#if you see a notif from @ pruzan that is me following from my main!!!
canongf-archive · 1 year
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ILY @starlight-avenue!!!!! 💗
thank you, thank you, thank you!!! for your support, your encouragement, your excitement, all of it!!! thank you for being you!!! you are an angel!!! and i'm so grateful you wanna be updated on the situation because i wanna update you!!!
i called him!!! i called him last night and we talked for over four hours. about everything! i mean, we told each other everything that we've been up to lately, we talked about family, friends, work, what we ate for breakfast... all of it. we told each other secrets, things we've never told anybody else before. and we were already close but! we just keep getting closer and closer the more we talk and i keep falling harder for him. he makes me feel seen and understood, i've never been close to a man like i'm close with him. and i'm happy! i'm happy happy happy! it was a success. i'm glad i called. :)
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canongf · 11 months
Hi Liv!!! There have been so many posts you've made that have made me go "ooh this is so (insert some of my f/os here) !!!" and I've wanted to rush here and tell you about it but I haven't had the "courage" earlier. I don't know, you just seem so cool and awesome and I just really like your posts.
There was the one about the van you saw that looked like Eddie's (love that for you btw <333) and it made me think about the time I saw a car that was the exact make and model of a car my current fave f/o drives in one of his movies and I went "(!!!) Baby boy is out and about!"
+ also wanted to say that I LOVE your profile pic, it's so cute!!! How did you make it, if you don't mind me asking?
Hope things are looking up for you and your f/os!!! Your blog feels like such a safe and wholesome and comfortable place to me, I love coming here so much <333
All my love,
@magsselfships!!! i'm so happy you finally felt ready to stop by!!!
this makes me so so so happy!!! sometimes i just post things and i have no idea if anyone will see, if anyone will relate, i'm just talking to the wind! and that's okay with me!!! but to know that there have been times where you've felt the same way as me and we've connected over it, even if i didn't know it at the time!!! that is just the coolest thing ever!!!
especially the car one!!! i posted it knowing it was pretty specific to my own experiences and i was completely okay with that, not everyone experiences the same thing!!! but you understood!!! you understand!!! and i love that, it makes me so happy!!! makes me feel like we're in this together!!! i want you to know that you are always welcome here!!! any time you wanna share something, any time you wanna tell me something, you are welcome here!!! and even if you don't wanna talk, you're still welcome here. you're always welcome to visit and get comfy. i'm glad you feel safe here and i'm glad to have you around!!! 🖤
also!!! i don't mind you asking at all!!! my profile pic is from dress up, schmess up!!! here it is, my self insert and me, in all her glory!!! 🖤
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canongf · 7 months
You don't know me but I follow you and I casually lurk but I found something that made me think of you and Eddie so please take it
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— @tilheavensfalldown (it's my self ship, I always ask from my main)
PLEASE, THIS IS SO CUTE!!! thank you for thinking of me and eddie and thank you for sending it to me, this is absolutely precious and i ADORE IT!!! thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! 🖤
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canongf-archive · 2 years
Girl you are SUCH an inspiration in ship confidence, I'm seein you goin off about your relationship with Eddie and I'm sittin here like mm man, maybe I should be more open about my vintage nerd ships, I'm over here watching the X-Files and swooning like a lovestruck 90s highschooler-
Anyway you and Eddie are the cutest thing ever and I am cheering for u over in the bg- {@riddle-wife}
PLSSS @riddle-wife!!! you are so SWEET!!!!! 💗
YOU SHOULD BE MORE OPEN WITH YOUR VINTAGE NERD SHIPS!!! listen!!! if it makes you happy, if you're swooning and having a good time, then i SUPPORT IT!!! i support YOU!!! life is too short to not embrace and be proud the things and the people that we love!!! i say do it!!!!! 💗
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