#in the meantime SEND ME STARTER MEMES
impalakiing · 3 months
I'm aliveee (barely) and I promise I'm gonna do things on here soon. :]
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ever-winter · 1 year
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Like/Comment for a short starter! Please let me know which muse you'd like it from - or it'll be whoever happens to be loudest (Usually Seiko/Scara or Dottore) :)
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kxllerblond · 3 months
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Heading to bed !!
Some interaction grabs if anyone doesn't want to wait for me to be more around Sat night:
☕ Perm. Inbox Call
☕ Interest Tracker
☕ Send a meme
☕ General plot concepts (literally feel free to scream at me however if any catch your attention or spark a different idea)
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owedfavors · 5 days
currently shaking off a small headache I woke up with, but here's the plan: I'll be around today amidst getting caught up on some housework / other life responsibilities ( someone yell at me to practice harp before tomorrow's rehearsal, please ), but I want to write here properly, and I want to write with more of you.
I'm going to post a rare af starter call, queue a few meme lists throughout the day ( but also my full tag is here! ) and... hopefully follow up with one or two people I remember had wanted to plot. in the meantime, I'm going to work on a few replies and what's currently in my inbox.
that said, if you're interested in interacting and we don't have verses that jive, I'm happy to plot and figure out a new verse for una so, feel free to reply to that starter call asking to plot instead or just... shoot me a message or... send a note by pigeon? send a bat signal? whatever suits you.
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hiddenwashington · 2 years
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please note that these memes may be sent throughout the duration of the event, to help get new interactions going !!! these will replace our classic meme days formatting until the end of the event!
“ it’s halloween, everyone’s entitled to one good scare. ”
“ i’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color. ”
“ i’m a ghost with the most, babe. ”
“ when there is no room left in hell, the dead will walk the earth. ”
“ it’s a full moon tonight. that’s when all the weirdos are out. ”
“ be afraid… be very afraid. ”
“ it’s showtime! ”
“ welcome to my nightmare. i think you’re gonna like it. ”
“ every day is halloween, isn’t it? for some of us. ”
“ double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble. ”
“ by the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. ”
“ i wasn’t spooked. ”
“ don’t rip my blouse, it’s expensive you idiot! ”
“ what did you tell me? ”
" personally, i like hiding behind an innocent face. "
" presto! you're dead! "
" what’s so great about being human? "
" sometimes i scare myself. "
" trick or treat. "
" what's your favorite scary movie? "
" it's called subtlety, [NAME]. you should look it up. "
“ i’m feelin’ a little woozy here! ”
 " all work and no play makes [NAME] a dull boy. "
" some places are like people: some shine and some don't. "
" sometimes it's better to keep the genie in the bottle. "
" want to play a game of hide and clap? "
" meantime, [NAME], here's to your bones. "
" you are my love... and my life, always. "
“ look at this freak show. ”
" buddy, look around. would i be surprised? "
" the door's locked. i'll gotta go around... wait here. "
" ok, sorry... maybe the great pumpkin ate 'em up. "
" can you keep a secret? "
" let's get this party started. "
" don't torture yourself, [NAME]; that's my job. " 
" how long has it been since we've waltzed? "
“ when we’re together darling, every night is halloween. ”
" halloween is cool. "
" being normal is vastly overrated. " 
“ it's just one night, what is the big deal? ”
" it's all just a bunch of hocus pocus. "
" i put a spell on you and now you're mine. "
 " bubble, bubble. i'm in trouble! " 
“ this is terribly uncomfortable. ”
“ life’s no fun without a good scare. ”
" be still my beating rib cage. ”
" let's do the time warp again! "
" it's just a party, [NAME]! "
" if only we were amongst friends... or sane persons! "
" it's not easy having a good time. even smiling makes my face ache. "
" but when it comes to halloween night i love nothing more than to roll the bones at a good party. "
" i mean, nobody around here really appreciates my taste in weird stuff. "
“ he was wearing a mask. not easy to locate someone if you don’t know what they look like. ”
“ halloween was confusing. all my life my parents said, ‘never take candy from strangers.’ and then they dressed me up and said, ‘go beg for it’. ”
" fine, but everyone here knows that halloween was invented by the candy companies. it's a conspiracy. "
send ★ for sender to bump into receiver.
send ♟ for sender to insult receiver.
send ☞ for sender to compliment receiver.
send ☠ for our muses to do shots together.
send ❝ for sender to drunkenly reveal something to receiver.
send ☁ for sender to mistake receiver for someone they hate.
send ツ for sender to mistake receiver for someone they love.
send ✉ for receiver to catch sender talking about them.
send ☎ for our muses to step outside together.
send ✧ for sender to ask receiver to dance.
send ✿ for receiver to ask sender to dance.
send ✄ for sender to interrupt receiver’s dance
send ☼ for our muses to sneak into a restricted area together
send ☺for our muses to swap masks
send $ + an interaction of your choosing for our muses to do this.
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bleakfated · 3 months
always looking for more things to get back on my feet. i'll probably do some sort of starter call again soon or venture into actually liking other people's again. in the meantime send me memes or look at my opens! add me on d.isco if you want to plot/chat it's anotherdumbbitch (:
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crispyblonde · 3 months
maybe i'll get back to starter calls some day but in the meantime send memes & look at my opens <3 literally send me elderly memes and/or reply to any opens. anyone that would rather plot some things out instead hit me up. i do prefer d.isco to dumblr's crappy im system for that. you can find me @ anotherdumbbitch
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strawberry-barista · 1 year
⚅— (Another) Hiatus Notice —⚅
{I know this has got to be getting annoying. I'm really sorry for that.}
{I don't know if I really want to get into to it too much, but I'm gonna make up a, uh, hiatus setup? I guess? I don't really know what else to call it. Basically, I'm cutting down on a lot of interaction.}
{TLDR: I'm not reaching out anymore via asking/posting/sending any memes, asks, or starters. I also won't post or respond to any interaction calls at any time. But I will still answer/respond to asks sent, ongoing threads, closed starters, etc.}
{So I'm going to cut back on interactions. That means I won't post memes or send any memes in to people that post them. If I post anything at all it's likely to be dash comm.}
{I also won't be posting or interacting with any kind of interaction call. Starter calls, plotting calls, etc. I also won't be responding to any opens or anything like that.}
{However, I'm not ceasing activity entirely. I'm going to be finishing out the threads I have already started. I will also answer any asks sent to me unprompted. Even if I haven't posted a meme, if you send one in I will answer it. I will also answer threads started for me. If you write up an unprompted closed starter for me, I'll respond to it.}
{While I won't be actively seeking out and making outlets for interaction anymore, I will still interact with mutuals that seek to interact with me. As my mutual you are still free to write starters, send asks, and come plot at any point. You are also free to answer asks as if I'd sent them in if you have an idea for it, tag me in things, whatever you want to do. I'm just not going to do anything myself.}
{I don't know how long this will last. I don't know what it's going to take for me to get back up on my feet. I don't even really know how to fix what's going on with me. I apologize for the inconvenience I'm going to heap onto everyone's shoulders with this, but I hope you can have some patience with me going forward. I will do my best to get myself back to rights in the meantime.}
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mckinleyrp · 4 months
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it's almost the weekend! happy thursday, members! i was originally gonna post this on wednesday, but i accidentally deleted my entire post and i didn't want to have to redo it, oops. but i'm just here to give you all a little admin update with the group.
i am continuing to update our masterlist as well as our extracurriculars/sport pages, so please give it a look to make sure things are all correct. we are still in need of captain/co-captions of the new directions, the troubletones, duly noted, and junior varsity. if anything, we might find some leader roles for our mattress episode 1x12, just in time for club photos. if your character is a captain or has a specific role in our athletics, please shoot me a message through discord or through here. i have added more characters to our masterlist, such as members from dalton academy. our main cast is filling up quickly, so i am opening more roles in case anyone wants to snag a secondary characters. please let me know if there's something you'd like added to the main so i can make it available for all of you. click the read more below to read some important details of the group.
future plans as of this week:
i'm planning on making a list of locations in lima ( ex. breadstix, the lima bean, rinky dinks, etc. ) to reference to in case you happen to do private paras and such! and speaking of paras, feel free to do 1 on 1's with other characters to stir up some drama. and something i'm looking forward to that i think will be tons of fun is doing a "that's what you missed on..." post. it'll just give you guys a recap of the week, catching you up on all the fun connections you guys made and seeing how our redo of each episode ends up being. it'll be posted every sunday! i am also planning either every friday or saturday to do a meme/prompt day! in the next week or two, we will be hosting our first event at mckinley! the plot is currently in development, so hopefully we'll have some new friends come our way in the meantime.
a few reminders:
activity checks will perform every monday! if you haven't posted for 6+ days, you will be removed. you will be given a warning if you haven't posted anything in 4-5 days. i ask that everyone replies to each and every starter, just so people don't get left out. if you need a hiatus, don't hesitate to come and ask me. you are not required to answer questions and/or send questions every day. you can queue them or even save them in your drafts to post later. after sending in your account, don't forget to turn your askbox and anonymous on. we would love to send some questions in but can't do so unless it's on. after sending your account in, you have another 48 hours to make a post or at least reply to 2 other starters. if you happen to be busy, please let me know.
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stcrmborne · 6 months
I’m out of town and on mobile but I’ll be working on more drafts tomorrow. It’s been a bit and I don’t remember all the starters I owe, so in the meantime, feel free to like this post for me to go through your blog and send you a starter meme!
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bitterseadrop-a · 10 months
queued up some replies as well as owed starters, so i've finally finished all lyric starter calls ! gives myself a pat on the back.
i plan on updating my interest checker soon, in the meantime feel free to send me some memes !! looking esp @ u new & old mutuals i haven't interacted with yet
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ofblackskies · 1 year
I’m buying dog food and then when I come home I’m going to do the following, not necessarily in any particular order:
Format and queue replies.
Write meme responses.
Test that new post cutting thing and if it works reply to other peoples ask responses!
If it doesn’t work, reply to them in new posts 😢
Do some graphics. Icons and also blog aesthetic things.
Finish the starters I’ve owed for a hot minute. They’re all started but I’m lazy and have not finished them.
I’m probably missing something but I’m starting to feel a lot better so I wanna try and be productive and get my queue filled up so that I’m less guilty about things! In the meantime, send me more memes because I would like to feel like I’m suffocating and buried in them. The stress will strengthen my resolve muahahahaha!
Edit: oh! Also verse write ups and bios. Those are also things to do. Yes.
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whitesuited · 1 year
today is devoted to decorating for christmas inside since the weather outside is yuck, so i’ll be mobile for the most part. in the meantime -------
1. meme tag to send in stuff  /  i’ll treat them like starters! 2. comment with a 🤍 if you want *me* to send *you* memes instead. 3. ?????? 4. profit.
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seudxnimx · 1 year
private muses are now listed as selective - which means you can send memes or starters for these muses (and please let me know if you’d be okay with me returning the favor)
please know that Vaclav will always be obsessed with Nixus ( @elysiumxii ) but will entertain/kill/destroy in the meantime of his lover being reincarnated. So, ships are an option but he will never belong to another completely. Unrequited/blood bag/someone who’s killed his lover/a legacy of someone who’s killed his lover/platonic - all optional and whatever else comes up.
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glxyhrt · 1 year
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damn wanna change up the aesthetic here too. guess i have my work cut out tonight. in the meantime, send me some memes / asks or maybe a starter, or i can write one after i finish updating the blog’s aesthetics.
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crowsandmurder · 2 years
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SPEED: I’m always lurking.  I know I’m ignoring everyone but Anakin.  But, when I came back, i made the decision to write him and I commissioned a theme for him. While I wait for it to finish, I made the decision to move him to the multi and write him here, in the meantime. I’m still not at the place emotionally, to take on a lot of characters at once, so most of the others are still on hiatus. He just isn’t.  But once he’s moved, I plan on revamping the multi and hopefully will be able to, on a slow running queue only, be able to manage a slow amount of characters. I do have an idea for two other Star Wars characters. I’m just hesitant.
REPLIES: I use a thread tracker and track with webhooks through Discord, too. So, I usually have everything tracked. If you change url’s and don’t tell me, it may get lost. But, feel free to drop it in my inbox, if you think that happened. I don’t drop things, really.  That said, I am quicker on Discord. I just am slightly more selective.
STARTERS: I tend to throw out memes, more than starter calls.  Sometimes, I’ll throw out starter calls. I just have so many starter call rules, that memes are easier and less stress for me. But, I do throw out starter calls sometimes, and you can always go through my meme tag and send me old ones. 
INBOX: I love memes to break the ice, get things going.  I don’t demand it be a mutuals thing, unless I tagged it, as so.  I don’t throw out 500 a day.  I try to post a variety. Drama, shippy, smut because Anakin is forever horny, and I will tell you that angst is my thing.  I can do fluff and all that, but devastating angst is the best.  So, I post ones that go that way, too.
SELECTIVITY: I’m less selective in the Star Wars fandom, than I am in others. I’ve only been here for three months, so I’m more open. I do have some mains and I’m 100% duplicate friendly. I love how most of us Anakin writers just can appreciate each other and the thirst we all have, for him.  But, I don’t ship just to ship. I have to see it making sense, with Anakin.  He does take being a Jedi seriously, so for me to consider that, it’s got to be something I can see and the chemistry has to be there and I am OC friendly. I just need the same thing you all expect from us: a bio, verses, and how we’d interact.
WISHLIST: I am much more into plotting.
HONEST NOTE: Don’t be intimidated by my rules. I’m well aware that I’ve worded out my rules in a not so friendly manner, and it’s because I have to be as bluntly as possible there. In order to prevent misunderstandings, which I’ve had to deal with in the past.  --  THIS SUMS ME UP TOO!
Steal it!
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