This is the entire description, personality, and information on Infernix. It’s long as heck so be warned. Seriously, it’s freakin long. It’s mostly here for my own reference when writing her character or commissioning stuff, but feel free to read if reading about other people’s OCs is your thing <3
One sentence description: Full-time crazy bird lady, part-time reluctant super hero
Full Name: Holly Burns Nickname: Nix, Nixy Reason for nickname: Shortened version of her super hero name, Infernix Age: 26 years Sex: Female Gender: Female Place of Birth: United Kingdom Birthday: 20th October Currently living in: Municiberg Species/Race: Human [super] Ethnicity: Caucasian Occupation: Works at a rescue centre for birds given up by their owners Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Social Status: Middle class Relationship Status: In a relationship/married (depending on the timeline) Status: Alive
Body Build: Slender, but with chubby hips Height: 5’4” Weight: 120lbs Skin colour: Pale Hair style: Long, comes down to mid-back. Straight with fringe over right side Hair colour: Brown Eye colour: Dark brown Distinguishing Features: Has a tattoo of two feathers in a heart shape on her left collarbone, has single piercing in each ear Preferred Clothing: Casual; jeans and a shirt with either a cartoon character or a bird on it Accessories: Blue topaz earrings, hairclip with topaz and amethyst beads and two phoenix feathers
Supersuit: Over-the-knee boots with a flame colour design, over-the-elbow red gloves, white suit with a yellow belt and a phoenix emblem on the chest, attached to the belt is three large phoenix tail feathers and the same beads as those on her hairclip, her mask is curved up at the ends to imitate eyelashes and goes over her nose like a beak, and is orange with three purple accents in each corner
Likes: Birds, heights, flying, birds, the sky, nature, birds, cartoons, boats, warm days, night time, socks that have animal faces on them, seafood, birds   Dislikes: Planes (it’s not natural flying!), small spaces, spiders, people who don’t like birds, spicy food, really loud music
Bird watching, reading, going for nature hikes in forests and woodland, watching documentaries, aviculture, collecting precious stones
Has retained many habits from her time spent as a phoenix. She will spend a lot of time “preening” her hair, she makes clicking noises with her tongue when she is happy, she feels awkward about how to position her hands so she usually keeps them against her chest when standing, and she will make bird-like squawks or chirps when startled or curious. Oh and she hisses (like a swan) when angry.
Strengths: Intelligent, fast healing, able to shapeshift into a phoenix which grants her flight, temporary immortality, and fire powers
Weakness: Water extinguishes her fire, certain soundwaves disrupt her ability to maintain her transformation, if the phoenix is “killed” then she is forced back into her human form which has no other powers and will be physically exhausted, is quite easy to emotionally manipulate
Infernix is a super, and her super power is shapeshifting. She can only shapeshift into one thing, and that is a giant fire bird phoenix. Her phoenix is around 10-15 feet high, depending on the amount of energy she can expend into the transformation. She can maintain this transformation indefinitely, but once she changes back, she is physically exhausted and must rest before being able to transform again. In her fire bird form, Infernix can fly, communicate with any bird species, breathe fire, and is immune to any damage from heat/fire sources. She can also speak and understand English as a phoenix. The true power of the fire bird is to engulf itself in flames and burn everything around it, but she has not achieved this yet. As a phoenix, she is of course immortal. She can feel pain and be injured, and even experience the pain of death, but instead of dying, she simply is forced back into her human self. This only applies to her phoenix form, and as a human she is mortal. She has some hand-to-hand combat skills, but nothing advanced. She is quite intelligent, and because the size of her phoenix makes it impractical for her to transform in crowded cities and built up areas, she is usually the ‘brains’ and takes on the planner/sleuther role for fighting crime. Her phoenix has high raw power though, and is very useful in large-scale supervillain battles. As a human she has no other particular powers, except that she recovers faster than normal from injuries and illnesses.
Spiders, being trapped (especially underground), anything bad happening to Screech, and she has an irrational fear of one day waking up and not being able to use her powers any more and being trapped in her human body forever
Very emotionally attentive - feels emotions strongly. This can be good as it means she is very loving and very appreciative of little things, but it also means she is sensitive and easily hurt/angered by other people
Very kind and caring towards every living thing, believes that every life is important no matter what body it’s in. Very empathetic and compassionate
Brave, especially when protecting others
Very maternal towards those she cares about
Stubborn, often believes she is right and can be argumentative. Can find it hard to accept when she’s wrong or know when to stop
A lot of her kindness is aimed at animals and the disadvantaged and vulnerable (e.g. children, the elderly). When dealing with typical, healthy humans she can be selfish as she is not used to socialising, and firmly holds the belief that animals (birds) are purer than people
In her human body she is unsure of herself and doesn’t always feel ‘right’. Only feels ‘normal’ when she is in her phoenix form. She is slowly getting more used to it
Family: Not in contact with them, except Gus Burns (Reflux), who is her great uncle. In the future, she has 4 children with Screech: Jay (male, 15), Raven (female, 13), and twins Skyler and Robin - (both male, 5) Love interest: Screech (Boyfriend/husband depending on timelime) Friends/Allies: He-Lectrix, Krushauer, Voyd, Winston Deavor, Brick Enemies: Currently none. Not an enemy, but she’s kinda mad at Edna Mode because she criticized Infernix’s giant phoenix tail feathers on her costume
Infernix did not discover her powers until very late compared to other supers. During ages 5-10, she was a ‘normal’ kid. She was bullied heavily at school, because she didn’t make any friends and would spend her playtime looking for birds and feeding them. The other kids would call her ‘bird girl’ and throw things like birdseed at her. At age 11, her emotions were running very high, and she could not shake the feeling that she was in the wrong body. She didn’t feel like a human, she felt like a bird. When she saw birds in the sky she felt jealous of them and felt like she just wanted to join them. When she looked at her arms, she saw unnatural, lanky limbs, and they just didn’t feel right. There should be wings there. These limbs aren’t hers. The human body is so weirdly shaped and hairy. Where were her feathers? She felt they were meant to be there, but they were missing. It was then that her first transformation happened, and it terrified the life out of her. It didn’t last long because she could not sustain it. Not sure what was going on, and thinking it was some kind of fever dream, she tried to pretend it never happened. Until it happened again and again, each time when she felt tremendous energy from her emotions. Eventually she was able to bring it under control, so she could decide exactly when she transformed and when she transformed back. She kept her powers hidden, and her family never knew about them; she was never close to them. Aside from learning to control it, she never really experimented with her powers, so she never achieved her full potential. She was pretty content this way for a while, until she met a man she fell hard for. She was infatuated with him, totally smitten, and he appeared to be the same with her. They had a relationship for two years, during which he subtly destroyed her self-esteem without her realising, and then used that to emotionally manipulate and abuse her. The relationship ended when she discovered he had not only been married the entire time, but had a child too. Heartbroken, she spiraled into depression. She felt totally betrayed by humanity, and felt less connected to her species than ever before. Birds never betrayed her trust like this, they were always loving and never had secret intentions. So, she decided she was going to transform into a phoenix and live in the wild amongst the birds. She lived this way for years, completely missing the events of the first and second Incredibles movies.
After the events of the second movie, the “Wannabes” created their own superhero team. Winston was eager to locate the supers who had survived the Omnidroid. Infernix was listed as one such super, since she had powers she was on the NSA database, but since no one had seen her years, she kind of got forgotten. So the “Wannabes” eventually located her, and tried to convince her to return to society. She refused. But they persisted, and reluctantly she agreed, but on the condition that she can stay a phoenix. She took an immediate interest in Screech because she felt he was a fellow bird-enthusiast, who might possibly understand how she felt. Screech of course marveled at her, because she was a giant bird, but that was strictly it. Not long after, during a super villain fight, the phoenix was ‘killed’ and Infernix was forced back into her human body. It took her a long time to adjust, even things like walking felt weird. But now as a human, she and Screech began to bond better. They would talk about birds, and no one but them understood their crazy passion. At one point, Infernix hit a very low spot, after trying to locate her family and being unable to. She confessed to Screech that she felt she had made a terrible choice in running away and had ruined her life. She felt torn between her two lives, and felt like an outcast among other people, because they never understood her and she never understood them. Screech comforted her and told her that he knew how she felt, that he too had been thought of as ‘weird’ for his owl-like habits and appearance, but that he still had a place here with his new friends, and so did she. From that moment, she and Screech began spending a lot more time together, and eventually he gathered the courage to ask her out on a date. Gradually they fell in love, with Infernix loving Screech for his honesty, passion, and pure intentions, and Screech loving Infernix for her similar passion, and her ability to always be loving and kind to people even after the resentment and bitterness she went through.
Thinks popcorn counts as a vegetable
Has several pet birds, including 4 budgies, a cockatiel, a pigeon, and a screech owl. Would like a cockatoo
The feathers on her costume are real phoenix feathers, taken from her phoenix form. They do not give her any special powers and are only for display
Does not actually consider herself a superhero; she’d much rather spend time with her birds than fight crime, and she only does so because she thinks it’s the only reason the “Wannabes” remain her friends and she doesn’t want to lose them
Aside from Screech, the person she gets on most with is Voyd. Voyd’s naturally caring and enthusiastic nature makes her feel comfortable
She doesn’t really interact with the Parr family much and thinks Bob’s name is Bill. She also calls Elastigirl “Elasticalgirl” which mildly annoys Helen sometimes
She gets very offended when people call pigeons ‘rats with wings’
Food: Sea food, particularly crab, lobster, scallops, and mussels Colour: Orange Animal: Budgerigar Number: 4 Holiday: Christmas Season: Winter Time of day: Night Genre of music: Cheesy love songs Genre of literature: Non-fiction Genre of shows: Documentary Genre of movies: Horror
General health: Excellent, she heals from illness and injuries quickly Any physical illnesses?: No Any mental illnesses?: BDD Take drugs?: No Smoke?: No
Mental/Emotional State
Archetype: The “Everyman”or the “Lover” Act before thinking/Think before acting?: Think before acting Emotion-wise, generally: Pretty mature, but wears her heart on her sleeve
Way of speaking: Has a North-Atlantic accent, is well-spoken except for when she is excited Common conversation starter: “Do you like birds?” Swears?: Occasionally, but only for hyperbole effect, not when angry
Education: Has a degree in ornithology IQ: 140 EQ: 100
Before her and Screech were a couple, she had a giant plush owl that she called Screech and cuddled at night pretending it was him
She likes cats but distrusts them, because “they eat birds”
Everything in her apartment is bird-themed; bird plates, bird mugs, bird ornaments, bird plushies, bird cushions, etc.
She cannot talk to/understand birds when not in her phoenix form, but she talks to them as if they understand her anyway
She’s into BDSM, specifically as a dom
She likes drawing and thinks she’s pretty good but she’s actually really, really bad at it
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