#if ur interested either reply or shoot me a dm or message me on discord (u kno where 2 find me)
dujourmeans · 5 years
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all kids are weird in one way or another. it's just that some remain weird through their lives. for these ten kids: being weird has never been simply a trait for them, it's been a way of life. though each may have had unique starts from one another, it was the start of middle school that provided to be life changing for each of the ten. after years spent navigating the sleepy neighborhood area that they were raised in, the ten came together due to a shared ... interest in a local urban legend that was beginning to pick up steam. their goal was to try and figure out where it was coming from, but not everything is to be solved. they never ended up being successful in their pursuit (despite what some of them like to say), but they did end up sticking together throughout the rest of their middle and, soon after, high school days. though each of the ten were unique in their own right, some even falling into different social cliques, they always came back together and developed somewhat of a rep as the local "cool" weird kids. (though, admittedly, some of them were treated worse by people outside of their crew than others, but that's another story for another day.) they did everything that they could to keep both their crew active and comradery alive: from launching their own local podcast, to youtubing their "adventures", to throwing awesome halloween parties yearly. "cool" weird kids? yeah. that was truly the best way to refer to them, and it still is, but with adulthood comes complication, and they have been faced with coming-of-age related angst that none of them have tried to make too big of a deal out of. for example? while some chose to stay local for university (or didn't choose to attend at all), others left town to go to school elsewhere or just chose to leave the town altogether. even with distance though, they've tried their hardest to come together as often as possible to hang out and do what they do best, even if it means having to road trip to meet one of them. lately though, whisperings of a new creepy local legend has had their ears perk high for the first time in awhile and, well, temptation is running pretty high for an old school investigation ... requirements: though they're not required to have lived in bellow falls since birth, they've lived in the town since at least middle school. › they all lived in the same neighborhood as each other. › they were all in the same school year. › they're either nineteen or recently twenty (so: their birthdate would fall sometime between september 1998 - august 1999). › they're big weirdos in one way or another (but that's kinda obvi). (also: yes, they did steal their name from are you afraid of the dark?)
the kids
› mathilda larson ›› adorkable, deadpan snarker, gadgeteer genius, hollywood nerd, meganekko, pint-sized powerhouse, sesquipedalian loquaciousness, the smart girl ›› taken by britt › girl #2 ›› cute clumsy girl, damsel in distress, designated victim, the ditz, the heart, ms. fanservice, spoiled sweet, the fashionista ›› taken by emily › girl #3 ›› action girl, badass adorable, biker babe, clingy jealous girl, girly bruiser, little miss badass, mama bear, the heroine ›› taken by june › aj jeong ›› gamer chicker, girly girl with a tomboy streak, jerk with a heart of gold, little miss snarker, manic pixie dream girl, one of the boys, here, here ›› taken by piper › girl #5 ›› alpha bitch, the cheerleader, screw the rules: i have money, bratty teenage daughter, it's all about me, large ham, comical overreacting, the stoic ›› open › boy #1 ›› butt monkey, classical anti-hero, cowardly lion, crouching moron / hidden badass, the lancer, new age retro hippier, the stoner, here ›› open › boy #2 ›› the all-american boy, brainless beauty, cloudcuckoolander, clueless detective, the generic guy, lovable jock, here, here ›› open › boy #3 ›› hot-blooded, street smart, sugar-and-ice personality, the game master, the hero, the leader, took a level in jerkass, undying loyalty ›› taken by ada › boy #4 ›› ditzy genius, heroic self-deprecation, innocently insensitive, nice guy, nightmare fetishist, plucky comic relief, unwitting instigator of doom, the smart guy ›› taken by mj › boy #5 ›› team dad, gentle giant, mr. fanservice, no poker face, brilliant but lazy, bunny ears lawyer, motor mouth, the storyteller ›› open
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