#if anyone has constructive criticsm pls lm
Chapter 1
(herah is my current adaar inky, they use they pronouns. sorry if its confusing. writing is not my talent lol. And this is just fillers in game. ill probably go off canon at some point bc it sucks so bad. idk if there will be smut later, probably)
Herah stood on the stairs overlooking Skyholds courtyard, it was night time. It felt like it was always nighttime. They liked it here, they did feel safer but they still had memories of Haven flashing in their mind. The inquisition soldiers dead bodies scattered all throughout the grounds.
Fires, the screaming of people searching for help. They couldn't save them all, though they   tried. Every time they closed their eyes, they could see and hear it all over again.
They had taken a dark turn ever since arriving at Skyhold.
They thought back to a few months ago when they woken up to be chained and questioned by who they learned later to be Cassandra and Leliana.
They always had a way of finding the light side of everything but knew in that moment not to. Cassandra wanted to rip them to shreds, and Leliana was the only one preventing that from happening.
They didnt see a large quanri, someone to be feared. They saw someone as the reason their Divine was dead. They wanted answers. Herah didn't have any.
Herah was freed and forced to fight until they woke up what they found out later to be 3 days later. They missed the mercenary life, it was rarely this brutal. They missed their companions.
After meeting the leaders of the inquisition, they talked to Varric. Herah immediately liked him, he didn't hold back letting his feelings known. They liked how he got under Cassandras skin. Herah thought Cassandra was a strong woman, gorgeous, and scary. Traits they admired. But their meeting was less than ideal.
They didnt yet to what make of Solas, theyd never met another elf like him. No markings, always talking about the fade. They didn't know how he could be so calm in this moment, but they appreciated it. Everyone else was scrambling, stressed to get to the breach.
"inquisitor" a soldier passing by said to Herah, snapping them back into the present.
Cassandra, Solas and Cole had just returned from Crestwood and Herah was making plans to head to the Western Approach to meet Hawke and Alistair.
Herah sat in the sun, hoping they'd finally get warm. They were surprised how cold it was, given how it was a desert and there was very little shade. 
"Too bad Dorian isn't here", Sera giggled, "hed complain about being cold. Swearing in vint about southerners."
"I'm surprised you didn't bring your boyfriend, Blackwall boss. He would have loved it. All the darkspawn, he'd be putty in your hands. Well, MORE than you already are" he chuckled.
Herah smiled, they enjoyed being poked fun at. Reminded them theyre just another flawed person. Not some high and mighty inquisitor to be bowed down to. "Are you guys saying you're not having a good time? After all i've given to you"? They pointed to all the desert. "So ungrateful!"
Everyone laughed at that, well except Chuckles as Varric accurately nicknamed him. He was walking around, seemingly deep in thought.
Herah was surprised at his reaction to talking to Erimond, he hadn't been angry until that very moment when he heard the Grey Wardens were going after the Old Gods. Herah filed it in their mind to talk to him about it later. For right now he was enjoying Sera and Bull's company.
Sera found a stick somewhere and was drawing in the sand,  random scribles until she had a brilliant idea. "its a butt!!" she pointed and laughed. Herah got up and put two dots in the butt. "now its boobs!" Sera laughed harder, and further drawing a figured body. 
Bull looked over at the drawing "hey i know her, she works at the tavern". Herah rolled their eyes "a red head. Mmm, red heads", he said glaring at their red hair. He winked, or maybe not? it was hard to tell with the eye patch. It took them a moment to realize they had red hair, were they blushing? They ran their hands through their red hair, feeling a bit awkward.
Sera saw the moment between them and couldn't resist interrupting. "you know, I'm surprised you're talking to us, Lady Herald" in her best taunting voice.
Herah was more confused about Bull's intended, flirting? than interested. He was the only other quanri and saw him more as a protector, since they are a mage and he is a warrior. They hadn't considered him romance material.
Sera words pierced them in the gut. "What?"
"Oh you know, you're avoiding us. Well, not Vivienne or that...... thing, cole"
"Oh..." Herah felt bad. They hadn't thought of it that way but yeah, they were distracted. Had been since arriving in Skyhold.
They looked down at the ground, kicking the sand. "I.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... I've just been.."
"Busy getting your ass kicked by a giant red darkspawn...... thing" Bull interrupted.
Herah looked at him, grateful, smiling with their lips as well as their eyes.
"Yeah". They sighed, and looking at Sera who was squirming seeing another moment between them. "But still, I'm sorry Sera. I don't mean to hurt you. It's why I brought you. This whole.." they looked at their glowing left hand "..thing, has been one disaster after another." They looked at both Bull and Sera. "but you.. both of you, keep me sane. it's why I brought you".
Herah hadn't talked to them much one on one before, just a couple times at Haven and they were both surprised to hear the fondness of their voice.
"But why the egg?" Sera asked half heartidly.
They looked over at pacing Solas. "I, I don't know really. I just had a feeling i would learn something about him."
"Did you?" Bull asked.
"Yeah, I think so" they smiled, though he's still a mystery.
The next morning, all of them gathered and took Griffin Wing Keep for the Inquisition. Bull loved killing those venatori bastards. They all did, but Bull got the most pleasure out of it. Herah was glad they brought him.
"Shall we knock?" Herah asked after finishing off the guards outside the Keep.
"Ohh yeah" Bull replied with such joy in his tone.
They marked tasks to unlock at the war table, headed to Exiled Plains and back to Skyhold.
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