#i've seen all these in my inbox or in the wild within the past year:
henrysglock · 6 months
I'm thinking about it again, so I'm just gonna say it now and get it out of the way: If 001 had been Henrietta Creel, a tall, lean, polite and gentle "All-American" beauty. If she, as a child, had been dolled up all prim and proper in a little pink dress like El's from Season 1 while she played with her spiders. If she had snapped and ranted about social performance, about unattainable, unfair standards she doesn't think she should have to obey, about how her mother despised her, about reproduction and abuse, about how she was kidnapped by a doctor and experimented on to produce a line of super-powered children.
There would be no end to the essays and think-pieces about how tragic her story is, how horribly she was abused, how much of a victim she was, how her girlhood was stolen from her, how she deserved better, how she was really a good girl who finally snapped, and really, who can blame her? (not to mention the #girlboss, female rage, "good for her" posting...unironically...)
But at least in part because he's Henry, a male character who hasn't been pookiefied since Season 1 and doesn't have a sexy ship with Steve Harrington...Assigned Evil at Birth.
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OC Interview
Saw this on someone's blog at the end of November and thought it looked pretty fun. I've made three but will be posting them separately because they are long! Tagging the standard peeps because i don't want to blast people's inboxes otherwise. But please tag me if you want to make one. It's a really neat exercise! ^_^
@funkypoacher @confidentandgood @socially-awkward-skeleton @captastra @twosides--samecoin
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An interview with the Inquisitor by an eager Orlesian socialite during the events of Trespasser
"Erimenthan Lavellan."
Are you single?
He nodded, "I am very much taken at the moment by vhenan."
Are you happy?
"As much as one can be while other people try to dismantle everything I've built in the name of peace."
Are you angry?
He frowns for a moment then says, "I find anger to be a very unproductive emotion."
Are your parents still married?
Birth place?
"I'm not entirely sure. Most likely somewhere in the Free Marches. Dalish Clans are less interested in place of birth. More the clan and time of year."
"What time of year were you born?"
"Winter. Just before our New Year celebration."
Hair color?
Eye color?
"Again, I'm not sure of the date in the Andrastian Calendar. But sometime in Haring, I believe during 9:9 Dragon. Our New Year is a bit later so it may be Wintermarch, 9:10 Dragon. Although I would have to consult with the Keeper and the Andrastian annals to be sure. Would you be willing to wait a few weeks for an answer?"
"No. Nevermind."
"Ah, it would have probably taken longer anyway."
"Why are shems always so focused on what gender people are? I'm male."
Summer or winter?
"Spring or Fall would be a more interesting question. Winter I suppose. It's the gentle repose before new beginnings. The world in chrysalis. And there's my birth celebration of course."
Morning or afternoon?
"Morning. The sweetest birdsong can be heard in the quiet morning."
Are you in love?
"I believe I am."
Do you believe in love at first sight?
"I've seen it in action at least once."
"With yourself?"
Erim shook his head lightly. "Oh no. I'm far too cautious for that. My closest friend in my clan was swept away by a man on first glance at him. It was a sight to behold."
Who ended your last relationship?
"I did. It was time for a change."
Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
"I haven't had the opportunity to ask. My past lovers are all beyond my grasp at the moment. I hope not."
Are you afraid of commitments?
Have you hugged someone within the last week?
"Yes, vhenan…and many of my friends who have returned to support me in the proceedings."
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
"Yes. It was rather unexpected. Although, I guess they always are."
Have you ever broken your own heart?
"Yes. It's easy enough when the you hold the balance of the world in your hand. I have had a lot of opportunities as Inquisitor. And I have made many missteps. I take none of them lightly. Despite what the council which convenes here wants you to think."
Love or lust?
Lemonade or iced tea?
"Hot tea."
Cats or dogs?
"Cats" A few best friends or many regular friends?
"However many, I am happy to have the friends I do."
Wild night out or romantic night in?
"Is there not an in between? Like a romantic picnic. Or a boisterous luncheon?"
Day or night?
"Daytime. Many things are clearer in the sun's light. The night is burdened by temptation and self-doubt."
Been caught sneaking out?
"Oh many times. But our Keeper was quite sharp. As is Spymaster Leliana."
Fallen down/up the stairs?
"No. But I have stubbed a toe or two on the stairs."
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?
"Yes. I was apart from vhenan for a time. And that was…not a pleasant experience. I'm glad he has returned."
Wanted to disappear?
"What an interesting question for the leader of the Inquisition. Let me answer it this way. I have never angled for center stage, but I won't be giving up the catbird seat without a fight. What we have done is too important. What we can do too grand. The council must see that."
Smile or eyes?
"Eyes tell you much more than a smile ever will."
Shorter or taller?
"People are what they are. But taller if you must know."
Intelligence or attraction?
He considered for some time an answer then spoke evenly, "Counterbalances of each other. Too much of one diminishes the other. You cannot have the moon without the sun. A man who relies only on his intelligence will surely push those of lesser mind away. And if one relies too much on character, they are doomed to lose their way."
The interviewer paused with eyebrows knit together, "I don't think you grasped the question."
Erim smirked, "I don't think you grasped the answer. Next question."
Hook-up or relationship?
Do you and your family get along?
"I got along with many in Clan Lavellan. I miss them dearly."
Would you say you have a “messed up life”?
"It's different than I expected, that's for sure. But I would not ask for a different one. Maybe…a different choice or two. But never a different one."
Have you ever run away from home?
"In a very real sense my mission to the Conclave in the name of my clan was an act of running away. A sanctioned act, but no less running away. I didn't see it that way at first. But I was avoiding complicated conversations that I now regret not having with those I held dearest to me."
Have you ever gotten kicked out?
"I'm Dalish. What do you think? I was almost kicked out of Halamshiral before Ambassador Montilyet informed the guards of my station. Not the first time nor I imagine will it be the last, unfortunately. Let's hope I am not kicked out of the Inquisition."
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
"Absolutely not."
Do you consider all of your friends good friends?
"What kind of question is that? They're my friends, aren't they?"
Who is your best friend?
"Vhenan, of course. Then Seeker Pentagahst and Ambassador Pavus."
Who knows everything about you?
"I'm an open book to most. But vhenan probably knows the most after the members of my clan."
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