#im not funny enough to write group chat fic tho sobs so here ya go
aro-aizawa · 5 years
a group chat ficlet that i got too uninspired to write it into a oneshot & post to ao3 - enjoy: 
vlad: wait why is tokoyami in this chat?
tokoyami: uh
aizawa: he’s the only one of my brats responsible to observe and inform yet not too respectful of us so we don’t have to up our standards. 
aizawa: tokoyami knows we’re human messes who’re mostly still young adults, whereas iida and yaoyorozu are not. 
aizawa: he once saw me fighting with the zip of my sleeping bag because it had jammed, and didn’t tell a single person that the reason i went a whole day in it was because i couldn’t get out. i trust him. 
yamada: aw shouta again? 
aizawa: shut up the brand may be very comfortable but its so prone to jamming
tokoyami: pro heroes should not be held up to impossibly high standards, nor should they attempt to live up to them. 
tokoyami: i saw hawks try to order a big mac while we were at a kfc once. even the top heroes are not infallible
midnight: breathtaking. our number two hero guys, 
hagakure: djxiehjekjs tokoyami is in the teachers’ group chat
ashido: toKoYaMi?!?!??
tokoyami: uh
izuku: wait aren’t you in gen ed’s group chat as well?
tokoyami:  u h
jirou: also that one pro hero chat with hawks and best jeanist?
tokoyami:  u   h  
kaminari: sjeksidb how the hell????
sero: man we though todoroki was the Cool One™️ of the class but we were wrong
uraraka: tokoyami is friend shaped
shouji: fumi is in so many group chats bc he’s laid back and likes to keep people informed, usually he’s mostly just talking shit to everyone else about the class tho
tokoyami: why must you spill my secrets told in confidence mezo…...
shouji: bc the other week mt lady called endeavor a stinky garbage fire and you didn’t inform me abt the interaction until last night
tokoyami: petty
shouji: u know i am bitch
uraraka: i think deku is gonna blow a fuse if tokoyami doesn’t share his Forbidden Knowledge w the class 👀 👀
izuku: no actually. if the pros trust tokoyami with their privacy, away from the public, i’m not going to break that trust by intruding where i’m not welcome. 
kirishima: ...i shouldn’t be surprised bc i expected you to go wild for the info but….
uraraka: the kind of respect and admiration that deku expresses for pro heroes is one of my favourite things abt him btw
izuku: hnkkk
kirishima: no doubt man!! i’m p sure it was one of my key components of my midoriya crush. 
kaminari: i always thought the depth of his knowledge of the pros and how they operate was fucking awesome. not to mention when he goes into those ranting storms where he talks abt something hero related for 20 minutes straight???
kaminari: 95% of the reason i could never follow along was bc i was staring at how adorable he was too hard to concentrate
izuku: you gUYS IM DYING?!!!!
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