#im probably the only one who cares abt this but wtv
mattiebluebird · 3 months
Theory that Daxton Chill (from We Are Robin) is actually the son of Max Chill, Joe Chill's brother. Evidence: in the canon where Max exists, the Chills last name is actually Chilton (and their mom helped raise Bruce but thats a whole other story). And it's totally possible that Max named Daxton as an homage to that. Also Max and Dax is funny.
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xxwiltedwisteriaxx · 6 months
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I almost didn’t eat today. Everything was going well but i forgot that i’m like.. RLLY bad at hiding shit and RLLY good at complaining. So subconsciously i text my fiancé “omfg I’m ⭐️VING and this lady (a college spokesperson) won’t SHUT UP”
Then he caught me in my lie from earlier telling him i had a good brekkie, and also dug out of me that i had i had no lunch either. my excuse was “idk i jst haven’t gotten out of bed” SO, he ordered me sonic and had it doordashed to me.. (he’s in the military so he can’t jst.. go get it)
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I could never be mad at him, especially not for caring about me. It was a cheeseburger, a small chili cheese tots, and a small cookie dough shake. I spent probably like fifteen minutes calculating calories until i got to 1,300 and decided just to eat the damn meal. Again, I could never be mad at my fiancé for caring about me, but DAMN.
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On one hand, Im super fucking disappointed that i made it until 16:30, then broke my fast. On the other hand… ig if you REALLY put it in perspective, i had like a normal amount of calories a person should have. I jst omad-ed. I plan to fast tomorrow for my birthday (Im finally ACTUALLY 18 WOO!! No more lying on social media!! :3) and for most of the day friday since my mom will be taking my brother and i out to some fancy shmancy sushi place.
How I felt after eating:
Jst writing this as a reminder to myself.
Being hungry sucked ass, we all know this. It made me nauseous and irritable, but it felt so good to say no to my cravings. After eating i felt like crap, sure my belly is full and i’m no longer having cravings, but every bite put me deeper and deeper into shame thinking “how tf am i gonna write abt this?” But wtv, im choosing not to care today bc it’s already done with.
In all honesty, I try telling myself i feel this way for public approval, and some of that might actually be true, but really i jst want control.
But who cares, it’s only one day, and one day further away from reaching my ugw.
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taejoonmm-blog · 5 years
oop i was fast asleep when acceptances happened but i’m here now!!! jumping aboard the older (??) muse train with noh taejoon: 24, ju jak alumna, former baduk club prez, current grad stud + ur rezident defense against the dark arts ta....stats are here and a lil plots list plus some extra reading under the cut if ur interested! like to plot and i’ll head ur way :^) 
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parents are actively involved in law enforcement, his mom is the one underage magic users gotta watch out for her cause shes the one that’ll bust ur ass :^) 
he’s the nerdy passive only son type tho
one of ju jak’s v own and former roommates with @mmcmin hi loser
smary pants go-getter, spent summers at a time when he could to help conduct research or wtv his grubby eager hands could grab onto to get into teachers’ good graces 
was also an active member of baduk club (*looks at its currently empty roster n chokes back tears*)  and its president up until graduation. was also part of dueling
super gifted in dada related things which *points to his folks* is probably no surprise 
but hes lowkey a pacifist and doesnt want a taste of what’s out there so hes like :) im gonna just study it from afar and never get involved up close :) 
hence why hes doing the magical equiv of a phd and then somewhere way way way down the line he’ll be a prof one day 
along w his grad studies he is a teacher’s assistant for the subject 
hasnt changed much...is helpful, encouraging knows what he’s talking abt, nice ~*~sunbae~*~ vibes
footage of tae to everyone he cares abt 
not a fan of people changing up on him/ppl not using their potential...u know, that kind of teacher in the making lmaoooo but at the same time he doesnt project any idealized ideas of ppl either?? 
makes him a lil judgy tho in the most passive, harmless, private way possible 
got engaged 6 months ago to a childhood friend (currently NPC!!!!1! unless i find someone) who just came back from some all around the world deal but its arranged thanks to their great grandfolks or smth
onto plot stuff.....
fellow former ju jax 
fellow former classmates periodt 
u think he’s too serious but ur also one to talk for someone who’s doing terrible in the class...
ur a pretentious showoff and he’d appreciate if you could dial it back by a couple 100 :)
u got a puppy crush and he’s either oblivious or is fully aware and does nothing 
“baduk SUX” “.....ok....?” 
idk lets brainstorm kids 
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hea1ingprocess · 5 years
Hello !! I saw that u were doing education and i was just wondering what made u want to go into it ? I’m planning on doing a masters in education at the secondary level and ): i’m afraid i won’t be a good enough mentor for the kids etc. Do u have any tips abt studying education and what to expect ? Sorry if u’re busy u don’t have to answer this !! thank u and i love ur tumblr
hello!! sorry for the late reply, i wanted to give a really thorough reply so i put it off till now :B
1. why did i do it?
tbh i never saw myself as “going into education”, i personally see tesol as a separate thing to education as a whole (altho u could say tesol is a part of education or wtv but i dunno…feels wrong to say “im in education” bc i should be more invested in this if i want to say i am) but a lot of what i say comes from my experience in tesol so its gonna be very tesol-centric but i’ll try to be general where i can…but i went into tesol bc i volunteered for a programme one of my lecturers started up at uni, where linguistics students could volunteer to teach english to refugees living in the uk and i really liked seeing them improve, bc they really needed/wanted to get better at english…..so i did a teaching certification just before i graduated in the hopes i could do something similar in the future…….i guess cos if i was gonna get a job, i’d rather be helping people than helping a company make tons of money (altho i’ll get into this bit later)
after my first week at my current job, i googled ‘am i a bad teacher’ and ‘how to know if u r a bad teacher’ and u know what….i struggle to believe this myself but im going to reiterate to you….if u r worried about not being good enough, then u r probably NOT a bad mentor!!! it makes sense cause if u think u r already good enough, then u prob wont listen to advice/feedback and attribute problems to ur students/environment/etc. but i think this worry can help you if u use it to take feedback and become a better mentor! BUT also…i think u gotta know when to draw the line between good feedback and unfair criticism…….so have some confidence in yourself! i try to tell myself that i can only try my best, and act on feedback bc at the end of the day, we are all human. i dont know why we need to show people that as mentors/educators/teachers we are perfect infallible beings, we’ll make mistakes but as long as we admit to those and learn from them then i think its ok (dunno abt you but the teachers i got along with the least when i was at school were the ones who never listened to what i had to say and always thought they were rite)…the perfect teacher is a Myth
2. as for tips for studying education…for me wrt tesol, i found that u can be a fanatic for theory but crumble in the classroom…but its also good to at least have basic knowledge of it. but dont expect to be completely prepared for what happens in the classroom just by reading a book. also, u are ur own greatest repository (?) im assuming u urself have been in the education system for some time (pls correct me if im wrong), and i think those experiences can help!! they’ve helped me at least bc i always think abt the techniques my teachers used and try to use those in the classroom…yeah i dont really hv any good studying tips bc im not the greatest student haha im just coasting thru my postgrad cert bc my lecturers at this university are not that great at actually teaching imo (how ironic…maybe its just me) also!!!! a lot of stuff, u will learn when u actually teach!!! i wouldnt worry too much about the masters, there will be useful stuff to learn for sure, but u wont know until u actually get out there in an actual classroom. 
ALSO!!! this is a tesol thing but i think it might apply to education as well, but the money. the money. personally i would hv rather chosen a job focused on helping ppl as opposed to helping a company make profit but tesol is a Business. TESOL IS A BUSINESS (u can try to be the best teacher u wanna be ie. care abt a students overall holistic development blah blah but if they wanna just pass the ielts.....u give them that)! just had a recent wake-up call recently abt this but i also rmb in 2nd or 3rd yr of undergrad really thinking abt the effect tesol has on ppl and its been downhill for me since then……im still in tesol but i find myself thinking these days that its not going to be for the long term
sorry if all this was completely irrelevant n what u didnt want to hear/read…some pretty ugly things ive put there and poorly explained thoughts but atm thats all im capable of…….but i would love to talk to u more off anon if u wanna discuss anything else! i hope u see this and are doing well ✨
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joonyovng-blog · 7 years
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testing , testing, is this thing on ..., . ,, ,, ., ,, ., aH yes!! hello!! t’is i, ur local trash can yumi ( she/her ) n this marks my return 2 the krp community after months of school n org work shoved up my ass at an alarming level!!! i’ve tried to join other rps in between but my activity has been shitty at best n goddamn awful at worst, but i swear !!!!! i will Be Here For My Son ™ n for all of u ♡ this is joonyoung!! he’s v trashy but all of my muses are , to a certain extent; i have a Messy ™ wanted connections page up HERE n i’m going 2 ramble abt him under the cut so if u find any of that interesting at aLL pls !! LIKE this n i’ll come 2 plot wt u aysap ♡
( tw: internalized homophobia / biphobia (?) )
do joonyoung ; twenty-one ; the connard
call him joonie if ur close n joonyoung if u arent
tho most probably he will only refer to u as “dude” “bro” “babe” anyway
born and raised in seoul, child of two neurosurgeons + eldest of two siblings
his younger sister ( she’s two years younger ) sohee is a mute nd he loves her more than anything / anyone in this whole world; he even learned sign language as soon as he found out tht she couldnt speak jus so they could communicate
his parents, on the other hand, he couldn’t care less abt ?? tbh theyre a v affluent family but bc theyre doctors theyre so rarely around
so as long as he wasn’t failing any classes or getting in too much trouble they couldnt give less of a shit abt him 
grew up playin football n ?? Loves it . more than anything. completely
in fact hes been on multiple football teams since he was 8 !!! and its such a big big part of his life like majority of his heart is jus sohee n football
high school was easy for him bc like ..,. ,., , when ur athletic n handsome like joon is everything is easy for u lmao
then when his sister got into high school too he for sure wanted an activity wt her 
nd since she was artistically inclined he went “ok fuck it” n signed them up for some extracurricular art class wtv
n guess wht he ... loVED IT ,, SO MUch .. n started rly getting into watercolor paintings even after the classes ended n hes actually ??? p amAZing w the art
( of course he told like .. close 2 no ppl abt it bc .. wht kind of star athlete is an Art Geek too amirite //: apparently these r #mutually exclusive things ! gotta keep the image up in high school yk )
high school was also around the time tht he got into this group of dudebros on the football team who were ofc all abt .. parties n beer n sex
so obv he rly got into tht lifestyle and hasnt gotten out of it since, ,, baso this part is just him turning into ur local frat boy trash
think loud crappy trap music; six pack of beer; gym selfies; supreme hoodies; obey snapbacks ,,,,, u get th picture
so here he was fuckin arnd n bein the star player of th football team ,, all the guys wanted 2 b part of his crew n all th girls wanted to get in bed wt him ..... #Golden Days
but after his final winning game he got super drunk n ended up .. sleepin wt one of his dudebros?? n it was the first time hed ever slept wt a guy n the first time he thought he could be bi but
his parents were only real hella conservative abt one thing which was his .. sexuality so ofc there was a lot of self-conflict goin around
rn he identifies as bisexual but hes v v closeted abt it like !!!! only a few ppl kno n he doesnt rly want it going around jus yet out of fear of bein judged ///:
after high school he was like fuq dis ! n decided tht hey im good enough to go full time wt this whole football thing
so guess who has two thumbs, skipped out on uni, n is now .,, ., . , an athlete lmao
[ shades emoji ] [ fingerpointing emoji ] this guy ! ! ! ! ! 
so now he lives in an apartment wt sehyun in th downtown district; he still goes home a lot tho to visit sohee but thts ,, p much it considering how much his parents hate his Life Choices at this r8
he still paints !!! watercolor paintings r his stress reliever but he rarely lets anyone know tht he does paint, much less see his art
still v much a fuccboi ...... wears supreme hoodies n obey snapbacks .... only knows how 2 buy cold beer n the closest thing to cooking he does is microwave leftover pizza ,, ,., ., ., 
th type to hit u up w a “wyd? ;)” text bc he can .... a Good Time but also a fuckin Idiot ™
this was a Mess jesus
love him !!!! hes fun 2 be around but also so stupid pray 4 him
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