#im literally holding my ear open as wide as humanly possible
ashrifts · 7 months
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@deathfavor asked:
❛  i'm going to make sure nothing bad will ever happen to you again.  ❜ ( okay hear me out here but them pre-tenjiku )
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in a world where the light of the law cannot reach the downslopes to drugs and death slithering in the shadows the haitani brothers have always called home, there's only two rules that will always ring true: you cannot trust anyone but yourself, and the only currency worth anything more than money was spilled blood with a name attached to it and a debt it neglected to repay.
at twelve, ran does not simply witness, but enforces this factㅤ───ㅤthe first pay is enough to get rindou brand new glasses, and they no longer have to sneak into the cinema theatre in between functions, and they spend hours arguing over which vending machine to drop their loose change in, and ran eats so many new desserts that rindou had panicked when he wouldn't wake up the day after. at thirteen, this becomes routine, and they become the kings of the world.
they never needed anyone else but each other; not the parents out of the polaroid pictures ran keeps in his pocket, not the bosses who believed them pawns in ran's own chessboard, not the fickleness of teaming up with people who would betray them when the opportunity arose.
this kid may be strong, but he is foolishㅤ───ㅤand the most foolish thing of all is the part of ran that wants to believe him.
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ㅤㅤㅤ‘ㅤthat's a tall promise.ㅤ’ㅤㅤand arrogant, too. ran grins.ㅤㅤ‘ㅤi can look after myself just fine. i have been looking after myself just fine a~ll this time. i don't need you to do it for me.ㅤ’
yet. yetㅤ───ㅤthere's a tight curl to his smile, almost a grimace, and a shadow over his eyes, almost resentment. he doesn't understand it now, but in five years, in seven, in seventeen, he will look back at this moment and realize he'd just been a child, even with the blood smeared on his hands, even with the ability to choose who lives and who dies with a smile on his face. he'd just been a child, and no one but his own little brother had looked out for him.
they never needed anyone else but each other, after allㅤ───ㅤbut what happens when one is gone? when the debt collector has an overdue debt of his own, and only death can pay it off? before meeting izana, ran had never thought of his past catching up to him, because he'd be strong enough to fend off anyone who came for his throne... but the person who had broken his dreams in the first place sits at his prison cell's bunk bed by him, with words so earnest, compassionate, it almost makes ran laugh to his face.
he doesn't. he stops smiling, and he looks at him in the eye, assessing.
ran does not believe in much, but he believes in izana's strength, and he believes in his ambition. he realizes, too, that izana would gain nothing from betraying them, that whatever he needed from them, he'd take if he truly wanted it, and no honeyed words would be necessary when his fists had already spoken convincingly enough. he didn't need to win ran over, not when ran had willingly chosen to follow him, even if izana saw his obedience as submission or cowardice. these words were honest, so ran allows him the same honesty in return.
ㅤㅤㅤ‘ㅤthat's not something people can control. not even you.ㅤ’ㅤㅤhe tells him bluntly, but not unkindly. there's a foreign softness to him that smooths out the edges of his voice and warmths the indifference in his eyes as he tilts his head, closely, carefully observing the very first person he considered an equal. subordination is as new to him as it is to the rest of this vicious generation, and his own words feel oddly clumsy in his mouth in a way they never have before. he doesn't know if it's the unknown budding comradeship throwing off his game or something like wonder at someone wanting to protect him. he doesn't know how to rationalize it, so he does not know how to accept it... but it doesn't feel belittling. it feels... reassuring, and that in itself is a newer experience than being bested in a fight.ㅤㅤ‘ㅤwe'll look out for each other when you make our team, right? i watch your back, you watch mine, all that corny stuffㅤ───ㅤand in the case i bite the dust first... then you do your best to make sure nothing bad happens to rindou.ㅤ’
he allows his new grin to wash out the melancholy mood from the air, playfully holding up his pinky finger.
ㅤㅤㅤ‘ㅤhow's that for a promise?ㅤ’
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moxfirefly · 4 years
Video calls and confessions
Part 2
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Rated Explicit (18+)
Got around to that part teo for this one shot.
The world going to shit wasn’t exactly how’d you planned out your Friday afternoon. This morning you had woken up with enthusiasm and a desire to treat yourself.
You’d gone out to the city, had your nails done, grabbed an obscenely priced coffee and on your way had stumbled on a museum.
A little culture never hurt nobody.
For Christ sake it was a free entry day too.
So why then, as you admired priceless art and sculptures had literal hell descended upon the evening?
Creatures. Actual monsters. The screams of the public deafening.
That had happened about half an hour ago. In your haste you had thanked you fight or flight mode to quick into flight. The shaking in your body had cause you to run into one of the exhibit rooms most cluttered with random ‘junk’ whatever this art installation had gone for it was surely not for somebody to duck behind for safety.
You checked your phone. The news was reporting the attack of the art museum. Authorities had been sent as well as the B.P.R.D...
That made you pause and clutch your phone.
If the bureau was on its way then that meant Hellboy was too.
The very notion of possibly seeing him in the flesh made your heart skip a few beats. The two of you had been communicating on and off for a while now since the private shows had started. You knew mixing work and pleasure wasn’t smart but fuck, you had it bad for this guy.
There was a sense of relief washing over you. He’d be here, he’d take care of this mess. Maybe you’d finally see him and not through a computer screen. You knew things had escalated with him although neither of you had really properly addressed it.
“Please whatever is up there, if I survive this I’m fucking telling him I’m in love with him” You whispered to yourself. This possibly couldn’t be your last day on earth.
Something screeching and something akin to a human scream startled you. You hugged your knees closer and tried not to breath loudly. Gunshots and more screams could be heard.
Then something came crashing into the installation where you were hiding. Your scream was imposible to hold in. The creature was screeching so loudly, a sound that left your ears ringing.
Adrenaline made you run out as fast as you humanly could. You heard the great strides it took to catch up to you. This was it wasn’t it? You were gonna die?
Your legs kept pushing you forward even as your muscles burned with pain. Your eyes hurt from crying and your throat felt like it was sandpaper. Something like a claw reaching for your hair made you close your eyes. There was no way you wanted to see how this ended for you.
Two shots.
Loud and so very clear, the sound coming out of left field made you trip and fall. The screening fortunately had stopped.
“Miss?! You’re safe! Hey! You gotta get out of here now!” That voice you knew all to well. You looked up and saw red and a stone hand.
“R-red...” Your voice was small, a sob catching in your throat.
“Y/N!?” He was shocked, eyes wide as he knelt in front of you.
You weren’t sure how your body moved or if he moved you but somehow you’d ended up with your arms around him sobbing into his neck. Hellboy held you tightly, whispering that you were safe, an array of cusses slipped out as he breathed heavily.
The knowledge that you were here, if he’d been a millisecond too late, all crashed down on him as he picked you up and carried you to safety.
You could’ve died, was all that ran through his head.
You’re alive, was all that ran through yours.
One helicopter ride, a medical exam and a shower later you found yourself at the home base of the B.P.R.D. A nice young woman by the name of Alice had loaned you some clothes and had taken you to Hellboy’s room to wait. A debriefing was happening and all you could do was sit tight.
You resolved to canceling all your cam shows for the week stating you had fallen terribly ill. There was no way you could work, your hands were still shaking as you typed out the post and notified your one on one shows. It felt like hours as you sat on the couch, you had looked around at his room, seeing and array of personal items that made up his personality.
Such a big part of you often dreamt about this but your nerves had you glued to your spot.
The door opened and Hellboy came barreling in like a tornado. You flinched and bit too hard on your already chewed off nail, so much for that manicure.
“I’m so sorry, I wanted to leave that stupid meeting but it’s fucking mandatory because Daimio thinks it’s necessary, asshole that guy I tell ya-“ He took in your state, the still slight tremble in your hands, the few scrapes here and there. You looked small and scared and it absolutely destroyed him.
In his silence he made his way towards the coffee table and sat in front of you. “You know I often fantasized what it be like to see you in the flesh, this wasn’t how it usually went I promise” He smiled and for the first time in this piss filled day, so did you.
“How would it go?” You asked softly.
“Some mood light, a little wine maybe some music” The two of you chuckled. Your chuckles quickly dissolved in you trying to hold back your tears.
You were almost killed tonight, the shock would take some time to subside. “Hey hey kid, it’s ok, I’ve got you. Ain’t nothing gonna happen to you on my watch” Hellboy’s flesh hand rested on your knees.
You leaned forward and rested your forehead on his shoulder. “...When I read you guys were sent out, I really got excited that I’d finally see you” You felt his flesh hand stroke your hair.
“I’m in love with you” You blurted out, his hand going to still. “I said, if I’m making it out of this alive I’m telling him, so I’m telling you...” You looked up at him, e/c meeting his golden ones.
“I-Im not dancing around this no more, I’m tired of pretending that what’s been going on isn’t just some work thing that I do, fuck, I love you I really do and I think you do too” Your mouth want dry again, the scratchy sensation making you swallow.
Hellboy searched out your eyes, something in his head was going a mile a minute. Was he searching for a lie? Something disingenuous?
That all died when he lunged forward and kissed you.
A kiss that truly and utterly left no worry.
You were kissing Hellboy. You were gripping Hellboy by the scruff of his shirt. The way his lips molded against yours, the abnormal warmth to them, the softness to them, the roughness of his scruff.
Pulling back for air felt obligated but he’d insisted by pressing the stumps of his horns against your forehead. “Wow...that’s...so much better than I could’ve imagined” He was star struck in a way and it honest to god made you laugh.
The days events took a back seat for now you wanted to take in the being before you. You scanned everything you normally did while on cam with him. Your hands explored his face, running across scars and hair.
Then you remembered what lay to his right and your heart raced.
You gripped his stone hand, fascinated by the texture of stone, how he held your hand with so much regard to his strength. The patterns, the markings everything has you entranced.
“Extraordinary” Was all you could muster as you rubbed on what would be the inside f his wrist. “I’m sorry, is this weirding you out?” You looked at Hellboy only to find him grinning. “Having a beautiful girl touch me? Yes it’s completely weirding me out” He mocked and you couldn’t help but playfully shove him.
“God I need a beer, can we...?” He was leaning over toward the mini fridge next to the couch and pulling said drinks out. “Read my mind, beautiful” He offered one towards you.
This morning you were going about a normal routine, and now after a near death experience you were in the room of a man you had been falling in love with for months. The twist and turns of life.
Around round 3 you’d excused yourself to use the bathroom. As you washed your hands and saw your normal pristine face a little worn down from the stressful events you frowned.
But there you stood in Hellboy’s bathroom. Surrounded by things all him. The tips of your fingers ran through a brush of his. This was a reality right now.
You stepped out and caught him shrugging off his coat. Busying your thumbnail again at your teeth you watched his now visible arms flex with the movements.
“All good?” He smiled leaning against the dresser.
There was a pregnant pause in which the two of you merely just ogled one another from across the bed.
You moved first.
You walked over the bed and stood on it, you reached out a hand that he took without hesitation and with the extra height from the bed you met in a heated kiss face to face. You wrapped your arms around his neck, you felt his around your hips.
In a wordless haste you yanked at his black T-shirt and busied yourself with taking off yours. He watched mesmerized, as always, the revealing of your skin.
The image before you though, god you wanted to scream.
Hellboy undoing his belt and swiftly yanking the whole thing out of the belt loops without breaking eye contact. Off were your pants, and on was him as he took you down on the bed.
It was a haze, breathless kisses and chants of desire. He one handed the button of your jeans and his own. The brief separation to take the offending items off had the two of you giggling almost. In record time he was back on you and you welcomed it with a ferocity to your kisses. Tongue slipping into his mouth, you swallowed a groan of his that vibrated all the way to your cunt.
He was here, you were here. Physically.
You grinned as he trailed kisses over both your covered breast. “Take-fuck-take it off please, now right now” You felt the air leave your lungs when he simply broke the bra in half and met his reward, two beautifully round breasts he had craved more than any meal. Hellboy pressed his face between them and inhaled before leaving a series of bites and marks. Each time he bit down your raised your hips in search of friction.
The heaviness in the air, the warmth of him lapping and sucking at your breast. The heated tongue wrapping around a nipple. Hellboy devoured you, and if your breast had him like this...
“Baby please, wanna touch you too” Your hands ran down his back, sharp nails leaving a path. Hellboy shuddered as he left a nipple with a loud pop. “Go on, I’m all yours” That very comment sent a gush of heat and you bit your lip to hold a moan in.
You nudged him to lay on his back and you climbed on top of him. Hands running over your body, the feeling of that stone hand gently cupping your rear was enough to make you grind down on him with purpose.
“I promised you something every time we spoke, you remember what that was?” You rubbed yourself on him as you began to trail down his body. Hellboy’s eyes were fogged with lust. “Oh, you remember” You kissed his stomach, nails scratching his sides before hooking into the waistband of his underwear.
He was going to have a stroke.
Hellboy watched you slide his underwear down. Eyes hungry and mouth engulfing his cock. He bucked up without meaning to but you caught most of the onslaught by closing up your throat. A minor choke and you were back on track.
Fuck he was big and thick, you did your best swallowing as much as possible before settling the rest with your hand to jerk. The gut punched groan that left him egging you on. He saw your head bob, the way your lips stretched around his length, the blissed out look as you sucked earnestly. “Shit shit, you look beautiful” Hellboy reached a left hand across your cheek.
Letting him go with a breathy inhale, spit on your chin you jerked him lazily.
He was putting this look away for a rainy day. You had no right looking so utterly debauched and perfect.
“C’mere and kiss me, beautiful” Hellboy whispered softly and you obeyed crawling on him to meet him in a sensual slow lip lock.
Underwear gone, or more so also ripped apart. You were now on top of him about to guide his cock into your drenched hole. The initial burn was actually delicious, that breach between pain and pleasure sending a delightful shock through your body. Once fully seated on him you reveled in stretch and burn. “God this is, fuck I-“ You moaned as you tested with a sway of your hips, he was hitting your spot perfectly. You rested your hands on his chest and he gripped your waist.
Hellboy was gone, the sight of you riding him, lost in your pleasure caused by him nevertheless. It was the most beautiful thing he’d ever see. Lost to it all you fell forwards, burying your face in his neck. Your impending release had you stuttering your hips. “I got you baby, I got you” He muttered against your ear. You moaned as he held you, hips pistoning upwards to drive that orgasm out of you.
It crashed something fierce, running all over your body and coming out as a scream against his neck. You felt limp as a noodle but held onto him as he fucked his way through yours. When he came he yanked another orgasm out of you along with his.
The two of you laid there, a mess of limbs clutching at each other. Hearts racing, lungs trying to catch up.
Exhaustion won. You fell a sleep on Hellboy, still inside of you, his mouth against your temple.
There was no turning back now.
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twiceinadream · 4 years
Twice React: Fem! S/O Confesses They Love Them
Requested: Yup
Request: Twice reaction to fem/best friend confessing to them. (Written as a: High School AU)
a/u: It took 2 months but I finally finished a react and they ended up being pretty long. But, I hope you guys like them since this was one of the hardest prompts I’ve had to write, since some of them are based off real ways I’ve confessed to crushes. I want to thank you all again for 2k followers! I love you guys! Stay safe and wash your hands.
Category: Fluff and Angst (There’s only one)
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“I love me too.”
The two of you had known each other longer than you could remember. And now you hoped that you could make her your forever. “Am I really that hard to love?” Nayeon sobbed as you held her close to your chest, your best friend’s tears soaking your shirt. You sighed, “Nayeonie, look at me,” Nayeon blinked back tears as she looked up to meet your eyes, “How could you ever think you’re hard to love? You’re smart, beautiful, kind, literally every amazing trait under the sun. But, you somehow always find a way to waste your time on people who don’t deserve you.” The older girl looked at you in confusion as she pulled away from you slightly, “What do you mean, ‘Wasting my time’, Y/N?” You let out a frustrated sigh as you pointed between the two of you, “Like what we’re doing right now. I sit on the sidelines watching your heart getting broken over and over by people who barely even give a damn, and when they’re done ripping your heart to shreds I’m here to pick up the pieces. But, no matter how much you think you can see love. You’re blind to when it’s staring you in the face, Im Nayeon.” The room went silent as you could see your words being processed by the girl across from you, “What are you getting at, Y/N?” You pinched the bridge of your nose before throwing your hands up, “How can you not see that, I’m in love with you!?” As the words left your mouth, you felt as if you couldn’t breathe. The room was silent aside from Nayeon’s sniffling, you ran a hand over your face as you looked at your best friend, “Look, Nayeon. I’m really sorry I…” Before you could finish your apology, Nayeon’s lips were on yours. She seemed to take all the air from your lungs as you melted into the kiss. When she pulled away, Nayeon couldn’t help but laugh at the dazed look in your eyes, “I guess we’re both blind to love when it’s staring us in the face.” You gave Nayeon a confused look that made her roll her eyes, “I’m in love with you too, Pabo.”
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“No wonder you’ve been being weird!”
Yoo Jeongyeon wasn’t easy. But then again, when have you ever looked for easy. “Y/N. Y/N. Earth to Y/N!” You shook your head as you realized you had been staring at your best friend, Jeongyeon. She looked at you with concern as you sighed. “Sorry, Jeong. I’m just a little distracted.” Jeongyeon let out a laugh, “It seemed a little more than that, Y/N. You were staring at me for a good five minutes,” Your best friend smiled as she reached over to ruffle your hair, “From the way you were looking at me I could have sworn you must be in love with me.” Your eyes widened as you cleared your throat awkwardly, “What? No,” You pushed Jeongyeon’s shoulder playfully, “you’re crazy, Yoo.” However, Jeongyeon just rolled her eyes and turned away from you. You wanted to facepalm, ‘I’m such an idiot! There’s no way she doesn’t know I love her.’ Suddenly you felt Jeongyeon turn to face you again, her eyes wide as she looked at you, “What did you just say?” You blinked as you stared at her, “Please don’t tell me I said that out loud.” You suddenly felt the urge to cry as tears began to fill your eyes and you wanted to get as far away from Jeongyeon as fast as possible. “Y/N wait.” Jeong grabbed your wrist and pulled you back onto the bed making you lose your balance and fall on her, “Jeong…” But before you could stop her, Jeongyeon’s lips were on yours, your eyes widening before leaning into the kiss. Your guy’s breaths were labored as you pulled away, your foreheads resting against each other’s. “I love you too.” You wanted to say more but, Jeongyeon had pulled you into another kiss and you knew. She really did love you too.
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“Doesn’t this mean we kiss now?”
Momo could be oblivious. And apparently so could you. You yawned as your eyes began to blur the text in front of you, “This was a stupid idea.” You groaned as you looked at the time on your phone, Momo would be here any minute now and the anticipation was starting to kill you. You had come early in the morning to put your concessfession of love for your best friend, at her locker: eight red carnations (one for each year the two of you had known each other). And the longer you sat in the library by yourself your nerves were starting to get the better of you, until a pair of hands came from behind and covered your eyes, “Guess who?” You could hear your heartbeat in your ears as you breathed in, “Let me guess…Momoring?” Your best friend laughed as she pulled her hands away from your eyes and took the seat next to you, your eyes still focused on the textbook, “You’ll never guess what I found at my locker this morning.” Momo gushed as she sat back in her chair, a giddy smile on her face, “Someone likes me, Y/N!” A soft smile grew on your face as you flipped the page, “That’s great, Momo! Red carnations always seemed to bring out your eyes. Do you have any idea who it is?” There was a long pause before you finally looked up from the textbook to face your best friend, a look of disbelief on her face, “How did you know they were red carnations?” You felt your breath hitch as you looked around Momo to see that there were no flowers in sight, you immediately felt like you wanted to slap yourself, “Momo, wait. Before you say anything, I understand if you don’t feel…” The shrill sound of the bell cut you off as a defeated sigh left your lips, you refused to look at the girl beside you as you closed your textbook and picked up your bag, when you were pulled back by your wrist and a quick peck was placed on your cheek. Your jaw dropped as your hand flew up to touch the spot Momo had just kissed, your eyes meeting Momo’s as a heavy blush set on both your cheeks. Momo let out a light laugh as she began heading towards her class, “I’ll see you after class, Y/N-chan. Don’t keep me waiting.”
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*Internally gay panicking*
Sana was the sweet talker of the two of you. But today, it seemed like you had her tongue tied. You and Sana walked in silence as the April breeze carried the scent of the cherry blossoms blooming on the trees around the two of you. The sight could only be described as straight out of a fairytale, and Sana was the Princess to complete it. You didn’t know if it was the milk you had drank earlier or the courage that was bubbling in your stomach, but either way you couldn’t hold it in any longer. You were a few paces behind your best friend as you looked down and spoke, “Satang, I’ve been meaning to tell you something for a long time.” You let out a breath as you continued, “I like you. Like a lot, and way more than just a friend. Dare I say I’m in love with you.” You squeezed your eyes shut as you braved yourself to finally look back at Sana, a confused look on her face as she stared at you before taking an earbud out of her ear, “What did you say, Y/N?” You felt your mind go blank as your heart sank in your chest, “Um...I said I have to go, my mom called.” Sana gave you a smile as she pulled you into a hug, “Okay, call me when you get home. See you tomorrow!” You gave her a small wave as you began backtracking the way you had come, ‘I’m so stupid!’ You sighed in defeat when you felt your phone buzz in your pocket, it was from
Sana: I heard you, you Aho. And I like you too <3.
You felt a smile break out on your lips as your heart swelled in your chest, ‘Huh, I guess fairy tales really do have happy endings.’
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“I can't believe you remembered.”
Jihyo was like the universe. And you were lost in space. You have been hopelessly in love with your best friend for years, since it seemed humanly impossible to not fall for, Park Jihyo. But, even through the years you had never plucked up the courage to ask her, until the two of you had stumbled upon a flash mob proposal in a mall, Jihyo saying how she always dreamed of a big show as a confession of love. So with that in mind, your plan was finally in motion. “Y/N. Y/N.” Jihyo waved a hand in front of your face as she brought you back to reality, “Are you doing okay? Your hand is shaking.” Your eyes widened as you pulled your hand away from hers, shaking off your nerves, “What? Must have been a breeze. Can we get going? There’s something I really want to show you.” You shot a smile at your best friend as she let you pull her through the aquarium, going past various exhibits until you stopped at a large tank filled with various fish and plants. You quickly looked at Jihyo as you spotted two fish chasing each other in the tank, before pointing them out to her, “Hyo, look at that!” You drew her attention away from the divers that you could see in your peripheral, ‘The moment of truth.’ You looked at the opposite end of the tank when you felt Jihyo poke your shoulder, “Y/N, look! They’re waving at us.” You looked to the divers who were now in front of the two of you, holding a rolled banner in their hands. As they started to open it up, a crowd began to gather to see what was going on; when you suddenly felt Jihyo drop your hand.
The banner read: Hey, Hyo. I didn’t know how else to tell you I loved you, but I have for a long time. Will you be my girlfriend? -Y/N.
While she was distracted a lady that worked there quickly ran over to give you a bouquet of flowers to give, when Jihyo finally looked at you; tears in her eyes. You took a breath to calm your racing heart, “Park Jihyo. You have been my best friend for years and frankly I’ve been crazy in love with you from almost the first day we met. And, until the day we saw that proposal in the mall I had no idea how to tell you until now.” You gave Jihyo a small smile, “So. Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?” The tension in the air was almost suffocating until Jihyo finally answered, “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend, Y/N, took you long enough.” You let out a laugh, which was silenced when Jihyo suddenly pulled you into a kiss. Rounds of applause sounded as the onlookers cheered for the two of you, your foreheads resting against each other as you pulled away, “Well lucky for you, Hyo. I’m done waiting.
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“Wanna stay the night?”
Midnight confessions were always the best kind of confessions. You couldn’t put your finger on what exactly felt off, but even with how familiar the situation was, something just felt wrong. Your head rested on your best friend’s stomach as she ran her fingers through your hair, something she had always done when you couldn’t sleep as she hummed an old Japanese lullaby. “Want to talk about it?” Mina asked softly as she continued running her fingers through your hair. “I don’t know if I can, Minari,” you closed your eyes as you let out a sigh, “I know I can trust you with my life, but I can’t seem to tell you how much I love you. What is wrong with me!?” You ran a hand over your face as you sighed again, not noticing how Mina’s hand had stopped midway through your hair. Your words ringing in her ears as it seemed as though you hadn’t noticed you said it. It wasn’t until her silence became more quiet than usual did you sit up to face her, noticing how her eyes were wide as she looked at you. “Are you okay?” Concern clear in your voice as Mina swallowed. “You love me, Y/N?” You felt your heart drop as Mina’s soft words seemed to slap you in the face, “W...what?” Mina pursed her lips, “You said it earlier. You really love me.” You squeezed your eyes shut hoping you were just in a bad dream, but Mina was still there when you opened them, “I’m not going to deny what I said,” you pinched the bridge of your nose, “because, yes. I...I do love you, Mina. I have for a long time.” You gave her a small smile as you waited for her response, but instead of words, you felt Mina’s arms around you as she pulled you to lay down. Your head on her chest, as her heartbeat thumped in your ears. Before you could ask what she was doing, you felt her place a kiss on your head as she whispered, “Get some sleep, Y/N. I don’t need my girlfriend getting bags under her eyes because I kept her up all night.” You felt as if your jaw dropped at her words before responding, “Trust me, Mitang. Having bags under your eyes would be the least of your worries if I kept you up all night.” Mina blushed as she slapped you playfully, “Don’t push your luck tonight, L/N.” You chuckled as your eyes began to close, “I don’t need to push my luck, Myoui. I’m already the luckiest girl in the world.”
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You had loved Dahyun for a long time. And it seemed she had loved you too. The two of you were sitting on opposite sides of your bed as Dahyun continued to pout, “Come on, Y/N-ah. Why can’t you just tell me?” You crossed your arms, “‘Cause. It’s a secret.” Your best friend copied your pose and crossed her arms as well, “But, we’re best friends, we have no secrets! And I let you keep it a secret for four years. Please just tell me.” You huffed, “Fine. I’ll let you guess.” Dahyun smiled as she pursed her lips in thought, “Is it...Nayeon Unnie,” You shook your head, “Jeongyeon Unnie, Momo Unnie, Sana Unnie? Oh, Jihyo Unnie?” You let out a laugh as you shook your head, “No, no, no, and very funny, but no.” Dahyun raised an eyebrow, “Mina Unnie? Chaeyoung? Tzuyu?” You once again shook your head ‘no’ making Dahyun lay back on your bed in thought, “But, if it’s not any of them. That only leaves…” Realization seemed to hit Dahyun as you rubbed the back of your neck, “Yeah. Are you mad?” Dahyun blinked as she looked back at you, a smile forming on her lips, “Y/N-ah, how could I be mad? I’ve listened to you be smitten over this ‘girl’ for four years and I find out that my crush likes me back, of course I’m not mad.” As you listened to Dahyun’s words your eyes widened, “Are you saying?” Dahyun nodded as she smiled, “Yes, Y/N. I like you too.”
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“The little things, huh?”
The pun was coincidental. But falling for Chaeyoung was not part of the plan. Your thoughts seemed to race faster than you could process them as you looked around the school in search of your best friend. Unsurprisingly finding Chaeyoung in the art room, her back facing the door as she doodles in the sketchbook in front of her. “Son Chaeyoung.” You deepen your voice to imitate the school’s principal, making her jump. “Y/N!” You laughed as you pulled out the chair beside her as she slapped your arm, “You made me mess up my drawing.” Chae pouted as you poked her cheek, “Pouting doesn’t work anymore, Chaengie. I’m immune.” A proud smile on your face as Chaeyoung continued to pout, your facade fading, making her smile, “Ha! I win! No one can refuse my pout.” You rolled your eyes as a nervous look began to creep out into your face, Chaeyoung noticing it in an instant, “Y/N? Are you okay?” You sighed as you decided to just bite the bullet, “I don’t know why, but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately and I realized. I really need to appreciate the small things in life and take chances while I have them. So,” you purse your lips as you look into your best friend’s eyes, “that’s why I’m gonna finally just spit it out. I like you a lot, Chae. And it’s way more than just a friend.” You let out a breath as Chaeyoung looked you in the eyes, a smile on her lips, “Really? You just had to start off with ‘the little things’.” You laughed as Chaeyoung pulled you by the collar of your shirt and into a kiss, silencing you. “Pabo.” You chuckled as Chae pulled you in again. “But, you’re my, Pabo.”
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“Promise me.” (Whoops, my finger slipped)
Tzuyu has been your best friend since you had met that day in the classroom. And now you hoped this wouldn’t be where it ended. It was a week before graduation and the butterflies of finally being free weren’t the only thing filling your stomach. You had been planning the way you would finally confess to your best friend, Tzuyu, for months and you wanted to take your chance before she left for Korea, to chase her dreams. So now you were left with your own thoughts as you waited in the now empty Chemistry class where the two of you had met on the first day of school, four years ago. Your heart seemed to beat out of your chest as the door to the room began to open, revealing the gorgeous face of your best friend. Tzuyu looked around the room to see that all the tables were pushed to the side as you stood in the center of the room, a bouquet of purple hibiscuses in your hand, “Hey, Tzu.” You set down the flowers before reaching down to your phone on a chair as you started playing a slow song, extending your hand to her, “Care to dance?” Tzuyu looked at you in surprise before tentatively taking your hand as you pulled her into a slow rhythm, you took a deep breath before looking her in the eyes, “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.” The girl in your arms raised an eyebrow at you but nodded, “Four years ago we met in this classroom and have been best friends ever since. But, four years ago I also fell in love with the shy girl in this classroom and kept my feelings to myself till life finally kicked me in the ass to confess. And I’m here to say that, I’m head over heels for you, Tzumong.” At your confession, Tzuyu suddenly stopped. Hurt evident on her face, “Y/N. I’m so sorry,” the hope in your eyes began to fade as you felt your heart sink, “but I can’t accept your confession. When I leave for Korea I can’t ask you to uproot everything you’ve worked so hard for here, just to watch me chase a dream. I couldn’t live with myself if I did that to you.” You and Tzuyu both had tears brimming in your eyes as she placed a kiss on your forehead, “But, I need you to promise me something, Y/N.” You nodded, “Anything.” Tzuyu let out a breath, “Promise me, you won’t wait.” You bit your lip to distract yourself from the pain of your heart breaking, “I can’t make promises I know I won’t keep. But don’t worry about me and go chase your dream.” Tzuyu’s lip wobbled as she wrapped you into a tight hug, tears soaking your shirt. Her voice shook as she pulled away and headed for the door. A longing look in her eyes as she looked back at you, “In another life, Y/N, I promise: I’ll love you too.”
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