#if theres typos ill have to fix them in a week or so ive looked at this so many times my eyes just glaze over everything
disembowel-me · 2 years
DILF!Ren comes home from a business trip and shows some love to the reader, but not in the way they were hoping.
Contains biting, clawing, crotch-kicking and shoe grinding, choking, the beginning of a blow job, and loving praise from Ren the entire time. Gender neutral reader and highly dubious consent
Commissioned by @6robotmonster6 - thank you so much again!!!
“Honey, are you here?” Ren’s voice calls out from somewhere in the hallway. It’s light and warm, with just the slightest raspy undertone that has come with age. 
“I’m here!” You answer back, just a moment before the bedroom door swings wide open. As soon as he lays eyes on you, his ears perk up and he smiles wide. He hurries over to where you’re sitting on the bed and you embrace, sharing a peck on the lips.
His smile turns wry as he presses his face into your neck. “Oh, I’ve missed you,” he purrs against your skin. “You smell so good every time I come home.” His fur tickles you as he leans in, notching one knee between your legs. Lithe fingers drift along the skin of your arm and he nuzzles your bare shoulder with his nose, breathing in your scent deeply. “You smell…” His breath grows heavier by the second. “Delicious.”
Instinctively, you tense when he bares his teeth against your shoulder and the points of his fangs just barely prick your skin. You try to consciously relax your shoulders; it hurts so much more when you’re tensed up. He knows this, and gives you a moment to overcome your reflex before his teeth sink into you and crunch through your flesh. The cry that’s pulled from you is instinct, too. 
He relents and softly sucks the bite, flicking his tongue over the punctures. You moan; he moans in response. “You taste delicious.”
As he pulls back and looks at you, his eyes gleam with adoration and hunger, trailing their way down your body slowly. Drinking you in. “I was thinking about you all week. 
He’s always like this when he’s been away on a business trip too long. Immediately overbearing and affectionately agitated. Sometimes he puts up the pretense of sweetly greeting you, settling back in, and even bringing his luggage inside before allowing that hunger to overtake him and pouncing on you. 
But tonight, he seemingly can’t wait. He’d barely stepped through the door and thrown his coat off before he was on top of you.
“On Thursday we shipped someone that looked almost exactly like you. I was,” he swallows quickly and runs his fingers through his hair, “so tempted to keep them for myself.” He grins at you. “But I knew it wouldn’t be the same. Nobody could ever replace you.”
He’s on your shoulder again, sucking the bite wound in earnest. The sharp pressure shocks you; you whimper and jerk but his hands are already around your wrists holding you in place. He sucks so hard your muscles ache; it’s as if he’s trying to slurp them up out of your skin. Right before it becomes too much, he moves to the stretch of skin next to it, peppering the apex of your shoulder with kisses and gentle nipping love-bites.
The next warning you get is too little, too late. All you get is an extra firm prodding from his tongue against your skin and his grip tightening on your wrists a moment before his sharp teeth swiftly pierce you, slightly offset from and deeper than the first bite. It’s burning hot, bright white, rippling out to the rest of the inflamed skin and muscle around it. You can’t help yourself from screaming and squirming in his grasp. 
He growls in approval deep in his throat; you can feel him smiling around his teeth still sunk deep in you. A single drop feels cold as it drips down the back of your shoulder. You aren’t sure if it’s blood or spit.
Then he slurps up the blood pooling in his mouth and gives the bite a gentle suck. As soon as his teeth leave your flesh, the wound begins to throb in time with your heartbeat, dribbling fluids, pulsing feverishly.
“Nobody else smells like you. Nobody else screams like you.” He’s panting openly, licking your blood off his lips. Something shines wild and ravenous in his eyes. Hungry for more of you. Hungry for more of your blood and tears. 
But instead of going back in for more, he pulls away from you and steps away from the bed, swallowing thickly. His eyes narrow and flick away to the floor, then back to you as he loosens his tie. A moment passes between you; you’re leaning forward in anticipation and he almost looks out of breath.
“Get on the floor,” he says finally, and you can’t disobey. Your body follows his command onto your knees in front of him, where your head is about level with his hips. He wastes no time shoving himself against your face, one hand buried in your hair and the other cradling your jaw as he grinds on you, warm and already hard. 
“Spread your legs for me,” he breathes, gently tapping the inside of your leg above your knee with the steel toe of his dark polished dress shoes. “A little more. That's it, that’s good…”
Suddenly he whips back and delivers a swift, open-palmed slap to your face.
Shock makes you want to burst into tears. The entire side of your face burns like it’s on fire. Raising a shaky hand to your cheek, you can feel raised lines where he’s just scratched you along with the blow. 
When you look up at him, he’s beaming. Beaming with that familiar dangerous look in his eyes.
You start shivering in fear.
“Ren, please…” You plead softly, moving your hands back to his pants and touching his bulge, biting your lip and trying to give him a suitably pathetic but sexy look. “Just-” You struggle against the rising lump in your throat. You missed him; you want his attention, but not like this. “Please, just let me take care of you…”
He stares at you for a moment, then barks out a laugh, short and loud, and your stomach tightens. “Aww… You’re so cute!” He leans down, leering at you. “You’re not the one who takes care of me. Are you?” 
“No…” He coos, followed by a long groan as his foot finds its way between your legs again and bumps against your most sensitive spot. “No, I take care of you.”
Your eyes stay trained on his but you can’t help but tremble as the bumping of his shoe becomes a gentle kick. The corner of his mouth twitches just before he delivers a firm blow at full force to the same spot. You almost double over but he catches a tight fistful of your hair and holds you up by it, forcing you to look up at him.
His face is flushed; eyes heavy and narrowed in lust and love. “I love this. I love you. I love you so much,” he murmurs above you, loosening his vice grip and combing his hand gently through your hair and against your scalp. “You’re so good for me. Yeah… You’re so good. You like this too, don’t you?”
You only whine and nuzzle against his hand. He’s not going to let you talk your way out of the pain this time. 
“You take it so well… So well…” His caring tone is at odds with the sadistic glee that flashes over his face right before he kicks your groin again. It knocks the wind out of you and this time he watches you collapse to the floor in pain.
Then he kicks your legs open, snatches up one of your legs, and plants one pristine shoe firmly down on your crotch. Claws poke your bare calf as he jerks your leg up along his body’s length, yanking your pelvis against his shoe’s sole and grinding it against you. 
The look on his face is terrifying. He’s smiling, but it’s wide and vicious. Already satisfied, but still so very hungry. 
“I was thinking about you every day. Thinking about this.” Ren punctuates the word by stomping on you again, sending a shock through your hips and up your spine. His hand is clutched tightly around your ankle, so tight his knuckles are turning white and his nails dig into your flesh.  He drags his other hand along the outside of your calf, slowly drawing razor-thin red lines in you. They’re so thin it takes a moment for blood to well up into little red beads on your skin, and another moment for the burn to manifest. They’re almost like a cat scratch. It doesn’t hurt too badly now but it’ll probably hurt like a bitch later.
You lock eyes and can tell he’s thinking the same thing. Right as you open your mouth to say something, he goes in again, raking his claws along the outer part of your thigh. 
This time you shriek. The pain and blood is instant as your flesh splits around each claw. Blood spills down your leg as tears sting your eyes, filling up and falling in fat, round drops. When he pulls his hand back to his mouth, the long whites of his nails are stained brightly with red. His tongue flicks out of his lips and licks them clean. 
He stares down at you crying for a long moment, then sighs contentedly and lets your leg fall to the floor, stepping over you and sitting down on top of your waist. “It’s been too long, my love.” He leans in close and caresses your cheek, wiping away the tears that roll down your face. “You’re… so pretty. I’m the luckiest man in the world, that I get to see you like this.” His voice is rougher, huskier than it was when he first got home, but still dripping in affection. Delicate, slender fingers wrap around your neck above your collar and press hard. “Nobody else does. You’re mine.”
“I’m… yours,” you echo, voice strained from the sob growing in your throat and his grasp around it.
He growls again, thrusting himself against your body. His stranglehold only tightens and you start to go lightheaded, the edge of the metal collar digging into your clavicle. “Ffffuck,” he hisses, rocking his hips back and forth, pressing even harder, hands digging into the soft underside of your jaw and grinding against the harder structures contained inside your throat. It hurts.
“Pl…ease… Re- en…” You squeak out a barely audible cry. He’s not letting up. The room starts to spin and your eyes roll back as a painful yet euphoric lightheadedness overcomes you. There’s sudden sharp pain somewhere by where he’s squeezing, but it’s so far away that you barely register it. Even Ren himself seems far away…
Right as the room starts to go dark, the pressure disappears and you’re free to draw in a massive, desperate gasp of sweet air. It’s so sweet that for a moment you feel lightheaded again; you relish the next breath you take even more. It isn't until you’ve taken several normal breaths that you realize all of the pressure from Ren is gone; he’s carefully climbing off you and moving to stand up, pausing to grimace for a moment when something in his knee pops. 
Your neck hurts. Your hand is wet when you feel it; the salty sweat of your fingertips sting the apparent scratches there. He must have drawn even more blood. Sure enough, the tips of your fingers are stained red. 
When you look up again, he’s eased himself down on the bed and already unbuckled his belt.
“Do you still want this?” He gestures to his open pants, the curve of his erection just barely visible under black, lace-lined silk boyshorts. “Come here.”
“Yea- yes!” Almost feverishly, you nod and scramble to get up, but the room is still spinning. You’re still reeling, and your arms tremble and almost collapse under you as you crawl toward him, but you reach him, stopping only when your head runs into his hand. His claws rake against your scalp through your hair, sending shivers down your spine, holding your head close.
“Sit,” he commands.
Your bottom lip quivers and cheeks burn. But you sit in front of him, planting your ass down on the floor, ever-so-slightly opening your mouth and pushing your tongue against your lips to show your eagerness. His other hand is wrapped around his cock, pulling it out of his underwear, holding it out right in front of you.
The slit of his dick glistens as it leaks precum, tantalizing you. Taunting you.
The hand in your hair is now stroking down your cheek, your neck, your shoulder, then along your lips, brushing your blood across them, coaxing them open more. You crane your neck and scoot closer and finally, finally, your tongue touches the soft, smooth underside of his cock’s head, a split-second before sealing your mouth around him.
Immediately, you’re rewarded with a low groan and the sight of his eyelids shuddering briefly. You lick him again, and again; you suck harder and spit starts filling your mouth. You ease your lips down his shaft gently, then back up, then back down, preparing to lose yourself to the rhythm- 
Until he pulls himself out of you with a pop. You whine, confused, and look up at him with your mouth still wide open and drooling. He answers by slapping it wetly against your eye and cheek.
A sly smirk creeps onto his face as another clear drop beads up on the tip of his cock. He sticks his leg out between your legs and taps your heat with his shoe’s hard steel tip again. 
“Show me how badly you want it.”
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