#in a city 200km away
loversveil · 1 year
we need to make australian gothic bigger. abandoned gold towns because the veins all ran out except one family that refuses to leave. the lack of street signs once you’re 200km away from a city. towns having signs abt whether their water will kill you. the random nuclear waste storage areas. the fact that you have to accept that you will run over an already dead kangaroo or koala anytime you drive somewhere out in the country. every country town having two churches, one protestant, one catholic, and one of the either is always abandoned because everyone else in town ended up just taking one of the sides. the abandoned schools that had to be shut down by the state bc they had less that 10 students. the 2-5 snakebite deaths per year in small towns. the constant catholic imagery left over from the horrific mission schools. everyone using barbed wire as fences. there’s always a fire burning somewhere and you can’t tell if it’s a controlled crop burning or a bushfire because the landlines, are as always, broken. animal bones and skulls just lying around every field because the farmers dont bother to clean them up. the 6 metre deep lakes that go from being drought empty to full overnight despite there being no rainfall. the powerlines are broken again and you still can’t call home
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PSOE against bus stops in Santander displaying Bilbao ads. The PSOE spokeperson Daniel Fernánedez, has rejected the promotion campaign of Bilbao (posters reading "For this Xmas I want Bilbao") in some bus stops in Santander because it's his understanding - and his party's, I presume - hurts the interests of local shop owners.[x]
The basquephobia of some people is just off the charts.
Bilbo is 100km away from Santander. So even though some citizens from that city come visit (and shopping) before Christmas, the large majority of them will likely skip a 200km trip and shop local. Internet hurts Cantabrian shop owners way way way more than the mere existance of the shops in Bilbo.
If people want to go outside Santander to shop, it isn't a crime? It's not as if people were being given free train/bus tickets and discounts to leave their city and shop in Bilbo, they're just posters ffs.
I'm sorry, but somebody in the Santander council or Cantabrian government greenlit this. I highly doubt that Mr. Aburto - mayor of Bilbo - has gone incognito one night and flooded the bus stops of Santander with posters promoting Bilbo.
I don't know, I guess their other neighbors - namely Asturies and Castile and Leon - aren't luring the good people of Santander into shopping there to drive local shops to bankruptcy, that's only something we Basques can do.
Ugh, really.
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dbgdbw · 1 year
Han Yoohyun’s World (1)
Without pausing in my sprinting, I glowered at the quest window. Putting everything else aside, what the hell were those 830 points supposed to be. 
“Look here, Partner-ssi. What’s with the pathetic amount of points? I’d like to know why you decided to exclude your birth year. It should’ve been an eight-digit number!”
It would’ve brought me up to around twenty million points, then. When he said he’d ‘emptied out his wallet’, did that mean he was out of points. More importantly, I got that he was connected to the System, but how was he issuing those Items and Points, exactly? 
‘Though I guess points, you could farm by hunting monsters, and there’s the Point Shop to buy the Items from.’
The wine, champaign, and the travel pass, they were all things that weren’t stocked in the Point Shop. Had he gone shopping in Medsang City himself, perchance. He really was a peculiar sort. At any rate, I went ahead and collected the SS-rank ‘bait’ reward first.
[ Broad-Spectrum Bait 
Lure kit capable of gathering every monster under SS-rank within a 200Km radius. Set of 10, with 10 different scents.
Single use. ]
On the lid of the small box, ‘Pop me!’ was written across the top. Nestled inside were ten round, squishy orbs. If it was a 200Km radius, then how much would that be, surface area-wise. Since the distance from Seoul to Busan was supposed to be around 400Km or so, didn’t that mean it would be roughly the size of Korea? What a scale. That should be enough to draw in the monsters from outside the City, too. Breaking them open would be guaranteed to wreak havoc. At the moment, I didn’t have a need for it , but I packed it neatly away nonetheless. 
The champaign, I’d collect after rescuing Yoohyunie, and the knitted scarf… What was with that, honestly. Still, I figured I’d go ahead and collect it for now, but the moment I retrieved the reward.
“Ugk, what kind of scarf–!”
It was way too long! Blinded by the deluge of pink falling over my eyes, I very nearly lost my footing. Look, if it hadn’t been for the Leopard Cat’s Shoes’ Skill, I would’ve fallen to my death, sir!
“How many meters is this even?”
It seemed like it would easily clear at least twice my height. The longer I looked at the scarf, the more I became certain that the bastard who had sent it was indeed Sung Hyunjae. The pattern used was identical to the one that prick had been knitting together before.
…that the craftsmanship was superb, made it even more irritating. On top of that, because the material itself was sourced from expensive, high-quality monster parts, the texture was pleasant, and gave an overall impression of luxuriousness as well. Even if it was hot pink.
Taking a hold of the scarf, which was overflowing from both arms, I crammed it somewhere in my inventory for the time being. 
“I got that it’s you, alright, so please don’t send this kind of useless thing anymore!”
I shouted irritably into thin air, before a chill trickled down the back of my neck.
Wait a minute, did that mean, perhaps, that Sung Hyunjae had been surveilling me this entire time. …forget the back of my neck, it felt like all the hairs on my body were standing on end. Had I said anything weird or something? At least out loud, I didn’t think I’d actually said much. Since when had he started watching. Like when I’d approached Sigma, thinking he was Sung Hyunjae, and got punted away for my troubles, or the leash… Ack, shit! B-but, I didn’t think anything particularly weird had……
“...we should avoid meeting for the next while.”
Stop watching! Shut it off! Or if you’re going to look, then at least cough up enough points to make it permissible! …those 500,000 points, had they perhaps been something like a viewing fee. But once the feeling of humiliation passed, something that could actually be a problem occurred to me.
‘...what do I do, if he happened to see the info on my status window.’
I’d checked on my status window when I first arrived in this world. Apart from the transmuted Sapling Skill, I hadn’t opened up any detailed description windows, but he would’ve seen all of the Skill names, as well as the Titles. No, if he really was ‘inside the System’ at the moment, then it might’ve been possible for him to check on those, even without me opening them. 
Even if everything else could be written off, the keyword–fuck–could be used against me as a weakness. Though, I didn’t think he’d be the kind of person to stoop that low…. But if he had happened to catch sight of it, did that mean any chance of applying the keyword to Sung Hyunjae had gone out the window. Even though I’d already given up it, it did seem like a bit of a shame. 
‘Going forward, I’ll have to be cautious.’
But, for real–what was he doing, and from where. My curiosity was piqued.
As I ran, crossing roof over roof, soon, the only building with the lights still on in the midst of the city at night soon appeared in my sight. The lights were probably covered up, ordinarily, to prevent them from attracting monsters; but right now, presumably because they were on red alert, I could see scattered points of light moving here and there.
Hidden behind the wall of a building right beside the Defense Association building, I opened up the channel on the handheld transceiver again. 
“I’ve made it to the doorstep. Status report, please.”
[ Five minutes ago, a significant number of S-rank, A-rank, and even B-rank Guards departed from the Defense Association building in a mass exodus. It seems they’ve assumed that the S-rank Guards dealing with the SS-rank monsters have been killed in action, owing to the cutoff in communications. We intend to have support Skills and Items distributed to all units, so that we might hold out for as long as possible while sustaining minimal casualties. ]
As they would have been rendered defenseless, once trapped, the S-ranks wouldn’t have been able to hold out against their attacks for long. Since they would’ve arrived without a support Guard, under the assumption that they’d be going up against another S-rank. But, with the proper preparations, it should be possible to drag things out even longer. After all, even in our world, a well-organized team of veteran A-ranks could handle completing low-ranked S-rank Dungeons raids with the proper specs. 
“You mentioned the Achates Defense Association has nine S-rank Guards, correct.”
[ Yes. One has yet to recover from their injuries, and as three will soon be dead, that will leave five remaining. It was our assumption that all five would be mobilized simultaneously, but it appears they’ve ultimately elected to leave one behind. ]
“Since we have an S-rank Guard accompanying us as well, I believe things should be fine. Just as we’d discussed prior, please charge in as soon as you receive the signal.”
Shutting off the communicator, I looked back at the Defense Association. Achates’ Defense Association had a central building, with four other buildings surrounding it on the outside. Of course, the center building was the one that contained the Mana Hole.
There were smaller buildings scattered in the vicinity of the four buildings, and as there were walkways that connected each of them floor-by-floor, it was difficult to make a straight path to the central area. Since they lacked a high-rank stealth Skill, like in my case, it would inevitably be a while before they could manage to break through. Even if there was only one S-rank remaining, there would still be plenty of A-rank and lower personnel around.
After replenishing my mana with a mana potion, I stepped back into the Defense Association. As I’d already memorized the building layouts, thanks to the map, I arrived at the center building without any problems. Standing in the middle of the empty lobby, the moment I pulled the remote activation switch out of my inventory.
[ ♪ Nighttime Is The Best Time For Fireworks ♫ ]
A new quest popped up, as though it’d been lying in wait. Really having the time of his life, I see(1).
[ Try to knock down at least two or more of the Achates Defense Association’s buildings! With consecutive detonations comes twice the enjoyment! Please take care not to get caught up in the explosions~ ♡
Reward(s): 10,000P, This Way(SS) ]
The amount of reward points had increased. So had he replenished a bit of his wallet in the meanwhile. And what was ‘This Way’ supposed to be. A heart… Uh……. In any case, seeing the ‘(SS)’ designation tag, my mood improved slightly. Yeah, a bit of voyeurism, that kind of thing could happen. Just please don’t go rummaging through my Skills window.
‘Here goes the signal.’
Blocking my ears, I pressed the switch. Nearly simultaneously.
콰과과광!! 콰앙!!
Tremendous explosions rocked the air, beginning with the buildings on either side of the central structure. I’d left a Dragon’s Breath bomb in each building. Despite being smaller than the size of my fist, they’d detonated to showcase their incredible firepower.
위이이잉– 위이이이잉–
A warning siren, broadcasting a state of emergency, wailed clamorously. But even then, the sound was drowned out by the noise caused by the buildings collapsing. Just as though I were standing in the midst of a typhoon, 우르릉 콰르릉, what sounded like claps of thunder rang out several times in succession. 
“What the hell is going on!”
“It’s a bomb! A bomb assault!”
‘The other buildings might have had bombs installed in them as well’. That kind of misgiving quickly spurred everyone out of the buildings. Evacuations commenced, avoiding the buildings that were falling down on either side. As all of this was occurring, 콰르르릉, the deep rumbling of heavy slates falling down could be heard. Not only the floor, but the central building itself was shaking, as though hit by an earthquake. 
A faint chill ran down my spine. My heart beat a little faster. 
Gradually, when the cacophony of sound and the tremors had died down, I released my camouflaging Skill. Bringing the faintly crackling transceiver to my mouth, I asked.
“Were you able to infiltrate the building.”
“Oh, very much so.”
The answer came from the lobby entrance. Vitera and Gnosi, accompanied by other A~B-rank Guards. Her face bright, Vitera approached me. 
“Firstly, an expression of my admiration. Truly superb.”
“Thank you–but, as this operation is far from being finished yet, we should get a move on. Please follow me.”
If they caught wind of the news, and even a single S-rank Guard happened to return, things would become troublesome. Not that it should be easy for them to slip one of them out while going up against SS-rank monsters, but since you never knew.
Following the path I’d memorized from the map, we quickly advanced deeper. 
퍼억, the B-rank Guard, who had formed an expression of surprise upon seeing us, took a blow to the stomach and passed out, unconscious. The other Defense Association personnel we came across met a similar fate. Each time we ran into them, they were all knocked unconscious before they could sound an alarm to warn others of the presence of intruders.
Many people had already evacuated because of the mention of a ‘bomb attack’, but it seemed that a substantial amount of people were still lingering behind. It did seem like the basement levels, where the Mana Hole was located, would be deemed one of the safer places, too. Since it was supposed to be reinforced by the Mana Hole’s energy, after all.
“It’s fortunate that the elevator’s so wide.”
It was spacious enough to fit the entire party–twenty people–with plenty of room to spare. Using the Universal Key I’d purchased ahead of time, I unlocked the console and pressed the button to the very last floor. The first time I’m heading to the Mana Hole this way, remarked Vitera, smiling. 
“As the flooring had been specially reinforced, we’d found tunneling inside to be a difficult endeavor.”
“I was told that the walls near the Mana Hole would be difficult for even an SS-rank to break through. According to the map, the head of state should be on a higher floor that’s accessible through a point located near the Mana Hole.” 
“The S-rank Guard will likely be posted by the Mana Hole as well.”
“Then, we’ll plan to split up in the middle.”
The elevator came to a stop. I took out my gun. The moment the doors opened, I fired at the A-rank Guard stationed in front. Faster than the mana bullet, Vitera took down the A-rank Guard that stood on the other side. 와장창, a kick from her shattered the sealed door blocking our way into splints. 
“No need to waste a key on this kind of puny thing.”
Well, I wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
We raced down the hallways. With each step I took, my heart beat faster. It wouldn’t be much longer, now. Almost all of the obstacles had been dealt with. Soon, with my own hands, with my own strength, I’d be able to save my dongsaeng.
It made me feel elated.
Even though the reality of Yoohyunie being taken captive made me shake with rage; even though, every time I thought about how my dongsaeng was being treated, I could feel my insides burning up. Even then, at least in this moment, my heart raced. A fervid feeling of gratification spread throughout my entire body. 
콰앙, the door that had been shut crumpled, and was sent flying backwards. Even when a fork in the path appeared, I changed directions without any hesitation. It was a path I’d traced over and over, pouring over the map countless times. It was to the point that, when I closed my eyes, I could bring up a perfect replica of the path with unerring accuracy. 
“This way.”
Calling out the order, I rounded the corner. When another fork appeared not long after, I momentarily drew to a stop.
“It seems we’ve to part here.”
Vitera was looking in the direction of the Mana Hole with a cold gaze. The long, flat blade in her hand was fisted tight. 
“The sole remaining S-rank is stationed by the Mana Hole, without a doubt. I can feel her even from here, see–my unnie(2).”
So the Guard that had remained behind in the Defense Association was her unnie, huh. I didn’t ask her if she’d be alright. Rather, Vitera was smiling, the battle-ready light in her eyes mounting.
Assigned to go with me were Gnosi, and three A-rank Guards. Though they numbered few, they were also the most capable combat-types they had, barring Vitera. Our side didn’t really have a need for support-types in our team composition, in any case.
“Please take this–this key has two uses remaining. Since it’ll be difficult to brute force your way through the doors near the Mana Hole.”
“My thanks.”
Once Vitera’s party departed, we set off in the opposite direction. Only a few people blocked our advancement. Now, instead of Vitera, it was Gnosi who took the initiative to break the neck of the A-rank Guard before us. With efficient movements befitting his long-standing veteran status, he quickly disabled his opponent. 
I watched him carry everything out with a faintly chilly gaze. Though we’d agreed to cooperate with one another. 
‘There’d be no way they’d hand Alpha over to me so easily.’
Even if the coup d'état succeeded in toppling the Defence Association, they’d have to think about what came next. Letting an outsider take Achates City’s sole SS-rank Guard was obviously out of the question. So long as they hadn’t given up on the city itself, letting Alpha slip away would be unacceptable. 
‘Though there’s a chance that they might try coaxing me nicely, to remain in Achates with Alpha.’
These people had long languished under the ruthless heel of a dictatorship. Would even a single one among them–particularly when the matter concerned someone who was an outsider–be able to stand the sight of Alpha under another’s control. It seemed highly likely that they would attempt to take me hostage. And since I was a C-rank, it would doubtlessly seem an easy task to subdue me as well.
The moment I unlocked Alpha’s restraints with the Key, that was probably when they’d jump me. Or, they might even try to restrain me even before then. After I’d been caught, to prevent Alpha from attacking, they’d probably force me into a contract at minimum. 
‘If it’s an A-rank contract or lower, then I’ll just meekly sign it.’
Barring that, I could simply take care of matters by telling Yoohyunie he didn’t need to worry because hyung has five lives, and to just go on the offensive. …though, my dongsaeng might still hesitate, even if I told him it was okay. As a last resort, I had one more bomb left that I could set off. Of course, it would be after I’d led them away from Yoohyunie.
“This is the place.”
The mana draining chamber that Yoohyunie was being held in. Once again, I was standing outside of it. I used the new Key I’d bought to open the door. The moment I entered, a familiar name appeared in my field of view.
[ C-rank Moas ]
The last remaining linked mark-holder. Without any hesitation, I fired my gun at him. 퍽, with a muted sound, before he could even open his mouth, the C-rank’s head was blown off.
“The one who knows how to turn off the mana draining array, step forward. If you want to live.”
After a beat of hand-wringing, a B-rank came forward. Just in case, the other two were only knocked unconscious for now. Dragging the B-rank Defense Association personnel behind me, I headed towards the inner chamber. In the midst of the glowing blue runes of the draining array, I could see the sleeping form of my dongsaeng at the center. 
Even as my heart throbbed in pain, an overwhelming wave of emotion surged in my chest. 
The moment the mana draining array deactivated, I rushed towards Yoohyunie. At least let me undo the restraints on him, before you subdued me. Wait just a bit longer.
“I’ll get this off in a sec.”
It’s alright now. Damn bastards had tied up his arms again, in the interim. First taking out the IV needle, I quickly used the Key to release the bindings on his arms and legs. 철컥철컥, hearing the locks automatically click apart loosened the ball of tension inside me, too. The blindfold and the gag, I removed as well.
Perhaps because of his parched throat, Yoohyunie’s voice as he called out to me was faint; almost inaudible, though he was right in front of me. Even before he was able to reassert full control over his body, he was already grasping for my arm. On the upturned face looking towards me, a smile bloomed. 
“I was waiting for you.”
“...mhn, you did. Good boy.”
Such a good boy, my dongsaeng. In order to aid Yoohyunie’s recovery, I went to take out a mana potion–it was then. A message window suddenly appeared in my sight.
[ ㅇ ㅠ ㅈ ㅣ ㄴ ㅇ ㅏ](3)
A disjointed slew of letters. And simultaneously.
The sound of a gunshot rang out. My back felt hot, as though it’d been seared. Yoohyunie’s eyes widened in shock. As I fought the disorientation that kept me from understanding what had happened, a kindly voice drifted into my ears.
“You’re free now, Alpha.”
Said Gnosi. To Alpha. That things would be alright now. I felt as though I’d taken a heavy blow to the back of my head. That’s right.
I’d forgotten to account for ‘Alpha’. 
Just ‘the body that Yoohyunie was occupying’. He hadn’t been anything more, or less than that. Because I’d been so blinded by my preoccupation with my dongsaeng, it hadn’t occurred to me to look into Alpha’s relationships as well.
Whether with Gnosi, or Vitera, if I’d thought to ask after Alpha even once. If I’d known that they were fond of Alpha, that they had been planning to save him, then I would’ve changed my approach to the matter too. An assertion that I found their treatment of Alpha inhumane, and that I wanted to save him because I felt sympathetic towards him–that kind of angle. Though it was too late for that now.
It’s alright, I needed to reassure him. Instead of my voice, a rivulet of blood trickled out of my mouth.
“H, hyung……!”
Breaking from his reverie, Yoohyunie struggled to prop up his torso with great effort, to pull me into his arms. He had brought out a potion, but it would’ve been futile. 
I really would be alright, though. After just a bit of waiting.
Without having been able to say anything to my dongsaeng, my consciousness was cut off.
(1) more examples of tone, since it gets lost very easily unless you’re reading with the correct inflection. you can refer to the charts under ‘groundwork’ heading here.
‘하여간 제일 신나셨어’ → (rough lit.) ‘in any case/regardless, he’s having the most fun’ → using ‘high’ vocab (높임말) in reference to shj (used for superiors/older individuals(parents’ gen+)) while combining it with ‘low’ speech level (lack of respect/derisiveness). like if your boss/gramps got rly heated about a game on TV and was causing an unnecessary commotion, and you passed by while thinking ‘[Sir]’s really getting a kick out of it, huh…’–smth like that is how the tone should be read. 
in context: slight to mild derision (implication is that he’s ‘not acting his age’ and being inappropriately gleeful), part resignation/apathy, part exasperation. 
tbh, a lot of yj’s internal speech flips back-and-forth in scenes w ppl he feels hostile to (because in those cases, the lack of formality = a lack of respect, as in his internal dialogue last ch with mindiva), and it’s esp common in his interactions with shj bc it takes on the ‘반존대’ format above. it’s a way to passively make digs while not actually saying any specific lines, thereby skating what’s ‘socially acceptable’ in theory (‘in theory’ because what yj does is very obviously performative and therefore rude, as a way to add insult to injury). 
one thing he does is adopt a ‘customer service’ voice while dealing with shj, which is why a lot of their ‘skits’ end up going the way they do: for example, the sentence ‘Just please don’t go rummaging through my Skills window’ is originally ‘내 스킬창만 뒤적이지 말아 주십시오’, which is an inverse of the above (where he uses ‘low’ vocab with ‘formal’ speech, e.g. ‘뒤적’ is leans derogatory, closer to ‘rummage/rifle/dig through’ than a more neutral ‘look through’), but also ends in 하(십시)오체, which would be the type of language you see used for ‘to open door, PULL/PUSH here’ kinds of signs/the way exam questions are formatted. so, in essence, that line should be read as ‘dear customer, please don’t go rifling through my Skill window at least, alright’ in an ‘announcement/instructional’ voice. debating whether to just mark these stylistically by adding a ‘sir’ somewhere, since it happens pretty frequently.. plus it reinforces the dynamic of yj as a ‘commodity/service’ and shj as a ‘customer’ as well, because of the ‘built-in deference’–all yj can do with their power differential is ‘ask politely’, after all (which is why he’s snarky about it, e.g. ‘just listening to him, you’d think that i was the one holding executive power’ etc, where he notes he’s only provided with the illusion of choice)
(2) vitare actually says ‘우리 언니가’; this is the [‘our’ → ‘(lesser) my’ that depends on context] that was mentioned previously
(3) [ ㅇ ㅠ ㅈ ㅣ ㄴ ㅇ ㅏ] → ‘유진아’ stretched out/unstacked, supposed to convey a sense of urgency because of its ‘incompleteness’
no beta, double pass. proofing later.. maybe.. tbh i wanted to skip this one too, but ended up doing it bc it’s the first installment of the arc & felt necessary to build narrative tension.. convinced myself it was an excuse to break in the feker alice 80 ‘ㅂ’)b 
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cringefailnarwhal · 10 months
will have to probably attend a two birthday back to back-induced family gathering in a city 200km away and fuck I don't want to. it's going to be loud, there are going to be drunk men, people will be asking questions about uni and personal life and I will have to look them dead in the eye and lie that everything is fine, the lying part I have no problems with, it's the annoying questions from people who don't actually care that bother me. two things make it more bearable are: my aunt is a great cook who likes to try out new things so at least food will be good, if I don't take my laptop I can stop doom scrolling and get to reading.
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g0om · 1 year
my parnets are so weird they let me stay in a city 200km away i have been to before i moved there but wont let me go to debrecen butnalso im 19??? also if my dad vame to clothes shopping w me i would kms bc even w mom its just her telling me the clothes look bad on me and i look like a cow
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980tour · 3 months
Kathmandu Pokhara VIP tourist bus ticket
Vehicle Nepal offers a Kathmandu Pokhara VIP Sofa Tourist bus ticket which is more comfortable and luxurious.  The big air suspension bus with sofa seats makes your travel more lavish and easier. VIP sofa tourist bus departs two times each day from Kathmandu to Pokhara and vice-versa.  Pokhara is 200km away from Kathmandu which can reach approximately an 8-9-hour drive. On the way, you’ll get a two-time break for lunch/snack and the toilet.
Kathmandu Pokhara VIP Sofa Tourist bus accommodates 24 people comfortably. So many services and facilities are available in VIP sofa tourist buses including a/c, mineral water, wide windows, and seatbelts that are up to international standards. The seats of the sofa bus are two-by-one and are foldable. For the night shift clean and properly washed blankets are available to keep our passengers warm at night time.
VIP sofa tourist bus connects two major cities of Nepal; Kathmandu and Pokhara. So, the Kathmandu-Pokhara sofa bus offers to explore Pokhara city as well.  Pokhara is a major tourist destination in Nepal that offers amazing views of lakes, mountains, and nature. Pokhara is widely known for its natural beauty and amazing sightseeing.
Vehicle Nepal is the registered and most reliable vehicle service company in Nepal that provides VIP sofa seats tourist bus tickets from Kathmandu to Pokhara.  Along Pokhara , you can book the deluxe tourist  bus ticket to Pokhara, Lumbini, Besisahar, and Syabrubesi from Kathmandu with us. We provide luxurious, clean, and neat tourist buses with great service including A/C conditioners, comfortable seats, mineral water. In the Night sofa bus we serve coffee, Small tiffin with  blanket.
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ndeanufacstominducti · 4 months
Zhejiang Anji Honghua Furniture Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Anji Honghua Furniture is a custom Push-back chair. GN03 Factory and Push-back chair. GN03 Company , located in Anji City, Zhejiang province, 90km away from HANGZHOU, and 200km away from Shanghai. The factory covers 15000 square meters, professional in making upholstered items such as sofas, armchairs, ottomans, and dining chairs, consists of a wooden frame workshop, foam workshop, wooden leg workshop, metal frame workshop, integrated with design, customize, inspection, production, and export together. We stand for the middle-high market, mainly exporting to the UK, America, Poland, U.A.E, Chile, France, and so on. After a few years of service to buyers of E-commerce and Supermarket, Honghua has been one of the most important suppliers in the home furnishing area. In 2018, we built a new workshop of 2000 square meters for photography in order to offer a more convenient service for e-commerce buyers. There are more than 50+ scenes available. Welcome buyers from all over the world to come and establish a long-term business relationship with us. Choose HONGHUA, choose a worry-free future.
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thefree-online · 5 months
Payback? Fallout From Mega Ukraine Explosion of UK's Depleted Uranium Irradiates England for half billion yrs
from thefreeonline on 13 Nov 2023 by Banned and thefreeonline at Aletho News. DU Report.. In a State of Uncertainty DOWNLOAD HERE January 14, 2013 The Massive explosion- 15 Russian Drones Explode Western DU Weapons Dump May 2023. UK insists on gifting Radioactive Munitions to Ukraine In May 2023, a powerful blast rocked the city of Khmelnitsky located in Ukraine about 200km away from the…
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stuartbramhall · 6 months
Fallout from Catastrophic Ukraine Depleted Uranium Explosion Reached England
Sputnik In May 2023, a powerful blast rocked the city of Khmelnitsky located in Ukraine about 200km away from the border with Poland when a Russian strike wiped out a Ukrainian ammunition depot where British-supplied depleted uranium was stored. Dr. Christopher Busby, a physical chemist and scientific secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, has stepped forward to address the…
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swapnilua · 1 year
A Bike Trip To Leh Ladakh From Chandigarh
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A bike trip to Leh Ladakh from Chandigarh is considered to be one of the most exhilarating and thrilling experiences one can have. The entire journey is filled with beautiful landscapes, captivating mountain passes, and quaint villages which can only be experienced on a bike trip.
Leh Ladakh is a region in the northernmost part of India, located in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The area is known for its rugged terrain and majestic Himalayan Mountains. It is also home to some of the most breathtaking landscapes in India.
The journey from Chandigarh to Leh Ladakh is a journey of around 750km, and it usually takes around 8-9 days to complete the entire trip. It is important to plan the route carefully and make sure that you have all the necessary items and supplies before embarking on the trip.
The first stop on the bike trip is Manali, which is located approximately 350km away from Chandigarh. The journey from Chandigarh to Manali is filled with picturesque views of the Himalayan Mountains and lush green valleys. There are numerous places to explore along the way such as the Pandoh Dam, Kullu Valley, and the Rohtang Pass.
Once you reach Manali, you can take a break and explore the local culture and attractions such as the Hadimba Temple, Tibetan Monasteries, and the Vashisht Hot Springs.
The next stop is the town of Keylong, which is located about 200km away from Manali. The journey from Manali to Keylong is filled with picturesque views of the Himalayas, and it is one of the most spectacular routes in India.
The next destination on the bike trip is the city of Leh, which is located approximately 350km away from Keylong. The journey from Keylong to Leh is filled with thrilling mountain passes and spectacular landscapes. The famous Khardung La Pass, which is the highest motorable road in the world, is also located on this route.
When you reach Leh, you can take a break and explore the local culture and attractions such as the Shanti Stupa, Leh Palace, and the Thiksey Monastery.
The last destination on the bike trip is the town of Kargil, which is located about 200km away from Leh. The journey from Leh to Kargil is filled with breathtaking views of the Himalayas and the Zanskar River.
Once you reach Kargil, you can take a break and explore the local culture and attractions such as the Tiger Hill, Drass War Memorial, and the Mulbekh Monastery.
After completing the bike trip from Chandigarh to Leh Ladakh, you can take a break and enjoy the beauty and tranquility of the region. The entire journey is filled with wonderful landscapes, captivating mountain passes, and quaint villages which can only be experienced on a bike trip. So, pack your bags and get ready to embark on the most thrilling and exciting journey of your life – a bike trip to Leh Ladakh from Chandigarh!
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Stop construction of missile base by Japan Self Defense Forces in Ishigaki Island!!
Help!!   Please sign the petition and help stop the construction of the JSDF (Japan Self Defense Forces) missile base on Ishigaki Island.
Ishigaki Island, which is a part of Okinawa prefecture, is one of the remote islands in the southwestern part of Japan near Taiwan.
Beautiful tropical sanctuary…
The construction site is located on high ground at the skirt of Mt. Omoto, in the center of the island where endangered species such as crested serpent eagles and plants exist. The highest mountain in Okinawa prefecture, Mt. Omoto has been an object of faith for local people. It spreads wetland as a natural water keeper at the lower part of the construction site. The mountain water is used for drinking and agriculture. We are afraid that our important environment may be changed, destroying this southern tropical paradise.
Southwestern Islands will be in danger…
JSDF is rapidly deploying military fortresses on the southwestern islands claiming a recent rising tension with China. They have already launched construction for huge bases on Yonaguni Island, Amami Island, and Miyako Island. The missiles which JSDF is planning to set up in Ishigaki will reach foreign warships from 200km to 400km away. Deploying a missile base here means that our island risks becoming a first target by foreign countries in the event of military strike. The residents and travelers numbering about 50,000 will be trapped on the island without food because the airport and port must be closed for military use during such an emergency. As a result, we are afraid that travelers both foreign and domestic may no longer choose to visit Ishigaki Island as a healing island.
Our proximity to the border puts us at foremost risk if we set up missile base!
We do not deny that there are problems such as Senkaku/Diaoyu island territorial right claims on the East China Sea. However it is obvious that everybody will be involved in a tragic situation if we use military forces to solve these problems. Actually, both the Japanese and Chinese governments claim that their relationship has been improving recently. We agree that it is most important to have conversations in peace to solve problems. Should a conflict occur accidentally on the ocean, International humanitarian law (Law of War) prohibits attacking unarmed targets (civilian centers without military) such as this island. Not building a missile base might prevent a conflict whereas on the other hand, mobilization might escalate one. Certainly residents would suffer to be involved in such conflicts when they could easily have been avoided. If we do not stop this construction and military expansion, we will lose hundreds of billions of yen, which incidentally, we the people provide with our taxes. And if we attract war by mistake, the influence will be felt all over Japan.
Please listen to our voice!
Most of Ishigaki city residents oppose the construction of missile base. We collected 40% of voter’s signatures and seals last year requesting a referendum to the Ishigaki City Council, but the decision to hold the referendum or not was rejected twice. So it’s pending in court right now. Also half of the missile base land has just sold to the JSDF by Ishigaki city recently.
But it’s still only under land preparation work.
This may be our last and only chance to stop the construction.
We wish Ishigaki will remain a place of peace and healing forever.
Please understand and sign this petition and share it. We thank you very much for your cooperation!
Liaison group of Against the Military Base in Ishigaki Island Joint representatives Hidemasa Uehara Tetsuhiro Kinjo Tadasi Hateruma Masaru Minei Yoichiro Yae
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Stop construction of missile base by Japan Self Defense Forces in Ishigaki Island!!
Help!!   Please sign the petition and help stop the construction of the JSDF (Japan Self Defense Forces) missile base on Ishigaki Island.
Ishigaki Island, which is a part of Okinawa prefecture, is one of the remote islands in the southwestern part of Japan near Taiwan.
Beautiful tropical sanctuary…
The construction site is located on high ground at the skirt of Mt. Omoto, in the center of the island where endangered species such as crested serpent eagles and plants exist. The highest mountain in Okinawa prefecture, Mt. Omoto has been an object of faith for local people. It spreads wetland as a natural water keeper at the lower part of the construction site. The mountain water is used for drinking and agriculture. We are afraid that our important environment may be changed, destroying this southern tropical paradise.
Southwestern Islands will be in danger…
JSDF is rapidly deploying military fortresses on the southwestern islands claiming a recent rising tension with China. They have already launched construction for huge bases on Yonaguni Island, Amami Island, and Miyako Island. The missiles which JSDF is planning to set up in Ishigaki will reach foreign warships from 200km to 400km away. Deploying a missile base here means that our island risks becoming a first target by foreign countries in the event of military strike. The residents and travelers numbering about 50,000 will be trapped on the island without food because the airport and port must be closed for military use during such an emergency. As a result, we are afraid that travelers both foreign and domestic may no longer choose to visit Ishigaki Island as a healing island.
Our proximity to the border puts us at foremost risk if we set up missile base!
We do not deny that there are problems such as Senkaku/Diaoyu island territorial right claims on the East China Sea. However it is obvious that everybody will be involved in a tragic situation if we use military forces to solve these problems. Actually, both the Japanese and Chinese governments claim that their relationship has been improving recently. We agree that it is most important to have conversations in peace to solve problems. Should a conflict occur accidentally on the ocean, International humanitarian law (Law of War) prohibits attacking unarmed targets (civilian centers without military) such as this island. Not building a missile base might prevent a conflict whereas on the other hand, mobilization might escalate one. Certainly residents would suffer to be involved in such conflicts when they could easily have been avoided. If we do not stop this construction and military expansion, we will lose hundreds of billions of yen, which incidentally, we the people provide with our taxes. And if we attract war by mistake, the influence will be felt all over Japan.
Please listen to our voice!
Most of Ishigaki city residents oppose the construction of missile base. We collected 40% of voter’s signatures and seals last year requesting a referendum to the Ishigaki City Council, but the decision to hold the referendum or not was rejected twice. So it’s pending in court right now. Also half of the missile base land has just sold to the JSDF by Ishigaki city recently.
But it’s still only under land preparation work.
This may be our last and only chance to stop the construction.
We wish Ishigaki will remain a place of peace and healing forever.
Please understand and sign this petition and share it. We thank you very much for your cooperation!
Liaison group of Against the Military Base in Ishigaki Island Joint representatives Hidemasa Uehara Tetsuhiro Kinjo Tadasi Hateruma Masaru Minei Yoichiro Yae
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Stop construction of missile base by Japan Self Defense Forces in Ishigaki Island!!
Help!!   Please sign the petition and help stop the construction of the JSDF (Japan Self Defense Forces) missile base on Ishigaki Island.
Ishigaki Island, which is a part of Okinawa prefecture, is one of the remote islands in the southwestern part of Japan near Taiwan.
Beautiful tropical sanctuary…
The construction site is located on high ground at the skirt of Mt. Omoto, in the center of the island where endangered species such as crested serpent eagles and plants exist. The highest mountain in Okinawa prefecture, Mt. Omoto has been an object of faith for local people. It spreads wetland as a natural water keeper at the lower part of the construction site. The mountain water is used for drinking and agriculture. We are afraid that our important environment may be changed, destroying this southern tropical paradise.
Southwestern Islands will be in danger…
JSDF is rapidly deploying military fortresses on the southwestern islands claiming a recent rising tension with China. They have already launched construction for huge bases on Yonaguni Island, Amami Island, and Miyako Island. The missiles which JSDF is planning to set up in Ishigaki will reach foreign warships from 200km to 400km away. Deploying a missile base here means that our island risks becoming a first target by foreign countries in the event of military strike. The residents and travelers numbering about 50,000 will be trapped on the island without food because the airport and port must be closed for military use during such an emergency. As a result, we are afraid that travelers both foreign and domestic may no longer choose to visit Ishigaki Island as a healing island.
Our proximity to the border puts us at foremost risk if we set up missile base!
We do not deny that there are problems such as Senkaku/Diaoyu island territorial right claims on the East China Sea. However it is obvious that everybody will be involved in a tragic situation if we use military forces to solve these problems. Actually, both the Japanese and Chinese governments claim that their relationship has been improving recently. We agree that it is most important to have conversations in peace to solve problems. Should a conflict occur accidentally on the ocean, International humanitarian law (Law of War) prohibits attacking unarmed targets (civilian centers without military) such as this island. Not building a missile base might prevent a conflict whereas on the other hand, mobilization might escalate one. Certainly residents would suffer to be involved in such conflicts when they could easily have been avoided. If we do not stop this construction and military expansion, we will lose hundreds of billions of yen, which incidentally, we the people provide with our taxes. And if we attract war by mistake, the influence will be felt all over Japan.
Please listen to our voice!
Most of Ishigaki city residents oppose the construction of missile base. We collected 40% of voter’s signatures and seals last year requesting a referendum to the Ishigaki City Council, but the decision to hold the referendum or not was rejected twice. So it’s pending in court right now. Also half of the missile base land has just sold to the JSDF by Ishigaki city recently.
But it’s still only under land preparation work.
This may be our last and only chance to stop the construction.
We wish Ishigaki will remain a place of peace and healing forever.
Please understand and sign this petition and share it. We thank you very much for your cooperation!
Liaison group of Against the Military Base in Ishigaki Island Joint representatives Hidemasa Uehara Tetsuhiro Kinjo Tadasi Hateruma Masaru Minei Yoichiro Yae
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speedygardenruins · 1 year
Stop construction of missile base by Japan Self Defense Forces in Ishigaki Island!!
Help!!   Please sign the petition and help stop the construction of the JSDF (Japan Self Defense Forces) missile base on Ishigaki Island.
Ishigaki Island, which is a part of Okinawa prefecture, is one of the remote islands in the southwestern part of Japan near Taiwan.
Beautiful tropical sanctuary…
The construction site is located on high ground at the skirt of Mt. Omoto, in the center of the island where endangered species such as crested serpent eagles and plants exist. The highest mountain in Okinawa prefecture, Mt. Omoto has been an object of faith for local people. It spreads wetland as a natural water keeper at the lower part of the construction site. The mountain water is used for drinking and agriculture. We are afraid that our important environment may be changed, destroying this southern tropical paradise.
Southwestern Islands will be in danger…
JSDF is rapidly deploying military fortresses on the southwestern islands claiming a recent rising tension with China. They have already launched construction for huge bases on Yonaguni Island, Amami Island, and Miyako Island. The missiles which JSDF is planning to set up in Ishigaki will reach foreign warships from 200km to 400km away. Deploying a missile base here means that our island risks becoming a first target by foreign countries in the event of military strike. The residents and travelers numbering about 50,000 will be trapped on the island without food because the airport and port must be closed for military use during such an emergency. As a result, we are afraid that travelers both foreign and domestic may no longer choose to visit Ishigaki Island as a healing island.
Our proximity to the border puts us at foremost risk if we set up missile base!
We do not deny that there are problems such as Senkaku/Diaoyu island territorial right claims on the East China Sea. However it is obvious that everybody will be involved in a tragic situation if we use military forces to solve these problems. Actually, both the Japanese and Chinese governments claim that their relationship has been improving recently. We agree that it is most important to have conversations in peace to solve problems. Should a conflict occur accidentally on the ocean, International humanitarian law (Law of War) prohibits attacking unarmed targets (civilian centers without military) such as this island. Not building a missile base might prevent a conflict whereas on the other hand, mobilization might escalate one. Certainly residents would suffer to be involved in such conflicts when they could easily have been avoided. If we do not stop this construction and military expansion, we will lose hundreds of billions of yen, which incidentally, we the people provide with our taxes. And if we attract war by mistake, the influence will be felt all over Japan.
Please listen to our voice!
Most of Ishigaki city residents oppose the construction of missile base. We collected 40% of voter’s signatures and seals last year requesting a referendum to the Ishigaki City Council, but the decision to hold the referendum or not was rejected twice. So it’s pending in court right now. Also half of the missile base land has just sold to the JSDF by Ishigaki city recently.
But it’s still only under land preparation work.
This may be our last and only chance to stop the construction.
We wish Ishigaki will remain a place of peace and healing forever.
Please understand and sign this petition and share it. We thank you very much for your cooperation!
Liaison group of Against the Military Base in Ishigaki Island Joint representatives Hidemasa Uehara Tetsuhiro Kinjo Tadasi Hateruma Masaru Minei Yoichiro Yae
0 notes
mira1308 · 1 year
Tourist places in and around Bangalore.
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Best vacationers places with 200km of Bangalore: Bangalore, the country’s super advanced capital, is likewise noted for drawing in huge quantities of sightseers every year. To be explicit, the nightlife in various areas close to Bangalore is the best thing you might actually look for. There are a ton of Regal homes in India that flawlessly depict the magnificence of India’s past. Inside 200 kilometers of Bangalore, there are a lot of vacation spots to consider. There also best resorts near bangalore which everyone can explore. The reason for this conversation is the richness of their environmental factors.
Get your vehicle and go to the Bidadi region 40 km away from Bangalore to investigate the lavish vegetation. Bidadi is an incredible spot to visit for an end of the week excursion since it offers voyagers a calming experience. The space isn’t enormous, yet the climate is exactly what you want following a long and distressing week. On a Saturday morning, take your family to this trim and partake in the natural air.
Ramanagara, a safe house for experience searchers close to Bangalore, is one more choice on the rundown of areas to visit arranged 47 km away from Bangalore. Hiking, traveling, precipice jumping, and different exercises are conceivable on the troublesome paths. At the point when you visit this area, you can inhale the crisp, loosening up fragrance of greens and let the beautiful landscape recharge your spirit. Ramanagara setting up camp is something that one shouldn’t pass up as a result of its extraordinary setting up camp areas.
3.Shivanasamudra Falls :
The little municipality of Shivanasamudra, situated close to the town of Malavalli on the banks of the waterway Kaveri, brags one Asia’s first hydro-electric power stations and is found 110 km away from Bangalore. At the point when the stream drops down a bluff close to this island villa after a long journey through the Deccan Level, it shapes the portioned Shivanasamudram Falls.
The twin cascades, Barachukki and Gaganchukki, are interminable, but the best stream happens from July through October during the storm season. The eastern part of the falls, Barachukki, parts from the waterway, which then parts into two Gaganchukki Falls. At Shivanasamudra, there is a lookout from where you might get an extraordinary perspective on the Gaganachukki Falls.
A coracle ride over the bobbing rushes of the water at the foot of the falls is a famous action that you might partake in on these vacationer places around Bangalore inside 200 kilometers. On the off chance that you’re intrigued, the island settlement of Shivanasamudra contains various old sanctuaries that can be visited.
4.Horsley Slope :
The Horsley Slopes, concealed in Andhra Pradesh’s hinterland, are an uncommon diamond, a gathering of slopes that are a very staggering sight to see.
The slopes, at a rise of 1290 meters, don’t have a lot of in that frame of mind of exercises, however guests originate from all over for the terrific vistas, luscious food, and easygoing climate, as well as the wonderful climate. This nature treat is arranged a ways off of 180 km from the city of Bangalore.
5.BR Slopes :
The Biligirirangana Slopes, which ascend at a height of 1200 meters at the conversion of the Eastern and Western Ghats in South Karnataka, are known for their rich vegetation and natural life.
BR Slopes has different destinations to see, captivating games to take part in, and extraordinary familiar spots to remain while your excursion. This magnificence nature site is arranged a ways off of 172 km away from Bangalore.
6.Mysore :
Mysore is one of South India’s most notable vacationer destinations. It was previously known as Mysuru and is Karnataka’s biggest area. Mysore was the name given to the territory of Karnataka when it was perceived as the capital of the ‘Realm of Mysore.’
The city is known all through the country for its attractive structures and landmarks, as well as its gaudy majestic past and is a should visit place inside 200 km from Bangalore.
The city’s reality legacy recorded royal residence probable draws most of guests. Mysuru is likewise a rising place for great incense, silk, and sandalwood creation. Ashtanga yoga is presently another drawcard in Mysore, which draws in guests from everywhere the world on account of its status as India’s head yoga objective.
There are various areas around here of Royal residences. The central castle of Mysore is Ambavilas Royal residence, which is likewise one of the area’s most well known traveler objections because of its ravishing designs.
7. Chickmaglur:
Best experience in Chickmagalur: homestay near chikmagalur, Creature watching, bird watching, and traveling are famous experience exercises in Chikmagalur. Kalasa and Horanadu, two little settlements along the Bhadra Waterway, have become boating objections and are just 90 kilometers from Chikmagalur. Kayaking and boating trips are accessible for the whole day as the fundamental experience exercises in Chickmagalur. You can pick the eight-kilometer stretch of the Bhadra Stream, which includes a few rather high-grade rapids. Boating undertakings of as much as 42 kilometers can be sorted out. The long stretches of July and August are great for boating. An extraordinary number of sightseers are attracted to chikmagalur resort. The Bhadra Dam, based on the Bhadra Stream, is a famous objective for water sports and experience exercises. The Bhadra repository is framed by the Lakkavali Dam, which is only a short stroll from Bhadra Untamed life Safe-haven. Fishing and kayaking are two of the most well known water exercises accessible here. You can likewise make the most of the area’s climbing open doors.
Madikeri Post is a captivating legacy structure in Coorg that comes from the final part of the seventeenth hundred years. Inside the post’s walls was a castle. The post, which was initially raised by Mudduraja, was fixed and redesigned by Tipu Ruler and the Britishers. Also, checkout the madikeri resorts, they are amazing.
The stronghold presently has a clock tower, a gallery, and a recreation area on the grounds. Taking a visit through this post with your family is quite possibly of the best thing to do in Coorg with family in the event that you’re arranging an excursion with them.
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deepnerdarcade · 1 year
Stop construction of missile base by Japan Self Defense Forces in Ishigaki Island!!
Help!!   Please sign the petition and help stop the construction of the JSDF (Japan Self Defense Forces) missile base on Ishigaki Island.
Ishigaki Island, which is a part of Okinawa prefecture, is one of the remote islands in the southwestern part of Japan near Taiwan.
Beautiful tropical sanctuary…
The construction site is located on high ground at the skirt of Mt. Omoto, in the center of the island where endangered species such as crested serpent eagles and plants exist. The highest mountain in Okinawa prefecture, Mt. Omoto has been an object of faith for local people. It spreads wetland as a natural water keeper at the lower part of the construction site. The mountain water is used for drinking and agriculture. We are afraid that our important environment may be changed, destroying this southern tropical paradise.
Southwestern Islands will be in danger…
JSDF is rapidly deploying military fortresses on the southwestern islands claiming a recent rising tension with China. They have already launched construction for huge bases on Yonaguni Island, Amami Island, and Miyako Island. The missiles which JSDF is planning to set up in Ishigaki will reach foreign warships from 200km to 400km away. Deploying a missile base here means that our island risks becoming a first target by foreign countries in the event of military strike. The residents and travelers numbering about 50,000 will be trapped on the island without food because the airport and port must be closed for military use during such an emergency. As a result, we are afraid that travelers both foreign and domestic may no longer choose to visit Ishigaki Island as a healing island.
Our proximity to the border puts us at foremost risk if we set up missile base!
We do not deny that there are problems such as Senkaku/Diaoyu island territorial right claims on the East China Sea. However it is obvious that everybody will be involved in a tragic situation if we use military forces to solve these problems. Actually, both the Japanese and Chinese governments claim that their relationship has been improving recently. We agree that it is most important to have conversations in peace to solve problems. Should a conflict occur accidentally on the ocean, International humanitarian law (Law of War) prohibits attacking unarmed targets (civilian centers without military) such as this island. Not building a missile base might prevent a conflict whereas on the other hand, mobilization might escalate one. Certainly residents would suffer to be involved in such conflicts when they could easily have been avoided. If we do not stop this construction and military expansion, we will lose hundreds of billions of yen, which incidentally, we the people provide with our taxes. And if we attract war by mistake, the influence will be felt all over Japan.
Please listen to our voice!
Most of Ishigaki city residents oppose the construction of missile base. We collected 40% of voter’s signatures and seals last year requesting a referendum to the Ishigaki City Council, but the decision to hold the referendum or not was rejected twice. So it’s pending in court right now. Also half of the missile base land has just sold to the JSDF by Ishigaki city recently.
But it’s still only under land preparation work.
This may be our last and only chance to stop the construction.
We wish Ishigaki will remain a place of peace and healing forever.
Please understand and sign this petition and share it. We thank you very much for your cooperation!
Liaison group of Against the Military Base in Ishigaki Island Joint representatives Hidemasa Uehara Tetsuhiro Kinjo Tadasi Hateruma Masaru Minei Yoichiro Yae
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