#i've had blood tests done and they dont indicate anything
sidetongue · 1 year
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a very nice girl 
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drashleighreid · 7 years
I've felt the same about something not being alright. And I've learnt that that awful sense of impending doom is related to malnutrition. Everytime I've spend days eating like whatever, avoiding proteins or fats, start to feel like it's apocalypse time. I'm not trying to imply anything, and probably would've be good go to see a doctor, but I've wanted to share what happens to me, and may help you in some way. Best regards.
yeah ive been suffering from health anxiety since about march this year. its sooo terrible and has decreased my quality of life by like 3094850934850983085% 
i understand what you mean abt malnutrition etc. i am low in iron (altho not anemic) nd ive been taking supplements etc. for it and when i get back home ill probably schedule another dr appointment and get some blood tests done to see how im tracking with that. but its just constant stress & anxiety and i wish i could shake the feeling of something being wrong but its impossible!!! 
most recently ive been stressing about lymphoma bc ive been getting weird pain behind my knees and in my jaw lmao and now im really stressed about MS because ive convinced myself i have optic neuritis in my right eye bc my vision has been odd in that eye and has been quite ‘dim’ in comparison to my left for quite a few weeks and the #1 cause of that is MS and its a big indicator that you may develop MS in the future :-((( but i had an optometrist appointment right before i left and he didnt see anything wrong other than me having some raised papillae in that right eye and that i should use some eyedrops & shouldnt wear my contacts for a few weeks so i just dont know !!! but the relentless stressing is ruining my life and i cant enjoy anything because im so SCARED sdkjhfkjsh heck
anyway sorry to unload but im alkdjlaksjd. thank you for your message & i hope youre feeling alright.  
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