#implication that the greens are so tightknit at covering atrocities that him killing a guy at the table was completely covered up is fun
knightsickness · 8 months
I get the cristin Cole obsession because I am obsessed with him and Allicent's dynamic. it's so weird and twisted and complicated and based on religious shame and duty, it's obsession, it's actual courtly love. and f&b has some great lines but yknow the issues with it. the only thing I wish they had put in the show is Allicent saying but who will protect the princess from Cole. bc I think that just furthers their fucked up bizarre relationship. like the only man she trusts is bound to not have sex and the only woman he likes would never have sex with him.... much to consider
legit SUCH an insane line in relation to them .. delightful sicko layer to their mutual shame+misery celibate pseudo-het relationship. either she never believed that and said it anyway or does and doesn’t care .. keeps him around both as the only sane person here who realises my stepdaughter is the devil and my state-sanctioned guy who kills anyone i don’t like and as guy who represents rhaenyra’s worst crimes in my eyes fully aware he’s a dangerously unstable serial killer but he’d rather kill himself than hurt her because she’s the virgin mary. courtly love sicko eunuch besties 🫶
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