zhenyakatava · 5 years
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murphy bell + 22, multi-untalented, tchalamet
lithium - nirvana / volcano girls - veruca salt / where is my mind? - the pixies / chelsea hotel #2 - leonard cohen / lua - bright eyes / chlorine - trophy eyes / bullfrog - stand atlantic / 23 - chase atlantic
conceived by two drug addicts and was brought to term only after his birth mother found the light of god for seven months before getting in an argument with a fellow congregant and immediately going back on the needle / born during a freak november snowstorm in the south bronx of new york city, murphy bell’s first meal was a healthy dose of methadone / it was allegedly a miracle that he survived, not only being premature but also addicted to drugs, but he’s never felt that way - why would anybody waste a miracle on him? / he was always small but scrappy, street smart and resourceful as hell / still, he’s also cripplingly apathetic and known for having a shitty, cynical attitude toward everything / probably would have failed out of high school if his equally lazy, shitty, underpaid teachers didn’t push him through / you might’ve thought his parents’ situation would have motivated him to condemn drugs, but he ended up dealing drugs for quick cash for most of his life / a major know it all and will get genuinely aggressive if you argue with him - probably indicative of an inferiority complex but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  / anarchist piece of shit who mistrusts the government and wants it overthrown YESTERDAY
needs friends who are criminals, deadbeats, or who just like to party and probably buy drugs from him / people who his best friend jess knows from rosemont! they probably don’t like him but it be like that sometimes / ppl to hook up with while he’s trying to figure out his love life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  / people he works with at rhythm on the rocks! / anyone who needs a dirty/shady job done.... he’s ur man
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mviamitchell · 5 years
alias: bria pronouns: they / them timezone + identifiers: cst / cancer / ravenclaw / infj / sad bitch lmao fictional alter ego(s): oh god, probably callie adams foster because i’m a nosy ass bitch or guinevere beck because i’m mediocre as hell?  plots you enjoy: i love, love, love friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, found families, anything that’s full of dramatics and anything sad? i also love love siblings and families who rely heavily on each other. i enjoy pretty much all the plots! rp wishlist: i’ve wanted to make more boys and use more people than just maia mitchell (please don’t @ me, i just love her????)! i’ve also wanted to write with more people i don’t typically write with and god, please give me a catfish plot!!! winter association: blizzards, snowmen, warm and fuzzy blankets, hot coco, and slipping and busting my shit on ice a gif, meme, video, tamagotchi that describes you:
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comeoutandplayrp · 5 years
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      ❄ ◦❄   ◦ ❄  ◦  COME OUT AND PLAY  ◦❄  ◦ ❄  ◦ ❄
playrp is an upcoming jcink premium rl site set in the fictional city of bellows falls, va. with a special focus on winter based events, integrated sub plots and long term character development. for previews, updates and so much more follow our tumblr and track our tag #playrp.
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foxeymulder · 5 years
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levon torrance kilford ✧ twenty-five, golden girls
thank you cards for every occasion / sheet music you can’t read / falling asleep with the windows open / curly fries / silk shirts that cling to your skin / only the yellow skittles / sixteen clocks ticking at once / lazy cursive scrawled on post-it notes / the pages of nat geo magazines pinned to the walls / a vast collection of coffee table books 
tw: parental death born in bristol to a couple that didn’t really make sense - his mother an acid-dropping young hippie while his father was basically mister geppetto / his mom had a habit of vanishing for months at a time to go “backpacking” so levon was mostly just raised by his kindly father / he was raised to the tune of ticking clocks, as the kilfords have been in the clock and watch business for probably forever / officially branded the weird kid when he brought in a fully functioning hand-carved cuckoo clock for his year 6 science project / always too naive and good-natured to even realize he was being bullied tbh - he always just laughed along and offered to share his daily hot thermos soup until the bullies decided he wasn’t much of a rewarding target / his father passed away when he was sixteen, which was extremely devastating for him / kilford’s clocks was left to his mother, who quickly ran it into the ground, which just felt like a second death to lev / dedicated his life to honoring his family’s legacy and reopened kilford’s clocks via website / moved to bellows falls when he was nineteen and fell in love with a girl online who lived here / she turned out to be a married catfish, but he’d already signed a year-long lease so figured he’d stick it out / never left / now ur resident eccentric brit who wears a lot of silk paisley and runs his clock and watch operation out of his apartment / his favorite person is ilsa the deli lady at the supermarket - he kept going to her even after he went vegan / now he just feeds the lunch meat to the stray cats behind his building / really only capable of hating one thing and one thing only: rolex / will often refer to rolex as one singular person, don’t bother correcting him / a mess, a weirdo, but a sweet one!!! 
needs: all kinds of friends! he loves mostly everyone except rolex! he was taught to always look for the good in everyone so it’d be lowkey funny to me if he had a few scumbag friends he always gets a lil too wasted with! and then also soft friends. if anyone wanted to make the older married woman who catfished him that he moved here for pls do lmao nothing will probably come out of it except for my own amusement. also some exes?? awkward tinder dates?? if someone wanted to make him a sibling or s/t that’d be cool too??? he needs everything basically thanks.
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lemonwaterwithice · 5 years
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crosby calhoun ϟ twenty-two, sister sister empty liquor bottles used as vases, sticking your head out the sunroof, the smell before rain, expensive lingerie under thrifted tees, club lights illuminating smoke, glossy red lips, the sound of neighbors through thin apartment walls, fishnets, skinny dipping after dark, whispered affectionate words, a cracked iphone screen, sweat-slicked skin, nothing but iced coffee for breakfast, disposable cameras, kissing a stranger, handmade cutoff jeans, not being able to tell if a dream really happened, a rinsta that seems more like a finsta, chipped nail polish (always pink), coming home to a bed full of clothes after a night out tw death of a sibling, substance abuse born and raised in bellow falls / parents are lawyers with no time to raise a child, let alone the five they ended up having / therefore crosby and her siblings were left with a nanny the majority of the time / don’t get it twisted though, glenda mercer was good at her job and raised the calhoun children to be obedient, kind, and respectful / crosby was a good kid, if not a little bit energetic / involved in every sport and extracurricular imaginable growing up / but nothing ever really stuck / got to high school and joined the cheerleading team, becoming passionate about something for the first time in her life and earning the captain position / kind of a party girl, kind of a mean girl, definitely didn’t have the best rep! but also kind of peaked in hs at the same time / ended up at rosemont for college bc #legacy and she didn’t want to leave rosemont & go somewhere where she wouldn’t be known / before she could even declare her major, her older sister died unexpectedly / in typical calhoun fashion everyone pretended to deal with it but it only took about a month for crosby to drop out / suddenly she went from a lowkey demon to a highkey demon / rarely (if ever?????) sober / her parents stopped giving her money so she got a job as a bartender, then a waitress, then a retail associate / all of which she was promptly fired from / finally ended up trying out camming and weirdly has kind of enjoyed it / she gets paid without having to show up anywhere on time / has been making poor life decisions for the past four years and shows no signs of stopping any time soon / help her crosby is an absolute fucking disaster and should be avoided at all costs. with that said, she’s lived in bellow falls her whole life and wasn’t always the worst (although… she almost was), so she’s bound to have some friends from high school and childhood?? truthfully, idk how much she’d really keep in touch with them but maybe there are some who are worried about her or have ended up just as directionless as she is!! other garbage party friends! definitely drug dealers! all the fwbs bc the girl uses sex as a distraction and also as validation! enemies who she probably just talks shit about for no reason! her four remaining siblings (all three older, open genders) who are probably coping just as poorly! just give me messy things pls
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dujourmeans · 5 years
alias: britt (brittany, britty fresh) pronouns: she / her / hers timezone + identifiers: cst • infp • cap • 'puff • gay • bling • conspiracy theorist • guy fieri lover fictional alter ego(s): randy meeks (from scream), sentient objects that've been left shrivel up alone in the aisles of the guy’s grocery games store, sailor pluto (the forgotten planet), yoshi, me. plots you enjoy: big family plots, found family plots, big friendship groups, any sort of [here]-to-lovers plot (childhood friends, frenemies, rivals, enemies, whatever), basically any old cliché teen (or eighties / nineties) movie trope come to life ~with a twist~. rp wishlist: uh. everything with everyone, but for this site specifically???? a group of creepy winter association: david spade elf from rudolph (and baby grinch) a gif, meme, video, tamagotchi that describes you: [insert gif of guy fieri drinking san pellegrino here] or
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lookatsunshine · 5 years
alias: jo pronouns: she/her timezone + identifiers: EST // capricorn fictional alter ego(s): monica geller, phoebe halliwell & wednesday adams plots you enjoy: fake friend groups, crazy family, chuck&blair type relationships, FWB, childhood lovers, lots of enemies.  rp wishlist: everything !! i always love taking risks  winter association: snow, fireplace, sugar cookies, peppermint, color white, cold weather, family time. a gif, meme, video, tamagotchi that describes you:
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ewitsportia · 5 years
alias: portia pronouns:  she, her timezone + identifiers: pacific (gmt - 8), a trashy potato, slytherin, isfj fictional alter ego(s): dr. doofenshmirtz plots you enjoy: anything w angst and stupidity sign me up. exes who still love one another. pining friends. fwbs with feelings. sibling tension. all that shit i like it, love it, gotta have it.  rp wishlist: lbr i love to rp the same tropes and will until i am dead so .... exes and best friend pining pls and thank.  winter association:  !!!!!!!!!!!!apple cider!!!!!!!!!!!!!! starbucks peppermint mochas  a gif, meme, video, tamagotchi that describes you: 
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skeletonflowrss · 5 years
alias: bri pronouns: she/her timezone + identifiers: mst + ravenclaw/bisexual/sagittarius fictional alter ego(s): daria, pinky ( because i dream of world domination ),  plots you enjoy: i’m a sucker for the best friends in denial, secretly and awkwardly pining for each other. enemies turned lovers. big family plots where sibs just annoy each other and are cute. exes struggling to get over each other and doing a terrible job at it. lol. snarky best friends.  rp wishlist: i think i’ve been able to rp everything i want but a cute married couple that struggle with day to day things ( fixing the leaky faucet and causing a flood ) would be fun.  winter association: my stone cold heart........ jk. christmas! do you want to build a snowman? hot chocolate with tons of marshmallows.  a gif, meme, video, tamagotchi that describes you:
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eilislaceys · 5 years
alias: millie pronouns: she/her timezone + identifiers: ast + hufflepuff, infp, aquarius loser fictional alter ego(s): millie from freaks and geeks of course, the og plots you enjoy: complex family relationships, ride or die friend groups, friends to lovers 4ever but also enemies to lovers 4ever, tropey shit, anything that is angst lite, fake dating, painful exes who are still in love, cases of headass miscommunication.  rp wishlist: a long distance relationship who are reuniting or on the verge of breaking up, using my hero, idiot lucas hedges from the prolific gq article “the long adolescence of lucas hedges”, anything cute and fun rly! winter association: lazy snow days!! being woken up by a snow plow at night, wet socks, my dog’s happiness a gif, meme, video, tamagotchi that describes you: take a closer look at that snout
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adablrs-blog · 5 years
alias: ada. pronouns: they + them. timezone + identifiers: est / lesbian, intp, capricorn, slytherin. fictional alter ego(s): rosa diaz (b99) + sana (skam) + fox mulder (the x-files). plots you enjoy: anything angsty!!! but also i love rich kids squad plots, m/m or f/f romantic plots, childhood friends, messy families dynamics. rp wishlist: kind of always wanted to have a skam insp plot. winter association: coffee, sleeping till late, and catching the flu.  a gif, meme, video, tamagotchi that describes you:
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zhenyakatava · 5 years
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dying moon, keep me up, keep me waiting /
murphy bell (22, timothee chalamet, Headass) was born and raised in the south bronx - raised in relative terms, since he wasn't really raised by anyone. he got shuffled through the foster care system for his entire life, never staying for more than a few months because of his behavioral problems and tendency to gravitate towards negative people and criminal behavior. when he was thirteen, he met girl 1. they were from similar backgrounds and ended up in the same group home for a while, and they clicked instantly. they became fast friends, spent every waking hour together, usually getting up to no good. even when she went somewhere else, they stayed in contact and continued to be thick as thieves.
girl 1 has always been the leader of the two, with murphy just standing back and letting her run the show. they got into all kinds of illegal shit together but girl 1 started to realize that she didn’t want to keep doing the same things for the rest of her life. smart and determined but underprivileged as fuck, she’d always kind of submitted to the lifestyle she’d always known - until she decided she wanted to change. she couldn't be selling drugs for money anymore if she wanted to go off to some fancy school, so she shifted to a more refined, but still criminal, way of making money.
it started out as just going on dates with guys, getting free food and drinks, pilfering whatever cash he had in his wallet while he wasn’t looking. it was easy enough, and part of girl 1 wanted to go further, to test the limits and see where she got with it. the relationships got longer and longer in time span, with her getting or taking their money for months before she would ghost them. murphy was always there to help and support her - even though watching her go out with guys was the last thing he wanted to do. 
 girl 1 left new york a few months ago to try and turn her life around by going to school at rosemont university, and murphy followed her. he didn’t have anything tying him to the place he grew up other than her, so it seemed natural for him to follow the one thing that does matter to him. even though she got a scholarship to go, and even though it was supposed to be a fresh start for her, money went quick and she needed to do something to sustain herself. when she said something to murphy about going back to scamming guys, he refused to let her do it. after all she’d done to get to this school and to a better future for herself, he wasn’t going to let her ruin it all if she got caught. so, naturally, he offered to do it himself. 
that’s where girl 2 comes in - girl 1 met her through her classes and figured she’d be the perfect target. she’s the kind of girl that flaunts her wealth, brags about it constantly, but it wasn’t like that made her an easy target. she’s ridiculously smart and notoriously hard to get close to, but murphy agreed to try anyway.
he’s hardly even started with this thing but it’s difficult because this girl is actually really great - and strikingly similar to girl 1. he knows it’s just money and he’s doing it for girl 1 but he can’t help but feel something for girl 2, even as girl 1 starts getting jealous of it all. it’ll be messy and the truth will eventually have to come out and it’ll be a wild, fun time!!!
the girls should both be around murphy’s age (20-22) and girl 1 should be from new york city as well, but girl 2′s story is totally up to whoever takes her!! i’m super excited and already have pinterest boards and all the works for them so pls. i can also brainstorm faces w anyone who is interested but i’m pretty open!! if ur interested or just want to chat my discord is 🗣 morgan 🗣#3278 💞💞
girl 1, ##, face, reserved for lana
girl 2, ##, face, reserved for bria
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tpvsey · 5 years
alias: caroline pronouns: she, her, hers timezone + identifiers: est + leo + slytherin + isfp + broke ho fictional alter ego(s): idk?? elizabeth bennett?? plots you enjoy: friendship groupl plots!! things with exes!! two people who clearly care about each other but are too stubborn to say something!! idk man me not ghosting two seconds in?? rp wishlist: there are so many faces i want to use and then i promptly forget when reserves come around. i would love to develop some strong group plot dynamics!! and get in on these subplots winter association:  everything !! is !! fucking !! frozen !! i !! work !! outside !! a gif, meme, video, tamagotchi that describes you:
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comeoutandplayrp · 5 years
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We’re officially open!!!!
Come and join the fun. Check out our announcement for all the goodies
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foxeymulder · 5 years
alias: issie pronouns: she / her timezone + identifiers: cst (gmt+8) / infj / scorpio / ravenclaw / baby spice / fictional alter ego(s): rachel green and i’m blanking on others lmao plots you enjoy: i’m a cliche tropey sucker with an affinity for friends to lovers, fake dating, lots of pining while the other’s clueless, exes that can’t move on, codependent families, messy friend groups! rp wishlist: if we’re being honest.....all of the above. also lowkey wanna do a “hey i left u at the altar x yrs ago with no explanation but now i’m back and ok maybe i made a mistake” thing or...something else i don’t know there’s so much i want to DO.  winter association: i’ve never lived in a place with real winter but now i do so!!! hot cocoa, snow flurries, mittens, slipping on the ice on a steep set of stairs, bashing my knee, then rolling down the rest of the stairs while a small crowd forms to address me in concerned mandarin! a gif, meme, video, tamagotchi that describes you:
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huckleberrygin · 5 years
alias: ileo, or whateva  pronouns: she / her timezone + identifiers: pst / yung plantain frier / ye olde lazy / a$ap chilleo / le dumb / infp cancer so you know i’m feelin ALL the emotions fictional alter ego(s): uuuuuh, elfo from disenchantment lbr plots you enjoy: anything fun, really. i like dilemmas and drama and fun. rp wishlist: i’ve got nothing, man... but if you tell me yours i can try to make it come true??? keyword: try winter association: D A R K N E S S / ok rly it gets dark too fast. where i live in california, winter is non-existent sooooo.. the cold? yeah. a gif, meme, video, tamagotchi that describes you: 
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