#idk just another AU stewing about in my head specifically for the angst of the Jack seeing Sunbeam’s face for the first time
leobashi · 1 year
New superhero AU based on the idea of Jackie meeting a new vigilante hero and kinda reluctantly fighting alongside and trying to look out for them only to find out that it’s Chase and suddenly he’s very against Chase’s heroism and Chase only wants to be like Jackie so much so that he almost abandons his close friends Anthony and Jamie who ended up on the wrong side of the law not by choice
Anyway Jackie aka Jacks aka The Jack aka The Jack of All Trades works with a legal organization behind him and works within heroism law to defend the city. He works closely with Henrik aka [insert cool hero name here], a young doctor and scientist with the ability to duplicate and remerge himself and Marvin aka The Magnificent who [insert powers and roles here because this AU isn’t 100% fleshed out yet].
And then there’s Chase aka The Sunbeam, a vigilante hero who brings chaos to every scene he’s in but somehow working it out by the end as well. His body temp is higher than that of normal people and he can bring it up even higher and target it with his gloves giving him melty and firey powers.
Anthony and Jamie are brothers and are listed as violent and dangerous villains despite very rarely using their powers. They have strong powers that keeps their villain selves under the watchful eyes of various hero organizations, but they have even stronger side effects.
Anthony aka Anti can “glitch” which can help him teleport himself and other objects short distances through anything and he can “censor” things in real time by distorting people’s vision and hearing around certain areas, but it tears at his very being, often leaving him with lacerations afterwards and tinnitus. He was once left with a large gash on his neck after using his power.
I stole Miranda’s powers from D. Gray Man for Jameson aka [cool supervillain name idk maybe it matches Anti’s] and he can freeze/turn back time in a certain area but he cannot completely heal or reverse it. When he lets go of his powers, time will catch up to everything within that area and damage dealt within that time will return all at once. Jamie suffers from fatigue, weakness, and poor circulation [and maybe other stuff idk] after using his powers.
The two work together a lot when they scheme up new plans: Jamie stays behind the scenes while keeping Anti healed long enough to follow through. Then they prepare themselves for the repercussions before Jamie lets go of his powers.
Chase got his gloves from Anti and suffers from hyperthermia if he’s not careful. He knows Jackie is the Jack, but Jackie does not know he’s Sunbeam. Henrik has adhd and a horrible micromanaging habit enabled by his powers.
The Jack keeps trying to convince Sunbeam to join a hero organization, his even, to try to stop him from throwing himself haphazardly into danger but also to better control his problematic behaviors that usually throws a wrench into their plans. Sunbeam chooses not to, afraid that his identity might be revealed to the Jack if he did and that it might out his close relationships to dangerous villains, putting himself and Anti and Jamie into harm’s way.
But maybe his relationship is outed anyway when The Jack and Sunbeam are both captured and Sunbeam’s face is almost revealed to Jackie but then Anti steps in and rescues the both of them and disappears with the Sunbeam. And maybe The Jack has some personal issues with Anti and is unwilling to listen even when Sunbeam talks to Anti like he’s a friend and he respects Sunbeam, but can he trust him?
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