#incorrect quotes are popular because 99% of the human race is not funny and that includes me
loftwingsuarus · 1 year
I love banter and these characters are just in my head all the time All The Time
Rowan: You’re really good at cooking
Citra: I make things besides depression meals
(Rowan makes a face like he’s in trouble)
Citra (joking): You’re forcing me into gender roles here
Rowan: Sorry. I’ll wear a dress next time
This one is specifically for whoever headcanons both citra and rowan as trans
(They’re still apprentices)
Citra: Shit- I got blood on my shirt
Rowan: Just soak it in cold water. It’ll come out.
Citra: What?
Rowan: What?
Citra (suspicious): How do you know that?
Rowan: How do you not know that?
Faraday: I didn’t know that.
Rowan: How do you not know that!?
Faraday: My dry-cleaning is free.
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