#if u wanna know how I feel abt enji just look at my previous post abt him. pretty clear that I would kill him no hesitation
amazingdemigodstuff · 2 years
While I do love talking about the interpersonal side and ethicality of the Todoroki family it is always good to remember that they hold a narrative purpose in the story; while questioning whether or not someone like Endeavor can truly change in real life is valid, it doesn't really add to the discussion of the media. While it is rather sloppy in my opinion, Endeavor's redemption serves a narrative and thematic purpose that contributes to the theme of society damaging people, even people that benefit within the system, and not only perpetuating but encouraging harm. That within this system there is personal responsibility for their harm, but also societal responsibility for creating these violent people in the first place. The narrative is of a story where the only people truly damned are those who created the system; no one is damned and everyone can and should be saved, even someone who's caused untold mayhem like Shigaraki.
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