#if you can't fucking behave about this basic bit of decency on the posts i make on--again--my own damn blog
angorwhosebabyisthis · 5 months
PSA: if you ever, ever feel the urge to make assumptions about the abuse history of a real ass person in a discussion about depictions of fictional abuse--in particular, any variation of the words 'you don't know/should learn what real abuse is'--
a) don't
b) you're a piece of shit
c) never ever ever fucking do that
d) step on legos for the rest of your life.
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darlin-djarin · 7 months
Plenty of a rebels fans who loved sabine, especially woc, are unhappy about how she's written in "ahsoka". also yes, for her to be at this age and for white writer dave to think "hey this asian woman needs to behave like a brat teenager and regress as a person" just so ahsoka can train someone is ridiculous. it's insulting to who sabine really is, to asian characters and to viewers who expected better.
for all we know, this series is a separate canon because sabine and hera are unrecognizable and might as well be new characters. and if that's your cup of tea then so be it, enjoy what you like. some of us have better things to do than sit through awful writing or hype up a show starring a transphobe who assaulted someone .
okay well anon. i was going to agree with you, absolutely, and i still do, but you genuinely did not need to get that hostile at the end. i do agree that filoni doesn't know how to handle woc characters like sabine. i did not realize filoni seemed to "regress" her, but this did open my eyes quite a bit. i assume you've read my other post analyzing sabine's and ahsoka's behavior, which is why you sent this. in the end i'll just say that some people are happy with sabine's behavior because they relate to it and some are not happy because of how this east asian(-desi) character is treated by the writers. i'm (west) asian and i hate to see asian (and any poc characters in general) get reduced to scraps just to pass along the plot. it genuinely is frustrating, so i understand your feelings towards the show isn't positive at all.
as for the second bit. i do not promote the ahsoka show. if anything im more critical of it, i just try to post the very few positive things because i try to keep my blog positive if i can. i call out racism and whitewashing and criticize filoni's and lucasfilms' actions all the fucking time. if i'm being honest, i only watching ahsoka to see ezra again. other than that, i don't really give a fuck. this is a mando blog, i don't plan on dwelling on the ahsoka show for long. as for rosario dawson, i know literally nothing about her. idk anything about any transphobia, so if someone would like to explain the situation to me, i'd appreciate it.
anon honestly i'm always open to discussion and different people's opinions but if you're gonna come here to just be fucking hostile to me over things i might not know or understand or have taken into consideration yet, then please just fuck off. i literally said on my other post i'm always open to hearing people's interpretations as long as they're respectful. why can't you just grant me a basic decency
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