#im hellbent to grow our little nation
pikochoo · 5 months
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(Resubmit, post this ask instead) Behold this eyeroll of a post: textsfromthe-avengers tumblr post 173521434038 so-im-a-little-confused-did-someone-call-shuri
I checked it out and it’s just another white guilt-riddled woman who’s fallen for the race narratives force-fed to her in college. She justifies hatred towards white people because white people have done bad things in the past - the main ones she points to being colonization and slavery.
She’s referencing Black Panther where the word “colonizer” is given to white people which she supports calling it a sin to be born with the same skin color of European “colonizers.” It’s a growing trend with aggrieved blacktivists and the left, where colonization is slapped onto the foreheads of white people as if they’re in any way responsible for historical wrongdoings or as if the crimes committed by Western colonizers were in any way unique or worse than any other example of fight for power in human history.
The leftist interpretation of colonization transforms it into an ideologically loaded epithet that distorts the truths of history and holds white people entirely accountable for crimes committed by those of the past. If we applied this same insane standard unbiasedly to all of history, then all of a sudden whites go to the bottom of the list of violent invaders. But just like anyone who comes out on top and becomes successful, there’s always going to be those who pull lines from the communist manifestos and claim those who are rich are only rich because they stole it. The truth is, Western forces did what everyone else was doing, except they showed up and did it better.
The West is not rich and successful because they stole it. Colonization was the result of European wealth and advanced technology, not the cause. It was the already established richness and technological superiority that allowed them to conquer in the first place. When you consider that Europe was one of the most inhospitable places on Earth and their far more populous neighbors were hellbent on taking them over, their ability to evolve, innovate, build and takeover themselves in such a short time is nothing short of a miracle. Not having magical tribal cultures and sharia laws holding them down also helped them evolve at a far superior rate. That’s not to commend the atrocities of colonialism in the slightest, but to say whites are the only ones guilty of such crimes just because they ultimately won is quite the duplicitous tactic.
Same with slavery. The poster actually stated whites enslaved more people than anyone else. The argument regarding slavery that pisses me off the most is “America was built on slavery.” The slave trade was for a thousand years already established in Africa, Asia and the Middle East before Europeans showed up. Muslim slave traders took twenty times the amount of African slaves. Slavery was part of every civilization on the planet, it has been part of the economic structure in every single country’s history, every race have either taken slaves or have been enslaved - including whites - and it’s whites who have the shortest and smallest history of slavery compared with any other race on Earth (they even ended slavery!) yet they are the ones today who are told to hate themselves for it and to shut up and accept hatred towards them for it.
The claim “America was built on slavery” is complete bogus. Again, America did not get rich from slaves, the north had a thriving industrial economy, they produced 94 percent of the country’s iron, 97 percent of is coal, built majority of the railroads, did 75 percent of the country’s farming, produced 60 percent of its livestock and all in all they held 75 percent of the nation’s total wealth - all without slaves. Sure, the south’s economy was built on slavery, but the south was still dependent on the north and remember the south’s economy crashed to zero after the civil war and it was rebuilt without slaves, so it really is absurd to suggest America was built on slavery.
The woman in this post also claims Black Panther shows what “could have been” if whites didn’t show up in Africa. What she’s forgetting to add is “what Africa could have been if whites didn’t show up AND if Africans had access to make-believe magical metal.” There’s not a single reasonable course of history that would put an uncolonized Zulu kingdom where the West is today. There’s not a single piece of evidence that any of the states that existed in Africa prior to colonialism were heading towards advanced development. That’s not saying they wouldn’t be happier and more stable, but let’s be real, there’d still be no such thing as Wakanda. That’s far from the fault of Europeans, but if that’s what helps those who refuse to acknowledge some cultures are simply better than others sleep at night, then so be it.
It’s healthy to be aware of past wrongdoings, but that must apply to all of us, not just those with a certain skin color who we can blame all our shortcomings on. We can feel bad for the past, mourn the losses of life and condemn the atrocities, but if a race must be held accountable today, then we must all be held accountable. We cannot pretend those claiming victim status are any less perpetrators. Just because the West ultimately proved to be better at war and created the modern world, that does not mean we can then wipe out the rest of history just because it now goes against the new victim/oppressor narrative.
If we’re going to cast blame and justify hatred on people today for the actions in a time when there were no laws or human rights, then people of color are no less innocent, so we can either stop throwing stones from glass houses and move on to make the world a better place by learning from all of our mistakes, or we can do what the woman from that post does and continue to dwell in this bizarre sense of shame that has been slapped onto the West and white people with the myth that wrong was only ever done to non-white people, not by them. All it does is fuel racial mistrust and tensions and keeps blacks in a ceaseless regressive state of mind and to me, that’s the true racism.
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