblr profile image on the left. Going into more detail I will break it up between her physical appearance and her fashion choices.
-Body Type: -Race: Human (Most Commonly), Half-Demon, Demon -Ethnicity: American (Most commonly) -Sex/Gender: Cis Female -Romantic/Sexual Interests: ♥ Girls ♥ Girls ♥ Girls ♥ (Self-claimed “Super Gay”) -Height: ~5ft 2in -Weight: ~100-110lbs -Physique: Lean musculature (Very fit and active) -Skin Tone: Pale White -Hair: Short, soft, messy/wild Pink hair (Varies between pale pink[255,170,255], neon pink[255,0,255], dark reddish pink[120,0,70] and dark pink[180,50,180]). Eyebrows are neat and moderately thin, usually matching the color of her hair. -Eyes: Tend to be sharp and intimidating. Color usually a bright, near glowing, neon pink. -Age: Typically a young teen to adult, roughly in the range of 16 to 21. -Other: Teeth vary between normal human teeth, adding a fang(s), or razor teeth similar to Soul Eater from the anime Soul Eater.
-Clothing Fashion: For fashion, she typically wears a zip up hoodie, cargo pants, combat boots, and a plain black t-shirt. For some extra details she likes chains, belts, buckles and zippers. Most prominently everything she wears is black, if there is any additional color to her outfit it would be pink as a trim highlight or supplementary color (typically a bright or pale pink). Jewelry isn’t very interesting to Meww, however she sometimes has earrings and is more recently depicted with a ring on her left ring finger and will almost always have it from here on.
--Personality-- She is a rash energetic girl. Hyperactive and proactive, likes to do everything herself. Willing to help anyone she gets along with, willing to take on projects or jobs from others as she likes to just do things herself especially when it comes to fighting. Of course things vary based on the kind of world she is in, in a more fantasy setting she’s typically a fighter/adventurer while in a more “realistic” or modern world, she’s really into athletic fields (commonly things like kendo and track), though combat isn’t out of the question, again depending on the world setting. She has the mindset of a rebel and likes to do things her own way rather than taking orders from another person, though not completely disobedient to anyone, and is not entirely against working with others. She just has a tendancy to lead or go alone on things. She is headstrong, confident, positive, a hard worker, supportive, loving, caring, fierce, aggressive and reckless. Of course she is not without her negative qualities too, some of which have been already named such as reckless and her confidence can be overbearing to outright unreasonable and annoying, and at times even worse. While she is a caring and loving person, she can also be really cruel, uncaring, cold and even sometimes sadistic and heinous. Of course interactions depend highly on the person or situation theyre involved with. As for some more negative qualities, she is very apprehensive and more likely to act negatively towards males than she is females. This as such also affects her romantic interest in people as well, making her solidly a lesbian and having no interest in guys in the least. She’s even hesitant to make friends with the opposite gender and acts very standoff-ish with them (this dislike of males can even be seen with other species such as animals as well). As for females she really loves girls, she loves how they’re all so pretty, beautiful, kind and finds them all amazing. Which kind of skews her views on right and wrong with it. She is way more forgiving to a female who does questionable things and is willing to forgive them or make excuses for their actions. Whereas males she almost is ready to condecend them and look down on them as if they are a bad person before even knowing anything of them. As far as children go she is conflicted on them. She tends to dislike children as well, but can also show kindness and caring towards them. As far as the world around her, she absolutely loves nature and flora. She enjoys fauna too, but not nearly as much, and as far as certain types of fauna, she actually dislikes for example, reptiles and insects. For time of day she loves the night and when its darker out, enjoying gloomy weather as well, such as rain and overcast. She has a neutral feeling towards storms, not particularly enjoying lightning or thunder, but is not disturbed by it. She loves nature to the point of even happy to sleep outside, usually in high places such as in a tree or on a roof. She absolutely loves the snow and snowy regions thus making her favorite season by a landslide, winter.
--Other Information-- Here is where I will put other information that I didn’t feel belonging to any of the previous groups of information, and nor do I believe I could write a whole section on it by itself.
-Relatives: Miku Hatsune (Mother; Yes, the Vocaloid), Teto Kasane (Mother; Yes, the Utauloid), Sylvia Hatsune (Wife), Miku Hatsune (Daughter; Named after her grandmother), Chloe Hatsune (Daughter)
-Allies: Sarah Alice (Close Friend; Soul Twin)
-Likes: Girls, Love, Fighting, Adventuring, Witchcraft, Tea, Cats, Sky, Puns, Sarcasm
-Dislikes: Guys, Not doing anything/Waiting
Fighting Style/Powers: She highly enjoyed close-ranged combat, primarily using her bare hands for hand-to-hand combat, a scythe, a spear, or a one-handed sword with an empty off-hand (rapiers are a particular favorite type of swords she prefers). As far as ranged combat goes, she enjoys and prefers bows, pistols and sniper rifles. As far as magic she uses it slightly more often than ranged weaponry. Prefering the elements of Dark and Ice, while next most commonly used would be fire. Other kinds of magic she has been depicted with is the ability to manipulate blood (while not inspired from, but was rienforced with/from Mirai Kuriyama from Beyond the Boundary) and telekinesis. She thrives on and is extremely fast, being usually one of the fastest people in her world. This also gives her a fairly strong reaction time as well.She sometimes is depicted as fairly strong physically as well, though not usually too far off from average in the world she is in. As far as style, she enjoys and tends to go along with more flair and aesthetic choices in her fighting, sometimes at the cost of efficiency. For strategy she tends to forsake it, while she is fairly intelligent and has the capability to be quite strategic, she tends to more commonly rely on raw emotion and instinct instead resulting in a more feral and sometimes beastial fighting style. As she can be reckless, she is highly aggressive and does not tend to protect herself, sometimes even getting hurt unnecissarily. As she really loves the sky she often dreams of flying, so she usually finds some  way to do so.
Possible Quotes: -”I love you.” -”Fight me!” -”Oh no~ how awful.” -“But why?” -”Meow.”
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ad-cn · 5 years
^This link goes to the tweet thread by @lystrialle that describes in more detail about the news.
The tweets are transcribed below. It’s a long thread.
All right, here's a long incoming thread from your girl here about what "Miku no longer being a Vocaloid" means for the benefit of those not as deeply in the circuit, and why that's actually not as terrifying or world-ending as it sounds (bear with me)
So as much as "Hatsune Miku" has been considered synonymous with "Vocaloid" for a long time now, that wasn't actually the case from a technical standpoint. Miku and co. are licensed VBs from Crypton that worked off the Vocaloid engine from Yamaha.
This is basically akin to how a lot of virtual instruments run on the Kontakt sampler, or how games run on different consoles. These analogies are gonna get real important in a bit, so hang tight.
Unfortunately, Crypton having to be dependent on Yamaha's engine for their products meant they were subject to a lot of very strict limitations Yamaha was imposing on any company licensing from them. Most infamously, Yamaha doesn't actually allow VB devs to roll out patches for any VBs they release -- "updates" have to be separate products.
At one point in 2008 Crypton infamously had to get around their dissatisfaction with the newly released Rin and Len by literally mailing a copy of a disc with a new version of the DBs (act2), legally registered as a "new product" offered for free to those with the old version. 
This means that Crypton (and all other companies) were basically very limited in how they could push out updates, when they could do so, and in what way they could configure their DBs. 
Most significantly, ever since V3, the Vocaloid editor now has its own price tag on it.
It's been getting more and more difficult to get in as a beginner, and that's been a severe point of concern for the community as of late. V5 has a price tag in the literal hundreds and has hefty CPU requirements, and is out of reach for a lot of beginners... and so that means if Crypton wanted to update any of their DBs, they would be obligated to release it as a V5 release, which would mean *removing* compatibility with older versions and basically trapping it to be linked to the most expensive editor iteration to date.
Here's a bit of a history diversion: when Crypton's first V3 came out (KAITO V3, February 2013), it came bundled with a little thing called "Piapro Studio", which at the time was basically just a reskinned Vocaloid engine. But it was notable because it meant prospective new buyers of KAITO V3 (and future Crypton relases) weren't technically bound to buying Yamaha's editor for the product to be usable.
More notably, Crypton thereafter stopped using the word "Vocaloid" to describe Miku and co., instead terming them "Piapro Characters". For those of you DIVA players: have you ever noticed how they very much have always been dodging the word "Vocaloid" in places it wasn't already grandfathered in?
Yeah, this has probably been incoming for a very long time ago. 
Two years ago, in April 2017, Twindrill (the entity managing UTAU Kasane Teto) sent some Teto samples to Crypton just to hear how it sounded in Vocaloid. When wat (an engineer at Crypton) played around with it, he promptly complained that Teto lost all of her identity in the Vocaloid editor, and shortly after suddenly had a huge burst of inspiration for development of technology that might significantly enhance all their vocal banks.
Yesterday, at the same press conference that announced all this, he showed off what seems to be the result of this. The press conference described technology that would be uniformly applied to all six of their vocals and enhance their expressive capabilities and clarity, and a bunch of vocal processing helper tools... all of which would be impossible to implement in Yamaha's Vocaloid.
The point eventually made was that the reason for the split was simply that Crypton's goals and more ambitious plans for their products simply wouldn't be doable within the constraints of Vocaloid and V5. They plan to continue working with Yamaha and the community, of course. 
In effect the analogy is best described as a Kontakt instrument deciding to take itself off Kontakt and run off its own sampler, or Monster Hunter not being on Sony consoles anymore. The substance will continue to exist, even if the platform is different.
So what does this mean for all of us? For the users, this is a Very Big Deal, because the assumption that anything would be obligated to Yamaha is now broken and Crypton is now capable of whipping out a lot of things they never were able to before. It'll probably be cheaper, which is important for beginners, and the user will have more options to choose from. People who want to use Miku, or Rin or Len, or whoever will still be able to get them, and they'll still be in active development. 
People who want to use the others in the Vocaloid editor will still be able to (in fact, I still don't have that much issue with personally using V5). Moreover, the fact Miku is probably the only thing with more name value than the word Vocaloid means that there's now precedent for competition and for other companies to consider ways going forward that don't necessarily have to involve Yamaha's monopoly in it.
For the listeners, what'll change is... probably not that much, to be honest.
Of course a new engine probably means it'll sound a bit different, and hopefully better. And Crypton fans at least will have to get used to eschewing expectations of updates coming around only with new iterations, new designs coming out at X time, or whatever. But it's unlikely this change will have a huge impact on how producers do things, and so, Miku will still be Miku, the others will still be the others.
And finally, what this means for the community: well, currently we're having a crisis on what to call ourselves after having called ourselves the "Vocaloid" community for so long 😅
But while this is certainly the most drastic incident on face value, there have already been different engines in this community for years now. I started off as an UTAU user. CeVIO is getting bigger, and 1st PLACE is dabbling in it. SynthV just came out and is up and coming. GYARI is making headlines with Voiceroid songs. We're still one community.
Because yeah, in the end... people are still probably going to do what they're gonna do. Miku is still Miku. Vocaloid is still Vocaloid. People are still gonna create, the end result will be similar, it's just the methodology that's changing.
In fact, most of the fellow users I know are very excited about this because it opens up a ton of possibilities. I personally am very, *very* interested in how this is gonna go (especially if I end up saving money in the end!).
Moreover, the new technologies showed off at the press conference were very exciting, and Crypton's also demoing a new music search service that inherits Piapro and KarenT's philosophy of being open towards competitor software. They're *very* aware that the community operates best when they're able to mix and match and choose what products suit them best, and that trying to stop that would be shooting themselves in the foot. 
So while I do of course still have some degree of uncertainty, I'm sure we're gonna be fine. 
So, yes! It sounds crazy and it sounds like a blow to our sentimental value of the reality we know being turned on our heads! But as someone who's been here for near exactly ten years, I honestly welcome this development as something that could take our community further.
So I hope that clears it up for anyone potentially confused. Thank you for bearing with this 😊
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The False Idol- (Drabble)
(( i don’t oft write these but sometimes inspiration strikes... this Lil piece of work is written in a slightly different style and is based off a theoretical Danganronpa verse for Kasane Teto, based off this.   It takes place after the ‘concert’ mentioned in that post, wherein someone died. Teto has left her room as little as possible since, and the protagonist (left vague) has come by, worried about her. Enjoy! (or don’t..?) (under a read more cause long af lmao) 
Knock, Knock. Knock, Knock. 
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There was someone at the door. It seems like they want to see me, or at least talk to me.  I can’t face them like this. In the past, maybe I would have loved the idea of someone coming to talk to me after a concert...but I suppose that will never happen, now, will it? In the end, it was all just...
“Teto-san, are you okay? You’ve been acting odd lately..truth be told, I’m getting kind of worried!” 
Tch. Of course, they’d come by at a time like this. Ah, what to do...I can’t show myself, not like this...c..come on Teto, stop crying already! You’re an idol...you... no, I can’t be that anymore. 
“J..just a second! I...I’m getting changed!” - A lie, of course. I’ve always been good at those, after all. Even now, after it’s all comedown...I can’t stop lying... I hate it. I hate it. I hate... 
“...Teto-san. Are you crying...?” 
Shoot, my voice gave it away, didn’t it? “N..no! I’m not crying...! I’m not...” My eyes sting. “I’m...I’m not...” Don’t break down now, please! I can’t let them know I’m... 
“I’m..n..not crying...” Even as I said that tears were falling and I’m powerless to stop them- my nose is running out of control...ah...they know now, don’t they? With that revelation, I fell to my knees and started to sob...i’m so worthless. A real nobody...Kasane Teto...who is that, exactly? 
I look up to see the door slowly opening as they stepped inside... That person who’d been by my side since day one. I was so naive back then, I wish I had taken things more seriously... maybe things wouldn’t have turned out like this if I had. 
“I...I didn...I didn’t say you could c..come in...” I manage to feebly choke out, but I suppose the fact that I had unlocked the door...(when did I do that?) gave away my true intentions. With a heavy sigh, I found myself looking to the floor again. My hands grew restless, tapping against my leg awkwardly- the same rhythm as that day. I hate it, but I can’t help but remember. 
“Kasane-san. What’s gotten into you? wasn’t it you who told me we would all be okay? that if we just remain upbeat, we’ll get out of this..? You were the reason I held on this long Kasane-san...so to see you like this, I....” 
The tears fell faster. Before I knew it, I had started to wail aloud. All these feelings that I had tried to express through song- i could no longer let them out that way, so they came pouring out here, instead. The realisation that I could never go back to who I wanted to be..it hurts. Everything hurts. 
“I...It’s my..my fault! I got them killed! If it..if it wasn’t for my stupid, stupid concert...if I wasn’t so focused on trying to be who I wanted to be...if I had just been myself like everyone else...!!” 
“Kasane-san! Hold yourself together! What are you saying? Kasane-san is Kasane-san, you can’t possibly be anyone else!” 
“You don’t get it! I’m not real! I’m a fake! I’m not a diva, or an idol...I don’t sing up on stage, or dance in the spotlight...! I just act like it...those posters were just photoshopped pictures my friends made...!! I’m nothing! I don’t have any fame or fans! There’s nothing good about me! It...It should have been me to die!” 
I couldn’t help it. Even with how hoarse I would be, I couldn’t help but scream out these feelings. Like the times I had done on my stage of lies, my voice betrayed me and my thoughts came flooding out. Hands gripping my outfit, ruffling the fabric as more and more tears fell. 
A faker. A joke. A real nobody. The Ultimate Faker, wasn’t she?
���Kasane-san...please don’t say that. No one deserves to die, and being fake or not doesn’t matter. Faker or not, you still have the title of ‘The Ultimate Diva’...the way you performed on stage the other day was...it was real, wasn’t it!? You really performed! Who you were before doesn’t matter..here, to me...you are Kasane Teto, that’s all.” 
My tears stopped suddenly..it felt like time had frozen. Wiping my eyes, I looked toward them again, that damned melody still playing in my mind... but when I look at them...it’s so much quieter. 
“You understand? You performed back then...you were real, weren’t you? I felt your feelings the, Kasane-san, everyone did. No matter what happens from now, I’ll support you as best as I can, alright? I want to see you up there again, performing as you did. I want to see your genuine smile as you sing again, Kasa...Teto.”  
This feeling...was it love? affection? No...Hope, maybe? I can’t’ remember the last time I felt like this...they want to see me smile genuinely, to be happy, to- 
To perform again? 
“...I...I’m sorry...” The tears returned, my eyes stinging as that song reached it’s climax, my mind screaming at for being so stupid. “I can’t, I can’t!  To go up on the stage...It’s ruined! I can’t do it! I..I’m sorry!!”  Im so useless. I couldn’t even fake this much, could I? The very idea of going back up on stage hurts. “I...I’m sorry...th..thank you for everything b...but...I wan’t some alone time, if it’s alright...Thank you again, b...but...” 
“...Alright, I understand, Kasane-san. I’ll....I’ll see you tomorrow, alright? Be careful, alright?”  
“Mhm, I..I will. See you tomorrow...”
They left, my throat burning, eyes stinging and ears ringing.  Shakily, I rise to my feet, and climb upon the pseudo-stage I arranged when I got here.. A simple table with a flashlight pointed at it, but...it’s real enough for a faker like me. 
The adrenaline pumping height of the stage was now dizzying, nauseating.  The comforting warmth of the spotlight now burned me.  The microphone felt so heavy, where it once sprung out my light-hearted feelings.
Ah...my head... its...- 
[ Kasane Teto collapsed, falling down from her stage onto the floor below, her body going limp. Her microphone rolled away, and her spotlight went dark.She was alive, just...unconcious- yet even so her fingers continued to tap out that melody upon the ground. The same tune as always. Her voice was heard one last time, a quiet mumble as a heavy, dark sleep took her] 
“I’ll...never perform...again...ah...” 
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ibrithir-was-here · 6 years
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I meant to have these up hours ago, but here they are at a last! After @im-fairly-whitty posted their finale for Cecilia de la Verde I knew I had to draw these girls. So have some pics of the happy De la Cruz family.
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This is all just my head canon of course, and not Wit's canon, but I sort of pictured Lucinda taking after her mother and following her into the fashion industry.
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We know from the fic with Jasmine and Teto in the villian!au that Jasmine likes mathematics, and I just couldn't help subjecting poor Ernesto to whatever the thirties equivalent of "New Math" was.
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And finally there's Valentina, the baby of the family, and Daddy's Girl through and through, who practically jumped onto the page tap-dancing the moment I sat down to draw her.
Like I said, all this is my own headcanon, but I hope you like it Wit! Thanks for all the amazing stories and inspiration! (Salute!)
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365xinwen · 5 years
DIY dog house that you can easily do
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curewhimsy · 3 years
Vocaloid and Fanloid Pro-Wrestling AU characterizations
I thought of this with @counterattacker
I’m not really into pro-wrestling, but my dad sometimes watches WWE in front of me and it seems interesting... and I would like to see that as an AU with UTAU because it seems cool and dramatic!
Heres what I got so far.
Taya Soune -Taya’s wrestling persona in the ring is a heel. He is a suave, debonair, flirty, and dashing gentleman... He is charmingly deceiving, he’s actually selfish, sinister, wicked and twisted... yet he makes everyone swoon... -In real life, Taya Soune is a very shy, sensitive, and sweet shrinking violet of a gentleman who has low self-esteem and is a bit of a crybaby. He is very kind, generous, and usually is thinking of others.
Teto Kasane -Teto’s persona is a heel. She is a badass, queenly, all-commanding chimera with a mean streak. She is bossy and malicious. -In real life, Teto is super-bouncy, childish, sweet, dorky, and adorable.
Ritsu Namine -Ritsu in the ring is a heel. He is a yelling madman gremlin of chaos and destruction and hellfire (and more yelling.) -In real life, Ritsu is... a yelling madman gremlin of chaos. But he’s surprisingly wise, mature, and patient.
Momo Momone -Momo in the ring is a heel. She is a yelling madwoman of destruction who is a bully, always punching or kicking people in the face and terrorizing the innocent. -In real life, Momo couldn’t be sweeter. She is incredibly polite, innocent, nurturing, and self-effacing, to the point of letting people take advantage of her kindness. Not on purpose, or course.
Uta Utane -Uta in the ring is a heel. She is a sinister android from outer space... and often cheats and sabotages matches with lasers of lightsabers. She is incredibly stoic and poised, and cold—emotions and the like do not phase her. She dislikes fellow heel, Taya, who tends to flirt with her. Logic is her driving force. -In real life, Uta is bold and sarcastic, yet quiet and a bit shy. Yet she is caring, unlike her persona. Unlike in their performances, Uta has an actual crush on Taya that she is too shy to express. Haku Yowane -Haku in the ring is a face. She is a confident, glistening star, and brave hero with charisma. -However, in real life, she had severe depression and really low self-esteem before playing this role. She hated herself and thought of herself as worthless. Her friend Neru inspired her to take up this role. Haku thought she couldn’t do it and ran away. But gradually, she build her confidence through performing and getting better at it. Now Haku is inspired and is slowly learning to become as confident as her persona.
Neru Akita -Neru in the ring is a face. She is a cheesy heroine who dresses in bright rainbow colors like a fashion doll, and is addicted to her phone. She can be a bit bratty, a bit corny, but believes in the power of friendship. She often joins forces with Haku. -Outside of the ring, Neru is a gremlin who is usually pissed off. However, she is extremely supportive of Haku and a very good friend.
Ruko Yokune -Ruko in the ring is a face. Due to her large size, she is known as a “mama bear” and a “big hero.” She is ever-so-heroic, and is usually beating someone up... with a good cause, of course! -Outside of the ring, Ruko is outgoing, cheerful, loves to party, and is protective, yet she’s surprisingly a bit emotional and timid as well.
A random idea: Uta’s persona is basically emotionless. Taya’s persona flirts with Uta’s persona? In real life Uta has a crush on Taya, so it makes Uta blush every time they rehearse or perform those parts. But Uta has to hide her swooning, because her role is an emotionless character! (And because she doesn’t want her crush revealed to everyone!)
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curewhimsy · 7 years
OC A Day 4- Haruko Asagao
Oh my gosh, it's Haruko. From Nichijou no Niji. That Haruko.
This brings back memories.
Age: 15
Birthday: March 29
Gender: Feminine non-binary (this headcanon is fairly new.)
Species: Human
Eye color: Cranberry red
Hair color: Cranberry red
Skin color: Pinkish-pale
Race/Ethnicity: Japanese
Height: 4'10"
Build: A bit chubby, flat chest but thick thighs, short and stout!
Physical traits: Button nose, big eyes, bob haircut, thick thighs,
Sexual orientation: Up to interpretation, but it seems like everyone in Nichijou no Niji is attracted to the same gender. Lol.
Favorite food: Salmon nigiri sushi
Type of magic: In Nichijou no Niji, Haruko does not have magic. However, in the Whimsica spinoff, Rainbow Tales, she does. Haruko's magic is plant related, and emotion related.
Powers and abilities: Raising magical plants, making plants grow with magic, healing magic,
Non-magic abilities: She can sing like a Disney princess. Kinda.
Quirks: Forgets gender roles even exist sometimes. For example, she forgets that boys traditionally do not wear dresses.
Voice: High-pitched, airy, chirpy like a bird. Could be voiced by Aya Uchida.
Relationship to other characters: Moemi- Best friend! Perhaps even girlfriend? Well, they have something going on. Setsuna- Best friend! Part of the Rainbow Club. Rie- Best friend! part of the Rainbow Club. Nina- Best friend! Haruko and Nina love to play pretend together. Shouko- Good friend. Haruko admires Shouko for being so intelligent. Momoe- Haruko admires Momoe for being such a fashionable, cute girl. Chise- Haruko admires Chise for being so athletic Ayana- Good friend. Haruko helps Ayana (who is a transfer student) with her Japanese sometimes. Rumi- Good friend.
Fictional characters inspired by:
Tomodachi life personality: Optimist
Love Live attribute: Smile
Pokemon Go team: Valor
Theme songs:
Blood type: O+
Tv Tropes: Genki Girl Adorkable Moe
Favorite word: "Haru" (Japanese for spring), "Moe" (Japanese for bud, also otaku jargon), "Kururin" (Japanese for twirling), "Ganbare" (Japanese for doing your best), "Bui" (Random meaningless word she says)
Motif: Sakura flowers, pink color scheme, petals
Items associated with the character: Sakura flowers, floral items, gummy candy,
Deadly sin: Gluttony
Talents: Drawing, singing
Bad at: Math,
Strengths: Her fiery spirit, her cheerfulness, it's hard to make her sad, takes everything with a smile
Weaknesses: Can be a bit dense, hard for her to be serious
Hobbies: Drawing, taking naps, baking sweets
Backstory: To be announced
Current story: Haruko is in the Rainbow Club with Moemi and friends, where they try to make the mundane exciting and find miracles in every day.
Fears: Piranhas, mooses (she does not know why), being trapped
Dreams: To make people happy To work with animals one day
Wishes: She is filled with wishes Haruko wishes for the entire world to be pretty and cute, and everyone is happy!
Illnesses/Disabilities/Neurodivergencies: May have autism?
Random likes: Cake, cats, cute things, flowers, the color pink
Random dislikes: Pollution, alleys, piranhas,
Bad habits: Tapping her pencil
Flaws: Can be dense, hard for her to be serious
Usual clothing:
Style: Floral patterns, pastels,
Mental characteristics: More creative than logical
Trait the character won't acknowledge: Their denseness
Trait the character doesn't know they have: The ability to make people smile
What series they would be a fan of: Aikatsu!, My Little Pony, Precure
What characters they would get along with: Ichigo Hoshimiya (Aikatsu!) Honoka Kousaka Teto Kasane Pinkie Pie (MLP)
What breaks them down emotionally: Sadness and depression, hatred
As a season: Spring, of course!
As a flavor: Strawberry
As a sound: Birds chirping
Music genre: Pop
Literature genre: Children's fantasy
What would they do if their wish came true:
Would they believe in magic (if living in a world without it): Yes
Other things:
Character song lyric sample:
Create an AU series starring them:
Tiny drabble/scene:
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