#if I was smart I would be doing this in CSP with the vector tool
omaano · 1 month
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like).
I was tagged by… so many people, I haven’t drawn anything I would feel good showing off in so long 😭 everyone is sharing such pretty wips and last lines and all I have usually is like sketchy blobs XD all that said, thanks for the tag @ominouspuff @chiliger and @frostbitebakery ❤️
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I’m still a little low on inspiration and creative juices as I try to catch up on commissions, and I’m still way too afraid to start a detailed painting for myself (the desire is there, but the will to actually pick a big project just for the heck of it is… a bit lacking), and I also need short term gratification (as you do). Therefore I decided that shading Obi-Wan’s face for this Hades AU entry would be too tedious, so it is obviously the smart choice to have a go at this massive detailed background behind him XD it is fun tho, I love drawing rocky backgrounds
The last lines were in that little hut. I’m very much eyeballing a lot of things here, don’t let the grid fool you, I’m very much winging those kinda-parallel lines 😅
Tagging: @insertmeaningfulusername @chocomars @lesquatrechevrons @traumschwinge @sidhebeingbrand @razzbberry @shortmage
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