#im v passionate about this and i wont shut up
queerlilacroses · 2 years
To everybody moaning "oh Robin's characters ruined", "oh she's been acting so different and weird all season" hey so uh it's v obvious that Robin's autistic coded throughout season 4, was probably holding back in season 3 because she had finally found people who properly cared about her...also have you heard the rebel robin podcast/book/youtube whatever....it came out before season 3 and girly is so autistic like cmon guys just look at the facts
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nobodywritingao3 · 6 months
sorting through my writing problems
just for my own sake
how to be a human being au. originally was going to publish a sequel where tubbo and ranboo are introduced & more among us lore is revealed but i cant see an ending at all and i dont think id finish a sequel id start. additionally i wanted to rewrite a few of the chapters to include vore but im not sure it would be worth it. i think ill finish how to be a human being & set it down (for a while or permanently). if i want to write among us vore then ill just start a fresh au & make either wilbur or technoblade the impostor lmao
allies or enemies (how to be a human being rewrite). i reread it recently and kind of hated it. i feel obligated to finish it but i dont want to write out of obligation. ill probably put it on indefinite hiatus and then anonymize it so i have to look at it
lady lie. kind of a mess. i saw a scene in my head where 3/4 sbi minus tommy were the heroes and they found out that he was the top villain. and they try to parent him out of that but it doesnt really work. i saw a dramatic climax where tommy realizes who they are while theyre on the battlefield & he double crosses the villains and completely annihilates them. sbi would have to make peace with the fact that tommy is the most powerful one & it's only because he likes them that the villain empire has been shut down. i dont think ill finish it. probably put on indefinite hiatus and anonymize
im not angry anymore. ohhhh same problem as lady lie. i enjoy the [techno and wilbur leave for college and then tommy grows up bitter and they come back and hes v impressive and kind of hates them and theres angst] plot but i dont have anything special to add. i think id honestly rather ghostwrite what someone else makes in regards to that trope. indefinite hiatus and anonymized
cold love. im throwing up and screaming. im a little insane about cold love. the plot i saw for that was quackity, wilbur's friend from the village, being revealed as a dragon. he'd explain all the dragon stuff to sbi & sedate wilbur so he's brought out of his instincts. and then wilbur would wake up after a week and be a total mess because they know what his secret is & he feels guilty for all the havoc he wreaked while temporarily insane. id just ruin his life for a little bit. problem is that i dont have a solution to the angst and id probably finish the story with wilbur being a sad sack who thinks his family hates him. no ending. just angst. idk what to do about cold love.
very good bad thing. same thing. i just wanted the angst, i didnt want a real ending. i play around with very good bad thing as a warm up these days. i dont see a real direction to take it in.
your love. i think im as passionate about your love as i am with how to be a human being. i could see this story going very long form & i see different branches i could take it in. i want to finish this story but i have to admit that im kind of scared of it. i dont want to get overwhelmed or lose interest and never finish it because i think its a special story & it really freaks me out that i wont do it justice
shameful company. this doesnt feel like a story im making up, it feels more like a story im transcribing. i know exactly how it goes and i know exactly what happens to all the characters and how it ends. writing shameful company is more about actually writing it than it is about creating the plot and figuring out what happens. its a really long story and that kind of overwhelms me but i know what the story is so i really just have to put in the effort of doing it justice. i care about telling this story right
little soldiers. oohhhhhhhh little soliders. i need to revamp little soldiers. i had a plan in my head and i feel obligated to follow the plan but the planned story isnt as fun as it would be if i just wrote which parts feel natural. im afraid of little soldiers. this one needs a lot of work. i might start using google docs just to deal with little soldiers. little soldiers is a google docs level problem.
finish how to be a human being euthanize allies or enemies, lady lie, im not angry anymore use cold love and very good bad thing as warm up writing because i like the angst and dont care about the ending your love is my little pet project finish shameful company and jam pack it full of vore because im no longer self conscious about writing that trope give little soldiers as much as i can and if that fails, just humanely euthanize it
after ive made plans for all my current writing i can take a look at the insane backlog of story ideas i have & write my horrible vore in my horrible little vore corner
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ofdaeseong · 5 years
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         —  is  that  a  bird  or  a  plane  ?  nah ,  it’s  just  DAESEONG  IM  .  word  on  the  street  is  that  the TWENTY-FIVE  year  old  ,  CISMALE ,  looks  an  awful  lot   like  MATTHEW  KIM  (BM)  ,  but  i  just  don’t  see  it  .  strangers   believe  them  to  be  COMPETITIVE  and IMPULSIVE  ,  but  their   friends  will  tell  you  they’re  GENEROUS  and  AFFECTIONATE  .  they associate  themselves  with  missed  calls  at  3am  ,  takes  no  shit  ,   constantly  has  an  extra  helmet  for  his  motorcycle  ,  a  teddy  bear  disguised  as  a  lion  .
i wanted to get something up quick so forgive any mistakes in this !! im v shy so feel free to message me first🙈🙈 if not, i’ll gather the courage and do it all tomorrow !!! also sTAN KARD THANK YOU
ok so daeseong was born in daegu but moved to los angeles at the age of 3, so he was americanised a LOT,, for the longest time, he spoke english better than korean and it was like that until he returned permanently to korea at the age of 16
they were always back and forth between the two over the years, but he still spent the majority of time in the states
they originally moved to los angeles because of his father’s job -- he was a producer for a big network and he got an opportunity in america so they took off !! the network got shut down years and years later and daeseong’s dad was like LOL YEET and moved the fam back to korea !!
being in america???? baby daeseong ate and aTE and was huge for his age,, it made him subject to a lot of abuse in elementary school -- all sorts of comments being thrown to lil daeseong about his weight, or how he spoke, or something even more racist,, so racism and discrimination is something he’s dealt with his entire life. 
to americans, he wasn’t american and was clearly korean, and to koreans?? he was too american,, hE’S USED TO IT
it’s always been a push or pull sort of thing
but it made him v aggressive and angry as a kid. he didn’t understand why no one liked him, because he knew he had a lot to offer. he was a funny kid, and he wasn’t afraid to flaunt the wealth he had -- yet no one took notice.
he didn't really realise his weight was a huge issue until he was permanently back in korea at the age of 16/17,, aka it was him hitting the gym HARD and it took him two years to officially drop to a decent weight. but with him consistently going?? it created an obsession for him. for years, he’s taken crossfit serious, along with weight lifting,, so its something he’s v passionate about, but it’s still taking a toll on him.
at eighteen, he enrolled in daegu university for sports nutrition blahblahblah yall know the rest there, obv he did well with his enthusiasm
sO GOING BACK to the whole not feeling entirely korean, or american, he’s kinda always been a lone wolf, and the aggressive side of him can jump out at times,,, but deep down, and if you know him well enough?? he’s literally a sweetie,,, a giant teddy bear !!!!
he’s the stereotypical bad boy,,, but isn’t a bad boy lmao he loves driving on his motorcycle, loves wearing leather jackets, loves getting double takes as he enters a store just because he’s getting attention,,,, and not the bad type where he’s being bullied and picked on
much to his dismay, returning to korea at the age of 16 meant that he still had to serve for korea’s military because he wasn’t able to move back to america at the age of 18 and didn’t want to lose his citizenship,,, so he has been gone for the last two years !! and has only returned in the last few weeks. he had a year off from uni and then was off to serve,
first on his agenda: get a tattoo and go wild there !!! he’s always wanted to be covered in them,,, and he knows he’ll do it.
it kinda feels weird being back, but he’s getting used to it,,,, slowly but surely
i’ll prob add to this more tomorrow when it isn’t 3am and when i can actually think so i’ll surely do that and reblog it again,, i’m gonna fix up a stats page and an actual connections page then too, but for now, i’ve thought of a few lil things:
family members,,, p much explanatory 
someone who used to pick on him?? like i said, he would have been back and forth from daegu and la, so if some characters have been there before,,, that’s perf,, and you can choose whether or not they’re completely intimidated by his new physique aksdjfjs
i would love if he was actually dating someone before he had to enlist,, because the pain of him thinking they’d be waiting for him?? when they weren’t???? OUCH,, he’s out here watching the people he lived with and loved for the last two years reunite with their loved ones and daeseong had no one??? omg my heart
the casual fwbs,, he prob has a few bc of the whole lone wolf image
a best friend?? he has to have someone who loves and cares for him bc he needs a lil bit of love,, there’s only so much he can take
a gym buddy?? someone he trains or trains with bc he’s there constantly
maybe someone is completely intimidated by him and he’s in normal daeseong mode like nO I WONT HURT YOU !!! and the teddy bear JUMPS OUT
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choko-flan · 6 years
How does one get started in making rpg games? What do you do first? Also could you recommend some rpg maker devs to follow?
۹(ÒvÓ)۶ Thankyou for this ask btw!For how to get started in making rpg games there’s many factors to take accountwhich are: 
Are you new to rpg maker? 
If you never use rpg maker I strongly say thatyou 
SHOULDN’T go head first and make a super long game. Youcan, but just note that you are going to get stuck on everything. Just making asmall test project to get to know the engine really helps you to know how tobasically use the engine. 
Whattype of story do you want to make?
Try to write down the basic ideas of thetype of game you want to make. For example: a game about a young elf girl istrying to find the shard pieces for a star she broke. Just something basic, fora concept it doesn’t have to have a million endings and everything the fullgame is going to have.
Demon Tea’s concept idea was basically ademon girl that ran from home and found a village where she met a happy golucky person. 
Concepts =/= the final game, your concept is just the foundation/ plan ofthe game. Like how you draw guide lines for a drawing, the guide lines aren’tgoing to be in the final picture but its there to help you.
Don’t go crazy on your game: Don’t get trap in remake hell [PERFECTIONISM]
We all want to make our games amazing and the bestthing ever, but please take in account that nothing can be perfect. Its not abad thing it’s the truth, there is no such thing as a perfect game. Every gamehas flaws but even if a game isn’t perfect it can still be enjoyable. Perfect=/= enjoyable.
Enjoyable= how a person felt about a certain thing. I enjoy sonic adventure 2 and it’s avery flaw game but I still enjoy it. Like how people enjoy the movie the room, it’sa very flaw movie but people love it because of the flaws since it makes themovie.
Thoughjust because the game isn’t perfect =/= not to care how you made the game, youshould put effort and care into the game. Just remember that the game is somethingyou are doing for fun and enjoyment. Don’t go crazy over wanting to make thebest game in the world, since this is a subjective term. Meaning what peopleview as the best is different from you.
Justdo your best and the work will pay off for sure.
Whatis the reason you want to create the game?
Understand your true motive on why youwant to create the game you are making the game and make sure you always rememberwhy you are making the game.
But please note: that you should be makingthe game for fun and because you want to do it, making a game just to be popularcan be a reason but it would be something that drives perfectionist since youare trying to make a game people like rather than a game you care about. This would lead to self-doubt andredoing things over and over never making progress. You can dream about seeingpopular lets players playing your game and having a bunch of people playing it.BUT DON’T think its going to be the next Undertale and get ahuge fanbase of people all around you go crazy about things. Don’t expect yourgame to go off the day you release it, don’t get upset that you only got 10downloads on day one. Be happy that you did it, that you let your game out inthe world.Everything will pay off but don’t justthink you’ll get super popular, popularity takes time and just happens. Don’tgo crazy on being popular, rather think of the main reason you want to createthat story.
 Popular =/= happiness, it’s nice to havepeople caring about your work, just don’t have it all go to your head andstress yourself out into a perfectionist cycle.  
Trynot to compare yourself to others:
This is something I’m familiar with, comparingyourself to other devs or games and bashing yourself because ��why can’t I bethat good”.  Please understand this: 
I mean this you are you, don’t look at othersand put yourself down since what I learn is that there always someone behindyou looking up to you. You think you are the worst but there’s people who findyour work amazing. Your work is blind to yourself because you see it every day,but to someone else its amazing.
You must be you, not like dev x and devy. You can be inspired by them but don’t doubt yourself on how you can’t do thingslike them.
 EVERYONE CAN DRAW AND CAN-DO THINGS.  It’s the matter of learning the skill to getbetter at it. Art is a skill not a talent, its something you master and keepgetting better at. Same with being a dev you get exp points and you level up.Like a rpg tbh since you get exp and level up the more you practice a skill.
Learnto take feedback:
When someone gives you feedback on yourgame there are different types which I won’t cover all of them. Just know youare letting your game out in the public eye, you will have people who tell youthey like your game and others who tell you they didn’t enjoy it. If its civilthat’s A-Okay, since its their opinion.
 You will get feedback that is critiques whichisn’t a bad thing, just understand if it’s someone who is just saying “Yourgame sucks” or “The protag looks weird” without context, this isn’t a critique.Don’t censor critiques btw, like if people are pointing out things like thegame has plot holes or things that are feedback that can help your work. Don’tyell at them or shut them down, take the advice. Just because the player doesn’tmake games don’t mean they can’t give you feedback. 
Feedback is free and helpful so take all you can get from it.
Justdo it:
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I canlist everything about being a dev, but this is what I can say to you, just doit. If you are passionate about wanting to create a game just do it. Once Iheard about rpg maker games I didn’t ask anyone I just dive head first into it.OvO/ It’s amazing now that people can ask other devs things like this about howto get into making games.
 Beinga dev =/= an alien. No, we are just people who have a huge passionate in storytelling,art, music, games, etc. Making games is a media that lets a person get to seethe world in the eyes of the character.
 Withrpg maker it makes it easier for people to get into game making which helpsthem get into another engine. It doesn’t matter if you are making a rpg makerbattle system, a spooky horror game, a walking simulator, etc. Make the gameyou dream of making and just do it.
 Everythingin the world has been done before, but just take your spin at it, make a gameyou enjoy and don’t let others put you down since you want to make a game abouta young sweet female protag that wakes up in a strange world but can’t rememberwho they are. Just make the game you want to make.
Amazing Devs to Follow:Here’s some amazing devs to follow, who all haveamazing games.
@midnighttrain-project @teamstellaria
I do hope this was helpful in some way,I drop what dev work I was doing to answer this since it just made my day. Ihope this helps anon, and if you need anything just ask. I hope this informationwas helpful, I tried my best not to make a text wall. In the future I’ll make agoogle document about things I took and learn from being a game dev. ( I really hope this text wall was okay)
(≧∇≦*) I hope you have a wonderful day btw.
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pythondyke · 7 years
Pro Gerard Lacroix?
its late but if i read one more fic writing Gerard as the satan of men i’m going to flip
like....there is literally 0 prove of Gerard doing a damn thing wrong, but since he was in a straight relationship with Amelie and aw it hurts your ship your just going to automatically toxify a right now innocent man?
Y’all go crazy about how rekted straight people are but then... you do this? 
and im mostly looking at the widowtracer shippers for this (seriously you guys have ruined both characters by making them both cheat and i thought that was bad but the h a t e against a canon lesbian, Emily, and like art and fics like killing her for for the sake of widowtracer? it makes me sick but ill save that for another day) but i personally ship Widowreaper (i’m a pansexual in a gay relationship dont start, i just love the character development) but even in their fics Gerard is written as an abuser or asshole and like... guys if you cant accept that a person was genuinely happy in a previous marriage then be able to move on to another person and be happy again that’s just weak writing and development?
Seriously super healthy straight couples are s o hard to see today and if this as healthy and happy as i headcanon and back by canon is true then that’s? so great? like in their marriage...
- They were married for several years
-both had successful careers, neither of them gave up anything for their relationship
-no kids
-obviously long distance at times, Amelie in Paris for Ballet performances and Gerard working with overwatch
- n o k i d s 
and they were MARRIED? and straight? they had full distant jobs? and no kids? just themselves? how many hetero relationships are represented like this?
anyways i’m just really tired of instantly slamming Gerard as an abuser just to support your ship when there is like, zero evidence supporting you toxifying their marriage, so here’s some sweet headcanons i have for this pure cinnamonon roll frenchman to kick the Pro Gerard off
-Gerard also loved the fine arts, and actually watched Amelies debut on the big stage(but they did NOT meet there and did not fall for her body). He enjoyed her passion and efforts to bring the arts back as a priority after the Omnic Crisis, 
-She was actually kind of felt small compared to his stature in the military, feeling frivolous, but he reassured her that without her talent and drive the arts could be failing more and the arts bring back the humanity he is serving to protect, and is inspired by her influence.
-Gerard is the most annoying stereotypical frenchman to look at,the facial hair the scarves the e v e r y t h i n g makes you feel like hes faking at first
-(ive seen this one floating around but ill add on) Gerard and Amelie had a cat between them, they spoiled the hell out of it and Gerard actually rescued it as a kitten from one of his missions
-Gerard is the BIGGEST hopeless romantic omg hes disgustingly sweet and wont shut up about Amelie all the time with everyone of his peers (this went the other way too, Amelie would drone about Gerard with her fellow dancers like he put the stars in the sky)
-even though the distance didn’t hurt their relationship, they missed each other a l o t even on the shortest separation periods, when they would reunite in the airport they would buy each other roses and go out to a big reunion fancy dinner after (every. time.)
-On l o n g endevors without each other they end up mailing each other little love packages, anything from flowers, some of Gerard’s favorite wine, love letters,Amelies scarf with her perfume on it, Gerard’s overwatch jacket with his cologne, so on
- Obviously Amelie was scared to death of spiders, so he was the one in the relationship to get rid of them, but he never had the heart to kill the tiny things, he’d just put them outside, and tried to explain how they are just misunderstood.
- They both l o a t h e d children so much, crying toddlers and sticky brats they were both repulsed by and would always be rather spending their time together and drinking their romantic nights away then being bothered by the mere thought of them.
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angel-nero · 7 years
I was tagged by @wonderseverythingabove @glaspaladin and @kageyama-tobiyo sorta idk
Five Things You’ll Find In My Bag


mints/halls (i drink too much Coke to be eating mints and I bought two packages and… oh god)
Five Things In My Bedroom:
huge ass scary wardrobe
clothes everywhere
a lot of lamps cus I like to draw and I am super blind.
no posters cus they never keep there. old 14 years old me wasnt happy about it 
Five Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do In My Life:
play piano
learn more languages
travel a lot

dance ballet
Five Things That Make Me Happy:
art supplies
good education
my dog! Fuck! I love my dog!
buying things I want
Five Things On My To-Do List:
enter uni

study for uni
laundry yeah same
Five Things People May Not Know About Me:
I get anxious a motherfucking lot about everything and no one irl knows besides my bffs. And family last year.
I eat a lot but can’t win weight and i am super skinny and look sick all the fucking time but…..
I might actually be v sick lmao. Im doing studies rn 
apparently I have french accent LMAO 🤠💦 some mx pals even asked me if I’m french and im like???? No??? i just cant focken speak right, okay? 
Im a coastal who doesnt likes seafood and old ppl constantly tell me shit about how i am missing the joy of life or how i am actually not a resident. yea, u rite, i am an alien 
Name?: Gabriela
Nicknames?: Bowie in school 🤠💦 gab, gabs, babe (gabe), uh, gabalooney toones? Idk dawn is nuts. dont call me gaby pls that's my mom 
Zodiac?: aries, constantly annoyed and an annoyance
Sexual Orientation?: Fuck this question honestly
Ethnicity?: mexican/Spanish but born in México, you get? Mexican
Favorite Fruit?: grapes
Favorite Season?: Summer. im a sucker for summer, find me in the beach, its too fucking hot so everyone wants to die
Favorite Flower?: idk i dont frikin care leave them alone
Favorite Scent?: scents that ain’t too strong. I rather breathe fresh air for all my life cus sometimes, no matter what smell, get me nervous 🤠💦 just… never food. any food
Favorite Animal?: all animals are cute I don’t play favorites
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?: Hot chocolate even if it kills me. then coffee and kill tea. The only i’ve had is fuze tea lmao. tea i believe is fucking bad in here and this city is too hot to actually care. i love frappes
Cat or dog?: dogs
Dream Trip?: idk, bex’s ufo spots is actually a good one but i wouldn��t like to go to merica. Also… i wanna go to yucatán and see the place where the meteorito crashed and killed the fucking dinosaurs. and i think yucatán has a beach w pink water!!!! but nvm i checked and apparently you cant see shit. just take me somewhere idc
Number of Followers?: never will tell u
What do I post about?: i have two blogs. I used to post Queen/beatles pics and gifs and shitposts. In this one i was sooo quiet for like, 2 and a half years, I barely followed anyone and stopped entering once cus all i saw was su and v0ltr0n i was so lost in my dash 🤠💦 came back this year and its good 😎 and…… idk just texts i tag under bullshit.txt if u wanna block em. i wont b posting jaaaackshit
Do I get asks on a regular basis?: blep? Sometimes. I laugh cus when I was so quiet I answered em all on private. Look, that experience is fuckin hilarious to me cus i didnt have hopes of the anime fandoms or whatever   
Favorite Band?: queen. But i love a lot of music bruh. Queen was my first fav band so shut the fuck up and eat dirt if you say something
Aesthetic?: bleeeh bleh bleeeh bru the sun, keith, the desert, the beach, the sky, the universe, fight club and trainspotting, big buildings, parties, cool stories, me dyin
Fictional Character I’d Date?:  Eren 🤠💦. Listen…. I love him, and i knew about him when we were both 15… it’s special….. and now we are both 19….. and we’re so alike. I picked him so we could b friends actually he a little motherfuck
Hogwarts House?: gryffindor 
Rules: BOLD the statements that are true for you!
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses (all the fucking time)
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined (i didnt even kno about this i checked a birthday pics w my friends and i had a croptop an suddenly i had abs. its from laughing probably)
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well (my throat is super fucked fam i barely can speak :/)
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for under a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling 
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports (bleeh sometimes)
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships 
I have never been in a relationship (almost v close actually)
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close at my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the united states
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CD’s
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce (axayactl but its easy tho and whe called him axa!)
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life (yah whatever who care)
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
i dont kno who to tag, idk who is down for this lm but if you see this and wanna do it…………… bbbbleaaassseeeee consider yourselfie tagged ily we dont have to b mutuals. tag me tho so i can read it!!!!!!!! i‘d love to 
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arielahq-blog · 7 years
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hi cuties it’s me gabs !!  && this is my sunshine, ariela. she’s like literally super fcking shy (ITS ANNOYING TBH but i love her anyway). her fc is the lovely perrie edwards. music is her life & she loves anything to do with art---hence the whole tattoo apprentice thing.
once u get to know her she opens up (especially w alcohol in her system HA) anyWAY, if she’s comfy around u then u two are just peachy and friends fo life.
under the cut are some shit bullet points loosely based around my bb. 
i’ll have the final, solid intro completed v soon but this is what i got for now :)
as usual, heart this post if u wanna plot im open to anYTHING LIKE RLY GUYS PLS (im not begging) ANYWAY here it is.
tw: depression, anxiety, eating disorder
——— earlier, i could’ve sworn i saw {PERRIE EDWARDS } walking across the courtyard, but it’s just {ARIELA HUNTER}, who i heard is a {21} year old {JUNIOR} majoring in {GRAPHIC DESIGN} here at crawford university. she is apparently the {SOCIAL CHAIR} of {KAPPA SIGMA NU}. according to the rumours, people call her the {ALTRUIST} because she is supposedly very {SELFLESS}, but also very {INSECURE} but who knows if the stories are true. (gabs. 25. est. she/her)
ariela marie hunters was born on July 4th, 1995
she has a zodiac sign of: cancer.
born & raised in california---but wanted to go “away” to school, so she dorms at crawford
her dad is an wealthy plastic surgeon, and her mother is a “housewife”.
you would never know it but her family makes BANK $$$. ariela is so quiet and humble, unlike her older sister (tbd if i want to make this a connect so like lmk because these two are polar opposites)
ariela is super quiet oMG LIKE a little mouse. she loves her art and is super extremely passionate about music. aka--if she’s talking to you about music shE WONT SHUT UP LIKE YOULL NEED A MUZZLE.
she has been playing the guitar since the age of 12. loves everything about it.
also plays the piano; her parents are v supportive of her love of the arts.
dont let her quiet demeanor fool u, ariela loves rocking out with the best of them---often attending rock concerts on campus, as well as music festivals.
singing was a good outlet for her---but stagE FRIGHT LIKE TO THE MAX (she sings in the shower if she’s completely alone in the house)
when it comes to boys, ariela is like the definition of awkward. blushes way too often;; tongue tied? yes.
ariela isn’t very confident in herself. always compared herself to her older sister.
TW: eating disorder: generalized anxiety // ariela was so consumed with being ‘perfect’ like her sister, it sent her falling through a downward spiral. as one could conclude, ariela was hooked up with the best doctors Cali has to offer, but even with the programs ariela still struggles today. she is always worried that she’ll never be good enough--not even for herself.
her sister is going to UCLA for her Doctorate, and even though ariela’s parents support her with following her love for music--ariela still doesn’t feel like it’s as prestigious or as amazing as her sisters degree. putting herself down a ton.
ariela all in all loves being surrounded by others when it comes to music festivals---music really helped ariela out of her depression & eating disorder.
ariela has yet to relapse, but she struggles every day.
she has 0 tattoos, but is planning on getting one v soon
ariela has her nose pierced, and several ear piercings.
loves anything grungy/hippie in a way.
so all in all, ariela is v fragile but loveS HELPING OTHERS LIKE??? she just wants everyone to be happy bcos itll make her happy?? her heart is filled with joy, tbh, when she helps another in need.
so this is TRASH. but yeah, hopefully we can plot :)
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