#if you try to achieve any of the above solely culturally w/o targeting the economic base
orossii · 2 years
leftists suffer so immensely from the tendency to terminate critical thought based on whether or not a certain idea is culturally characterized as right wing or not. i saw some people on twitter suggest that being opposed to exposing children to age-inappropriate sexual content under the guise of promoting LGBTQ rights or feminism is wrong because it’s a talking point that’s frequently used by right wing reactionaries, and like. sure. but where leftists get extremely alienating to normal, everyday people and end up ultimately pushing them to the right is that instead of taking a stance that takes into account why so many people are so invested in safeguarding children from adult sexuality (one being the prevalence of child sexual abuse that a disturbingly high percentage of the population, esp women and girls, have had some level of personal experience with) and coming up with a reasonable solution to that problem that both protects children and de-couples peoples perception of gay rights and feminism from predatory behavior, the left chooses instead to go hard in the other direction by suggesting that it’s actively a good thing for children to be exposed to adult sexuality in the form of drag shows and sex ed curricula that promotes BDSM to 14-year-olds. if they’re not doing that they deny that it’s happening at all despite the right being all too eager to capitalize on the abundance of evidence that it very much is. just because YOU have decided it’s a form of thought crime to read what the right/center/heterodox left is saying about your cause and believe that questioning your worldview is violence, that doesn’t mean the people you’re trying to win over aren’t engaging with those arguments. you will need to know how to engage with what they’re seeing in an honest way that doesn’t make you look like you have something to hide, and if they have serious questions that you can’t answer without resorting to attacks on their character maybe that’s a you-problem and not a them-problem
it’s fucking embarrassing seeing this shit coming from people who self-ID as marxists. this is a big part of why post-epstein so many of the people rallying against child sexual abuse by the ruling capitalist elites, an issue with massive mobilization potential that’s just being completely dismissed by the left for the most part, are being herded toward right wing political impotence. this applies to so many other points too. serious marxists need to cut it the fuck out with the hardcore personal identification with leftism and realize that so much of what’s considered ‘progressive’ in the west is coming not from the working class, but the ruling class in the form of academia, big pharma, the military, intelligence circles, and the NGO industrial complex. capitalism is extremely flexible-- it can easily re-shape itself to be perfectly in-line with hyper-sectarian liberal identity politics when convenient and then quickly re-configure back to conservatism following the inevitable right wing cultural backlash. theoretically it can go on like that in cycles until world imperialism implodes upon itself. lots of people who consider themselves ‘progressives’ are enthusiastically supporting the US-proxy war in ukraine right now. the only thing that ultimately matters to the ruling class is capitalizing on whatever ideology allows them to proceed with business as usual for the imperial war and debt machine, and so-called progressive liberalism has been a fantastic boon in that department. we don’t win until we stop using ideology as a shortcut for moral superiority and start organizing with reality in mind even if we find it personally uncomfortable to reckon with
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