batmanfruitloops · 19 days
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This is the Ice and Riddles timeline in my mind's eye. Eddie seems to be in the habit of getting adopted by being a pathetic wet creature. Fries unknowingly triggers Ed's daddy issues.
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batmanfruitloops · 2 months
Alternate Timelines
I'm finally buckling down to post our list of alternate timelines! As you guys know, our au focuses on a better ending for the residents of Gotham, but that doesn't mean that Fluffy and I haven't considered many other possible outcomes.
As a known example, Jo becoming Scarebeast is an alternate timeline.
To make this a bit easier, the alternate timelines are a bit like a tree branching out from the main timeline. So some alternate timelines have more branches.
I'll be showing the related tags and a brief explanation of each here, so feel free to send in asks about any of them!
- Sarsee
#riddler!dies - Batman accidently kills the Riddler, sending Scarecrow down a spiral of revenge
#lazarus!riddler -(branch of riddler!dies) instead of just wanting revenge, Scarecrow also revives Riddler through the Lazarus pit
#scarecrow!dies - Batman accidentally kills Scarecrow, sending Riddler down a spiral of revenge
#lazarus!scarecrow - (branch of scarecrow!dies) instead of just wanting revenge, Riddler also revives Scarecrow through the Lazarus pit
#scarebeast - Penguin takes Scarecrow's fear toxin and Kurk's serum to turn Scarecrow into a "Scarebeast" for himself
#villain!joker - the Joker is a villain like the other rogues instead of a vigilante with Batman (he's still silly), and overall, it's pretty lighthearted and cartoonish
#batsandriddles - Batman takes in Ed off the streets, so he works with him and the Joker
#harleybegood - (branch of villain!joker) Harley and Joker get to be girl-buddies
#detective!nigma - Ed gets to grow up with his grandma instead of his father, so he becomes a PI detective, antics ensue
#arkham! - nobody will go to Arkham normally, but this delves into the trauma of if they did
#best!timeline - although it's called the best timeline, it's not all fluff
#reverse!rogues - here, the roles are switched; where Batman and the Joker are the main antagonists, and the rogues are the ones who have to find a way to put a stop to their crimes
#juggerbat - when Bruce's parents were murdered, he was also shot, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. He's more ruthless and pessimistic with a tank of a batsuit
#medieval! - our au set in fantasy medieval times, mythical creatures, magic, and all
#vampire! - we've mostly focused on our favorite characters, but let's just say it's in the 1800-1900s and some of them are vampires and (at least one) is a werewolf
#furries! - the version where they're furries. Not much changes, just some more animalistic traits/scenarios
#wormnora - Nora Fries is a worm (a sentient worm on a string to be exact) that's all
#iceandriddles - instead of teaming up with Scarecrow, the Riddler teams up with Mr. Freeze
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