#im in a hurry or I'd attach pictures sorry
aeroblossom · 6 months
thoughts about rhinedottir, alchemy, albedo and so on
☆ i just remembered i made a post suggesting naberius as the third descender and was suddenly struck with the realization that rhinedottir was also called the flower not of this world. what does that mean. what did she do with him. did she kill and eat him and gain his otherworldlyness. no but really
> Neuvillette and the Traveler later speculated that elemental power might be intrinsic to Descenders, given that both the Gnoses and the Vision-less Traveler are imbued with said power.[5] If this is true, it would be expected that other Descenders would be able to wield elemental powers, as well.
☆ and if visions are smaller versions of gnoses, this only makes me think of how albedo, a creation of rhinedottir, is a vision wielder - but his vision is the smallest one in the game, implying he uses it very little compared to alchemy, and since he's made of chalk, the power of geo may be intrinsic to him. so if she was trying to recreate the primordial human, and descenders have intrinsic elemental power, and the first usurper aka the primordial one has all this "golden" aura associated with him...
☆ if the stages of alchemy in genshin are reversed. if remuria was able to attain the philosopher's stone. if everything was once made of gold... then azosite... could it be the philosopher's stone? the khaenriahn robots use it to function. remus employed the use of ichor with one other ingredient i'm forgetting to create the golden symphony.
☆ adding on that, the standard ruin guard model has always reminded me of talos, the first robot, an automaton made to guard an island. the fuel it ran on was called ichor, blood of the gods.
☆ i know the word petrichor refers to the smell of the earth after rain, but now... perhaps they used it for a different reason.
☆ i have forever been curious about the intention behind rhinedottir's name. the daughter of the rhine - the rhine river. a river. river... time flows in a river. the river between life and death. the starry band across the teyvat sky, that i always thought of as a river. obviously her name is derived from the wagner play, but why would the creator of (mostly) geo entities be associated with rivers?
☆ an idea i proposed a long time ago: albedo is the only character aside from obviously sus ones like gods and the traveler, whose fate mona doesn't read. his constellation is also the weirdest thing to be a constellation. remember that the people of teyvat do actually utilize these asterisms, and like in real life, most (aside from gods or godlike entities) are based on things found in life and nature. albedo's doesn't seem like something that could just naturally occur. albedo's constellation may be fake.
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