#ibuki Ankoku
tinyperson00 · 3 months
Akira - adding on to our little shirtless thing lol ✨🤭
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Here she is :D
how you like her ✨🤭💗
also here are 3 others that I did like a week and a half ago or something
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ibuki-loves-you · 3 years
Random Descending Chaos fact for you: none of the 15 students are the ultimate lucky student. Here:
Kokoro Tsukumo, SHSL Impressionist
Chiyo Ikari(Previously Tsumuji), SHSL Sewist
Shi Chiba, SHSL Chocolatier
Kishi Hine, SHSL Contortionist
Miyu Ikari, SHSL Playwright
Sunako Inei, SHSL Ventriloquist (God she creeps me out, might make her the ultimate lucky student just so I can deal with no ventriloquism-)
Saiko Myuga, SHSL Actress
Ichika Yui, SHSL Game Developer
Akumu Hi, SHSL Escape Artist
Taiyo Hinode, SHSL Strategist
Minato Ichibangase, SHSL Sailor
Kana Jinja, SHSL Spirit Medium
Kazuko Shikichi, SHSL Woodcarver
Hotaru Shio, SHSL Bakery Chef
Ye, ye, them the good bois(and girls) of Danganronpa; Descending Chaos!?
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I made the background pink because I CAN >:)
Now I have testing to do 😭
I pulled a muscle in my shoulder earlier so goddamn
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tinyperson00 · 3 months
Different worlds 💠
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-part one-
part 2 // part 3
"Caw caw! Caw caw! Wake up Akira!" Akira's crow, Kasukiwa, is up at her normal time to wake Akira up for the day. Kinda like a living alarm clock.
Akira stirred in for a moment before sitting up to face the lively crow who was currently sitting in her windowsill. Kasikiwa patiently waited for her to awake, occasionally jumping up to shift positions on her perch. "Good morning, Isn't it cold out there? Youll get the room all wet if you leave the window wide open like that, Kasukiwa." Akira said greeting her crow.
It was a stormy morning, it had been raining since the morning before actually. Training is always tough, but it's especially grueling in the cold rain. Toju could be heard waking up in the other room as his crow shook the rain droplets from its feathers. Akira quickly got ready this morning preparing for a tough day of training to begin. As she walked over to grab her haori off its resting place where she sets it every night, she could feel today was not going to be so smooth. Uncertainty was heard in the air today.
Toju had finished getting ready before her today and walked down the hall to knock on her door before heading down for breakfast. "Yea yea, im walking out right now," Akira answered back to him. She shut her window after the crow had flown off and then headed to the door. Toju watched as she stepped out and closed her door behind her. "Come on then, lets go before Katsu gets impatient with us."
The two went down for breakfast with Katsu. While Toju and Akira were walking down the stairs to the dining table he glanced at her for a moment. 'She looks.. off today.' He thought silently to himself. Tho Akira still wore her usual smile, it seemed different to him. Her eyes looked more hallow.. and the smile just seemed empty now. Toju kept it to himself as they entered the kitchen to greet Katsu for breakfast.
"Good morning, Katsu. Ooh it smells great in here," Akira says as she walks over to embrace her younger sister in a warm hug. Katsu has really great eyes, kinda like Kanao, so she practically notices everything. Today was no exception.
"Morning Akira!" Katsu smiles up to her. She felt like it wasn't something that should be brought up this early in the morning. Afterall, maybe it was just that Akira was tiered from her missions or something. "Good morning Toju! Did you sleep well?" She says to Toju, who she is well accustomed to by this point.
"I slept good, good morning Katsu." He answers and returns a smile.
They all sit and Katsu hands out the breakfast for them. While Akira is preoccupied with her food, and somewhat zoned out to everything, Katsu looks over at Toju. They stare at eachother with a shared concern for Akira. Both decide to address it later instead. 'She looks dead inside.. Thats different. I havnt seen her like this since we found out Ibuki died.' Katsu thinks to herself.
Once breakfast was finished, and dishes were done, the crows returned for another announcement. "Caw caw! Caw caw!" Kasukisa calls out, "Caw caw! Akira Sakuranbura, Toju Saito, and Haia Suisei are to travel south to the forest! A strong demon has been reported in the area, and at least 15 demon slayers have gone missing while on patrol!"
"Alright, lets head out Toju. We can meet Haia on the way. I assume she's headed our way right now." She hugs Katsu goodbye and tells her to head over to Butterfly mansion to see Ushuu if she has problems with her switching. Toju pats her on the head as he follows after Akira.
They make it to meet up with Haia after a few minutes of running. "Long time no see Akira!" Haia playfully shouts out to her. She has only seen Toju a few times in the early stages of his time as Akira's tsuguko. "Hello again Toju," she says up to him. He waves back at her, and they begin to travel towards the destination. The 3 crows lead the way to the forest. As they are running Haia seems to notice Akira the same as the other 2 did earlier in the morning, only this time she decides that she needs to say something. Afterall, Akira is her best friend and friends need to look out for each other. Right?
"Hey, Akira?" She says while continuing to run in order to keep up with her and Toju. Akira doesn't answer due to the fact that she is zoned out yet again. "Hey are you feeling alright..? Akira?"
"Oh hm? Yea im alright, just a bit tired from my missions lately. Just feeling a bit off today I guess. Its nothing much tho, dont worry!" She says as she gives Haia a reassuring smile, a genuine one this time. Toju seems relieved as well as he overhears their conversation. Only, that wasn't the full truth. Yes, of course shes been tired with all of these missions.. but there's something more to it as well. On October 22, 1913 Ibuki Ankoku had been declared dead. Ibuki, her best friend since the age of 7 years old. Ibuki, who at the age of 9 she made an unbreakable promise to always be friends with. Ibuki.. who she loved so much. Today was October 22, 1915. 2 years ago today, her best friend since the age of 7 had been declared dead. Of course she was feeling 'off' today. The day she found Ushuu alive in their home village, she decided to go find Ibuki as well and take him back with them as well. But when she went to his home, it was deserted. All that remained was old blood stains on the back wall. One of the villagers who had recognized her earlier came over to tell her that he had died last year, a year after she and Katsu had gone missing and were presumed dead. She was devastated. She had the same look that she has today, but for almost 3 months. Not only had Akira lost Kiyuu that year, but she lost Ibuki as well. Of course she was feeling 'off'.. of course she was.
The 3 of them arrived at the forest entrance about an hour after they had left. "Looks like we're here already," Haia says, "whats the game plan?"
"Well the crows said that at least 15 younger slayers had gone missing along with there being a decently strong demon in here," Toju answers, analyzing the situation for Akira. "I say that since Akira is by far the strongest one here, she should go after the demon, and us 2 should split up and rescue and slayers and people that may be in need of help."
"I agree with Toju. Ill go after the demon, but If either of you happen to find it first, send your crow to come get me. If the demon is strong enough to have been responsible for the 15 missing slayers then theres a chance that it will be stronger than you." Akira responds.
"K, got it. Lets head in Toju! Remember there is 'at least' 15, so chances are there's probably more. Save as many as we can, then After Akira takes care of that demon we'll regroup somewhere,"
Toju and Haia dash into the forest and begin their search for the missing people. Akira examines the forest for a moment before heading in after them. The unease in the air only seems to have gotten worse. 'Of all days..' Akira Thinks to herself.
As soon as Haia and Toju step foot in the forest the can immediately feel the immense presence of power and strength. It's not quite strong enough to be an upper moon, but It's 100% got the power of a lower moon. Even if it's not marked as one, it most definitely has the power of one. 'Akira should be fine with it even if it is a lower moon, afterall.. she and Katsu took on upper moon 3 before.' Toju reassures himself. He's still scared of loosing Akira, but he knows she's strong and she'll be alright. Haia has the same thoughts as she ventures further into the forest. Soon enough, they both start to find some people. Not necessarily alive, but some aren't necessarily dead yet either, rather.. it's almost like they're ..Shattered.
-end of part one-
I hope you enjoyed this part, I would've made it longer but uhm.. it's currently 1:46 am lol- im exhausted;-;
Part 2 will probably come tomorrow or I guess later today at this point lol
This was an Idea I had in my head for a couple days now, I was just trying to figure out how exactly I should write it out, so I have a good idea if how this story is gonna go right now.
Hopefully this series gets more than 5 notes this time lol- seems like all my fanfics only get about 5-10 notes but oh well, imma keep writing them anyway >:)
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tinyperson00 · 3 months
Different worlds 💠 pt. 3
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-Part three-
part 1 // part 2 // read Ibuki's past for better background
"RUN!!!" Haia's words ringing through the forest now.
just then, the demon dashes out at him. Full speed. There is no possible way for Toju to dodge or run out of the way. 'Im.. im gonna die..?' Toju thinks.
Memories begin to rush into Toju's mind all at once. 'What's going on?' He wonders silently. 'Is this.. my life flashing before my eyes..?' In what feels like an entire lifetime rushing through Toju's mind, had only been about half of a second. He can see Haia slowly running towards him frantically. He can see the demon moving in closer to him. Everything feels so.. slow. 'It's peaceful. yet also terrifying.. I wonder what death will be like.' Toju continues to think to himself. 'Will I be able to see my mother and father again. And my little sister as well?'
All of his happiest memories flow through his mind. About his past, his family, his friends, then Akira. '..no, I can't die just yet. What will happen to Akira? She's lost so much, it would be selfish to do this now wouldn't it.'
The demon is now directly in front of Toju now. Its arm pulled back, ready to spear Toju through the head. The demon's sharp nails now glowing a bright, light blue. Just like the diamonds on the people who died. 'Have I seen that color before?' Still lost in his thoughts, Toju puts 2 pieces together. 'No.. I've definitely seen it before. It's the exact color of Akira's hair tie and the clouds on her haori, Katsu's pom pom chain, and Ushuu's waist band.. and it's also the color of the diamonds on Akira's swords and bracelet. What an odd coincidence for this demon to have the color as well.. but maybe not?'
Just as Toju is about to accept death, A miracle is preformed. Akira jumps down right in front of Toju and blocks the demons attack. She used a leg sweep on Toju to snap him out of his current state and get him to dodge the demon to give her more room to block.
"Akira!!" Haia calls out, in complete shock of her speed now.
"GET OUT OF HERE! DONT COME CLOSER." Akira shouts back at Haia with urgency.
'Oh, she saved me again. Just like that time at final selection..' Toju is still processing the situation.
not yet getting a good look at the demon, Akira continues to push it away with her Katana and then gives one strong kick towards its torso to fling it back. "Toju, get up."
He stands up like she says. "I- Im sorry.. I was careless and didn't notice it emerge out towards me."
"all that matters is that your alive still. Now get out of here and leave it to me." Akira responds to him. She then turns to face the demon.
"Seventh form, Obscuring clou-" she falters in her words and freezes.
Both Haia and Toju look over to her in shock. Then they look at eachother with fear in their eyes. 'What's happening? Why can't she go through with her form.. why is she just standing there??'
The demon takes advantage of this chance and charges at the frozen Hashira girl to attack. As it gets closer and starts to be able to see the face of her.. It stops mid attack and freezes as well, a sort of angered confused look on its face.
Now Haia and Toju are beyond confused at what's Going on. Toju carefully runs over to Haia.
"Are you doing that..?" He whispers to her.
"Nope.. not me. I think they're doing it on their own?" She responds back just as confused as he is now.
Then the demon speaks. "Why are you here."
"I could say the same to you.. Ibuki Ankoku."
"Ibuki Ankoku..? Do you know that name?" Toju asks Haia.
"no.. she's never mentioned it around me. Im sure Katsu would know, why is she never around when we need her??" Haia answers back.
"oh! Also, I realized something while it was charging at me."
"Do you have anything form Akira that she gave you?? Like something light blue, the color of her Haori clouds."
"Oh yea I do, she gives everyone she cares about something of this color. In your case she gave you a different color since she didn't have anything else at the time," Haia pulls out a little blue hair tie from her pocket and hands it to Toju.
"it looks just like hers."
"yea.. she had 3. One for her, one for me," Haia pauses for a moment. ".. and one for Kiyuu."
Toju has been told the story behind Kiyuu, so he understands the pause. "Oh, right. Well anyway.. listen to this." Toju explains his observation about the bright light blue color to Haia. And his theory makes more sense now as well because of the recent events.
Then Haia turns back to look at the demon. She points something out about him as well, "Toju, look at his earrings.." he has dangling earrings with 3 bright light blue diamonds connected by a string. They exactly match the ones on Akira's katana and bracelet.
"Why!?? I thought you were DEAD!" Akira shouts out at Ibuki. Her voice on the verge of breaking now.
Haia and Toju's heads quickly turn to look at Akira. Neither of them have EVER seen Akira angered or even upset the entire time they have known her. Her sudden outburst shocked both of them to the core.
"Well guess what! I thought the same thing. YOU DIED AKIRA! YOUR NOT REAL! AND I DIED BECAUSE OF YOU." Even as a demon, Ibuki was able to retain all of his human memories. And Much like Kokushibo, his strength is fueled by them. "How could you!?"
"Did they know eachother.." Haia whispers to Toju in a saddening tone of voice.
"Ive never seen a demon act like this before.. nor have I seen Akira this worked up either." Toju responds. Haia nods her head in agreement with his statement.
Akira doesn't know how to respond now. What did he mean that he died because of her..? "what are you even saying?!" She says back to him. Her voice broken, tears in her eyes.
"If I had never known you maybe I wouldn't have ended up this way! YOUR the reason I was killed. YOUR the reason I was turned into this!" Ibuki shouts back at her. "YOUD BE DEAD IN AN INSTANT IF I USED MY BDA AGAINST YOU! You wanna know why?!?"
Akira can't speak now, she just stands there with tears rolling down her cheeks.
"My bda is based from a promise YOU broke!" He begins to explain. "Promises are the only thing that hold this world together! Without them, your as good as dead. My bda takes that literally." Ibuki explains further now. "When you shattered our promise, you shattered my heart. YOU SHATTERED THE DIAMOND!" When Ibuki and Akira had made their unbreakable promise, they both agreed that they would use the bright light blue diamonds to signify it. Akira always loved his diamond earrings, so they decided that the diamonds would signify their undying friendship.
"what are you talking about!?" Akira asks back to him.
"My bda may only have about 3 moves, but they never fail. You know why that is?? Because humans are incapable of never breaking promises. When I use the bda, it is activated when it finds a promise that you broke, then engraves a diamond shape onto the body using deep slashes. Depending on how many other broken promises the person made, more less deep slashes will be added inside the diamond shape. Then to finish it all off, the final part of my bda takes the significance of the promise and uses it to create a timer. Once that time goes off, the body shatters through the slashes to make a Shattered Diamond." Ibuki finishes explaining his bda. He looks into Akira's teary eyes. "You broke the greatest promise of all."
"Im sorry! I never wanted to?? You think I CHOSE to have my family massacred!? YOU THINK I CHOSE TO LOOSE MY PARENTS!? TO HAVE KATSU BECOME HALF DEMON?! TO LOOSE USHUU FOR ALLOST 2 YEARS!!?" She is now fully screaming her words out at Ibuki. "WE WERE 7 IBUKI!"
Haia and Toju are speechless. They don't even know how to react to seeing this whole thing happen. 'What does she mean they were 7..?' 'What promise did Akira break between them..?' So many questions flow through the two's minds.
"You died Akira. Your not real any longer." Ibuki refuses to believe that she still exists.
"I never chose to break that promise.. I wish this never happened!" She falls to the ground and looks down as tears fall into the dirt.
"but it did. You left me that day. You broke that promise. 'Their all dead.' 'Akira tried to protect us from it.' THATS ALL USHUU COULD SAY WHEN I FOUND HER THERE!" Ibuki yells back to her.
"You have no idea what I've had to go through Ibuki.. So stop being so selfish."
"the same to you Akira." He returns.
"and you know what? My last words as a human were somehow still 'I only wish I could've seen you alive just one more time, Akira.' How about that? Those few words were the words that have forsaken me to this form."
"..What are you saying?" Akira asks confused.
"You killed me. Your the reason I have to be this way now."
"Do you recall the name.. Kiyuu, by any chance..?" Ibuki started.
Now both Haia and Toju's eyes widen. They knew what was about to come next. "I swear ill kill that girl." Toju mumbles.
"how do you..-" Akira starts to say.
"When I mentioned your name, she switched from trying to kill me.. to trying to turn me into a demon. And how was a supposed to resist? She severed my arm from my body with that scythe of hers, and smashed my head into the floor before that. I was going to die either way." Ibuki explains. "You killed me that day Akira."
Akira now looks up, anger and sadness in her eyes a she speaks. "...Why!?"
"We live in different worlds now, Akira. Theres nothing more to be done."
-end of part three-
sorry it was late! 😭
I hope you find this one interesting and fun to read. I honestly had fun writing it lol-
As always, love you guys and hope you enjoyed reading <3
special thanks to everyone who has read this far, it may not be a lot, but I will continue going because you enjoy it 💗💗
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tinyperson00 · 4 months
New character!! He turned out pretty good ✨🫣✨
Ibuki Ankoku -
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his name has a deeper meaning if you wanted to look it up to see (that’s the same for all my characters actually)
he is a demon, not part of the 12 kizuki, but strong enough to become a lower rank if he wanted to. He has a small ponytail in the back of his hair if you can’t tell, and some of his hair falls down next to his neck. Ibuki uses a bda called “shattered diamond” (much deeper meaning to his bda that I will reveal soon) I have his backstory planned out, and I intend to draw part of it in the form of a comic so I hope I can get that finished in a couple of days. I’ll also write out his backstory as well along with the comic. I’ll give a little spoiler.. he was Akira’s childhood best friend, which explains his earrings that he keeps even as a demon.
how do you guys like him?? :3
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tinyperson00 · 5 months
my favorite artwork/post-
Skk + Akutagawa animation
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Character designs and Reference sheets-
Demon slayer OC's :
Akira Sakuranbura (main OC)
Katsu Sakuranbura
Katsu sakuranbura - full demon form
Ushuu Sakuranbura
Kiyuu Sashi
Kasukiwa (Akira’s crow)
Toju Saito
Haia Suisei (adopted from @aceofstars0)
Ibuki Ankoku
Kentou Kuro
Jujutsu Kaisen OC's :
Minori Koseki (main jjk OC)
Yuuka Akatsuka (sisters OC)
Tokyo Revengers OC's :
Sukusa Baji (main TokRev OC) - ref sheet coming soon!!
(Updated Character designs and better references will be added as I make them)
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Fanfics and short stories-
Random / backstory fics- Ushuu backstory
Katsu & Akira vs. Akaza
Fanfic Series-
💠Different worlds : parts 1-3 (unfinished)
~Love like a Curse : part 1
Toju and Akira fics-
are you worthy?
you dont wanna train..
you can't win
even a hashira needs affection
maybe your sisters are right
Short info dump stories-
how each of my OC’s would give you a death stare
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Comics and Manga panels-
Akira vs. THE TEA
Kiyoka and Mui
Ilona and Yui
Katsu's revenge
💠Ibuki’s past
Busy plans - SuguMino + SatoTae
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Short edits and Videos-
"people you know"
"im off to heaven"
"Amazing audio"
“first vs.final"
"small vent edit"
"Shattered diamonds"
"I was 14 when I wad murdered"
"Reggaeton Champagne"
"Piano mayhem"
"Matching voices?"
"If you die, I die. But if I die.."
“anyone else notice this??”
“Mikey timelines”
”my beloved soukoku”
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