Admin's commentary: Battle of the Vladislavs let's gooo
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I.Ulázsló (Vladislav I.) 1440-1444
became king because the nobles justifiably didn't want to have a fucking fetus on the throne during war with Ottomans
said war with Ottomans being the battle of Varna. where he fucking died.
@rulers-of-poland-tournament said about him: "in Poland, Ulázsló, or Władysław Warneńczyk, has become an unofficial patron of the Polish LGBT+ community, regardless of whether the allegations of his homosexuality were true or not. aside from that, he is remembered as a hot-head and poor decision-maker"
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II.Ulászló (Vladislav II.) 1490-1516
I'll be honest, at this point we were at the end of the last lecture of the semester and trying to wrap shit up, our professor didn't say much about him as a person
rule of Jagiellonians in Hungary is generally remembered as a bad time, what with the continued Ottoman expansion, economic downturn and several uprisings
this dude in particular is remembered as "king Dobrze" (dobrze - "good" or "well" in Polish) for his habit of just agreeing to everything
at least he had the decency to pave the way to much more competent people by signing a treaty of succession with the Habsburgs, at the same time, he married Ferdinand I. to his daughter Anna, honestly the best decision this man has ever made
there's also some hillarious stuff with him marrying the widow of Matthias Corvinus and becoming a bigamist, but we didn't talk about that on our lectures
basically just a massive L of ruler, if this bracket was about the worst king of Hungary, he and II.András would square off in the finals
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Admin's commentary: II.Ulászló (Vladislav II.) was unexpectedly popular in this poll, but has he ran out of luck this time? Stay tuned y'all!
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I.Károly (Karol I.) - but be honest, we all know him as Károly/Karol Róbert 1301-1342
spent the first few years on the throne fending off antikings, namely Václav III., who then gave up and passed his claim onto Otto of Bavaria, whom Károly subsequently defeated
upon his ascencion to the throne country basically ruled by the feuding nobles, also know in this period as oligarchs, he managed to consolidate his reign and regain most of the royal power trough a combination of warfare (Rozgony/Rozhanovce 1312 HELLOOO) and appeasing them with court functions
I don't even know where to START with this guy's reforms - seriously, he minted the first gold coins in Hungary, instated the banderial system (levy of the royal army from the soldiers drafted by the cities, comitates and nobles, look it was a big deal, just trust me), reformed the administation of the country and so, so much more I can't get into; basically, this man was Maria Theresa before Maria Theresa
he mostly avoided wars because of the bad shape of Hungarian treasury, though he did lead a couple of them (conflicts with Venice and Wallachia)
initiator of the 1335 meeting in Visegrád with John of Luxembourg and Casimir III. of Poland; basically, we have him to thank for the name Visegrád Four
(admin is from Košice, so he has just inherently won in her eyes because of Rozhanovce)
@tunderilona said about him: #károly róbert sweep he literally reformed the entire country
@cdqueer said about him: #hes got that anjou rizz (perfected by i. lajos <3)
@tonhalszendvics said about him: #of course károly robi had to fight off everyone in his first years#he was crowned officially in 1308#he fucked up two times before that#i mean you need to be crowned in székesfehérvár by the archbishop of esztergom with the holy crown#third time the charm he did it
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II.Ulászló (Vladislav II.) 1490-1516
I'll be honest, at this point we were at the end of the last lecture of the semester and trying to wrap shit up, our professor didn't say much about him as a person
rule of Jagiellonians in Hungary is generally remembered as a bad time, what with the continued Ottoman expansion, economic downturn and several uprisings
this dude in particular is remembered as "king Dobrze" (dobrze - "good" or "well" in Polish) for his habit of just agreeing to everything
at least he had the decency to pave the way to much more competent people by signing a treaty of succession with the Habsburgs, at the same time, he married Ferdinand I. to his daughter Anna, honestly the best decision this man has ever made
there's also some hillarious stuff with him marrying the widow of Matthias Corvinus and becoming a bigamist, but we didn't talk about that on our lectures
basically just a massive L of ruler, if this bracket was about the worst king of Hungary, he and II.András would square off in the finals
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IMRE (Imrich) 1196-1204
not much said about him, other than that his brother tried to steal his throne after he got kicked out of Galicia
and that brother? II.András. that's right, Imre is basically a background character to the career of the worst king of Hungary ever
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II.ULÁSZLÓ (Vladislav II.) 1490-1516
I'll be honest, at this point we were at the end of the last lecture of the semester and trying to wrap shit up, our professor didn't say much about him as a person
rule of Jagiellonians in Hungary is generally remembered as a bad time, what with the continued Ottoman expansion, economic downturn and several uprisings
this dude in particular is remembered as "king Dobrze" (dobrze - "good" or "well" in Polish) for his habit of just agreeing to everything
at least he had the decency to pave the way to much more competent people by signing a treaty of succession with the Habsburgs, at the same time, he married Ferdinand I. to his daughter Anna, honestly the best decision this man has ever made
there's also some hillarious stuff with him marrying the widow of Matthias Corvinus and becoming a bigamist, but we didn't talk about that on our lectures
basically just a massive L of ruler, if this bracket was about the worst king of Hungary, he and II.András would square off in the finals
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Round 3 Roundup And Round 4 Announcement
Once again, thank you all so, so much for participating! This round was super exciting; at this point, we have pretty much eliminated all but the strongest candidates, and coming into the semifinals, the plot only thickens. At this point, the question of who some of the most popular monarchs of Hungary are is pretty much settled - we are only looking for the very best one. I.Lajos, a.k.a. Louis I. the Great, finally found his match in the founder himself. II.Ulászló's luck has run out at last as he squared off against Károly Róbert himself. I.László did to II.András pretty much that he did to that Cuman on that famous fresco. And finally, poor Zsigmond held his own against I.Mátyás as well as can anyone expect to hold his own against Matthias Corvinus himself. Coming into semifinals, our table looks like this:
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