#if there are specific instances anyone sees where i sounded villifying towards lesbians
bi-lesbian · 4 years
Hey I support your identity but sometimes the way you talk about lesbians (the ones who don’t like men) sometimes feels like you’re just pushing them into the “angry lesbian” stereotype. I’m sick of seeing queer people vilified and although that’s not an excuse for people being rude to you, it’s not the fault of lesbians as a whole. Please think carefully about how you speak about people when you so strongly preach for positivity.
i understand what youre meaning, but i dont recall having talked like this before? my memory isnt the best so maybe i had worded some things badly and dont remember, but im pretty sure any time ive talked negatively was just directed toward politcal lesbians/radfems and exclusionists? even in a recent post where i talked negatively about the lesbian community i didnt direct it in a way like "lesbians are angry and hateful," i just said that the lesbian community has a huge issue with exclusionism and hate, due to the amount of radfems and radfem rhetoric spread around. i dont see how pointing out a bad and common issue in a community is villifying people of the identity as a whole? (if thats something you were refering to)
ill try to keep this in mind though and make sure im careful with my wordings in the future, and im sorry if im wrong and Have been been blamey towards lesbians as a whole :O and also sorry that i get kind of angry in general sometimes, i try to avoid it but i just get really really sick of exclusionism and how people treat others in the community when its supposed to be a safe place for everyone and not judging about their identity. i think i also have a problem of sounding more angry in text than i actually am since i tend to cuss a lot, so im sorry if thats offputting as well :O
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