#impatiens balsamina
foxsoulcourt · 11 months
the rhododendrons are now resting + that impatiens is s t u n n i n g
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inthecityofgoodabode · 8 months
September 2023: Second Saturday
The balsam impatiens has spawned children:
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sashthesloth · 1 year
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Balsamine (Impatiens balsamina)
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frammyjammy · 2 years
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"A phrase like 'I'm lonely', I wouldn't say it even if you pried open my mouth."
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¿Historias cortas para no dormir y así no tener pesadillas? Alegría (Impatiens balsamina)
También conocida con los nombres de Alegría de casa, Impatiens, Balsamina,  Miramelindo y otros...
Es una herbácea perenne que puede comportarse como anual en algunos climas. No suele sobrepasar los 60 cm de altura, con tallos acuosos y rectos muy ramificados. Las hojas, de color verde claro, son simples, alternas, de forma lanceolada o elíptica, tienen peciolos cortos y bordes muy aserrados.
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Las flores surgen en las axilas de las hojas en racimos sésiles de hasta tres flores. La corola está formada por dos labios superiores, tres sépalos, uno de ellos forma un tubo curvado lleno de néctar y tres pétalos desiguales en colores desde el blanco al amarillento o rojizo, aunque predominan los tonos rosas o púrpuras. Existen variedades simples, dobles o semidobles y su floración es muy abundante. El fruto es una cápsula ovoide que explota al tocarla esparciendo las semillas. Puede florecer durante todo el año.1​
Heródoto refiere (Nueve Libros de la Historia, libro I, capítulo CXCIV) que se usaba en Babilonia para producir aceite, que preferían al aceite de oliva.
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nearest-dearest · 1 year
The Painting
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You don’t really know what Frank is so stressed about, painting can be relaxing. Julie shares your sentiment. That’s why she encouraged the entire neighborhood to get together to ain’t or draw something. And what better place to look for references than a beautiful garden? While Julie’s garden would be great, Julie and Wally insisted that it should be yours. Due to Julie wanting to change the landscape of her flowers.
Your garden It is then!
Julie argues that your garden is bigger too. And you couldn’t really disagree with her when everyone practically still had elbow room, and they’re only in the first part of the place.
Everyone took their time to complete their pieces. Choosing different flowers to serve as their muse. Howdy drew a caterpillar among the roses, Frank wanted to paint the butterflies, Julie wanted to paint a cute little spider she found, and the rest chose a flower to paint. Including you, but the flowers are only the second subject of your painting. For you decided to make a painting with everyone involved. Flowers would surround the neighbors while they have happy smiles on their faces.
You initially wanted to paint Wally, but your brain stopped you before committing that ultimate mistake.
A shameful, ultimate mistake.
First things first, you have to render the focal point of the piece, so you started painting everyone’s faces, starting off with Poppy’s.
“And done!” Wally announced “(Y/n)? May I get a second opinion?”
Wally asked, seeing as you’re the only with him in the second garden. You paused your painting for a moment to take a look at Wally’s painting. You could use the break too anyways. You turned to see Wally’s painting and gasped. Wally had painted himself a self portrait. With impatiens balsamina or touch-me-not flowers surrounding him.
“Wally! This is amazing!”
The colors Wally had chosen were beautiful, complimenting each other very well, making the painting pop with life despite being a still image. But there’s something there. A small detail, but it still caught your eye.
“You painted yourself frowning?” It wasn’t really a question, it was a fact. Wally had painted himself with a frown. A stark contrast to the warm and vibrant colors he chose to paint with. Wally gives a small laugh.
“Forgive me for the dampen move, but I just thought it would be nice to do something different. But rest assured, I’m not sad. There’s nothing to be sad about anyways.”
The look you gave him shows every word you wanted to say without speaking it. Wally didn’t need you to say that you don’t believe him. You always wore your emotion on your sleeves, quite different from how Wally would do. But the moment he felt your hand be placed on top of his own, he couldn’t help but show a little red in his cheeks.
“Is something wrong Wally?” You asked.
And Wally felt himself grow warm and fuzzy. Like a nice little fire place during winter. Even more so when he saw that you hadn’t removed the red string on your finger. The concern that everyone expresses for Wally when something is wrong, is nothing compared to the way you expressed concerns for him.
He didn’t know when he started feeling this way towards you. It just happened one day, and ever since then, he gets butterflies in his stomach whenever he’s with you. And oddly enough, Wally doesn’t mind that feeling.
Maybe that’s why he felt the need to be vulnerable, but he wouldn’t allow himself to do that. So he only chose the half truth.
“It’s nothing to worry about (Y/n). Sometimes I just feel a little lonely, and I wanted to try and get it out of me through painting. And I think it worked, I guess.”
Wally can be an impeccable actor at times, that’s how he can make faux smiles even better than Sally Starlet. What he can’t fake was the surprise he felt when you finished your painting and then gave it to him.
“Here Wally, for you.”
Wally took the painting and now it’s his turn to admire your skills. There’s a few mistakes but it’s all overshadowed by how you chose to use the impasto painting technique for the flowers.
“(Y/n) this is lovely! But why give this to me?” Wally asked.
“So you and home won’t feel lonely!”
Darn, that gesture is so sweet it’s admirable.
And Wally turned from a pale apple into a full blown ripe red apple.
An entertaining sight for the whole neighborhood, hiding and watching the scene before them.
“Ha! I win, cough up!” Julie cheered, all while Frank had a frown as he begrudgingly gave away his one piece of candy.
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cinnamon-bunni · 10 months
Give Me a Heart That Won't Break
Rating: T Pairing: Gen (Levi-centric) Word count: 2k Read it on Ao3!
look at me, finally getting around to posting this on tumblr! i was planning on doing it when i posted in ao3, but i just was too lazy to lmao ;;;
this fic, along with its title, is heavily based on the song Impatiens Balsamina, and I implore you to listen to it!! it's such a pretty yet heart-breaking song <33 and of course i had to inflict pain onto levi, who else would be perfect for this song? lol
anyway, i really hope you enjoy this!! it's in a different style than i usually write in (no dialogue, present tense), so i hope there aren't too many mistakes there (god knows how many times i had to rewrite parts because i instinctively went back into writing past tense lol) but yeah!! please enjoy <3
His headphones aren’t plugged to his phone. He still wears them, scrolling through his phone and acting like they are. Levi is not in the mood to listen to short, few second videos, nor did he want to listen to his classmates. So he instead scrolls through Devilgram, and uses his soundproof headphones to drown out everyone around him. His eyes flit around the room, where other demons chatted and laughed; class hadn’t started yet, and it would be a few minutes before it did. So of course, his peers took the chance to chat, all in their different groups and surrounding someone’s table to form a circle and excitedly spoke over another.
Levi closes his eyes with a sigh for a few seconds, before then going back onto his phone. He doesn’t care about them or whatever they were talking about–probably just about parties, or shopping, or their weekend plans, or whatever normies talked about. He is fine alone, thank you very much. He preferred it, actually. A loud laugh startles the demon, and his head shoots up to search for the source.
A jock, he thinks bitterly. Of course it was a jock who didn’t understand how to be quieter inside, and is impossibly loud enough to break through his headphones for him to listen clearly. They give a hearty laugh, outstretching their hand to give a few friendly pats on their friend's shoulder. Levi is quick to realize that the other demon there that is on the receiving end of the shoulder pats is Beel, who shares a smile just as wide as his friend. His eyes search, because if one twin is there, then–ah, there he is. Belphie is seated in a nearby desk, head down with his arms out to rest on. Unlike most days though, he is wide awake, a smile hidden by his arms, and Levi can see from how his eyes crinkle and how his mouth moves that he is participating in the friendly banter.
He watches for a short few seconds, before snapping back to his phone. He clicks it back on, and goes back to scrolling and pretending not to care or listen to the others around. Well, he isn’t pretending, not at all, he doesn’t care. He is fine with no one around him–hell, he’s happy that he’s alone, because they would just be too loud and annoying, and he doesn't have the patience to handle stupid normies.
Levi is fine doing his own thing, even if it does make him appear to be lonely. Which he isn’t, because he made the choice to be alone. Why would he want to be in cliques where they would just–just-
His hand grips the phone tighter as the screen dims. He isn’t lonely. He doesn’t care what others think. Because that would make him something to be pitied and he is the Avatar of Envy. Yes, he is a gross otaku, someone who plays video games all day, has too much useless trivia memorized, spends literal days watching anime, but he is still the general of Hell’s Navy. He is still very powerful, and has power that should be feared. It sorta sends a message, in a way, of his power, in a similar vein of how Lucifer lets very few people around him. Levi does not need them, nor their pity. He does not need their pity because he is powerful and loves to be independent, and that he is not lonely. He likes it this way–it was better for everyone, in the end.
Levi prefers it this way, anyway. Being alone. He revels in his alone time. Because, because if he doesn’t…
His eyes darts back to the twins. He watches as another demon enters the conversation, and the two nameless ones give a weird handshake as a greeting. He watches as Beel and Belphie laugh and talk.
…if he doesn’t, then there would be something wrong with him. Levi is the loner, afterall, and always would be. He is the one who failed in holding normal conversations, the one who is afraid of saying the wrong thing to someone, the one who rehearses what he says, the one who struggles to even come to classes in-person, the one who can’t even do a class presentation. He is the one that everyone knows wants to be alone, and it would always be like that. They will always seem him like that, and he will always stay in his shell. Alone. A win for both parties, really.
More noises catch Levi’s attention. He moves his phone around his hands like a fidget toy as he watches his younger and much prettier brother walk into the classroom. He takes his time walking, a joyful smile on his face as he laughs and gasps at whatever someone says. His groupies follow him, and suddenly they are all taking up too much room–all laughing and squealing and enjoying themselves. They are all so happy, he thinks absentmindedly, watching a few feet away from the circle. Everyone is engaged, all participating in one way or the other.
He wonders–a tiny, minuscule part wonders–if being labeled as the loner was something he could have escaped. That maybe if he had forced himself out of his comfort-zone, if he had gone to any of the meetings for the gaming or anime club, he could be in the same situation Asmo and Beel and Belphie all found themselves in. If he had been there from the start, maybe things would have been different for him. Maybe he would find himself in a group like them.
Asmo’s fans and friends all hang off of his brother’s every word, and all react accordingly. Levi shakes his head and snaps back down to his phone. He turns it back on. What a dumb thought–what would he do, anyway? Abruptly ask them if he could join them? Levi has pride, believe it or not, and knows not to waste his time doing something dumb like that.
Besides, he’s thinking as if he has no friends, which wasn’t true at all. He has his friends in the Navy, who only ever makes the time to talk to him when he comes around every blue moon for official business; along with that, he has his online friends–who he could only really just play video games with, discuss anime, and vent about surface-level problems. Hell, he even has friends in a few different classes! Sure, they were more just like acquaintances really, where he and the other exchange pleasantries and easy small talk because their usual friend groups were separated in different classes, but–but it counts. Levi counts it, even if it’s not anything real. It needs to count for something. 
His screen cracks a bit. Levi, surprised, blinks, as he stares at the cracks that were caused by his thumb pressing hard against the bottom of the screen. He sighs, and clicks it back on once more. Looks like he would need a new phone screen. Lucifer would give him a good scolding about being careful with his strength and handling phones again, he just knows it. 
The warning bell goes off. He can hear it vaguely ring, and more people start to filter in. Asmo’s group all start to give goodbye hugs as many of them leave the class in order to head off to their own classroom. Asmo waves and gives his own goodbyes to his friends, drawing out the whole thing. Hell, Asmo even hops off his desk, and lingers just out the doorway as the majority of them leave. 
Levi scoffs out loud. They act as if it's the end of the world; that they won’t ever be able to see each other again, or something. It’s like they all can’t live without one another, or without Asmo around with them, at the very least. It was all so dumb in Levi’s eyes. He certainly wasn’t missing out on much.
So he doesn’t envy them, not at all. Really, he doesn’t.
His eyes linger on them until most of them filter out, and the room becomes quieter. Not exactly the dead silent, but quiet enough around him and his area that he couldn’t hear anyone through his headphones. Just the way he likes it.
Asmo settles back down, going back on top of his desk and conversing with anyone left. Levi’s eyes look around the room mindlessly as he watches more friends greet each other and have a good time together. He then meets a pair of fiery green eyes staring at him.
The eye contact breaks just as soon as it begins. Levi, rightfully startled, calms a bit when he finds that it was just Satan, who had been apparently staring at him for an unknown amount of time. Why had he been staring at him? But his eyes were back on his book and he acted as if nothing happened. Levi supposes that he should do the same.
But he stares at his younger brother for a few more beats. He watches as Satan reads his book, sitting in his chosen desk, close to the wall and just about in the middle of the rows, not too far from Levi’s own desk. Levi watches as he basks in the silence; although his headphones work well, it mainly comes from the fact that no one is sitting around the fifth-born. He is alone, with all desks around him left empty and untouched. It forms a space of silence around him, where he is able to read his book in peace. He looks…Levi is unable to place the look he sees on Satan’s face. He isn’t sure how to read it.
More people take their places. Levi faintly registers Satan’s scowl as others sit next to him in order to talk to one another and act as if he isn’t there. The last few of the students enter the classroom, taking up the seats that were left open. They all talk over one another, making Levi grateful for his headphones. A group of friends took the open seats around Levi, and Levi pretends not to care as they are loud and have fun around him while he stares down at his desk. Having normies like that so close to him was…
It hurt, in a weird way. Which Levi hates, because he refuses to be seen as the loser in this situation. Well, he almost always was during most times, he could own up to that, but not a loser for not having a loud and annoying and obnoxious squad around him. He does not envy them, not at all–if he did, then it was just his Sin acting up. It happens to all of them–Satan’s Wrath made him angrier than most, Lucifer’s Pride made him a prick, and sometimes Levi’s envy made it hard to be around others who had something he didn’t have. 
Levi didn’t want what they all have; he didn’t want to have people around him to talk to about the things he enjoys, to go out with to all the anime cafés, to laugh and have fun with. He was fine being alone. He tells himself that time and time again because it was true and it’s as simple as that.
In truth, he just wants to rid his Envy. Or, perhaps, just simply be able to handle the small amount of heartache he feels every time he sees his brothers with their friends. He wishes for, maybe, a stronger heart that wouldn’t break at the thought of being alone after school and when he went home and when he would go back to R.A.D. the following day, week, year. He doesn’t know if he can stand it for that long.
But he will. Because there is nothing wrong, and Levi knows and accepts this. This is just the way things were, set up all by him. He’s the one who asked for his, to be left alone and not around anyone, and he was given what he asked for. He couldn’t possibly complain about it now, not after seeing how annoying everyone else and their friends were. He is happy where he stands.
If he wasn’t, Levi thinks to himself as class starts, then something inside of him was wrong. Wrong, and incredibly broken.
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aetherceuse · 6 months
Development Notes from the Mun ✨
I've decided to start a new trend for myself on Mundays. I'm going to share some "behind the scenes" notes, sort of to show you guys the creative process that goes into writing my muse. There's a lot of little things that I haven't shared with you guys before. So, let's get into a few of them.
Lusamine's last name is a reference to Eugéne Delacroix, a very famous French Romantic painter. Despite being well-regarded for his art, and cementing himself into history as one of the most recognizable artists of his time and genre, Eugéne Delacroix drove himself to a point of illness due to his obsession with his work. He had a very uneasy relationship with the art establishment and the press as well. I drew inspiration from that for Lusamine's obsessive fixation on her own life's work, along with her less-than-warm relationship with the scientific community, despite making major contributions to her field.
Her touch aversion is a reference to the flower that she is named after in the French translation: balsamina. Impatiens balsamina is better known as the Touch-Me-Not. Impatiens balsamina is also an invasive species on several islands in the Pacific Ocean, hence why I tend to describe Lusamine as "parasitic" while inhabiting Alola. (Easy to do so, since she isn't from this universe to begin with.)
The creation of Silvally has one foot in modern genetic engineering, and one foot in mythology and legend, to represent the difference between aether, and ether. 'Aether' is a classical alchemical element, and was believed to be what comprised the heavens where the gods existed. It is the space in between. Ether, on the other hand, is a clear chemical compound used as an anesthetic, and is incredibly volatile. Both words have the same root, and both have a connection to the concept of "purity," yet they represent entirely different schools of thought. As a perfect representation of the duality of aether and ether, Lusamine is attempting to create a modern forme of the source of All.
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vocahub · 2 years
【Kaai Yuki】Impatiens Balsamina【Cover】
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꧁༺ Nikki’s Diary ༻꧂
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꧁༺ Nikki’s Diary ༻꧂
[ Impatiens balsamina ] 🌺🌸
When I was a child, I always liked to call impatiens "henna".
After mashing it, it was used to wrap the nails, so that the deep and light colors could bloom on the fingertips for a whole summer
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[ ดอกเทียนบ้าน • 指甲花 • Zhǐjiǎ huā ] 🌸🌺
เมื่อฉันยังเด็ก ฉันชอบเรียกดอกต้นเทียนว่า "เฮนน่า"
หลังจากบดแล้ว ฉันใช้มันทาเล็บของฉัน เพื่อให้ที่สีเข้มและสว่างเบ่งบานบนปลายนิ้วได้ตลอดฤดูร้อน
[ 09.07.2022 ]
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impatiens_balsamina
* Impatiens
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heartoldart · 3 months
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A vintage illustration of Impatiens balsamina from I fiori dei giardini : descrizione, storia, coltura e significato simbolico (1883).
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dinhthang · 7 months
Cây Hoa Chữa Bệnh - CÂY BÓNG NƯỚC
Tên khác: Phượng tiên thảo, (hạt là Cấp tính tử). Tên khoa học: Impatiens balsamina L. Họ Bóng Nước (Balsaminaceae).
Nguồn gốc: Cây nguồn gốc Đông Nam Á, được trồng làm cảnh và làm thuốc ở Malaysia, Indonesia, Việt Nam, Trung Quốc, Ấn Độ, Nhật Bản. Bóng nước là cây cảnh nhỏ, hoa thường màu đỏ, quả chín nứt thành mảnh xoắn tung hạt đi xa. Cây thường mọc hoang dọc theo dòng suối, bờ ruộng và vùng đất lầy; thường được trồng. …
NguyênLiệuLàmThuốc #ChữaBệnhPhụNữ #ChữaTêThấpVàĐauNhức #ChữaĐauCơGânXương #ChữaHócXương #ChữaMụnNhọtMẩnNgứa
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jardineriaon · 1 year
Impatiens balsamina: características distintivas y cuidados
Si te gustan las plantas con flores, una algo menos conocida, pero muy hermosa, es la Impatiens balsamina. ¿Te suena?... http://dlvr.it/SqFWB8
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blogflores0 · 1 year
Autor: Olga Guedes
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¿Historias cortas para no dormir y así no tener pesadillas? Alegría (Impatiens balsamina)
También conocida con los nombres de Alegría de casa, Impatiens, Balsamina,  Miramelindo y otros...
Es una herbácea perenne que puede comportarse como anual en algunos climas. No suele sobrepasar los 60 cm de altura, con tallos acuosos y rectos muy ramificados. Las hojas, de color verde claro, son simples, alternas, de forma lanceolada o elíptica, tienen peciolos cortos y bordes muy aserrados.
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Las flores surgen en las axilas de las hojas en racimos sésiles de hasta tres flores. La corola está formada por dos labios superiores, tres sépalos, uno de ellos forma un tubo curvado lleno de néctar y tres pétalos desiguales en colores desde el blanco al amarillento o rojizo, aunque predominan los tonos rosas o púrpuras. Existen variedades simples, dobles o semidobles y su floración es muy abundante. El fruto es una cápsula ovoide que explota al tocarla esparciendo las semillas. Puede florecer durante todo el año.1​
Heródoto refiere (Nueve Libros de la Historia, libro I, capítulo CXCIV) que se usaba en Babilonia para producir aceite, que preferían al aceite de oliva.
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hanahiroba · 1 year
椿咲鳳仙花 鳳仙花 の特徴と育て方
● 鳳仙花 椿咲鳳仙花の品種の特徴 「椿咲鳳仙花」は、椿咲と呼ばれる八重咲の鳳仙花です。 「鳳仙花(ホウセンカ)」は、花言葉の「私に触れないで」のように触れると弾ける種が特徴的な植物です。花色は本来の赤に加え、白やピンク、紫、絞りが入ったものなどがあリます。現在主流となっている園芸品種が椿阪と呼ばれる八重咲品種となります。暑さに強く、丈夫で育てやすく、こぼれ種でもよく増えます。 学名 Impatiens balsamina ツリフネソウ科 ツリフネソウ属 別名 ツマクレナイ、ツマベニ(爪紅) 最終樹高 地植え:m 鉢植え:m (一年草) 栽培用途 地植え、花壇、鉢植え、プランター栽培 など 植栽適地 日本全国 育てやすさ ★★★★☆…
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