#im a waste of oxigen
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“People will love you & support you when beneficial”...
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shinandlux · 4 years
what about “real smooth, tripping over air” for whoever it suits best? 👁👁
Ohohoh, I have the perfect scenario in mind
Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out, breath in, breath ou-
"You know you are not going to get her to ask you out if you just waste oxigen"
Dai almost jumped of the stairs.
"Don't ever fucking do that again dipshit!"-She screamed.
Maho just sat down at one steps and looked at Dai with that blank expression that never seemed to leave his face
"So what is the plan?" He inquiered "Just, going up to her and asking? "
"If it was that easy I would've done it already" Dai sat right next to the boy, putting one hand on her knees and using the other one to play with her hair "I cant just be that direct with her"
The ginger tilted his head "Why not?"
"Beacause! ... Because...!!.... I jus- You just can't ask someone out like that!"
"You mean, You can't ask Yui out just like that"
"Oh im not about to get lectured to by someone who can't even EXPRESS facial emotions!" The blonde tried to get up from the stairs, but Maho continued
"So its insecurities huh? Maybe they are the same ones that make you threaten people, and not listen to them when they try to help"
"You little shit if you don't stop im gonna-"
"You know, saying that just proves my point"
Dai stopped, looked at him one more time, and then slowly sat next to him again.
Maho face turned into a shadow of amusment, but it quickly went back at deadpan when he started to talk
"And, it is pretty visible that these insecurities are bugging you, I mean, that is why you want to punch me when I call them out"
The petite girl just have him a sarcastic smirk.
"And if, you really want to get rid of them, maybe you should confront them"
"Confront them?"
"Face them" Ouma answered "Challenge them, defy them, square up to em, shoot em, however the Yakuza call it"
She let out a small chuckle "Square up to em hu?" "And how would I do that" Dai said as she turned her head to look at him.
"Well maybe start by asking Yui out right now" said Maho as he pointed at something at the bottom of the stairs
"Oh fuck, shit OI YUI!" Dai screamed, as she clumsily got up.
The purple haired girl looked up at them "WHAT?"
"You are a complete moron"
"SHUT UP YOU GINGER DWARF" The blonde screamed back as she started to take a few steps to get closer "I SAID I WANT TOAHHHHHH"
Dai aperently had forgotten she was standing on the top of a stair. She made this brilliant discovery while the steps hitted her head, and when she reached the bottom, she also discovered that the most painful bones of the human body to break where the legs.
"Oh god, is anything broken?" Yui jumped at her immediatly, with the same expression a mom would have when their kids would fall of a swing
"aaaaaaaahhhhhh" Dai responded
"Maho, take care of her while I go to nurse and grab some stuff, okay? " She instantly ran in its direction, leaving Dai wondering why the fuck did she liked that mess of a human being.
Maho descended with all the tranquility of the word, and when he finally reached Dai he just said
"Real smooth, triping over the air"
The Ultimate Yakuza never felt more the necessity of harvesting someones organs in her entire life
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