Tales of Xadia characters-Pereka
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Name: Pereka Pronounce: She/her Race: Skywing Elf Living place: Innean Profession: None, she is a child Information: Pereka is fearless and like animals. She likes to eat a chewing gun made from local tree root.
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dokyeomini · 1 year
innean i was vegan for almost a hear this should not be hard especially with all the options out there
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queenjanai · 3 years
okay so if i understood it currectly the story that takes place in innean has an “primal well” that is connected to both the sky and earth arcanums, which is really interesting. i’ve been wondering if combinations of arcanums exist in the tdp world. it seems like primal stones aren’t the only objects that contain primal energy inside of them, but other things too
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shmaba · 2 years
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“Innean City” for Tales of Xadia: The Dragon Prince RPG
AD: Tina L. Collier
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propheticfire · 3 years
a Dragon Prince: Tales of Xadia fic:
It doesn’t rain in Innean.
It’s too high for that.
Here, the clouds drift by at eye level, sometimes swallowing the island in a cool gray mist. Beads of moisture gather on any exposed surface, as if sprung from the very stones and crops themselves. To venture out in such weather is to be immediately drenched in cloudwater. The air is thick, but refreshing. Tasting of something slightly sweet, and of the fresh wildness of far-flung winds. The town fades into hazy shadow, as if a half-formed dream, its details not quite clear.
It’s his favorite weather.
But it’s not rain.
He’s heard of rain, of course. Read about it in the many books that stuff the shelves of his study. Knows that it once rained in Innean, many hundreds of years ago, when the island was yet close to the ground. But try as he might, he can’t quite picture what it must be like. To have the clouds roll over you, but not touch you. To have great fat drops of water falling everywhere. It makes a sound, he’s read, but what is that like? How does it not damage the land, falling from such a great height?
Shaking his head, he returns his thoughts to the present, and to the small Innean cypress on the window ledge before him. With a delicate pair of shears, he trims errant branches, guiding the tree into a twisting spiral. A perfect mirror of the ribbons of magic that flow around the Primal Well far beneath him at the base of the Keep. As above, so below.
Except not, because below, it rains.
There go his thoughts again. He sets the shears aside and takes a long, slow breath, casting his gaze out of the tower window to the high mountains in the distance. A distance that grows ever closer. Some things are inevitable. What goes up must come down. He’s not trying to change that. He only hopes that he’s shaped his part of this destiny well enough to see it settle him gently at the bottom, after having been on top for so long.
And maybe, once he’s down there, he’ll get to see the rain.
(also available on AO3)
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chimpukampu · 3 years
I just love your Rayllum Studio Ghibli redraws. they just look and feel amazing.
Thank you ☺️
Those were actually my early art style experimentations for TDP (I wanted to draw TDP in a bit different style from my ML to avoid same-face syndrome) before I settled to my current ones
Tbh there are lots of Ghibli-inspired themes in the show aside from Howl's and Princess Mononoke. The burning town scene in S2 reminded me of Grave of the Fireflies even before I read the artbook. The adoraburrs were kinda similar to soot sprites/susuwatari in Totoro/Spirited Away. Even Innean in Tales of Xadia gave me Laputa vibes.
I would really love to redraw some TDP scenes as Ghibli once I cleared my pending wip list lol
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Tales of Xadia characters-Noko
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Name: Noko Pronounce: He/him Race: Skywing Elf Living place: Innean Profession: ??? Information: Noko's dream was to be the next keeper of the Primal Well. *He can do magic
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Tales of Xadia characters-Olanna
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Name: Olanna Pronounce: She/her Race: Skywing Elf Living place: Innean Profession: ??? Information: Olanna is forthright, headstrong, sharp and direct. She has no combat skills but she is loyal to her people and will do anything to save them. Her solutions could instill panic in others. She doesn't mind getting her hands dirty and won't let emotions dictate her actions.
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Tales of Xadia characters-Vuxen
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Name: Vuxen Pronounce: He/him Race: Skywing Elf Living place: Innean Profession: Blacksmith
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Tales of Xadia characters-Nekrex
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Name: Nekrex Pronounce: He/him Race: Skywing Elf Living place: Innean Profession: Captain of the guard (but like a police in Innean) Information: Most of the time is job was to put drunk elves into a drunk tank and other things like that. He is proud and folksy. The town chose him for the job. He has the only armor in town. *He use a light club *His predecessor was named Gormuss
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Tales of Xadia characters-Nausics
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Name: Nausics Pronounce: He/him Race: Skywing Elf Living place: Innean Profession: Keeper of the Primal Well Information: Nausics is from Innean. He is stocky and old and has elaborated facial tattoos. He knows for years Innean was drifting to the mountains and he wanted to steal the Primal Well when everyone evacuaiting. *He is a mage
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Tales of Xadia characters-Siftress
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Name: Siftress Pronounce: She/her Race: Skywing Elf Living place: Innean Profession: Mage Information: She saw the fate of Innean few months before it happened with the help of her magic.
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Tales of Xadia characters-Pondaryss
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Name: Pondaryss Pronounce: She/her Race: Skywing Elf Living place: Innean Profession: Ghost whisperer Information: Pondaryss is an eldery woman who think everyone are ghosts. Even if it sounds eccentric she is very clever.
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queenjanai · 3 years
okay so i saw the rulebook on twitter and i'm understanding things better: this is just for a single story that focuses on a skywing city called "innean", we should get another story that takes place in lux aurea
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