#if any a yall are into pokemon i IMPLORE you to play ashen frost
liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
tagged by my bestie @mebiselfandi!!! thank you for thinking a me bro <3
rules: share the first lines of your ten most recent fanfics and tag ten people. if you have written less than ten, don't be shy and share anyways.
i do not have ten. but anyways:
pokemon ashen frost - Homecoming
“C’mon, I know they’re around here somewhere-”
“If you lost them-”
“I didn’t lose them!”
“We travel around the entire world without losing a single hotel keycard, but right here, on our front porch, is where my wife finally-”
“Got ‘em.” Josefina said, sticking her tongue out at her husband’s nagging, and dangling her keys in front of his face for good measure. She got a solid, healthy eye roll out of Miguel.
2. mullendowski - champagne problems
A little box weighed heavy in Robert’s jacket pocket.
He stood alone outside, hyping himself up before going to join the rest of his teammates in the venue they rented out for the holiday party. It was a refined building in an even more refined neighborhood, only the very best for the biggest club in Germany.
Robert fished the box out of his pocket and cracked it open. He didn’t know why he felt the need to check on it, as if it could have magically disappeared on the way over. Maybe it was for the reminder that the day he had waited so long for was finally here.
3. alisson/virgil - the cure for sadness (warmth)
Kirkby’s atmosphere the days leading up to the Southampton game was bittersweet, to say the least.
That’s how all teams are before the last game of the season, but for Liverpool it was especially so. The team was tight-knit, much more so than their Premier League adversaries, so losing not one, but four teammates, hit hard. Everyone went about their day with the knowledge that their family was about to get four men smaller, and they were treasuring the time they had with them.
Despite emotions running high, Virgil, calm as ever, managed to stay level headed during the last days of the season. Sure, during the team’s family dinner every night, he would think about how much he would miss his friends who were leaving, but training took his mind off it. 
4. unnamed (platonic) trent n robbo project i jus started working on
After a long and strenuous season, the boys deserved a break. They had earned a vacation in which they could let loose and not worry about staying in good form or waking up for training the next day. 
Which is how Liverpool Football Club ended up in Vegas for a long weekend.
After the second night of drinking and gambling, Cody, Darwin, and Jordan found themselves trudging back to their hotel from the casino that the rest of their teammates had left hours prior. They had all been drinking in moderation, so the trudging was more due to the fact that it was well past two in the morning. Still, the city was as alive as it had been twelve hours previously. The scents of rain and alcohol lingered in the air and the sidewalk still had a shine to it.
tagging some fic writing pals: @calm-smol @liverpoolfanfiction @rubybecker-rb2
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