#im gonna queue these thru the weekend but try to space them out
silviakundera ยท 2 months
The Spirealm episode 5 -7 reaction (Let's call this episode 4 now per the new 38 episodes version)
fair warning: in these episode reactions I'm not gonna pretend I haven't read the novel. in fact, I purposely finished the novel before viewing, to get The Full Experience. thus novel spoilers, including twist end, included.
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Ruan Baijie saving his boyfriend's ass yet again, must be Tuesday.
Then first key!!!! I wanna see the key!!!!!!!!
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The survivors: wow, ok, Baijie really loves u
"Are you leaving so soon and reluctant to leave me?" // "No, it's not that," he lies
The suspicious survivors just couldn't resist trying to steal the door note and now no one has the key but the monster NICE GOING ๐Ÿ˜’
ahh and then the reveal that ofc Ruan Baijie figured out the taboos long before. He saves those who are worthy (aka his new partner).
wow Ruan Baijie is pretty. gifs don't do him justice.
Death match vs the bad hair day from The Ring.
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The whole scene in the opening of ep 6 is terribly cute. Ruan Baijie exposed as a drama sprite who was faking his injury, but Lin Quishi just accepts this in good humor as he's told this was just to "bring us closer" and for fun. Another round of, you're really picking me? but why?
He really does the, 'come closer' move to make your crush get up close so you can create a sense of intimacy with hushed voices smh
"Because there is light in you."
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oh, did you give me this expensive looking necklace because you want me to join your gang?
no, because you are you.
..... misses the very gay pass completely.
(tbh I feel as if the actor is playing it like his character IS sensing the romantic undertones sometimes but doesn't know how to respond/not ready to process it and so represses & pushes it out of his mind and to the side)
Ep 7
They solved the case. Ruan Baijie gives him back the key again, "Still yours." They exchange a romantic look before he steps over.
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Our protagonist thinks he's back in reality and only 15 minutes have passed. But of course that's not true: whether he entered the game time A, B, C, or it's the 12th Door theory... he's still in-play.
A roommate?? This must be the Wei what's his face, his One Friend I recall from the novel. With the girlfriend.
Injuries from the door lingering "outside".
Chestnut won't let him hug! (The clue in the novel that this is still within the door. Now, is this a new phenom or was it already Like That in ep 1? ๐Ÿค” Remains ambiguous.)
Wait, in this drama the One Friend has heard of Spirealm?! And it's eviiiill reputation. Everyone who plays it "goes insane and commits suicide". Lin Quishi acts like he hasn't already been warned that players die from the game.
Ah, created by a chinese designer who wanted to make a "comprehensive spirit world". The story goes, after he made it he added all the violent elements to the version he sold, to make it a bloody survival game.
'Can't control when you enter the door, can't get rid of it, Men Can Conquer Heaven'.
Bro goes to sleep and startles awake cause Ruan Nanzhu fka Baijie is pulling an Edward Cullen by his bedside. The more intense looking Nanzhu asks him to come along. Naturally, our boy stumbles along and meets!!! Cheng Qianli!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„ Who is driving, like the scene in the novel. IM SO HAPPY.
Headquarters!!!!! The group!#####!!!! I'm hyped to see them all live & in color.
Emphasized again that once you enter the game, you must complete all 12 doors to get rid of the mental control of the game. ~Mind control~
(because the censors won't allow it to be explicitly supernatural)
(which doesn't mean the writer didn't intend to get around this barrier by using subtext & inferences that novel readers would understand ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”)
The clue for his next door freaks out the whole house. But then he meets cranky Cheng Yixie!!!!
He's settling in but the moment he glimpses Nanzhu's returned BUT INJURED *gasp* Must scurry down for hurt/comfort UST.
Love how absolutely unnecessary this hand-holding is. Light piano background to set the romantic mood.
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A gurgling stomach growl from Ruan Nanxhu & Lin Quishi takes the initiative to stand up and make himself at home to cook for the man who's obviously being positioned as his love interest. (Like in The Untamed & Word of Honor, we're not being terribly subtle here.)
This is the 3rd time we've seen an instinctive caretaking gesture from him towards Nanzhu and the last moment as we fade out is the "boss man" looking down at his newly bestowed bandage and obviously GOING THRU IT. He's making this sigh and curling his fingers and everything.
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side note: Lin Quishi is getting flashes of himself trapped under rubble. This is the second time we see them. Are they flash backs? Of a past event he survived, giving him baggage to carry? OR are we circling back again to my alternate, alternate theory that an evil VR game is part of the illusion and this IS the supernatural Doors from the novel that terminal people can get a chance to enter, to prolong or possibly prevent your death? (if so, then Ruan Nanzhu is still indeed the 12th door god. and Lin Quishi must decide to remain in the fantasy or exit & return to reality?)
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