#im not a scrooge or grinch i swear
lieutenantlashfaz · 5 months
Tell me why there's a whole genre of Christmas music that's just edm rave type remixes? And why is it actually pretty good
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brooklyn-1918 · 3 years
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Day 16
Characters: OC Angel Moore and Bruce Banner
Warnings: Fluff, possibly minor language
A/N: This one is more Christmas themed. Send an ask or leave in the comments if you would like to be tagged.
If you would like to read the previous day’s story, you can read it HERE
If you would like to read the background to the OC Angel Moore, you can read it HERE
A category five hurricane. That’s what was described to her when they were talking about Hulk sneezing. Bruce had blushed at that revelation, but they had all moved on fairly quickly. 
And as Angel walked down the hallway, she could almost swear she could feel her bones rattle at the explosion of the sneeze that Bruce let out. 
“Bless you!” She called out in sync with a few others. 
“Thank--” Bruce’s words were cut off by another sneeze. He groaned, and tried again.
“Thank you.” 
Angel emerged into the common room, frowning with worry at the sight of the scientist. Bruce was wrapped in a blanket, a mug of tea in his grip, hugged close to himself. 
Angel’s motherly instincts kicked in, and she trotted right up to him, while the others hung back slightly. She placed her hand on his shoulder, squeezing gently. 
“You alright?” She questioned. She tentatively placed the back of her hand against his forehead, which was slightly warmer than it should be. He nodded, and sniffled. 
“Friday, what’s his temperature?” Angel spoke to the ceiling.
“100 degrees fahrenheit, exactly, Miss Moore,” Friday replied. Her frown deepened, and she peeked inside his tea mug, which was nearly empty. She pried it out of his hand as he gave a small noise of protest. 
“Shh. No.” She walked off to the kitchen, getting another tea bag, and the honey. She boiled water, and put everything together. She brought it back, and handed it to him, shooing everyone else out of the room. 
Angel rolled her eyes at the mother hen remarks, but ignored them as she flopped down onto the couch on the other end from Bruce. She leaned forward and grabbed the remote for the TV. 
“We are going to sit here and watch movies all day. You are going to feel better, and not move an inch. Got that?” 
He nodded.
“Good. What’s first?” 
“Home Alone?” He asked, perking up at the prospect of being able to choose. Angel grinned and pressed a few buttons, pulling up the movie. 
“Such a good movie,” She noted, pressing play. 
They made it through the first movie by 11:30. Next up, was Roudolph. They paused it half way through so that Angel could get up and make them both grilled cheese and tomato soup. 
About 20 minutes into A Christmas Carol, Bruce dozed off, only to be woken rudely by the screaming of Scrooge, who was being chased by the ghost of Christmas yet to come. 
“More tea?” Angel asked him. He hesitated, but nodded. 
“Yes please.” He fought back another sneeze, only letting it out after she had walked into the next room. 
“Gesundheit,” She called.
“Danke,” He spoke back in German. 
Angel came back quickly, handing him the warm mug. She placed her hand against his forehead again, which was moderately cooler than it was before. A good sign. 
“How are you feeling, Bruce?” She questioned. Before he could answer, she was fixing the blanket around his shoulders, pulling it up so it could fully cover him to his neck. 
“Better than before, thank you.” She smiled and nodded, leaning back to her half of the sofa. She propped her feet on the coffee table, crossing her ankles. 
“How do you do it?” He asked, tilting his head. 
“Do what?” She asked, confused. He moved his hand so his blanket fell away, then gestured to her, then himself, then his mug. 
“I’m feeling better faster than I probably ever have before. And I’m a doctor!” He bundled himself back up, and scowled at the floor. Angel chuckled and leaned forward, searching for a moment so she could pat his knee. 
“As they said before… Mother hen. Mom magic,” She said with a shrug. Bruce huffed, but smiled. 
“What’s next?” She asked, grabbing the remote from beside her. He thought for a moment, then smiled.
“Frosty the Snowman, then How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” 
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24 Days Tags:
@im-a-light-child​ @nomadicpixel​
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astudyinfic · 6 years
Scrooge (00Q) || Holiday Drabbles Day 3
As requested by @darkjediqueen:  Q is a Grinch but James tricks him into Christmas.
“All I’m saying is that it is a holiday that either prompts a Bronze Age mythology or celebrates capitalism and excess.  I don’t understand why no one else can see what a scam the whole thing is.”  Q hardly looked up from his computer while he ranted, ignoring the horrified looks from the technicians working around him and the unamused gaze of his own lover.
“What about family and togetherness and being thankful for what you have?” Bond prompted.  Despite everything he went through in his life, Bond always made a point to observe Christmas.  Sometimes it had to be on a different day, but he figured the sentiment remained, regardless of when it was celebrated.
Q finally looked up, raising a brow above the rim of his glasses.  “I’m an orphan with no family to speak of, I am here, all the time so togetherness really isn’t an issue.  And as for being thankful, I find my energy is better spent on keeping you all alive then thanking the universe or deity or whatever for the fact that I have what I worked very hard to get.”  It wasn’t that he wasn’t thankful; he was.  Q appreciated that his life allowed him to spend his days hacking and saving the world, and paid him well enough to have a nice home and his cats.  But, there was no point in gratitude towards something that didn’t care whether he was thankful or not.
Bond shrugged and walked away, leaving Q to marvel at how easy it had been to convince his lover to drop it.
“Q, can you come home?”  Bond calling him while he was at work was unusual enough.  Bond calling to ask him to come home was downright unheard of.  Q never left work unless it was an emergency, something that had not happened since they’d gotten together.
Worried, he asked, “How urgent is it?  I’m updating the email system after 009 managed to corrupt it with that virus last night.”
“You know the computer I’m not supposed to touch?  Under punishment of death and sleeping on the couch for a year?  I touched it.”
Swearing under his breath, Q logged off and grabbed his jacket.  “I’ll be right there.  Please don’t touch anything else.”
Thankful to live close to work, Q stepped into their shared loft only a few minutes later, stopping short the moment he walked inside.  While the flat was lovely, tastefully decorated and perfect for the two of them, it never looked like this.
There were candles everywhere.  A giant tree occupied the main window in the sitting room, covered in red and green baubles, with white twinkling lights. Holly and mistletoe were strewn everywhere while ribbons completed the look, making it all look pulled together.  While Q had seen people’s home decorated for the holidays, they’d never looked like this and he wondered how Bond had managed it in the short time he’d been at work.  “James?” he asked, unsure what else to say.
James smiled, stepping out of the kitchen.  “I know you don’t like the holidays, but I thought you might be willing to make some new traditions with me?  The roast is in the oven.  Gifts are under the tree.  Nothing too extravagant.  Only a couple things that reminded me of you in my travels.”
Q bit his lip.  For all his bravado, he couldn’t say no to this.  James’ effort would win over the hardest of hearts.  “I may have gotten you something too.  I wasn’t going to give it to you until January, though,” he smiled.  “So you didn’t actually touch my computer, did you?”
“No.  But I knew it would get you here faster than anything else.”
He wasn’t wrong.  So Q smiled and the two of them sat down for a meal.  They ate and talked, and later on, they exchanged presents.  
When they curled up on the couch later, covered with a blanket in front of a roaring fire, Bond asked, “Still hate the holidays?”
“I think,” Q smiled, “you might have changed my opinion.  I love you.”
“I love you too.  Merry Christmas.”
If you have a drabble request for my holiday drabble giveaway, submit it here.  Twenty four days of holiday ships!  What could be better?
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