apuppetmuseum · 11 months
I need to review the land of hot sands event and rewrite my lore post about the country a little bit - but something i will say is that there's the sultanate and then the syndicate. The sultan/sultanas are the main decision makers of the country and rule it of course but the syndicate is a group of advisors as well as the richest family's in the country that have a say in what goes on aswell (if you think this is a ffxiv reference, YOU'RE RIGHT. Uldah my beloved).
Kalim has HIS OWN seat on the syndicate, but is consisdered also apart of the sulanate because of his title of oasis maker. So he's kind of like a tie breaker so to speak. This gives him more power than his father who has a seat on the synicate, and reasons why his own family has tried to kill him in the past (Jamil brings up in one of his cards that Kalim's parents could try to kill him).
Though the sultanate often bends to the syndicate's will to keep the peace, Kalim plans to try and work on the state of the country once he's out of school, as most of the syndicate doesn't take what he has to say seriously due to his age and still being in school.
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apuppetmuseum · 11 months
dev. Kalim's Family
I mentioned in his unique magic headcanon that he had an older brother that died - but that wasn’t the oldest brother he had. Truthfully Kalim had a couple of older siblings that all died in various ways - some more natural causes (like the sibling that died of heat stroke) while others were assassinated. Some were even kidnapped and never heard from again, and are presumed dead. Kalim is currently the oldest child only because he’s the oldest one alive. In canon Kalim has over 30 siblings. He said he stopped keeping track after that but remembers all of his siblings faces and names. Truthfully he knows the exact number but he doesn’t want to give that information out to people because of how it could put them in danger. But he is bad at remembering other people’s faces because he tries to keep the faces of all of his siblings fresh in his mind, so it will take him longer to remember a new person’s face who is not related to him in any way. There’s only a handful of these siblings that are 100% his biological siblings. The rest are half siblings. His father has had multiple wives and mistresses, having remarried at least 3 times and caught cheating more than that. Any of his children are considered ‘Asim’s’ as default even if his father isn’t married to his current wife. Because any of them could be a ‘spare’ for the heir to the fortune and business. Kalim is the oldest of 6 biological siblings and more than 30 other half siblings. His mother was his father’s second wife that was killed in an assassination. Death by poison, believe it or not. Kalim loves all of his siblings equally and wants nothing more than to protect them. His younger siblings could even orchestrate an assassination attempt on him and he would forgive them (and only them). For him, being the oldest and the heir means that they can live carefree and healthy lives. As long as he’s alive, they don’t have to worry about all the death threats and assassins. They can be normal little rich kids, and that’s all he wants. He just wants his family to be safe. That being said, a few of his younger siblings AND his father’s wives or mistresses have attempted to kill Kalim in the past. The curry incident where Jamil was poisoned after eating Kalim’s food was infact an attempt by one of the wives. But Kalim is too blinded by family to really see any of them at fault. He is going to continue to try and survive and take care of himself so he can in turn take care of them.
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apuppetmuseum · 11 months
dev. Kalim's unique magic
Kalim’s unique magic is called oasis maker, and allows him to summon forth rain / any stream of water. Now this wouldn’t seem as impressive at first, as water magic is a thing within the twst world, but it’s so much more than just a small amount of water around him.
For one, the magic itself can last much longer than an ordinary water spell. Honestly, it can last for as long as Kalim can keep it up. Sometimes he can make it last up to or over an hour. The longest he’s ever kept it up is three hours. Which considering how short and quick some unique magics seem to be so far, is an impressive feat.
He’s able to keep this up because of how ‘ordinary’ his magic is. Everyone thinks that summoning water is easy and it is! Which is exactly why his magic lasts for as long as it does. There is one special element that is the part that really tires Kalim out.
This rain has healing elements aswell. It won’t heal major wounds, or stop major bleeding, but it can heal bruises, small cuts, stop headaches, dull otherwise sharp pains, help with physical fatigue. Small reliefs like this. This aspect of his magic is less known, as most are too mystified by the rain to notice when he is using it to realize such things until after the fact and never really put two and two together.
This is the true power of Kalim’s rain other than the length he can keep it going. The more he focuses the more he can heal.
There’s a couple restrictions to the magic as a whole, of course.
However ‘too much’ is kind of subjective. Kalim is a dancer - so he’s used to some physical fatigue and he often dances while using this power, but he becomes more tired while moving and using his magic at the same time. So dancing with this power active is often slow and routine, rather than something energetic and freestyle (think Yuna from ffx with her dance on the water).
He uses the dance as a way to get people’s attention on him and come towards the water - and the healing ability of it. So he’s entertaining them while it’s happening and he can ease their troubles and give them some physical relief.
Four, it tires him out faster if kalim focuses solely on the healing aspect. The rain won’t last as long either so he doesn’t do this unless he sees someone really in need of both the water and healing even for a short amount of time.
Now into more of the lore TM
Kalim thought of this magic during a terrible heatwave in the land of hot sands. His only older sibling at the time had died from a heat stroke, thus making him the heir to the asim family. Kalim was so distraught by this that he tried to find a way to bring rain to the land. He had read about rain dances and with the water magic Jamil was helping him with he thought of maybe combining the two. He didn’t want anyone to suffer as his older sibling had.
It wasn’t easy. He nearly fell to the same condition that took his older sibling - as he practiced out in the sun for long hours with Jamil. It was thanks to him that Kalim didn’t fall to heat stroke himself but he still made himself sick with all the practice and stress. This didn’t stop him, though. He went around the asim house and practiced by doing small water spells for his younger siblings, making sure that they were being careful with the heat aswell. But this wasn’t enough for him - he would stare out over the city that he could see from his balcony and want to help everyone.
One day, that just clicked for him. He had been so focused on someone who had already passed thanks to the heat that he wasn’t focusing on who was present, who was still alive. That day he went out to the center of the city and started dancing - then the rain started. The rain managed to cover the entire city (the only time kalim has been able to pull off such a large area). It was only for 5 minutes, but the city found some relief from the sun and heat. Everyone was out of their houses and on the street to stand in the rain - collecting it and celebrating. Kalim passed out as soon as the 5 minutes were up.
He was dubbed the ‘oasis maker’ after recovering - and named his magic the same thing. He became one of the most important people in the city, not just because of his family and being the new heir to the asim family, but because of his magic bringing relief to the land. Kalim even started on a trip around the country to bring rain to each city and town and give them rain during the heatwave.
However, this also brought more attention onto him - and some people wanted the magic for themselves. They wanted to be the ones that controlled the rain, to have the relief and power all for themselves. So the kidnapping and assassination attempts on Kalim skyrocketed. He was too precious to kill, but in the same breath some groups had decided if they couldn’t have the power then no one person should. Kalim was placed under house arrest and didn’t leave his home for nearly a year. The only time he was allowed to leave was when he had planned dances to use his magic and there was so much security that any attempts on his life or to kidnap him were stopped early on. Or at least, most of them. There had been two successful attempts to kidnap Kalim during that year. One group had been so bad they had made Kalim dance until his feet bled and he passed out. No more public showings were scheduled after that. Any more dances were scheduled inside the Asim home (as he could make it rain even indoors) and people could come collect the water as needed - while being surrounded by guards.
The heatwave ended and he was able to come out of his home more but the series of events made him and his guards more paranoid over kidnappers and assassins. Not long after, the carriages for NRC arrived for him and Jamil, and it was quickly decided Kalim would attend so that he could get away from the land of hot sands for a bit and be out of harms way. Jamil was convinced assassins would follow them to the school - and he was right. Kalim still deals with people trying to assassinate or kidnap him both because of his family status and his unique magic.
He is paranoid about protecting his life not only because he is scared of death - but because he is afraid that he won’t be able to help his homeland with his magic if another heatwave came through. Also, there are people who treat kalim like a king (one could argue even a god) because of his magic - and those people would likely go into a fury knowing that kalim is dead, tearing his homeland apart. His life is too important to be lost, and he knows this better than anyone.
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apuppetmuseum · 1 year
which tragic death would you suffer (baby muse edition because i like to suffer)
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the forgotten. you die alone. maybe they find you right away, maybe it takes weeks. it doesn't matter because no one will remember a few years down the road. if people come to your funeral, it is not a memory they engrave into their mind. you leave no mark in the world, no legacy at all. your grave grows moss and collects dust, cracking under nothingness. soon, someone will think of you for the last time.
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the prophetic hero. you die saving the world, as you were always supposed to. peace comes only with your blood. the world will remember you for centuries. they will write poems, create art, and film movies all about you. no one will remember what you were before your death. maybe you don't even know it either. you have spent so long saving the world time after time that there is nothing left of you except the heroism. you die never knowing love.
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the betrayal. you die at the hands of the person you love most. maybe there are tears in their eyes as they drive the sword into your chest, maybe there is none. there are certainly tears in yours. your mouth will open to ask 'why' only to spit blood instead. you will die never knowing if they loved you at all, wondering if you could've done something to prevent this, or if it was always going to end this way.
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the unfinished. you die, hand outstretched towards the sky, as if to say 'I'm not done yet.' there are so many things you still have to do, so many goals you still have to reach. you've spent your entire life working towards them, and doing nothing else, only to die before knowing what accomplishment feels like. they'll say your death was a pity, that you had such a bright future ahead of you. it is one you'll never get to see.
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the sacrifice. you die saving the thing you love. maybe it is family, friends, perhaps even a cause. they will carry your face with them for the rest of their lives, and every milestone they pass will make them think of you. it does not matter because you won't be there to experience it with them. years down the line, they will meet people who do not even know the weight of your name upon their skin. this is what your selflessness gets you in the end.
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apuppetmuseum · 1 year
Kalim tag drop!
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